Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
Page 37
Ethan loved when his wife went all ‘southern’ on them. Her backwoods drawl turned him right on.
It seemed to work. Anna finally shut up.
“How did you feel about Emelia?” Elizabeth asked.
“I hated but loved her at the same time,” she offered. “If she never dumped Jed, he wouldn’t have found me. So, yeah, I hated the bitch for hurting him, but she gave me a gift. Now, he’s mine,” she answered, and then realized what she said. “I mean, he was mine.”
Elizabeth saw the emotion.
Despite her being miserable and nasty, Elizabeth cut her a break. “Have any of you been to Saint Mary’s of the Sacred Heart?” she asked.
Bruno raised his hand. “I was there once with Jed. He had just been dumped and didn't want to go to a wedding alone. So, I was his drinking buddy. We went, got drunk at the reception, and hooked up with these two blonde babes.”
Suddenly, Anna jumped up from her seat and stormed out of the room in a huff.
“Crap! I wasn’t thinking.”
Elizabeth didn't mind. It proved that Anna Tunica had a bad temper and a piss poor ability to control it. “You can head out, gentlemen,” she offered.
Brian hustled out, probably to get to a doctor, but Bruno hesitated.
“Can I talk to you?” he asked, lowering his voice.
She signaled him to continue.
“I know something, but I don’t want anyone to know it came from me,” he said.
Ethan leaned forward. “We’ll see what we can do. There’s no way we can make promises, but we’ll try to keep your name out of it,” he offered.
“Jed and I had a long talk. He was getting ready to dump Anna. He told me she’s violent and a little crazy.”
That had their attention.
“Plus, he’d caught her a few times following him around and checking up on his whereabouts. It had scared him.”
This was awesome.
“What else?”
He continued, “Jed was freaked out. He knew when he told her, Anna was going to lose it. He even told me that he was afraid she was going to hurt him. I know it sounds silly, but she was verbally abusive.”
Callen didn't think it was silly at all. When he’d been with Desdemona, some of their fights had turned ugly. She’d have a few drinks and start swinging. If it wasn’t a physical altercation, she’d throw out some ugly things about him to break him down. Then, he just thought it was part of a relationship. Now, he saw that wasn’t even close.
In fact, it was the opposite of love.
It was controlling behavior.
Elizabeth thought it over. It all fit for her, except Anna had an airtight alibi for the night of his death.
“Can I go now?” he asked, standing.
“Yes, feel free,” Ethan offered.
When he was gone, the men before them still didn't look happy.
“You three should probably leave,” Chief Molala stated. “I do believe you’ve gotten all of your questions answered. When will you be leaving our land?” he asked, referring to the cabins.
“Yeah, I may be moving in. The hospitality is amazing,” she stated, grabbing her things as she prepared to leave.
They didn't look amused.
Outside, she stood there with her men.
“Where to now, Lyzee?” asked Ethan, leading her to the Navigator.
“We need to check in with the tech team. I want to know what they pulled from the killer’s hidey hole. Then, I think I want to hand out assignments and get back to the cabin.”
Ethan was worried, since it was relatively early. “Are you and Charlie okay?” he asked, touching her belly with his big hand.
“Yeah, but you told me that you’d bought me a spiffy new whiteboard, and I feel like breaking it in,” she admitted.
“Ah, I remember when she used to want to go back and break us in,” stated Callen.
She started laughing. “You’re out of your damn mind.”
Yeah, he was well aware, and this killer wasn’t making it any better.
“Are we all set?” Ethan asked, starting up the vehicle.
“Hell yeah! Let’s go stir up the techs. It’s my second favorite thing to do in the world,” she said, “besides riling up the Natives.”
“Yeah, I hadn’t noticed,” Ethan replied sarcastically, as he drove into town.
“Then maybe I should try harder.”
* * *
In the morgue, the techs raced against the clock. They knew that eventually their boss would be arriving, and she was going to want everything they had ASAP.
Once the killer touched one of her people, it was bound to put Elizabeth in a cranky mood. No one wanted to be on the bad side of a pregnant woman’s temper.
As Meredith raced around, making sure everything was getting done, Doctor Legend made sure the reports coming in were being sent to the bosses.
“Well, well, well,” said Elizabeth, as she strolled into the room. It made her happy to see her team working. One of the best things about her new ME was he ran a tight ship. He didn't like to break many rules when it came to his job.
“We have everything you’re going to ask for,” stated Meredith, as she stopped in front of them.
“How about you tell me what’s not going to be ready for me today?” Elizabeth asked.
“We did pull trace off of Doctor Armstrong’s clothing and it’s running right now. It was hair and a few stray fibers.”
“Okay and?”
“The blood stains on the floor were a mixed bag. Half of them were viable, but the older ones weren’t. We have them running now too.”
Elizabeth was patient since so far Meredith had impressed her, and that wasn’t easy. Christina, her predecessor, was amazing and set the bar high.
“How about what you do have for me?”
“We ran the bindings he used on Doctor Armstrong. It’s common and found in any hardware store. What isn't common is that the only DNA we found was the doctors.”
“So, he gloved up.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Why do I feel like you’re saving the big finish for me right about now, Merry?”
The woman stared at her, face blank. “I found your distributor of the frankincense. It came right from a supplier who does big orders, which explains why the killer had what seems to be an endless supply of it.”
“This makes me very happy.”
Ethan and Callen grinned. Already, they could tell Elizabeth liked the woman. She was taking it easy on her and letting her play the game.
“I’m glad, ma’am. The company is The Catholic Guild. They supply holy water, bibles, crucifixes and other religious paraphernalia.”
“That’s fascinating.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll keep their number for you in case there’s an apocalypse or we get a rampant pack vampyric werewolves.”
She stared at her. “You know, you saved this all by that conversation alone. I know you can’t get the personal sales information without a warrant, but you’re sarcasm made my day, Merry.”
“I’m glad, ma’am. When you want me to ramp it up to bitch, just let me know.”
Elizabeth laughed when the woman didn't bat an eyelash. The legend of Christina had met her match. This woman was just as smart, witty, but not as bouncy. She may become super head tech after all.
Ethan continued typing on his tablet without looking up. “I’ll submit the warrant. You should have it in a few hours.”
Elizabeth glanced over. “That means by tomorrow, I want the name of the buyer or buyers. We found a shitload of the oil. Hopefully, the killer is out of sorts now and can’t continue on without the stuff. It may buy us a little time.”
“You’ll have it, ma’am.”
She suddenly didn't doubt that. Her team was back on its feet. “Agents Madden and Seaton, front and center.”
They both stepped forward.
“We have a little problem. It seems that the killer is now going to be pissed off. I w
ant everyone to double up. You have a partner and are responsible for them. Am I clear?”
“Director, do we get to pick partners?” asked Broderick, already knowing who he was going to go with.
“Do I look out of my mind?” she asked before laughing. “You and your partner are a pair. Doctor Legend, you get Merry. Keep her out of trouble. Each tech, look to your left. That’s your partner.”
They all started moving around.
In all honesty, it was like being a kindergarten teacher. She waited for them to pair up, and then continued, “When you’re out in the field, vest up.”
There were mumbles.
“Hey! Do I have to tell you the story about the woman named Elizabeth and her partner who didn't vest up? He’s dead. I’m not. So wear it or I’ll staple them to your body. Am I being clear?
They still mumbled, but they knew she wasn’t kidding. When it came to this subject, she didn't mess around. Their safety was paramount.
They were her ducklings in the field. Momma duck wasn’t going to lose a single one. They’d come a little too close today.
“Director, if we need you, where will you be?” Meredith asked.
“I’m heading back to the Rez. I’m going to pull out my whiteboard and try and figure out who the hell this wackadoo is, so we can get the bloody hell out of Devil’s Lake.”
Ethan and Callen followed her out, each taking a hand.
“You know, we should probably follow-up with the man upstairs,” Ethan stated.
“God?” she asked.
He began laughing. “No, the sheriff. We are in his building and trying to play nice.”
Callen gave her a fist bump. “He set you up for that one.”
“Yeah, I know. We work well together. While we’re telling the sheriff all about it, can you locate the number to a pizza place? I need to feed our anthropologists and this child,” she said, rubbing her barely there bump.
“Yeah, angel. I can do that.”
Heading to the front of the building, they entered. Once inside, Deputy Turner smiled at her. “Hello there, ma’am,” he began.
Immediately, Callen tried to drop her hand.
Yeah, it wasn’t happening. If the killer was going to come after anyone, it was better to be her. While she wouldn’t say it out loud, they couldn’t stop her from thinking it.
“Are we going to pray?” he asked, motioning at their joined hands.
Elizabeth stared him in the eyes. “No, they’re my partners and husbands. Yes, put the shocked face away. I have two.”
The man didn't know what to say.
“Can you give Director Whitefox the number to the best pizza place in town?”
When he nodded, she went up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Oh, she could tell he wasn’t happy. Here, she’d done exactly the opposite of what he told her to do.
Yeah, she couldn’t help it. That was how she rolled.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Is your boss in?”
When he pointed, she led Ethan back there. Knocking on the door, she waited to be called in.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“We thought we’d give you an update since you’ve been so darn hospitable to us.”
He offered her a chair. “Have at it, sweetheart.”
Ethan wanted to roll his eyes, but the man was older than his father. It wasn’t like he should feel threatened.
Elizabeth broke it all down for him, explaining how the killer tried to take a Fed.
“She was very lucky,” he said. “Plus, I hear you figured it all out. You must be pretty smart. That was one hell of a hideout. My men came back and told me all about it. Did you find anything?”
“Well, the FBI thinks I’m passable. We now have his stash of oil and his prep room. We’re hoping he’ll slow down until we can get the name from the supplier. Once we get that, we’ll have a direction.”
“When’s that coming in?”
Ethan spoke up, “Tomorrow. I’ve sent the request for the warrant.”
“Wow! You move fast. Whenever I have to get a warrant, I have to jump through hoops.”
“Being a Fed means a judge in every area,” he stated.
Elizabeth finished her update, and then stood. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go work this out on my whiteboard. You have a good night, sheriff.”
Out in the lobby, they found Callen waiting. “I ordered three with meat and one special.”
“Spam, spinach, and anchovies?” she asked, snapping her gum. If she didn't eat soon, she’d be feeding the fetus gum.
“Yes, God help the world for even saying those words out loud,” Callen said, shaking his head.
“Hey! Don’t look at me. It’s Charlie. She likes the salty, leafy goodness.”
Ethan grinned. “I can’t wait until the next baby,” he said, dropping his arm around her waist.
“We already discussed this,” she stated, slipping her hand in the back pocket of Ethan’s jeans and Callen’s dress pants.
“You say that now,” stated Callen, “but what if I replace all your birth control with Pez?”
She started laughing.
“I’m serious. You won’t know until you get to Tuesday and figure out its cherry flavored.”
Elizabeth found the men in her life to be incredibly funny. Callen was her stress release and Ethan was her rock.
“If you even think about trying anything like that, I will kick that fine Native ass of yours so hard, that you’ll be walking funny for the next five years.”
He grinned. “Another child would be worth a beating,” Callen admitted.
“Yeah, well in those five years, you won’t be touching me either. You, and your buddy the couch, will be getting up close and personal.”
Leaning down, he kissed her.
The champion of his heart wouldn’t do that, and he knew it. If it meant healing him, there was no doubt that Elizabeth would take one for the team and give him another child.
The kiss was deep, powerful and held her captive. Standing out in the parking lot, she leaned against one man, while the other kissed her silly.
Slowly, he broke away. “I love you, Elizabeth,” Callen offered. In his eyes, he let her see every ounce of feeling. It was for what she did last night, today, and what he knew would come in their future.
“I love you too.”
Ethan nuzzled her ear. “How about we go home, get changed, call Wyler, and then have dinner.”
“I’ll even eat some of that vile pizza for you, Lyzee, my love,” Ethan promised.
“Not me. I’m not getting up close to anchovies. It’s not happening,” Callen admitted.
“Your loss,” she replied.
Knowing how to get his brother going, he hit him right where it hurts. “Then, after we eat and work on the whiteboard, we can have sex.”
Callen stared at him. “Wait a minute. You two are seriously going to fornicate without me? What happened to protect my brother, no matter what?”
Ah, and so they began. Elizabeth knew it was only a matter of time before they began acting like this.
Ethan boosted her up into the Navigator, laughing the entire time. He loved Callen and was glad to have him as part of his relationship, but there was nothing like busting his ass as much as possible.
It was a brother thing.
“Can’t I stay and have sex, and then go babysit the two anthropologists?” he practically begged. “I’ll be really fast. Hell, I’ll skip the foreplay and just get down to business if that’s what it takes.”
She started laughing at his desperation.
“Come on! I even got you a pizza with gross things on it. I was certain I was going to get lucky.”
Turning in her seat to watch him buckle in, she grinned. “One word, my very sexy Native.”
He knew this was going to hurt.
He couldn’t believe it.
“Are you seriously going to hold that against me?” he asked, as his brother laughed uproariously.
“When will you learn, Callen?”
Apparently, the answer was never.
~ Chapter Fifteen ~
Thursday Evening
Back at the cabin, their first priority was to get changed. Elizabeth had so much fun watching the men hurriedly escape the confines of their clothes. Callen was back in a pair of jeans, and this time a t-shirt. It showed off the tattoos on his arm, drawing her attention.
Elizabeth didn't doubt for a second that he did it to lure her into sex. She knew them both, and this was typical Callen at his best. He was well aware that she couldn’t say no on a normal basis, but throw in some ink and she was lost.
Ethan, on the other hand, went with a pair of jeans and a simple black shirt, unbuttoned. Since his abduction, they were working on him accepting his body. The tattoos across his chest were no longer perfect, but marred with the scars from a madman. His biggest hang up was how they would be viewed.
Lately, he’d been getting great pleasure from Elizabeth’s reaction to this body, and she was more than happy to accommodate him. Scarred or not, the raven was still her favorite tattoo, and she wasn’t afraid to show it.
Sitting on the couch, they beeped Wyler’s tablet. When his face came on the screen, they immediately knew bad shit had gone down.
For the first time in a long time, he looked weary, and there was a red handprint marring his cheek.
“What happened?” Ethan asked, feeling his blood pressure already spiking,
Wyler looked incredibly sad. “I’m sorry,” he said, closing his eyes. “I only wanted to make up for the mess I made for you two boys. I thought if I could prove that I was a good grandfather, I could erase some of it. Here, I brought Bly into the house, and your children have been feeling the tension.”
Again, Ethan asked. “What happened, Dad?”
He stared at Elizabeth, hoping she had told them what happened. “I was putting Cat down for her nap, and CJ got into trouble. His big fascination is the dogs’ food. Well, he was pretending he was a puppy and drinking out of the water dish.”
While gross, it wasn’t shocking. Kids liked to pretend. CJ was going to be three, and it was normal.