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Attack from Tilted Towers

Page 7

by Devin Hunter

  “We have company in Tilted!” Tristan said as the echoes of gunfire in the distance filled Grey’s ears.

  “Lam first! Then we take care of them,” Grey replied.

  “Ben, you shoot Lam!” Tristan yelled. “I’ll cover you!”

  Ben let out a whine but said, “Okay, okay!”

  Grey saw the extra fire come their way from the office building in Tilted Towers. Since he knew that was Ben, he pushed Lam harder without the worry of taking damage from the extra fire. Lam couldn’t build fast enough to protect herself from every side.

  Ben eliminated Lam by head shot.

  “I did it!” Ben cried. “She’s out! I’m probably still stuck here, but she’s out!”

  “We’ll find out soon enough!” Grey said as he picked through Lam’s loot. “There’s a big shield for you here, Kiri.”

  “Good.” Kiri picked it up and drank it. “Sounds like we have more fighting to do before this is over.”

  “Make sure Ben gets the most eliminations of the squad,” Grey said. “He needs the first place.”

  As the storm circle got smaller, more people came to Tilted Towers, but Grey and his friends were prepared. They perched on the towers and took out the remaining players before they had a chance. Before long, they were the last ones standing.

  Victory Royale!

  Grey read the words over and over. It was the last time he’d see them in this virtual reality, and relief filled him from top to bottom. He did it. He was really going home.

  Now they just had to wait one short teleport to see if Ben was going with them.

  Grey’s vision went black, and his heart raced as he waited to see the battle warehouse. This victory wouldn’t feel right until he saw Ben’s name in the fifth rank, and he hoped with every fiber of his being that it would happen.

  When they appeared in their ranked line, Grey’s eyes went right to the board:

  1. Kiri

  2. Grey

  3. Hazel

  4. Tristan

  5. Ben

  He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. That really was Ben’s name in the fifth spot. That one last game had been enough to get him home after all. Grey’s smile stretched his face so much it hurt.

  “Yesssss!” Ben yelled at the same time that Lam cried, “Noooooo!”

  The Admin appeared without any extra fanfare. “We have reached the end of our season. Congratulations to those who have earned their way back to reality! You will have three minutes to say your goodbyes before your minds are returned to your physical forms. Good luck in your life’s adventures. And to those staying, I will see you next season!”

  The Admin disappeared, and Grey looked around him at all his smiling friends. “We did it, guys.”

  “We did!” Kiri said as she hugged Grey. “I’m gonna miss you, mate!”

  “Thanks for everything, Pipsqueak,” Hazel said as she ruffled Grey’s hair.

  Ben and Tristan both looked like they couldn’t believe they were finally going home. Tristan said, “Thanks for helping us even when we didn’t deserve it.”

  “And thanks for never giving up, even to the very end,” Ben said.

  “Thank you all for helping me,” Grey said as he held back tears. Going home was still what Grey wanted, but he would miss these people he’d teamed up with for the last two months.

  Tae Min and Finn arrived from farther down in the line, and a lump formed in Grey’s throat. It was one thing to say goodbye to his friends who were also going home, but it was different to say goodbye to his friends who were staying in the game.

  “’Grats, dude,” Finn said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “You’re gonna miss out on some sweet stuff in this next season.”

  Grey let out a laugh. “You’ll have to tell me about it when you come back.”

  “I will,” Finn relayed with a sad smile. “Promise.”

  Grey looked at Tae Min. “Make sure Finn doesn’t stay forever, okay?”

  Tae Min smiled. “Thanks for being such a good kid, Grey. You almost make me want to go back.”

  “I do?” Grey raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  Tae Min nodded. “My faith in humanity has been restored a bit. Never thought that would happen. Never stop being yourself. The world needs kids like you.”

  “Thanks” was all Grey could say. Then his virtual body began to dissolve, and he felt a sinking feeling that his three minutes were nearly up. The battle warehouse as well as all his friends began to fade.

  When he opened his eyes again, he was lying in a hospital room. His mom sat in a chair beside him. Her eyes were closed, and she looked like she’d been sleeping there for a long time.

  Grey’s eyes began to water. He really was back. He reached out a shaky hand and touched his mother’s knee. She startled at the gesture and looked him right in the eyes. As the realization hit her, Grey smiled and said, “I’m home, Mom.”

  “You’re awake!” His mother grabbed him into a hug, and he let her. He’d missed the sensation. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m starving,” he said. “Can I have pizza?”

  His mother laughed. “I don’t know. Let me tell the doctors you’re awake.”

  Once she left, Grey took in everything about the room. He could smell again, even if it was a sterile hospital smell. He could hear the beep of the machines and the whirring of the ventilation. He could feel the weight of his body and the grumble of his stomach. It felt so good not to be in a video game.

  But with everything he’d learned, he was ready to face his real life head-on. And he’d never take it for granted again.




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