Book Read Free

Keeping Him

Page 26

by Kennedy Fox

  “Well hello, Cowboy.” Her sweet, honey-laced tone has a direct line to my dick, making me hard.

  “Do you have any idea what your voice does to my cock?” I groan, shifting and adjusting my jeans. “If we’re taking things slow, you’re gonna have to start sounding like a dude on the phone.”

  Kiera laughs, and it does nothing to tame the hard-on in my pants. “Maybe I can help you with that.” Her voice goes soft, almost seductive. “Why don’t you relieve the ache while I tell you all the dirty ways I—”

  “For the love of God, stop…” I blurt out, growling at her. “You’re breaking the rules.”

  “Technically, we said no being a tease, and I’m not even there so…”

  “You’re a little minx,” I tell her. “Changing the subject. How was your day?”

  We text throughout the day when we can, but we’re often both so busy that we sometimes go hours without being able to check or reply. Considering I used to spend days or even weeks without talking to her or even seeing her, I’ll take what I can get for now.

  “Not too bad, I guess. One of my clients who knew the Lakens abruptly picked up her horse and said she didn’t want me to train him anymore, so that stung a bit.”

  “I’m sorry. Their loss anyway,” I tell her honestly.

  “I know. It just sucks.” I hear her sigh and wish I could take the tension away. “I know it’s only been a week or so, but I hate that everyone knows or thinks they know the details of what happened between Trent and me and why I left.”

  “Small-town rumor mills,” I say. “They’re gonna say whatever they wanna say regardless if you tell them the truth, so you might as well try to ignore it altogether. Eventually, they’ll get bored of you and move on.” I try to comfort her, but I know Kiera takes the rumors to heart more than I ever have. She prides her business and herself on having a good reputation, and it’s partly why I agreed with keeping things between us private.

  “You’re right,” she says, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “How was your day?”

  “Same ole, same ole. Colton says I owe him since he won the bet, so I only think it’s fair you offer up half,” I tease, wanting to get her mind off the rumors.

  And it works because Kiera bursts out laughing, which makes me smile wide. “Funny. I didn’t tell you to make the stupid bet in the first place.”

  “Well, I had no choice. If I bet that you wouldn’t, you’d say I wasn’t being a supportive friend or some bullshit.”

  “Mmm…I’m sure that’s why.” I imagine her rolling her eyes. “Guess that’ll teach you to place bets.”

  “No shit,” I grumble. “Colton’s a bastard for even startin’ it.”

  She laughs again, and it brings me back to all the times of when we’d just be together hanging out, and things were so simple and easy.

  “Kiera, come over,” I say. “I need to see you.”

  “What if someone sees me?”

  “Drive your dad’s truck and park at the B&B guest parking lot. I’ll come pick you up from there.”

  “I don’t know…” She hesitates.

  “I promise, no hanky-panky. I’ll only grope you over the shirt.”

  “Jackson!” She chuckles. “Okay.”

  “Meet me there in ten.”

  “Better be on your best behavior, Cowboy,” she warns.

  “Scout’s honor, Pippi.”

  Too anxious to wait, I head over to the B&B right away and park in front of John’s house instead. When I see her truck’s headlights, I get out and start walking over to meet her.

  I spot her before she sees me and just stare at how damn beautiful she looks. Her blonde hair is pulled up in a messy ponytail, and she’s wearing tight jeans that show off her perfect ass. Instead of letting her know I’m here, I sneak up on her and wrap my arms around her waist. Before I tell her it’s me, she jerks her arm back and elbows me right in my gut.

  “Fuck,” I curse, stepping back and holding out my hand to grab her arm.

  “Oh, shit!” She gasps when she spins around and notices it’s me. “You ass!” she shout-whispers.

  “What?” I try to catch my breath. Goddamn, she put all her weight into that.

  “You don’t sneak up on someone like that! I thought you were a creeper!” Her eyes soften when she looks down at me holding my stomach. “Shit, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, fine.” I blink until my vision clears.

  She steps closer and cups my face with both of her hands. “You’re so cute when you’re trying to be tough.” She smirks, and it drives me wild.

  “I am tough,” I retort, smirking. Before she can stop me, I wrap my arms around her waist and push her against the truck. I crash my mouth against hers and capture her bottom lip between my teeth, groaning at how amazing she tastes. “You owe me now.”

  She chuckles against my lips but doesn’t push me away. Instead, she fists my T-shirt and pulls me toward her as I deepen the kiss. Our lips move and mold together as if we’ve been doing it for years—our bodies in perfect sync, and I don’t want it to ever stop. She arches her hips and rubs against my cock.

  “You’re seriously testing my willpower,” I murmur against her lips. “I’m going to come in my damn pants like a virgin if you don’t stop.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says, chuckling. She flattens her hands and pushes away. “We shouldn’t be out here, just in case.”

  “I doubt anyone’s going to recognize us anyway.” It’s pitch black, and the only light flickers from the moon and the porch. “Let’s go.” I grab her hand and drag her across the lot to my truck and help her into the passenger side. Before I shut the door, I smack a kiss on her lips.

  “Are you always so charming?” she asks as soon as I slam my door shut.

  “What do you think?” I grin.

  “What are your first date moves?” she asks as I drive us to my house. “Tell me.”

  “You’ve lost your mind,” I tease.

  “Oh, c’mon! What are your infamous Jackson pickup one-liners?”

  I look over at her, and she’s biting down on her bottom lip, hiding her shit-eating grin. Fuck, it’s so cute when she does that.

  “What makes you think I have one-liners? I just flash a smile and clothes magically melt off.”

  Kiera snorts, rolling her eyes. “You’re such an ass.”

  Reaching over, I grab her hand and pull it into my lap where I’m still hard. “You don’t mean that.”

  “You’re breaking the rules,” she says, throwing my words back at me.

  “You started it, Pippi.”

  When we arrive at my house, I lead her inside and immediately cover her mouth with mine.

  “Jackson…” Kiera warns breathlessly.

  “This is as slow as I can go,” I tell her, wrapping my hands around her waist and holding her securely against me. “I can’t not kiss you now that I’ve had a taste.”

  “That’s not what I was going to say…”

  I pull back slightly and look in her eyes. “What then?”

  She swallows and looks down as if she’s embarrassed. “I appreciate you doing this my way even if it’s something we both really want. I have to contain my personal image as much as I can now before I lose all my clients.”

  Placing two fingers under her chin, I tilt her head up so she looks at me. “I’ll do whatever it takes, baby. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again.” I dip down and quickly kiss her lips. “I’m in love with you. Nothing’s going to ever change that.”

  I see her eyes gloss over and know she hears the sincerity in my voice.

  “Don’t make plans for this weekend.”

  She squints, pursing her lips together. “Why?”

  “I want to make you dinner. If I can’t take you out, I’ll have to improvise.”

  “Really? You’re going to cook?” Her teasing tone doesn’t go unnoticed, making me groan.

  “Why is that the first thing everyone says?”

laughs, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down to her mouth. “Sounds perfect. It’s a date.”

  “Stir that,” Colton orders, watching me over my shoulder. “Slowly,” he says when some of the sauce spills out.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, brushing a hand through my hair and feeling the sweat above my brow.

  “You’re really nervous,” he says.

  “No shit.”

  “Jackson Bishop. Nervous for a date?” He chuckles, and he makes me want to nut punch him.

  “You gonna help me or give me a hard time?”

  “Calm down, princess. Let me do it before all the sauce spills on the stove.” He motions for me to move out of his way, and I gladly let him take over. “Go finish getting ready, and I’ll continue setting up.”

  “Setting up?”

  “Yeah, I brought some china and candles.”

  My brows rise, both shocked and impressed. I want to give him shit for having china because if the roles were reversed, he would, but considering he’s saving my ass tonight, I keep my mouth shut.

  A half an hour later, I’m dressed in my Sunday best that I normally despise wearing, but I know Kiera’s going to like it. She’s always commented how much she loves it when I dress up, though I feel silly since we aren’t actually going out. Dinner is done and staying warm in the oven. The table is set, completely over the top, but I actually like it. Colton made it look like a real fancy restaurant and even brought a wine bucket to set on the side for the bottle of red I bought from the store. I don’t drink wine unless it’s the only option, but I know Kiera loves it.

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate your help.” I slap him on the back. “Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck keeping it in your pants.” He smirks. “I’ll stop over tomorrow to pick up my stuff unless plans change and you actually do get lucky, then I’ll wait till Monday.”

  “Bye, asshole.” I open the door and nearly push him out.

  “Don’t forget to light the candles when you serve the food! It brings the whole setting together.”

  I shake my head and laugh. “Okay, cupid. Go away now.”

  Once he leaves, I run around the house, making sure everything is clean and picked up. I don’t ever worry about a clean house when I bring girls over, but Kiera is the girl. I want it to be perfect for her.

  I drive over and pick her up promptly at seven. I’m making sure we have a proper date, even if it makes me feel dumb and corny as hell.

  “You look stunning,” I say as soon as she opens the front door. She’s wearing a simple purple dress that hugs her curves and ends right above her knee. It’s tight on her waist and gives me a gorgeous view of her tits. It accentuates her stunning eyes that I could get lost in.

  Her parents are gone tonight, so I was able to pick her up. Leaning in, I pull her closer and give her a heated kiss. “Mmm, you smell and taste amazing too.”

  “You look quite handsome yourself.” Her gaze falls down my body and back up to my face, and when she looks into my eyes again, she’s biting down on her bottom lip. “Too handsome actually.”

  “You ready?”

  She inhales a deep breath and smiles. “Let’s go.”

  I can’t stop looking at her as I drive back to the ranch. She left her hair down in beachy waves, and I love when she does that. It reminds me of when she’d braid her hair and then take them out, making her hair all wavy.

  As soon as we step into the house, she inhales the smell and moans. “Mmm, whatever that is smells amazing.”

  “I can’t take all the credit,” I admit bashfully. I’m never insecure on dates, or hell, I wouldn’t even call them dates. However, Kiera makes me nervous as hell with how much I want to impress her and show her that she’s the only girl I’ve ever wanted. “Colton’s culinary skills came to my rescue.”

  I lead her to the table and pull her seat out so she can sit. Once she’s comfortable, I find a match and light the candle.

  “Can I assume Colton gets credit for the table too?” She playfully smirks.

  “He does.”

  “I like that you cared enough to ask him for help,” she says as if she could sense that I feel stupid for not knowing how to arrange something like this myself. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Well, I hope you like what we made too. Emily’s suggestion,” I tell her, taking the dish out and stirring it once more. “Oh, I should open the wine.” Turning around abruptly to grab the bottle from the bucket, I nearly knock the bread off the table. “Shit.” Luckily, Kiera catches it before it could fall to the floor.

  She smiles at me but doesn’t say anything.

  Once I have our wineglasses filled and our plates dished out, I remember the music Colton recommended. Digging into my pocket for my phone, my elbow bumps the edge of the table and my wine glass shakes. Instinctively, I pick it up, and my palms are so damn sweaty, it slips from my grip and spills on my shirt before I can steady it.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, squeezing my eyes shut. “Sorry.”

  When I open my eyes, Kiera’s clearly trying to hold in a laugh and has her lips tucked into her mouth. As soon as she sees I’m watching her, she places an elbow on the table and covers her mouth with her hand.

  “Guess I’ll just take this off,” I say, hoping she gets my hint. Slowly, I unbutton my shirt, and she’s nearly drooling as I slowly undo each one until my chest is fully exposed, and I pull it down my arms.

  “That’s not fair,” she pouts, keeping her gaze on my chest. “You can’t be flaunting your abs and tattoos during dinner.”

  “That’s payback for laughing at me,” I tease. Her eyes meet mine, and she glares.

  “I did not laugh!”

  “Oh really? You think I don’t know when you’re lying?”

  She releases a groan deep in her throat. “Damn you.” She chuckles. “Better hope you don’t end up spilling anything on my dress then, because I won’t think twice at removing it.”

  I raise a brow, intrigued by the idea. “Really? Considering my record already, I’d say it’s a safe bet I’ll have my pants off before dessert.” I flash her a knowing wink, but she only smirks and shakes her head at me.

  My nerves finally calm as we settle into natural conversation. Being with Kiera has never made me feel uneasy before, but now that our feelings have been laid out, I can’t seem to relax. The tension and anticipation of being with her have me all kinds of worked up.

  Halfway through dinner, I remember to put the apple pie that Mama made in the oven and serve it while we’re set up in the living room watching a movie.

  “Your mama makes the best damn pie,” Kiera says, moaning around a forkful.

  “Oh, you have some right here…” I lean in and stick my tongue out to lick sugar off the corner of her mouth. “Mmm…you’re right. Delicious.”

  Kiera looks at me with hunger in her eyes, and I know she’s thinking the same thing. Cupping her cheek, I pull her mouth to mine and kiss her slowly. She leans in, letting me take control, and when I slide my tongue between her lips, she caresses it with hers.

  “Fuck, Kiera…you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about doing that?” I lean my forehead against hers and feel her pulse beating rapidly in her neck. “So many goddamn times.”

  “I hate that we’ve lost all those years we could’ve been together,” she says softly. “But I know you weren’t ready, and if I’m being honest, I don’t think I was either, even if I didn’t know it. We both needed to experience life outside of each other and grow up. I’m not so sure we would’ve stayed together if we’d dated when we were that young.”

  “I think you’re right, baby,” I agree. “That doesn’t mean it was easy, though.”

  “The journey to happiness never is, Jackson,” she says, pulling back with a smile, then laughing. “I’ve called you Jackson for so long, I don’t know that I can call you anything else…”

  “Well, considering the names you’ve called me in the past, anything beats ‘dick, asshol
e, bastard, or idiot’…I mean, after a while the cuteness factor wears off.”

  Kiera bursts out laughing, tilting her head back as she covers her mouth. “Oh my God. But I mean, you can’t really blame me. All those names were quite fitting at the time.”

  “You’re probably right.” I wink, reaching down to grab our plates, then place them on the coffee table. “However, if you need help getting inspired for something new…” I take her hand and place it over my cock that’s straining against my slacks. It’s painfully hard, which is nothing new when I’m around her. “Maybe add some colorful adjectives such as ‘Big Dick, Thick Daddy, or Sexy Bastard’…take your pick.” Instead of pulling away like I anticipate, she wraps her fingers firmly around my dick and slowly moves her hand up and down.

  “Well if I’m going to agree to any of those, I’m going to have to see for myself which one is the most fitting…” She bites her bottom lip as she increases her speed.

  My head falls back, groaning in painful pleasure. I know she’s only teasing me, and I’ll end up with blue balls, but I don’t have the willpower to stop her. “Fuck…you call me anything you want as long as you’re doing that.”

  Unable to take her teasing any longer, I pull her onto my lap and kiss her fiercely. My fingers weave into her hair, and as I arch my hips between her legs, she grinds down on my cock. I push her dress up and feel how wet she is for me. Our breathing quickens as she moves her body against me, rotating her hips and pressing her pussy against my erection.

  Our lips never separate as they move in perfect harmony like they were always meant to, but I can’t think clearly with her body grinding on top of mine like this. Kiera’s hands move through my hair and around my neck, pulling us impossibly closer. Her body tenses as I hold her against me. Just because we agreed to no sex right now doesn’t mean I can’t give her the release she’s begging for.

  “You need to come, baby. You’re trembling,” I say against her mouth. “Use my cock as your personal vibrator until you do.” She doesn’t say anything, but nods and she keeps her eyes closed. “Fuck, I can’t wait to feel that beautiful pussy wrapped around my dick. You’re going to ruin me in more ways than one, sweetheart. I just hope you’ll be ready for it…”


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