Book Read Free

Keeping Him

Page 11

by Kennedy Fox

  “You wish. But we’re going out tonight, so put on your drinkin’ pants.”

  “My drinking pants are no pants,” he says, making us both laugh.

  “As long as it’s not your birthday suit.” I snort.

  Colton raises his arms and starts swaying his hips from side to side, popping his groin and pretending to grind against me.

  “Listen, I told you last time, and I’m tellin’ you again, you ain’t my type, so put your dick away.”

  Chapter Nine


  I don’t know why we thought having the bachelorette party two days before Emily’s wedding was a smart idea, but I’m definitely paying for it now. I can’t remember feeling this way since my college days. Hungover and bloated.

  “I tried this dress on less than two months ago.” I groan, trying to zip it up and suck in at the same time. Emily’s sitting and laughing as she watches me struggle.

  “You sure you’re not pregnant?” She winks at me with hopefulness in her eyes.

  “First, I hope not because I’ve been drinking a lot. Second, Trent and I decided we’d wait until closer to the wedding to start really trying. Third, I think the dress just shrunk.”

  Emily snickers, shaking her head at me.

  “Fine, it didn’t shrink. This is your fault, though. All your wedding events and drinking and eating amazing food made me pack on an extra ten pounds.” I complain.

  “Well, if it’ll make you feel any better, I plan to get knocked up as soon as possible, so I’ll be pregnant and fat for your wedding.”

  I snort-laugh at her admission. “You have five months, so even if you got pregnant yesterday, you’d still be adorable with a cute little baby bump.”

  Finally, Emily takes pity on me and helps me with the zipper. “Ready?” she asks, and I nod. “Inhale.”

  I do as she says, and after a couple of deep breaths, she gets the zipper up. “There. How does it feel?”

  “Like a seam is going to burst if I move.”

  “But you look hot, so that’s all that matters.” She flashes me a wink, and I know she’s only trying to make me feel better.

  “After this weekend, I’m going on a strict pre-wedding diet. No more fried chicken and booze.” I smooth my hands down my dress, hoping I don’t pass out from the lack of oxygen.

  Emily snorts, not believing me. She knows I love fried chicken.

  “If you want, I’ll do it with you. We’ll go on a juice cleanse! Then only eat greens,” she says matter-of-factly.

  I groan inwardly. “That sounds awful actually. Maybe I’ll just get one of those maternity wedding dresses, so it stretches.”

  Mila overhears the conversation and starts laughing. “And another reason eloping sounds like the best idea ever,” she says smugly. She and John got engaged in December and haven’t decided when they’re getting married yet.

  “I can’t wait for you and John to get pregnant,” River chimes in. She’s glowing at nearly eight months pregnant, and we’re all so excited to find out what they’re having.

  “Maize is a handful enough for us right now,” she says with a smile. “But…” She chews on her bottom lip. “I can’t wait to have John’s baby and give Maize a sibling. We’re enjoying just the three of us right now, though. There’s no rush.”

  “I can’t believe Maize’s eighteen months already,” Emily adds. “I swear, the time has just been flying. Elizabeth turning one a couple of months ago blows my mind. She was this tiny precious baby girl, and now she’s a walking, talking sass machine.”

  We all laugh, knowing they have their hands full with the kids at their ages. Elizabeth and Maize are so much fun to watch when they play. Their little personalities are coming out so strongly.

  “Ladies!” Jessica, a family friend who’s Emily’s wedding coordinator, comes in clapping her hands. She’s married to one of the ranch hands, Dylan, who works for the Bishops. “How are we doin’ in here?”

  Even though Emily is having a large wedding, they wanted to keep the wedding party small. She’s not particularly close with her sister and brother, but she’s included them in some of the events. However, it’s just River, Mila, and me as her bridesmaids.

  “I’m too fat for my dress. River is sweating already, and Mila looks stunning.” I give her a recap, still sucking it in. “Oh, and the bride is gorgeous and flawless as usual.” Everyone turns and looks at me. “What?”

  They burst out laughing, and Jessica quickly goes through the itinerary for the day. Emily got her hair done early this morning, and we’re waiting for the makeup lady to arrive and finish the look before she slips into her wedding dress.

  After Emily is ready to go, we help her put on her dress and admire the finished product. It makes me so excited for my special day, but I’m happy to be here with her right now celebrating hers.

  “Want some perfume?” I ask before we head out.

  “Oh yes, grab my blue one, please. It’s Evan’s favorite,” Emily responds with a beaming smile.

  She holds her arms out for me, and I spritz her lightly on the wrists and neck. Emily rubs them together, and moments later, Jessica is gagging behind us.

  “Excuse me, sorry…” She runs toward the bathroom with a hand over her mouth.

  Furrowing my brows, I follow to check on her. “Jess, you okay?”

  I hear her emptying her stomach and try to give her some privacy. When the faucet starts running, I tap lightly on the door before opening it.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jessica says, looking flushed.

  “Oh gosh, don’t be!”

  Emily, River, and Mila all stand behind me as we check on her.

  “I’m sensitive to smells, and that perfume just set off a button, I guess.” She rinses her mouth and pats her face with a towel. Then it hits me.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper-squeal. “Are you pregnant?”

  Jessica clamps her mouth shut with wide eyes, looking guilty.

  “Jessica…” Emily taunts, egging her on.

  “Fine!” Jessica waves her arms up before letting them slap to her sides. “We just found out and haven’t even told our parents yet! I didn’t want to say anything because this is your day,” she directs to Emily with a frown.

  The three of us engulf her in a hug and squeal with excitement.

  “Are you kidding? I’m so excited for you and Dylan!” Emily gushes. “Now I really need to get knocked up ASAP. There must be something in the water, and I’m ready to drink up!”

  We laugh and smile, congratulating Jessica on her first baby. She and Dylan have been together for as long as River and Alex, and I know they’ve been trying to get pregnant ever since they got married.

  “So what you’re saying is I need to buy triple filtered bottled water in bulk?” Mila teases, and we all laugh.

  The wedding is what fairy tales are made of. Emily walks down with her father, and Evan tears up the moment he sees her. She’s wearing a strapless lace gown with a gold sash around her waist. It hugs her curves just right and makes me so excited to go dress shopping. I know I need to find one soon.

  I’m paired with John since he’s Evan’s best man, but Jackson is with Mila, and they’ve been placed in front of us. Of course, he cracks jokes the entire time, making me laugh. He’s in a chipper mood, and even though he knows I’m here with Trent, it doesn’t stop him from flirting and touching me every chance he can. It’s like the last time we talked didn’t even happen. I should apologize for making assumptions about the fight that got him thrown into jail, but I’ve been around him long enough to know there’s always more to the story, and I should’ve given him the benefit of the doubt. The ceremony was beautiful, and after more pictures are taken, we head over to the tent where the reception is being held.

  I order a drink from the bar, swearing I’ll start my diet tomorrow.

  “Truth or dare?” I feel Jackson behind me as he whispers in my ear, his body way too close to mine.

  Looking over my shoulder,
I hold back a smile as I rake my eyes over Jackson’s perfectly fitted tuxedo. I love that Evan and Emily did a traditional wedding theme since most people around here don’t, but then again, Emily didn’t grow up in the country. She’s originally from Houston, and they both work in the city, so this definitely suits them.

  “I don’t trust you,” I whisper back, not wanting to draw any attention to us. Evan and Emily are sharing their first dance, and everyone is watching them as they slow dance with Elizabeth on Evan’s arm.

  “Good. You shouldn’t.” I hear the smile in his voice. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  “Then I’m not answering,” I fire back softly.

  “Why not? Afraid of the consequences?” he taunts.

  “The newlyweds invite everyone to come out and dance with them,” the DJ announces, and couples start flooding the dance floor.

  “Fine,” I say, looking around for Trent and am slightly annoyed I can’t find him or that he isn’t looking for me. I’m afraid to say truth, knowing he’ll probably ask me something I don’t want to answer or admit. He’s smart enough not to make me do anything too embarrassing at Emily’s wedding—at least I hope.

  “Dare.” I shrug.

  I see him smirk from the corner of my eye and immediately regret playing along.

  “I’m not giving you my panties!” I whisper-hiss, turning to face him.

  Jackson places a hand over his heart as if he’s wounded. “Only amateurs would have to dare a girl for her underwear. I’m much more skilled than that.” He winks, sending butterflies to my stomach, which irritates the hell out of me.

  I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest, and when his gaze lowers down to my breasts, I realize how pushed up I just made them. Unfolding my arms, I inhale a deep, exaggerated breath. “Alright, then what is it?”

  Jackson flashes his boyish grin at me and holds out a hand. “Dare you to dance with me.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I study him for any signs of deception. He looks genuine, and knowing what he’d make me do if I don’t follow along, I place my hand in his and agree. “Okay.”

  Jackson confidently leads us out onto the dance floor with the other couples and swings me around until I’m flush against his chest. He snakes his hand around to the small of my back and holds me in place while his other hand folds into mine. I wrap my free arm around his shoulder and let him lead as our bodies find a rhythm.

  I rest my head on his chest and follow along to his movements. Jackson’s an amazing dancer; he always has been, whether he admits it. Dancing with him takes me back to the past when we first danced together and the same feelings surface. The way he securely holds me, his rapid breathing in my ear, the rising and falling of his chest—it makes me feel like a teenager again.

  The song changes, and I’m ready to pull apart when I hear “Never Stop” by SafetySuit come through the speakers. Jackson doesn’t skip a beat and continues to dance with me.

  “This is my favorite song,” I tell him. I used to listen to it on repeat when I’d train for a show or needed something to pump me up in the early mornings.

  Jackson looks at me with a glimmer of pride in his eyes. “I know.” He winks before wrapping his arm around me tighter.

  I furrow my brows at him, trying to read him. “You requested this song?”

  Jackson nods, keeping his eyes glued to mine.

  “How’d you know I’d pick dare?”

  The corner of his lips tilts up in a knowing smirk. The bastard knows me way too damn well. “Was a gamble, but I had a gut feeling.”

  Jackson starts singing the lyrics to me, the words holding so much meaning yet so much pain. The song talks about how the guy will never stop trying, never stop losing his breath every time he sees the girl, and how she still makes his heart race. It’s a beautiful song, but the lyrics are what drew me to it all those years ago. It’s a song I’d always hoped Jackson would read into and realize he was all that to me.

  Everything around us fades to black.

  I don’t see or hear anyone else, and the thoughts surrounding my head are dangerous ones. This Jackson is why I fell in love with him, even as a naïve teenager, because it’s little things like this that remind me he cares. He notices my quirks, my likes and dislikes, my qualities, and weaknesses. Jackson knows everything about me, inside and out, and no amount of distance could ever change that. We share too much history.

  “If I remember correctly, you have pretty lame truth questions,” I tease, needing to break the intense tension.

  “Looks who’s talking, Pippi Longstocking.” Jackson wraps his hand along my throat, dragging his finger down to my collarbone, leaving goose bumps behind. He hasn’t called me that in years, and though I used to hate it as a kid, I grew to adore it as a teenager. It always made me feel special that he had a secret name just for me. “Too bad you don’t wear your hair in braids anymore. They always looked so cute hanging down your neck.”

  I chuckle, breaking the spell he could so easily put me under. “Got sick of a certain someone pulling on them all the time.”

  Jackson rolls his eyes with a smile. “Then why’d you keep wearing them?”

  Because I knew you loved them, I want to say but hold back. Before I can respond, Trent comes into view with a displeased look and his lips in a firm line.

  “Excuse me.” Trent interrupts our moment, and I feel guilty the second I think those thoughts. “May I intervene and dance with my fiancée?” Trent asks in a non-question tone, telling me how unhappy he is to find me dancing with Jackson.

  Jackson looks at me for confirmation, and when I nod, he frowns.

  “Of course.” Jackson releases me, and my body immediately feels cold without him. He steps back, allowing Trent to take his place. I force a smile, but deep inside, I want to beg Jackson to come back. I know I’m marrying Trent, and I should be more than happy to dance with him right now, but Jackson and I have been through quite a bit of a rough patch lately. I want our friendship to be back to where it was, but I worry that’ll be impossible now.

  Chapter Ten



  “Whiskey, neat.”

  “You got it, handsome.” Tessa winks at me as she reaches for the bottle. I shouldn’t be drinking, but after the day I’ve had, it’s necessary.

  “You started without me?” Tanner smacks me on the shoulder before he sits down next to me.

  “Barely.” Tessa sets my glass down and turns toward Tanner, placing a napkin in front of him.

  “What can I get for ya?”

  “I’ll have whatever he’s having.”

  “Sure you can hang with the big boys?” I taunt, bringing the amber liquid to my lips.

  “Yeah, yeah. Suck a fat one, Bishop.” Tanner slaps a fifty on the bar. “I grew up with you and survived, didn’t I?”

  “Here you go, sweetie.” Tessa places the drink down, then leans on the bar, pushing her tits out like they’re an art display.

  She’s a huge flirt, but I’ve learned that’s where the fun stops. Tessa is the definition of a cock tease. She loves to make you feel special, and her little touches indicate she’s looking for more, but she’s knocked my pegs down more times than I like to admit. She’s working this job to pay her way through college, and flirting is what gets her the big tips.

  “Thanks, doll face.” Tanner winks at her with a smug grin on his face. Poor bastard has no idea the trap he just walked into. “So how’re things?” Tanner finally brings his attention back to me once Tessa walks to the other end of the bar to help other customers.

  “Fine, I guess.” I shrug. “Everyone’s either knocked up or gettin’ hitched.”

  Tanner takes a sip, keeping his eyes on me. “And where’s that leave you?”

  “Well, I’m not changing dirty diapers at two in the morning.” I snicker. “But I’m in my thirties and pretty sure I’m about to lose the woman I love for good. She’s never been mine, not really, but
even our friendship has changed over the past few years.”

  “You’re not kids anymore,” Tanner says. “Of course friendships and relationships change; it’s natural. Though I’m still shocked you two never hooked up or dated. Boggles my mind.”

  I give Tanner a look, and he arches a brow. “It boggles your mind?” I snort at his choice of words. “You asked her out and dated her for over two years.”

  “So?” He shrugs. “That was when we were in our teens. Once we both left for college, we went back to just being friends.”

  “You’re a dick for asking her out in the first place.”

  Tanner rolls his eyes, tilting his head back to finish off his drink already. “I did that for you, jackass.”

  “How so?” I scoff and empty my glass in one big gulp. Raising my glass to get Tessa’s attention, she nods to let me know she’ll be right over.

  “I knew you liked her. I wasn’t blind. Asking her out was to light a fire under your ass so you’d protest or finally ask her out yourself.”

  “And how did that end up dating for two years and taking her virginity?” The displeased tone in my voice doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Well I liked her, but you were the one in love with her. We grew closer, and I fell in love with her, too. We shared a lot of firsts, and when we decided to end things, I was devastated. We both knew going to different colleges would add more burden and stress to our relationship. Plus, I always suspected you’d swoop in and mend her broken heart. Guess you pussied out.”

  “Dude, fuck you.”

  Tessa refills our glasses, and I immediately swallow it down.

  “Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me this shit before? I never made a move on her out of respect for you.”

  “How was I supposed to know you were going to have morals?” He grins. “Sure, I might’ve been pissed about it at first, but I always knew she had feelings for you. Kiera talked about you nonstop. It was sickening.” Tanner mimics a gagging noise, making me laugh.


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