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Long Time Coming

Page 2

by Bonnie Edwards

  “That’s why you scared off every boy in town.”

  At his nod, she said, "Here's a fresh invitation, Kurt. Let's go to bed." Her low belly went heavy. Needful.

  Drawing her face to his, he settled them into their first kiss.

  A brush of lips, a taste, a breath while her belly swooped and her heart thudded a tattoo. She shuddered against his mouth until he pressed harder.

  His tongue sparked an inferno as he slid into her mouth. Firm lips, deep tongue, a hard wall of hard man, Kurt was more than she’d imagined. Her nipples beaded as need gather low and warm. She bloomed and softened between her legs. Moistness prepared her for him.

  The first kiss ended when he lifted his head.

  The next began as she pressed for more with a soft moan that said – finally! “I’ve wanted this forever. You could have had me, been with me, I was so completely yours,” she murmured between kisses.

  “Too young, too ready. Too much.” He bent and picked her up in his arms. “If I’d touched you then, we’d have been lost. I couldn’t have stopped, you’d have been pregnant. Our lives would have been a repeat.”

  She slid her lips to his heated neck. He was right. They’d have been swamped by this need, overcome with youth and lust and foolish desire. His restraint had been their salvation. “Thank you, Kurt. Thank you for being a man when you were just a boy.”

  He paused at the foot of the staircase. “Ready?”

  “You can’t meant to carry me?” She squirmed, delighted to let him show off, if only for a moment.

  He wasn't out of breath, his arms were still tight around her. He was indeed, capable of carrying her to his room. He kissed her again to prove he had energy to spare.

  She settled into the novel experience. At her height, no one had ever tried to carry her anywhere. Caring, generous and incurably macho. Where was the Kurt she used to know?

  When he reached his room, he nibbled at the tender flesh of her lower lip as he released her to slide down the length of his body.

  His hands roved across her back, streaking heat along every nerve ending they swept. She pressed tightly against him. The scent of fresh air rose from his hair and shirt. Taking deep drafts of his scent, she rolled her head to let him nuzzle at the spot behind her ear. His breath tickled, the rasp of his bristles sensuously rough against her collarbone.

  She reached for the top button of her blouse.

  "No," he whispered, "let me. I'll strip you bare and then . . ." he kissed her once more on the lips, ". . . I'll do this all over you."

  She shuddered as he trailed his hands from her shoulders to her fingertips so he could take over undressing her. "Don't move. Don't speak," he demanded.

  Nodding, she melted inside with a frustrated desire to reach for him.

  He undid the first smooth, round button on her blouse with trembling fingers. He kissed the skin beneath. The second button fell open of its own accord and she shuddered in anticipation when he smiled slightly. Her nipples puckered as his tongue tentatively touched her again. The other buttons followed slowly, the skin under each one given his unique brand of reverence. She thought she would scream before he was through.

  "Don't move," he said. "Don't speak."

  She dragged in a deep breath and kept her hands at her sides. Silently she begged him to release her from this thrall but the chain of her promise kept her silent.

  Pushing her sleeves down her arms he bit lightly at her shoulders. She tried to nip his ear without success. He was killing her. She squirmed with impatience.

  "No moving." His guttural demand went urgent.

  Through the thin lace of her bra, he caressed each nipple with his lips and tongue until they strained against the cups. A short sound of frustration tore from her throat as his lips left her.

  He undid her bra and dropped it at her feet.

  She shifted, as the heavy weight of desire settled deep and low. She'd get him for this. She stiffened against him and glared into his eyes with a demand to hurry. Hurry!

  Kurt grinned. "You'll make me pay, right?"

  She dipped her eyelids closed. Yes.

  He knelt before her and blew hot puffs of air across her ribs and stomach. Her knees started to quake until he grasped them. He nuzzled her through the heavy denim of her jeans. The sound she made this time was louder, more desperate.

  She was about to fall. Couldn't he see that?

  "Don't move," he begged.

  By the time he undid her zipper she flowered for him, open, and wet.

  He slid his large palms down her thighs, moving from back to front as he removed her jeans. When she stepped clear of them, she shifted closer. He drew in her scent and held it. "Mm, you smell delicious."

  He nuzzled at her soft curls.

  She arched into him and ached.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair to hide the shift to widen her stance. Exquisite fire rushed and roared at the first touch of his finger as it trailed across her mons.

  He found her clitoris and drew a circle around the bud. She crooned and shook with the fiery relief. Relief soon eclipsed by more need as he blew hot breath across her exposed nerve endings.

  "Don't move." He sounded ragged.

  She stood still, panting to gain some control as he tugged her panties to her ankles then off her feet. He kissed her lips once, hard, then returned to his knees to place one gentle kiss at the heart of her.

  She sagged against his broad shoulders, mind reeling from the luxury of touching him.

  "Don't move." His voice went hoarse.

  "Aahhh," she sobbed raggedly, breath catching. "I'll get you for this."

  "I hope so."

  She glanced down and found him looking up at her. His gaze was so heated, it scorched. She gave a soft sigh and waited.

  He found her again, open and ready. Shock waves of intense arousal ricocheted through her lower abdomen and she collapsed onto the bed. Leigh closed her eyes against the frustration burning through to her fingertips. The soft rustle of clothing falling away filled the room.

  She opened her eyes. He stood, broad at the shoulders, thick at the waist, and from a thatch of dark hair his cock rose like a stanchion, thick, wide and ready. As much as she'd suffered the ache of unfulfilled need, so had he.

  The look of full dangerous arousal on Kurt's face thrilled her as she skittered backward up the bed. When her head reached the pillow, she smiled, opened her legs and let him see the effect he’d had on her.

  "Do that again."

  Chapter Four

  Leigh closed her legs, opened them. The light caught Kurt's hard gaze. "Again," he demanded.

  She teased him with more as he prowled up to her pussy from her ankles, leaving soft wet kisses in his wake. By the time he'd settled at her apex, she was thrashing. The man was slow. And deliberate. And frustrating, but immovable.

  He feathered her clitoris with his tongue, then pressed and retreated several times, bringing her closer and closer to implosion. The hard press of his penis on her calf promised the moon if only he'd go faster.

  "Haven't we waited long enough?" she gasped between rolling waves of sensation. "Fuck me, Kurt! Now."

  He chuckled.

  "This is not amusing. It's torture."


  She lifted his head, saw his lips glistening with her juice. "This is over. Do me now."

  He lifted an eyebrow then nodded. The press into her came swift and hard and she whooped with victory as her lips spread to take him. The fullness, the ripeness of his urgency, his weight on her felt too right. Perfect. Exquisite.

  "Rock me," he urged, as he thrust deep.

  Too late, she was shattering already, overcome by the sudden rush of freedom to touch, to feel, to love him.

  When she floated back to here, he still held her. Small diamonds of perspiration shone on his brow as he clenched his jaw to maintain control. "Rock me, Leigh. I need you."

  She rocked. Thrust and hold, thrust and hold, the rhythm
meant to take him to release. He growled into her ear. She smiled into his.

  Tension built as again and again she took him deep, holding him until he lifted her hips to surge into her.

  "Kurt!" she cried as he slid into her, urgent, orgasmic. He strained against her hips, driving her body along the sheets. His heart pounded against her chest, his arms taut, his buttocks hollowed with each thrust. And then, she was swept high, high on her own spearing release.

  They held each other so tight, Leigh couldn't tell if the trembles she felt were hers or Kurt's.

  In the bright morning light, she found the coffee maker had been preset and fresh-brewed coffee awaited her. She filled two mugs and returned to bed. Kurt sat up, and scrubbed his chest hair, looking more like a bear than ever. His dark blond hair tufted all over his head.

  She'd speared her fingers through the strands as she'd held his head between her thighs. She went juicy at the memory. "Good morning. Are you Happy Bear or Grumpy Bear this early?"

  She stood by the door uncertain if she should stay or go.

  “You look frightened, Goldilocks. Come here, I promise I won’t hurt you." He patted the mattress and relief eased her into stepping forward to offer him coffee.

  She settled in beside him, let the warmth of his body heat her. "And for the record, you're not a hairy beast."

  He stopped mid-sip and looked at her with humor. "Good to know."

  "Actually, you're perfect." In too many ways.

  His lips pursed as he held back a grin. "So are you." A sly hand slid up the inside of her thigh. "As much as I want to recharge and continue what we started last night, we need to get to Marion's."


  Chapter Five

  They showered, ate a quick breakfast and as they pulled into the familiar driveway, the weight of nostalgia settled in Leigh's chest. Kurt tugged her hand into his lap and gave it a squeeze. She blinked back moisture and gave him a breezy smile.

  "I’ve got an appointment with the realtor today," he said. "We could walk through the place with him while you make a list of things to sell.”

  "It'll be easier for me than Marion." A home sorted through and catalogued, pieces discarded. Her heart beat a tattoo as she looked at the lovely old home. "I want my own family to grow up in one just like this." The veranda beckoned, deep and cool in summer, protective in winter. The trees were large with limbs strong enough for tire swings.

  "This was a great place for children. I was too old when I came here to hang around much, but all the little kids loved the yard and the big kitchen table." He subsided as he, too, let nostalgia claim him.

  As she walked through the place again, Leigh noted the flowered wallpaper in the upper hallway was exactly as she remembered; faded yellow roses growing in straight lines up the wall. The smell was different. She sniffed. Closed in at the least, musty at the worst.

  “We’ll have to put in some elbow grease to get the house ready,” she told Kurt when they reached Marion’s room. He’d listened to decorating and staging ideas without interruption. In fact, he'd been extremely quiet throughout the tour with the realtor.

  She threw back Marion’s heavy drapes and opened both windows that overlooked the street. Seeing Kurt in deep conversation, she felt a stab of want so strong she could have swooned with it.

  She grabbed a scatter rug and shook it out the window. Kurt caught the motion and laughed up at her. "We'll need to clean from top to bottom," she called out to him.

  He waved. “I’ll be right up to help.”

  She shook the life out of the scatter rug, coughing with the dust. When she turned into the room again, she found Kurt against the door frame, grinning at her.

  “I tried six months ago to get her a maid service but she wouldn't hear of it," he said in his rough sensual voice. An underlying burr of desire made her moisten.

  "How about some hot teenage bedroom sex?"

  "You mean the way I wanted back then?"

  But she'd already grabbed his hand to tug him down the hall to her old room. The furniture was more scuffed, the paint and curtains updated by a decade, but memories Kurt as a teenager were fresh and tart. "I thought of this when the realtor opened the door to this room."

  "Me, too." He grinned when she kicked off her shoes and shucked her jeans. "Did you think of this back then?"

  "Eventually. At first I wrote your name a million times in my journal, but by fifteen I'd moved into hot steamy dreams." She lifted the coverlet on the narrow bed. "Not a lot of room, but we'll manage."

  He followed her down onto the mattress, each squeak of the bedframe a blatant reminder that they were both bigger now. Bigger, more needful, more aware and infinitely more in tune.

  She giggled. "This is hot, but loud."

  "I'll take your mind off loud, just let me slide down –" his bristled chin started a firestorm between her legs– "yeah, that's right," his tongue found her, "so delicious, like strawberry cream . . . "

  He swept her up and off the bed, out of the room, into the heavens with his tongue and fingers, while she let her teenaged fantasies play out behind her eyes. Kurt, climbing into her window, Kurt, stealing kisses in the kitchen, Kurt, taking her in dirty mysterious ways that thrilled her teenaged body into early panting orgasm.

  "Some day, will you climb in through the bedroom window?"

  He looked up her body, mouth still working her. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned. He chuckled with his tongue on her clit.


  She shuddered into her orgasm and swore that one day, she'd pull out her old cheerleading costume and meet him under the bleachers.

  An hour later, sated and relaxed, Kurt leaned over Leigh in the tiny, squeaky bed. She stretched out in languid satiation her curves fitted against him. He didn't care that her feet were cold and tucked between his calves. He'd kept her feet in the air for most of the time spent in this bed, so payback was only fair. "Are you sure you want to leave?"

  "It's a good promotion. But it would mean at least three years in Japan."

  He studied her lovely, expressive face from her slight widow's peak to her determined chin. Her eyes clouded at the mention of three years.

  She shifted to slide under him while awareness rose along with his cock. It wasn't their omnipresent attraction this time, but the knowledge that this would soon be over.

  He couldn't see anything beyond her leaving. And he didn't want to lose her again. "What if I said I'd buy this house?"

  "What? Why?"

  As he spoke without thought, he filled in a new future. One with her in it. "The market's hit an all time low and I'll pay more for the house than anyone else. Marion will be better off, and we'll keep the house in the family, so to speak."

  "It might be nice to imagine you raising children here. You'll be a great dad." Again her eyes clouded and he heard a soft hitch in her voice she tried to cover with a smile.

  "I said we, Leigh. To hell with Japan. Stay here. Let's give this a shot." He pulled back to see her reaction.

  Her eyes couldn't go any wider. Knockout eyes, killer smile, a glow that lit her from the inside. He read her acceptance before her mouth could move.

  And then he kissed her, deep, hard, gentle and coaxing. He kept his eyes shut tight so she wouldn't see the wetness he felt. His hand found her wetness, stroked those velvet petals until they blossomed.

  "Kurt," she breathed in between kisses, "you know how to rock a girl's world."

  He pressed his fingers into her holding her deep, weeping channel. "Answer me, Leigh. I'll even climb in your window." Every week, if he had to. He rubbed her until she caught her breath.

  "Three years is a long time to be gone."

  He nuzzled her ear. "And this has been a long time coming for us. Try with me, Leigh."

  After her initial surprise, she leaned into him, angling her head for better contact. She reached around his back and held on, smoothing her hands across the muscles, heating him through.

Her scent rose, warm and flush and he laughed with the headiness. "Let me take you home, little girl," he murmured.

  Home. Home is where the heart is. And her heart had always been here. But with Kurt making it clear he didn't want her she'd forced herself to look for a future elsewhere.

  "You're serious? You want me to stay?"

  "We’ll make a home together, a life in the house where it all started. I've never been more serious."

  She shook her head no. His eyes turned dark at the negative shake. Thunder gathered in his expression, until she realized he’d misinterpreted. "I'm shaking my head because I can't believe it. You sent me away. I only left because I couldn't bear to be here without you."

  "No Japan?"

  "No Japan."

  With that, he laughed from the bottom of his barrel chest and lifted her into his arms for a deep bear hug and whispered the words she’d longed to hear. “I love you. I have for years.”

  Her heart kicked back into even pumps. “Even when I was twelve?”

  “Especially then. You were honest, and funny and smart. The way you felt about me was written all over your face, all the time. But I was old enough to know the time wasn’t right for us.”

  “So, you waited?”

  “And waited, and waited. Then, when I heard about your promotion, I couldn’t wait any longer. I may have exaggerated Marion's reaction to the move, but I had to take drastic measures.”

  "But you said she cried."

  "She did. But I'm not sure she went to her sister's for any reason other than to give us time alone."

  "Her sister was always fit and healthy so I wondered that, too."

  "But just in case this move is difficult for her, I plan to have her old home movies transferred to DVD. We'll watch them together."

  "Oh, Kurt. That's very sweet." She slid her hand to his ready cock. He shuddered with the contact. She squeezed the length until he groaned with need. "You made me wait a long time. You deserve to be punished." She squeezed him again and slid her hand up and down his stiff rod.

  He kissed her deeply. “A long time . . . .” He pulled her under him, eager and ready.

  She opened her legs and felt the press of heated flesh between her moist lips and sighed with contentment as he slid inside. “But worth the wait.”


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