Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
Page 52
It was a beautiful thing.
Even Wyler’s life was changing. Gone was the albatross from his neck, and he appeared to be free. Once the ghosts of Bly Cocheta were gone, they found a really great housekeeper to help him out. Cindy Melrose was sweet and very helpful. She was also very married, and that helped make the transition easier.
Any temptation was off the table as Wyler could feel safe and secure with his decisions. At first, he was wary. When Cindy arrived, and he discovered that she was madly in love with her husband, it helped take all the pressure off.
There was no way Wyler would be getting any pies from this woman.
Which, he was more than happy about. For now, he was going to remain single.
It was best for everyone, especially him.
Elizabeth’s birthday had come and gone. On her special day, she had a peaceful night out with her men. They promised her a birthday redo and a cake on the day she used her spa present from Ethan. In her opinion, after you turn forty, it was all downhill anyway, so the exact day to celebrate didn't matter.
Just bring on the cake.
At that moment, she was enjoying a day away from it all at the spa, getting her relaxation on.
It was heaven.
Her toes were painted pink, because it made both men crazy, and her muscles were lax from the massage. After all the pampering, all she really wanted was to go home, roll around on the floor with her babies and step back into the role of mother.
It was the greatest job in the world.
As she pulled up to the house, she noticed the lights weren’t on, which was odd. Elizabeth had texted Ethan and Callen that she was on her way home.
Then again, she never did get a reply, so maybe she’d have time to shower and start dinner for them.
At the front door, she slipped in her key, waiting to hear the two dogs barking like mad.
They weren’t.
Again, that was odd. Her fierce little balls of fluff were generally the first ones to greet her.
Heading in, she set the alarm and hit the lights. The silence made her uneasy. In fact, it freaked her out. It wasn’t like she didn't like a quiet house, especially when theirs was anything but…
This was just odd.
Now, she was on alert.
Rounding the corner, a herd of people jumped out at her.
“Happy birthday!” they shouted.
When she didn't even jump, they all started laughing. Of course she wasn’t going to react.
Why wasn’t Ethan surprised?
Looking around the group, her eyes did fill with tears. Here was her extended family and friends. There was no doubt who had his Native fingers all over this one. Ethan Blackhawk was going to get his ass kicked, and from the grin on his face, he knew it.
Chris and Cyra Leonard rushed forward, giving her a hug and kiss as they wished her a belated happy birthday. “We wish we could have been here for that actual day,” Chris stated. “Ethan was nice enough to wait until we got back!”
“Yeah, he is something,” she said, pointing at him. He simply laughed, grinning wickedly.
After the Leonards had finished, Tori and Julian Littlemoon came at her. She was so glad to see her friend. Hugging Tori, she released her to rub her baby belly. “Momma, you came to see me!”
“How could I not?” Tori said, kissing her friend on the cheek. “I’ve missed you, and who doesn’t want to jump out and scare Elizabeth Blackhawk when she’s not armed.”
She laughed. “Yeah, lucky me. My family is a bunch of sickos.”
Julian hugged her. “Hey, Tex. I’ve arrived for my teepee tour. Bring it on.”
She slugged him, and then so did Tori.
“Damn girlfriend code,” he muttered, winking at her. “We brought someone to see you,” Julian offered, moving out of the way. There stood Christina, and she was definitely pregnant.
“Holy crap! That baby is bigger than you!” she teased, opening her arms to embrace her ex-tech.
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” she said, laughing and crying at the same time. “Damn hormones! Happy Birthday, boss lady!”
Elizabeth wiped her own eyes. This was a pretty amazing feeling, even if she never wanted a surprise party for just this reason. Love made her weepy.
Bad ass Elizabeth Blackhawk hated being a public puddle of mush.
“Christina, I’m so happy to see you. Thank you for leaving and torturing me these last few months. I’ve had to start dying my hair thanks to you.”
She laughed. “Yeah, that’s funny because when you became my boss, I had to start dying mine. Looks like we’re even.”
Elizabeth laughed and accepted a hug from Christina’s fiancé. When Kane picked her up off the ground in a bear hug, she was amused.
Immediately, her men cleared their throats.
It only made her laugh that much more.
Then, Ethan and Callen moved toward her. Each offered up a kiss, and she accepted them because she was the belated birthday girl, and this was her damn house.
“You’re in so much trouble, Ethan Jackson Blackhawk.”
Callen snickered, glad that he was off the hook on this one. This was all Ethan, and he wasn’t going to get scalped for it.
His outburst had her attention next. “Laugh it up, chuckles. You’re in just as much trouble for not warning me in advance. You’re an accessory to the crime.”
The men didn't care.
This moment was worth it.
“You said a party with your family, and here they are. We couldn’t have a birthday celebration without all of them.”
They had a very valid point.
She’d walked right into this one.
“Now, you have to give a speech!” shouted Chris Leonard, who was elbowed by his wife.
Elizabeth laughed. Little did she know that life would change once she let these people into her heart.
Family was a wonderful thing.
She was blessed.
“I want to thank you for coming,” she said, watching CJ toddle over to Tony Magnus. Immediately, the man scooped him up and held him in his good arm.
It touched her heart.
“I didn't know Ethan was going to do this, but I’m glad he did. I never saw it coming and frankly, I love it. I didn't know what I was missing. So, thank you for coming, and I hope Ethan has lots of food and cake planned, because there are four pregnant women in this room. If he doesn’t, he’s screwed.”
They all laughed.
“In honor of my daughter’s birthday,” said Wyler, “we’re having all Native American cuisine. After presents for the birthday girl, you’ll find there’s enough food to feed an army.”
She blew him a kiss. “I love you, Dad.”
The feeling was mutual.
Callen decided to kick it off and got everyone’s attention. “Speaking of birthday presents,” he began. “I have one for my beautiful wife.”
Whenever he used that word, Elizabeth’s heart would skip in her chest. “This should be fun,” she offered, knowing the waterworks were about to turn on.
Ethan winked at Elizabeth. He couldn’t wait until Callen was finished, because they had a little surprise for him too. This was one more reason why they needed to wait on the party. Callen’s gift took some time.
Official red tape was a bitch.
“I toiled long and hard over what to get you for your birthday. It’s not easy when you’re in love with someone so amazing. There are few things that can show my love and adoration. After all, you gave me a child. There’s nothing greater than that.”
Christina yelled, “Diamonds hurt less!”
They all laughed.
“I picked out something that would last almost as long,” he began. “Years ago, I fell in love with my brother’s wife.”
Ethan laughed. He loved whenever Callen said that. Generally, it caused mayhem for anyone listening. Since they were with family, it wasn’t a surprise.
“I was fortunate enoug
h that she had the same feelings for me. Ironically, on the day she married Ethan a second time, I got a tattoo with her initials in it on my shoulder. It was to tell the world that she’d always have my back, and heart. Well, over the last two years, that’s grown, so much so, that it’s not enough. So, I took it a step further.”
Unbuttoning his shirt, he held it open to face her. Callen watched the emotion as she saw her name written across his entire chest. It was beautifully scripted and a work of art.
“Oh Callen!” she said, going into his arms. She hugged and kissed him, her heart overflowing with love. “It’s gorgeous.”
Ethan grinned. He was proud of his brother. From broken to healed, to a part of their unit, he had come into his own.
“I love you, Lyzee. I always will.”
She kissed him. Pulling away, she spoke, “I’ll always love you too.”
“I hope this reminds you of what we have for the rest of our lives. You’re my everything.”
She was touched beyond words. “I won’t ever forget.”
Ethan cleared his throat, getting their attention. “You’re up, baby.”
Callen looked confused.
“I, too, have a little present for you, Callen James. When you came into our lives, everything changed. Both of our lives were turned upside down, and I want to mark that moment for all eternity. I can’t do it with a tattoo, but I may have something better.”
“I don’t understand,” he said.
Ethan held out the envelope that he had tucked into his back pocket.
“What you don’t know is that I did want something specific for my birthday. When I was able to get Ethan alone, I told him my wish. This week, he was able to pull it off, and it’s not only for me, but you too, Callen.”
He still didn't understand.
“I’m tough and sometimes difficult,” she began.
Kane slapped his hand over Christina’s mouth before she could say anything.
Elizabeth winked at him.
“When I fell in love with Ethan, I never believed there would be anyone else I could love like that. I was very wrong. The day I saw you in FBI West, I fell in love. I knew in that minute that you were meant to be part of me forever.”
He stared at them both, so much emotion filling his eyes.
“I know that there’s something missing from your life, and you’re hurt by it. As your wife, partner, and lover, I want to fix that. I want to give you a gift you never saw coming.”
When Elizabeth handed him the envelope, he began opening it.
“I love you, Callen,” she said.
Pulling the paper out, he read it over. “What is this?”
“I want the world to know that you and our kids matter to me. I know you’re biggest dream in life is to give me your last name. So, in honor of your heart and our love, I’m giving you just that. I’m now officially Elizabeth Renee Whitefox-Blackhawk.”
He stared at his partners in life. “Seriously? You changed your name for me?”
Ethan and Elizabeth nodded.
“You’re letting my name come first?” he whispered, reading the paper.
“You’re my brother and our other third, Callen. So, yes, your name is important and shouldn’t be forgotten,” Ethan stated.
Immediately, he teared up. Moving toward her, Callen wrapped her in his arms, but it didn't stop there. He opened his free arm to pull Ethan into the embrace. Together, they cocooned her between them.
“God! I love you both so much.”
“We feel the same.”
“This is a miracle that I never thought would happen. You’re really mine,” Callen whispered.
She kissed him, and then Ethan. “We’re really yours.”
Everyone started cheering and clapping.
“We better feed them. All these pregnant women may revolt and some male might get hurt,” she said, releasing the men in her life.
When she turned, she saw Tony’s face, and it was raw with emotion. Until he had peace, he wouldn’t be able to move on. “I need to handle this now.”
Blackhawk was ready for that too. “The papers are on our desk in the office.”
“Tony, can we talk to you?” she asked. When he set CJ free to chase the dogs, he followed.
“What’s up?” he asked, being led into the office.
“Are you okay?”
“No. I’m really not.”
He didn't have to say anything else. The poor man had been forced to watch their love bloom, while his was withering away.
Yeah, it was time.
Elizabeth took the paper off the desk and handed it to the man. “You’re going back to work soon, and you’ve been loaned out to a government project.”
He read the paper. “Okay.” His voice was cold and dead. Every minute of the last two weeks was torture, and he was ready to crawl into a hole and die.
Tony was giving up.
“Since you’re on light duty, they need someone who’s smart, good at being organized, and can handle a team.”
“Sure thing.”
“Tony, honey, read the names on the list. They’re you’re grave rats.”
He scanned the paper, and at the very bottom was one familiar name. She had been the last one placed on the team. Immediately, his heart began thumping in his chest.
“You have an assignment, and it’s going to be the biggest one of your life. Are you ready for it?” Ethan asked.
He couldn’t think straight. “YOU FOUND HER?”
She had never lost track of her the entire time. Now, it was time to give Tony a second chance. “Yes. She’s working for the FBI still. Gabriel Rothschild wanted to keep an eye on her because of her father. I happened to mention that if he didn't get you on as the dig supervisor, I may spill the beans.”
His eyes filled with tears as he hugged her. Elizabeth gave him a gift that he’d never forget.
Oh and most importantly, she kept her promise.
Elizabeth ran her hands over his back reassuringly. “You made a wish, and Team Cupid has granted it. This is your chance to get her back. She isn't there yet. If you leave today, you’ll beat her to the base camp, and you can get your girl.”
His heart was thundering. “I can’t believe that you did this for me.”
She smiled. “What wouldn’t I do for the people I love? I do believe I told you that I had your back. Next time, don’t doubt it.”
He took the paper and raced for the door. When she called his name, Tony’s hand paused and he turned around.
“You’re booked on the jet. You’re going to get one shot at this, so make it count. Don’t hesitate to call us if you need us. Family never says no!”
He couldn’t think straight. Heading back over to her, Tony kissed her on the lips. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I know you didn't have to do this. You’re a really kind person, Elizabeth Blackhawk. I owe you and will never forget this.”
Then, he was gone.
She wiped her eyes. “Damn! I love being Cupid.”
The men each wrapped an arm around her hips. “It’s fun to watch love bloom.”
“Yeah, and you’re both just lucky that I’m in a good mood.”
They knew where this was heading. “How much trouble are we in?” Ethan asked.
“Oh, you’re in so much trouble. Right now, I’m going to go spend time with my family. Later, I’ll punish you both,” she said, walking away. At the door, she turned, “Later in our bedroom, I’m going to teach you both one hell of a lesson. Bring the handcuffs Callen, and not the fuzzy ones. There are two Natives who are going to suffer.”
With that, she was gone.
Callen glanced over at his brother. “There is a God.”
What could Ethan say? Only one thing came to mind, and it seemed appropriate.
* * *
The Next Day
Burial Site
Backwoods Kentucky
As she hopped out of her rental Je
ep, she stared around the site. It was going to be huge. At least she could count on it keeping her busy the next couple of months. That was exactly what she would need to get over Doctor Tony Magnus.
Every night for the last two weeks, she had vivid dreams about him. In them, he was holding, kissing, and making love to her. She’d wake up with a huge hole in her heart.
She missed him.
Hopefully now, she could just focus on what she did best. Heading over to a man with a clip board, she checked in. “Doctor Jaxon Armstrong.”
He read the note next to her name. “You’ve been marked to see the dig boss. He needs to speak to you about your housing assignment. Head over to the tent and check in there.”
She figured he was going to ask about the FBI and give her the rules. The university was in charge, and she wasn’t to take control. Gabe had already warned her that the dig boss was the one who was leading this little party.
To obey him at all costs.
At the big army green tent, she walked in, preparing to soothe his nerves over it all. Really, she didn't want to be in charge. Jaxon wanted to blend in, forget, and heal.
“Sir, you needed to see me?”
He turned around.
Jaxon stared in disbelief. There stood the man who had been haunting her dreams. “Tony?”
“Why are you surprised?” he asked, taking in how pale and thin she looked. At least he wasn’t the only one suffering the last few weeks.
She couldn’t even string a sentence together.
“I told you that I’d follow you, Jaxon. I would have located you sooner, but it seems I was shot and abandoned.”
She swallowed. There was anger in his voice, and surely it was about to bubble over.
“Why did you leave me?” he asked.
Her heart pounded in her chest. “Why are you here?”
“No, Jaxon. You’re going to answer me. Why did you leave me when I needed you?”
Her eyes filled with tears. Yes, she had abandoned him. “I got you hurt. I couldn’t bear the idea that you almost died because of me.”
“No, Jaxon. I want to know the real reason.”