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Mr Darcy's Cottage of Earthly Delights

Page 17

by Beth Massey

  When Susan heard the particulars and met the owner, she persuaded her brother it would be suitable. “I know the work only too well. Let us not pretend I have any semblance of innocence.” The dark anger Robert would sometimes see in his sister flared when next she spoke, “Papa refused me the right to live among the righteous. Mrs Teasewell seems protective and compassionate of her women; the compensation is fair, and the house supplies my room and board. I will be able to save and retire to a more respectable life when men no longer desire my allurements.” This last statement was practically spit out, but then she turned to face her brother with a look of reconcilement. “All I ask is for you to give our Robbie the best life possible. Allow him to have the virtuous life I was denied. Rob, please teach him to respect women. Everyone back in Yorkshire believes Deb and you to be his mother and father, and that is as it should be. Papa knows nothing of our deception, and no one but a very few will ever know the truth of his birth. As far as our friends and neighbours in Bingley, they should be encouraged to believe I have met with foul play.” She chuckled, as she said, “Feel free to use my supposed fate as an example for young girls of the wages of sin.” Her anger reared its head again and her eyes narrowed as she pronounced, “Papa I am sure, has already taken the opportunity to preach about my fall from grace to his congregation.”

  Bella’s mouth had been active the entire time Susan had been remembering the source of her pain. She was brought back to the present by the delicious feeling of being licked and suckled by this woman who had been her lover for three years. She had left her breasts and travelled downward toward the juncture at the top of her legs, leaving soft kisses across her stomach. Her navel garnered special treatment when Bella’s expert tongue explored its button. Lifting Sue’s bottom from the slippery scented water—holding her like a wedge of ripe melon to her mouth—she felt her little one’s legs stiffen and best of all she felt her squirm in anticipation. Praying her ministrations would remove the pain; she found the aroused nub and began to take ‘Suzette’ to the heights. This skill, though of course on a much larger protrusion, was Isabel’s claim to fame at Mrs T’s. Customers loved first her teasing and then her feasting on their appendage until it reached its full extension. Large or small, men would be engulfed, sucked and encouraged to plunge in and out deep in her throat to their hearts content—until they were spent and their seed was swallowed.

  What started out soft and seductive soon became rapid and urgent. Bella could feel her tightening and visualized Susan’s toes curling in preparation for the cascades of pleasure on the horizon.

  She lifted her head for just a second to offer their silly life motto to soothe her love’s pain. They had made it up one night when talking of their plans for retirement, and laughing at passing themselves off as Max’s spinster nieces. “Little one, remember… ‘The sun will rise; the sun will set; and together, we will go forward with no regret.’ Susie, I love you and I always will.” Belly dove back into the luscious curls and flesh that were hers. Others may rent, but it was she who had been given the right by Susan to own this body until death parted them. Her tongue swirled—arduously—into the flower’s tiny crevice and soon all the signs fell into place. It began with thighs squeezing her ears. She could feel the first wave in her love’s belly and continued her rigorous rotations until her love’s back arched and her hips lifted. Feeling the shudders, she smugly believed her little one had been transported to a much better place than where she had been only moments before. Bella found Susan’s mouth. Her tongue outlined her full lips and entered when they opened. It was a sweet kiss of reconciliation and when it ended, she rested her head on Belly’s ample bosom and relaxed into the security of her arms.

  Mrs Sarah Teasewell sat behind her desk and studied her guest. He looked remarkably like his father, and she saw several remembered mannerisms of George Darcy as well. His penchant for looking out the window when uncomfortable, and the incessant turning of the ring on his pinkie as he formulated his words—were but two. He looked nervous; much as he had the first day his father had brought him to her establishment. Though now, he was no longer a boy who was about to be initiated—Bella had seen to that twelve years ago—so what was the source of his discomfort today.

  “Fitzwilliam, what is it you want to ask me?”

  The tip of his tongue was peeking out from between his lips. This was a new gesture she had not seen before. It seemed to reflect intense contemplation. Finally he spoke. “I need information about the workings of the business of pleasing men.”

  She laughed at his careful formulation. “Do you want to know about the street trade or only about houses? Are you thinking of investing?”

  He ignored her jocularity and continued looking thoughtful. “I am not sure. You are my only experience with this world, and even within your establishment, I really only know how Isabel and Susan came to you. I am frightened that an acquaintance could be destined for this world, and I want to protect her.”

  “Ah, you think this is a shameful life?”

  “No, I did not mean that, but I do think it is a choice one should be able to make without coercion.”

  “So, you believe your acquaintance may be forced into this life. Almost all are, but most of my girls are more the victim of circumstances, and the fact that it is an unfair world for women. Mine are secured by limited choices rather than any physical inducements.”

  “I believe she is to be abandoned by a cad, and that he intends to reap some profit from his dalliance. My question is whether any establishments might pay money for a likely prospect. She is a gentleman’s daughter; with eye-catching, unique looks, tall and statuesque with an ample figure. She is entirely too bold in her demeanour for polite society, and she is but fifteen years old.”

  “Oh yes, she sounds like a most desirable property. Quite a few of the brothels that are not quite so exclusive would pay at least fifty pounds for her. My guess is that, if she is as you describe, she could fetch one hundred.”

  “Would you tell me where these establishments are, and with whom I could speak?”

  “I could or perhaps, I should ask the questions of them for you. Tell me what you know of the circumstances.”

  “She is from Hertfordshire and was convinced to elope with one George Wickham. He is a lieutenant in the militia, and they left from Brighton a sennight ago… supposedly to go to Gretna Green. He was my father’s steward’s son, is very mercenary and chronically in debt. She is practically penniless, and I know he had no intention of actually marrying her. Despite her great foolishness, I am motivated to find her and salvage her reputation.”

  “What is your interest in this girl? What is she to you?”

  Darcy stared out the window and twisted his ring, before he determined what next to say. Once he made up his mind, the words came out in a rush. “I am hopelessly, desperately, and violently in love with her sister. The men in my family, as you know, have a history of marrying for the deepest love; and she is the one for me. I will have her and no other, and I will conquer him. Wickham has sworn a vendetta against me; and this young woman is but a pawn in his game to destroy her family, and make it embarassing for me to marry her sister. My plan is to save her family’s reputation by any means necessary.”

  Sarah Teasewell wanted to laugh at the young man’s passionate speech, but instead put on a motherly smile and said, “Darcy, you have convinced me of your determination. Does this Wickham have accomplices, or know anyone in this business?”

  “He once allied himself with a woman, a Mrs Younge, to perpetrate another piece of treachery against my family.”

  “Hmmm, I believe I have heard that name. An acquaintance, Mrs Harden, I think has mentioned her. Tessa Harden does pay a bounty for girls of quality, and she is always looking to recruit the very young…. who will, for at least a while, not be feigning a certain naiveté that customers crave. I will visit her today, and you are welcome to accompany me. I will also give you the names and addresses of several ot

  She wondered whether he would inform her, as usual, that beautiful Bella was redundant. Still she asked her next question the way she always did. "Do you want to go up to see the beautiful Bella?” He did not correct her, which was another indication of how preoccupied he was with his dilemma. “Today is her day off, and I am unsure if she will agree. Actually, that is not true. I am unsure that the saucy Suzette will allow her to spend time with you today.”

  “I brought Bingley with me as an inducement. You know how those two like to reminisce about Yorkshire.”

  “Is that what they call it… reminiscing?”

  The very sober Darcy laughed at her humour. “Yes, for years now every time they are together, and I ask him what they did… he always tells me they spoke of Yorkshire.”

  “I believe she feels herself a member of his family.”

  “Well, I think the word ‘member’ is definitely an important part of their conversation.”

  Sarah Teasewell saw one more characteristic of his father in this serious man… their secret love for ribald humour. Her eyes twinkled with merriment as she followed his lead. “It is the only one she has ever spoken of with praise. For a while, she thought it was because it was bred in Yorkshire. Last year, she had another from that county, and was disabused of her belief. She now realizes her praise is for Bingley’s alone.”

  The usually solemn young man in black and the middle-aged madam, still wearing a powdered wig from the fashion of her youth, laughed at their bawdy discussion of friends."

  Once he had settled, he remembered he had one more question to ask. “Mrs T what are the early symptoms of being with child?”

  “Oh Fitzwilliam, what have you done?”

  Again he twisted his ring before he spoke, “Enjoyed myself… pleased her… perhaps a bit early. I should have withdrawn as I was taught here, but I was caught up in the moment and forgot. I assure you my intentions are totally honourable. The road to love for us has been fraught with many obstacles. Once they were cleared away, we lost sight of society’s strictures for a few glorious hours”.

  “Believe me, I am not here to judge you. To answer your question—nausea, most commonly in the morning—often occurs in the early months. If there is a great deal of throwing up, dehydration is a danger. Make sure she takes in lots of fluids if that happens. Her breasts will become tender and after a few months will be notably larger. Her courses will stop. Do you know what that means? Darcy shook his head, no. "Just tell her exactly what I said. She will understand. A general tiredness is common, and sometimes, particularly in the later months of her confinement, there could be erratic behaviour and perhaps irrational anger at times."

  Darcy looked frightened at her last words. “She is exhibiting a bit of irrationality at the present. Do you think that indicates she is with child?”

  Mrs Teasewell looked confused. “How many days ago did the event take place?”

  Darcy counted on his fingers the days before he spoke. “Six days.”

  Sarah Teasewell reined in her desire to scoff at his naiveté and said instead, “What is her personality like in general?”

  ‘She is a bit like Susan. Not the deep spiritual pain, but definitely the same fiesty attitude, and lately anger is often exhibited. When I first met her, it was well regulated. She has a way of defeating her opponent, usually me, with a combination of archness and sweetness that was fascinating to watch. However, ever since I proposed the first time, she has been a bit out of control.”

  “Someday you will have to tell me about your multiple proposals, and the obstacles your love has faced. They sound utterly fascinating. Fitzwilliam, it is too early for the type of irrationality of which I spoke. If there are no other symptoms, there is no evidence yet that she is with child. But when that time truly comes to your beloved, you must prepare yourself to be as supportive and sensitive as possible. She sounds like one who might need it more than most.”

  Two blond angelic looking beings were nestled together and talking. They were sweaty from exertion, and had just finished singing Frere Jacques in both French and English. The two had grown up singing the English words, but Suzette had taught Charles the French words Max had taught her.

  “So how is your ‘running away fund’ coming?” Bingley had offered several times to augment their fund with one hundred pounds, but Susan wanted to wait to see how much she and Bella could accumulate on their own.

  “Oh, Charlie, I am doing ever so well. Just when I thought there could be nothing more ridiculous than to have customers pay to watch Bella and I please each other… along comes my Lord Colton who suggests I wear a red, white, and blue cutaway military jacket with nothing but the tiniest white silk drawers beneath, white stockings held up by tricolour garters adorned with a republican cockade, and a Napoleon hat. I then get to strut around like the little general, and smack naked peers of the realm on their bare bottoms with a riding crop. Lord Colton discretely revealed my special charms at all the clubs, and the customers are coming in droves to have me order them about. It is truly delightful. One enjoys having me force him to scrub my tub, another prefers to bathe me, a third cuts my toenails and applies lotion on my legs, and a fourth just likes me to ride around on his back and apply my whip. Very few of these customers want to enter me. They usually enjoy me standing over them and watching while they create their own release. The best part is that my silly act increases their pleasure, and they leave me a generous tip.

  Charles laughed heartily at her description. “Oh, little one, I am going to miss you. It is always so exciting hearing about your customers. I had no idea when Darcy brought me here that there were so many variations of sexual pleasure to be had.”

  “Oh, you do not know the half of it. There is a French Marquis who has written two books about punishing young girls for sexual gratification. His name is the Marquis de Sade, and his books are Justine and Juliette. They are very popular right now with the best upper sets. However, Mrs T will not allow those types here… ones who enjoy hurting her girls.” She whispered as though she was afraid the walls had ears. “Although, I have heard rumours, that Belinda has allowed a couple of her customers to whip her. She also allowed the MacFurtive brothers to visit and… hmm… well you get the picture… be with her together… you know, entering from different ends.”

  Bingley found her mouth and planted a sweet kiss on her lips, “I must be very boring to you.”

  She snuggled even closer to Charles and said, “No, you are my favourite. Well no, that is not true. Bella is my love, but you are my best paying customer. I think it is because you make me feel as though you truly like me, and are not just using me.”

  “Susie, you were my first, and you were so generous and patient. I have been with no one else, and I will always treasure every minute I have spent with you. However, Darcy says I must give you up if I become betrothed to Miss Bennet.”

  “I understand. It is the proper thing to do.” Susan preferred recalling their past rather than contemplating their future. She cocked her head and looked at Charles with a childish smile. “That first time you visited, I thought you handsome and hoped for the best. When I learned your name, I took it as a sign from above, that you would be special… and you were. You were a natural and required very little training. The girl from Bingley and the man named Bingley—we are a winning combination. Now tell me about this young lady who has caught your eye. You say her name is Miss Bennet?"

  “Oh, Susie, she is the most beautiful woman. Her name is Jane. She too looks like an angel, but is more regal… and good… than either of us. Her hair is the palest yellow and her eyes are the blue of cornflowers. If you could only see how serene she is and the utter perfection of her statuesque body. Most important, she has total confidence I can manage an estate, and be the man I hope to be. I have always been a bit feckless, but when I met her everything changed.” Charles’ face took on a look of determination for what lay ahead. “If I am able to win her, I will be able to accompli
sh anything. The absolute first thing I must do when next I see her is apologize… for my lack of strength to withstand my families’ hypocritical assessment of her trust in me.”

  “What a lucky man you are to have a woman with such faith, but she is fortunate as well. She is getting an excellent lover.” With a poke in his ribs, she added, “Thanks to me. Both of you should enjoy making many angelic children.”

  Susan felt a stab of pain, and Bingley kissed her in response. He was one of the few who knew her regrets about not having children. She had told him long ago that she would have made a dreadful wife but thought she could have been a good mother. With a shake of her head to dispel those thoughts she asked, “When do you ask her?”

  “We go into Hertfordshire soon—perhaps in a fortnight. Darcy and I have an important mission to accomplish first. Her sister, who Darcy loves, believes she cares for me and will forgive me for leaving last November. Jane’s confidence in me is important, but I think trust is the most important thing for a lasting marriage. My parent’s marriage had neither… it did not even have any affection… I am certain had I been the first child, I would have been the only child.” He cuddled into Susie’s side and after a few moments spoke again. “Do you think I should tell her about us?”

  “No, Charlie. There is a reason my world is called the demimonde. I do not believe your angel could fathom such a place. Well-bred young ladies know nothing about such a life. I certainly did not prior to coming here.”

  “But if she learns about our times together, she will lose all trust in me.”


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