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Page 18

by James, Nicole

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tink spun to the door, hoping she’d escape without Raven making a scene.

  “I’ll tell Daddy.”

  No such luck. Tink spun. “Tell him what?”

  “About the dirty biker gang and his precious baby girl.”

  “What do you want Raven?”

  “I already told you. Take me with you.” She smiled a wicked smile. “That’s where you’re going, isn’t it? Their clubhouse?”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “Well, they have one don’t they? Have you been inside?” She studied Tink. “You totally have!”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “I can see it all over your face. You’re a rotten liar, sister. You always have been.” Raven grabbed a purse off the hall table. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  Tink could do nothing but follow Raven out to the Beetle. “I’m not taking you to the clubhouse. They wouldn’t like it.”

  “That guy you had over here the other night—is he one of them? I remember him from the gym.”


  “Come on.” Raven got in the car.

  Tink opened the driver door. “I’m not taking you!”

  “Either you take me, or I march right inside and tell Daddy you’ve been sleeping with the lot of them.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “Doesn’t matter. You want Daddy to lie awake at night and wonder if it is true?”

  “He won’t believe it.”

  “Won’t he? You’ve always been different. And you brought one of them home the other night. Do you think he didn’t see the ink and the biker jewelry? Honestly, Alexandra, you can be so naïve.”


  “Get in the car, Alexandra. Now.”

  Tink felt backed into a corner. The last thing she wanted was to cause her father worry. Fine. She’d take Raven to the party. Maybe one of them would scare her so bad, she’d never ask again.

  Tink fired up the car and headed down the drive.

  This was gonna be good.


  When Raven first walked in the clubhouse, she was taken aback by all the handsome, tattooed, badass men with their black leather vests that bore the patches of their club. On the way in she’d passed at least a dozen Harleys parked in a line, their chrome glinting in the setting sun. There were a lot more people than that here. A good number of women were mingling through the crowd.

  “What’s the occasion?” she asked her little sister.

  “One of the guys is gonna be a dad. They’re celebrating. Or possibly roasting him; it’s hard to tell with this bunch.”

  Raven’s eyes scanned the crowd of raucous partiers. “And you’ve been coming here how long?”

  “Since I was eighteen.”

  Raven’s mouth fell open. “You’ve been hanging around with these…these bikers since you were in high school?”

  Alexandra nodded.

  “How did that happen?”

  Her sister shrugged. “Remember New Year’s Eve four years ago when you and Mike Jarrett left me at Coyote Bill’s?”

  “Not really…?”

  “Sure you do. It was the night you were wearing that red beaded dress.”

  She remembered. It had been so easy to take Mike from her that night. Sadly, it turned out he was a crappy lay. “What about it?”

  “After you left me there, I met Shades. He invited me back to the clubhouse.”

  “Shades?” She eyed the crowd, wondering which one he was.

  “He’s VP of the club.” Alexandra pointed across the room to an attractive blond man. Wow.

  “Don’t get any ideas, Raven. He loves his ol’ lady, and you try anything with him, he’ll throw you out of the place.”

  “Whatever would I try?” She ran her eyes over him. Good Lord, he’d be worth it.

  “Raven, I’m serious. You disrespect any of these guys, they will not stand for it.”

  “Okay, okay. Geez. Chill out. I wouldn’t dream of it.” Besides she hadn’t come here for the VP. No, there was only one man she was interested in. Her eyes drifted over to Hammer as he sat at the bar.

  He turned and saw them enter. He immediately made his way through the crowd to them, scooping Alexandra up and kissing her. Raven watched, jealousy snaking through her. She wanted a man to treat her like that; she wanted a man who would pick her up off her feet when he kissed her—a man who didn’t give a damn if the whole room watched and whistled.

  She gazed around.

  These bad boys fascinated her. They were so different from the men she’d always known—men who played golf and tennis. How in the world did her little sister know all these hot men?

  They moved to the bar and got a drink. Several men came over, finding out she was Alexandra’s sister, or Tink, as they all called her.

  As the night went on, Raven drank and flirted with several of the men, even playing a game of darts in the corner with a couple of them. When she was finished, she moved toward the bar, spotting Hammer sitting alone. She took the stool next to him.

  He barely gave her a glance. “Your sister was looking for you.”

  “Was she?” She fanned herself with a cocktail napkin.

  “You’re father fell again. She went to check on him.”

  “Oh, dear. She was my ride, so I guess I’ll have to wait for her to return. Unless… you want to give me a ride.” She smiled.

  He eyed her. “She’s gonna call when she gets there, let me know if he’s okay.”

  The prospect approached behind the bar. “You want something, darlin’?”

  Raven gave him a big smile. “I’ll have what he’s having.”

  Hammer lifted a brow at her, then told the prospect. “Bourbon, straight up.”

  The man nodded, set an empty tumbler down, and turned a bottle up, pouring her a double shot.

  “Thank you, sugar.” She smiled seductively and winked, then cut her eyes to Hammer. The prospect was young and cute, but he wasn’t as attractive as Hammer with his big muscles. Raven remembered watching him lift weights at the gym. He had no trouble with the heaviest set.

  He leaned his elbows on the bar, his arms crossed, and her gaze slid over the tattoos and bulging muscle, feeling a flame of desire lick through her. God, she longed to reach out her hand and run it over his skin, to feel those muscles ripple under her fingers.

  It wasn’t right that Alexandra should have a man like this, not when Raven was single. A man like Hammer belonged with a woman who would appreciate all that he had to offer. A woman like herself.

  The green monster of jealousy flared to life. Alexandra wouldn’t know what to do with a man like this. Raven bit her lip. The problem was how to get him away from her. She gazed down at their identical glasses, and a thought sprang to life. She remembered the club drug she had in her purse and knew it’d do the trick.

  She reached into her purse and closed her fingers around the little vial. She glanced around the room, waiting for the perfect opportunity. To make it less obvious, and since they were both drinking the same drink out of the same style glass, she decided to dose her own and swap them. Considering his size, she poured the entire contents of the vial in and stirred it with her finger. When Hammer turned to look at one of the guys making a shot on the pool table, she switched their glasses.

  When he turned back to look at her, she lifted them both and handed his to him. “Let’s make a toast.”

  Her frowned at her but accepted the glass. “To what?”

  “To my sister, Alexandra. May she always be as happy as she is tonight!”

  Hammer clinked his glass to Raven’s.

  She lifted hers up, then tossed it back.

  He followed suit.

  She smiled. Wouldn’t be long now. She just needed to get him back to a room and a bed. She was sure they must all have one. Perhaps she could talk him into showing her one. In a few minutes the confusion would set in, and she was sure she could get him
to do it.


  He looked at her and pulled at the collar of his shirt. “It’s hot in here, isn’t it?”

  His eyes were already getting glassy, and he seemed to be having trouble holding his eyes on any one thing.

  She stood and leaned toward him, shouting above the music someone had turned up loud. “Let’s get some air.”

  He stood. “Yeah, okay.”

  When he turned toward the front door, she put her arm around his waist and turned him toward the hallway. “Let’s go out this way.”

  He staggered. “This way? Why?”

  “There’s another door.”

  “There is?” He frowned, unsure of her answer.

  “Come on. I’ll show you.” She moved him through the crowd. His big arm wrapped around her shoulders as he stumbled, and she strained to prop him up. She got him around the corner out of the crowd and took a few steps down the darkened hallway. “Hammer, I feel dizzy. Is there a bed in one of these rooms I can lie down on?”

  “Lie down?” His unfocused eyes landed on hers.

  “Yes. Is there a bed, Hammer? Think.”

  He lifted his chin, his weight falling back against the wall. “Last door.”

  She put her arm around him. “Come on. Show me.”

  They staggered down the hall, and she opened the last door, flipping the switch. An old double bed sat against the wall with a table and lamp next to it. It was unmade. There were some old boots on the floor and a leather jacket thrown over the end of the bed. There was one wooden chair in the corner piled with some clothes.

  “Whose room is this, Hammer?” She walked him to the bed, and he sat on it, heavily.

  “Mine. It’s mine.” He pulled on his collar. “It’s fucking hot in here, isn’t it?” He looked up at her with glassy eyes.

  “Yes, it is. Here, let’s get you out of this hot leather vest and shirt.” She reached for his cut. He let her help him out of it, then pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor.

  “The room is spinning. Didn’t think I had that much to drink.” He shook his head.

  “Lie down. You’ll feel better in a minute.”

  He did but clutched at his hip pocket where the outline of his cell phone stuck out. “Need…need to call…Tink…”

  Before he could get the phone free, he closed his eyes and passed out.

  Raven smiled. “Night, night, handsome.” She went to work pulling his boots off and undressing him. It took some work with his heavy dead weight, but she finally managed it. Then she tugged the blanket out from under him, undressed herself and climbed into bed. She took her cell phone out of her bag that lay on the table and held it out, snapping a selfie of the two of them, kissing. She looked at the shot. In it you couldn’t tell that Hammer was passed out. He just looked like he’d closed his eyes while kissing her. You could see his unmistakable ink and her naked tits. She took another one, her laughing face, covering his, and making it look like he’d tickled her just out of shot. She looked at it. Perfect.

  Then she texted them to Tink.

  A moment later, Hammer’s phone lit up. Raven declined the call. When she texted him, she deleted the texts.

  About twenty minutes later, the door flew open, and Tink stood there. Raven was curled around Hammer’s naked body. She stretched and snuggled against him, her cat eyes opening to look at Tink with a smile.

  Alexandra took in the room, the clothes on the floor, and the fact that they were both naked in bed.

  “Hammer!” she called sharply.

  “Shh,” Raven purred. “He’s sleeping. You know how men are after they’ve fucked. They pass right out.”

  Tears spilled over her sister’s cheek. “You bitch.”

  Raven smiled. “Tink, darling, he was just too much man for you.”

  Her sister stumbled back a step and ran down the hall, her hand over her mouth like she might retch.

  Raven smiled, climbed from the bed, and closed the door, locking it. Problem solved. Then she crawled back in bed, and snuggled against Hammer’s fabulous body. Now she just needed to figure out a way to make sure they didn’t reconcile.


  The next morning, Tink walked out of her father’s study, the check for the refunded tuition in her hand. It would get her to California and give her enough money to get by on until she got settled.

  She’d already called her friend, Katie, who lived out in LA and had agreed to let Tink stay with her until she found a place. Of course, her parents didn’t know her plans. She didn’t want them talking her out of it.

  She’d predicted this, hadn’t she? Raven had come back to town and done exactly what Tink had feared. Now this was the last place she wanted to be. Her heart was breaking, and she was ready to run.

  She’d loved Hammer, and she’d believed him when he’d said he loved her, too. But the picture of him in bed with Raven was burned in her brain. And it hurt so much worse than any of the other boys in her past who had done the same thing—tossing her aside for her sister. It hurt more than all of them combined.

  Even if Hammer came to her now and begged for her forgiveness, told her it didn’t mean anything, that it was a mistake—none of that would matter, and right now, she couldn’t even bear to look at him.

  Nope. She was done. D-O-N-E. Done.

  The thought of poor little Ethan had her heart breaking even more. She’d gotten so attached to him, and it tore her apart that he was caught in the middle of all this. She prayed his mother got well soon. Especially if Hammer got together permanently with Raven. Tink wouldn’t wish Raven on her worst enemy, let alone that precious little child.

  Tink was almost to the front door when it opened, and in walked her sister. Tink caught a glimpse of a motorcycle roaring down the long drive. She squinted her eyes. Was that Hammer? She supposed he would be in a rush to get the hell out of here in the off chance he’d run into her. She didn’t imagine Hammer did awkward situations if he could avoid them.

  “Alexandra, what are you doing here?” Raven purred.

  “You just had to go after him, didn’t you? Any guy I’ve ever been interested in, you have to take them for yourself. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you that insecure?”

  “My, my, aren’t you in a mood this morning. And for your information, Hammer came on to me.”

  “Why do I doubt that? He knew how I felt about you.”

  “Oh, really? And what’s that? That you can’t hold a man? And that’s somehow my problem? Honesty, Alexandra, get over yourself.”

  “And you just had to send me those texts.”

  “I was doing you a favor. Letting you know he wasn’t who you thought he was. Better to find out now before you really get your heart broken. Besides, he’s just a dirty biker. I’ll admit he’s good in bed, but—”

  Tink slapped her across the face. “Shut up.”

  Raven grabbed her cheek, her mouth falling open. “You fucking bitch!”

  “Don’t look so shocked. You got what you deserved for once.” With that, Tink stormed out of the door, slamming it behind her. She jumped in her car and drove away. She couldn’t help but glance in the rearview.

  She’d miss her father and mother, but it would be a cold day in hell before she ever wanted to see Raven again. Her sister’s betrayal was nothing new. Hell, Tink had come to expect it. But Hammer—that betrayal cut deep. And what hurt her the most was that she’d tried so hard to keep him at arm’s length, knowing because of her infatuation with him he could hurt her more deeply than any other man. He’d tried so hard to prove her wrong, and when she let her guard down and let him in, he goes and does this. Well, it turned out he was just like all those other men. He wasn’t the man she’d come to believe he was. Whose fault was that? Hers for letting herself believe he was any different.

  Fuck Hammer. He was just like all the rest.

  She headed to her apartment to pack her bags.


>   Hammer woke with a splitting headache. He rolled over, finding himself in his bed in his room at the clubhouse, and wondering how he got here. Lifting the sheet, he saw he was naked.

  He squinted, focusing on the mark on his abs. Was that a hickey? He rubbed his palm over it. What the hell?

  He swung his legs over the edge, sitting up, and dropped his head as the pounding increased. “Motherfucker.”

  He took in the room. His boots were on the floor, but so was his cut. He frowned. He’d never in his life let his cut hit the floor. He always, always hung it over the back of the chair.

  He tried to remember what had happened last night. He didn’t remember how he got here. He didn’t remember undressing. His eyes hit the bed. Had he had sex with Tink? Had she come back? Why the fuck couldn’t he remember?

  He put his hands on his head. Fuck, he needed some aspirin.

  He reached for his clothes and gingerly dressed, then pulled on his boots and cut. He stumbled down the hall to the bar.

  There were a couple of people passed out on the sofa—Gator and some half naked chick he’d never seen before. Griz was asleep on the pool table.


  Hammer swiveled his head toward the greeting and squinted his eyes at the sun streaming in a window. JJ stood behind the bar, shirtless, scratching his chest and pouring water into the coffee maker.

  “You alive?”

  Hammer moved to a bar stool and sat, running a hand through his hair and down his face. “Barely.”

  “Some party, huh?” JJ asked.

  Hammer squinted at him. “Don’t fucking remember.”

  JJ chuckled. “Want some devil’s brew?”

  Hammer nodded. “Got any aspirin behind the bar?”

  “Headache?” JJ reached behind the coffee mugs and tossed two packets down in front of Hammer. “Goody’s powder, knock it right out.” He set a bottle of water along side. “You’re probably dehydrated.”

  “Thanks, man.” Hammer tore open the packets, tipped his head back, and poured the powder down his throat, then twisted the top off the water bottle and chugged it down.


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