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Mr Darcy's Cottage of Earthly Delights

Page 43

by Beth Massey

  “Elizabeth where did you learn to do that?”

  “Which are you questioning… this position I have us in or arousing you with my mouth?”


  “I asked Bella for some tips. I did not think it fair that you received an education, and I did not. With regards to exciting your member with my mouth, she told me the basic skills and then I practiced with a parsnip. Later tonight I will let you poke my throat. I think I proved to you, just now, I can take the whole thing. I believe I have the potential to be as accomplished as she is with my mouth.”

  Will stared at her with his mouth open for a few seconds until the reality of what she had said registered, “Bella told you what to do… and you practiced with a parsnip?”

  “I did. Mrs Jones did not have any carrots that were big enough, but she did have one perfect parsnip… that was just the right size. I asked if I could have it because Kitty wanted to learn to draw parsnips. I believe she thinks me daft.” Lizzy shrugged her shoulders and once again gave him a guileless stare.

  He was not sure whether this was what he had envisioned when he had hoped for her to be lively. In the spirit of enjoying this adventure with her, however, he leaned over and twirled his tongue around one of her raspberries. When finished he spoke, “I believe I would like some grapes and a bit of Stilton.” She fed him his request and he made a big show of licking her fingers. After swallowing he said, “Where did you learn of this position? Did you use my absence to go through the locked drawers in my desk… as you once admitted you did in your father’s study?”

  She gave him a haughty look and shook her head at his accusation, “No, Mr Darcy, I did not rifle your drawers. The beautiful Bella suggested this as well.”

  “Elizabeth, that name is redundant.”

  Lizzy giggled at his response. “She said you would say that. Will, you are entirely too predictable.”

  His look was stern as he replied, “Who was it that decided to waltz in Grosvenor Square?”

  She gave him a coy look and said, “You have a point. Perhaps I was hasty in my condemnation. Bella said she thought we might enjoy this. It is called the tantric position… I believe. She said we could stay like this for hours… or at least she said people in India are able to last for quite some time. The release is supposed to be more intense after staying in this position for an extended period. To me, It is perfect for doing multiple things at the same time. See we can eat while we are attached.” She picked up one of the tartlets and finished it in two bites. Her face had a look of satisfaction as she chewed. “Oh, that was peach and almond. How heavenly. It was almost as tasty as you.” She pointed to their joining and then asked, “Have you ever done this?”

  Will shook his head at her antics, “I have not, but Richard gave me a book that has a picture of this position. He said that he has tried it, but he only lasted half an hour as he started to get cramps in his legs. I was going to show you the book tomorrow. There are many different things we can attempt. However, I do not think I am agile enough for some… and others I am just not certain why I would want to try.”

  Elizabeth licked her lips and said, “Husband dear, would you feed me a strawberry?”

  He picked the biggest one from the platter, and moved toward her awaiting open mouth with the berry. At the last moment, he plunged in with his tongue. She met his exploration of her mouth with enthusiasm and another squeeze of his captured member… that elicited a moan. When they were finished, he fed her the strawberry and then felt compelled to taste her mouth once again. They proceeded to play this feeding game for several minutes. She had never had a macaroon before, and asked for a second.

  Elizabeth had an agenda and she was ready to broach her subject. “Will, lately when I try to read, my mind wanders to things I would like to do with you. Do you think that is another example of my wanton disposition? Have you ever experienced such a thing?”

  He hugged her to his body and laughed in her ear. “All the time. Daydreams of you have definitely put me behind in my work. While I was waiting for you to arrive in London, I would sit in my office, and stare at the painting of the cottage and think of all sorts of sordid scenarios, I want to teach you. Since I have been staying at Blessing House, every afternoon at three, I take a break and lie in bed and conjure up some of my most appealing fantasies.”

  Lizzy was pleased she was not alone in entertaining thoughts of making love. “Since I have been staying here at Darcy House, my favourite daydream is of you and me in that gigantic bathtub you have.”

  “I often have that one as well. Tomorrow morning, we will make that fantasy a reality.”

  Lizzy’s face was unable to hide something troublesome, “Will, when did you have your first fantasy of me?”

  “The night I met you.” Will heard an audible sigh at his answer. “When did you have your first of me?”

  “The night I met you, but it was a dream not a fantasy. The first part was more about retaliation for your remark. You kept begging me to dance, and I kept refusing. Since I refused to dance with you, I could not dance with anyone else. So I left the assembly and began walking home to Longbourn in the dark. You caught up to me and pinned me against a tree and kissed me hard. My hand slapped you fiercely, but you just kissed me again even harder. A tingling between my legs woke me, and I touched myself for the first time that night.” The memory of her dream prompted her to rub her hands across his buttocks. She pulled apart ever so slightly and fidgeted a bit before she used his bottom as leverage to drive him deeper into her. Her fingers found the same spot she had found that night and she allowed them to do a little dance in her folds. “What was yours like?”

  Will’s laugh was a bit sheepish in tone, “Uncannily similar. Mine began with your retaliatory remark about dancing encouraging affection. When you turned and walked away, I followed you. Somehow we ended up alone. I tried to explain my rudeness, but you refused to listen to me, so I kissed you. You slapped me, and just as in your dream, I just kissed you harder. I too was guilty of touching myself that night.” He repeated her manoeuvre of pulling out slightly and slamming back in with the help of her bottom. “Do you remember the day we read together in the library at Netherfield? I could not move because you would have seen my erection. My daydream that day was that we were alone in the house. I picked you up and carried you upstairs to my room and made violent love to you for hours.”

  “Oh my, I wish you had. You would have been forced to marry me, and we would have had most of a year to try every position in that book of yours. I was unable to read that day for thinking of kissing you.

  Not having the experience you had, I did not really know how to fantasize about making love.”

  Her statement about not knowing what to do prompted him to bestow a very tender kiss to the hollow in her neck. His tongue travelled to her breasts and he feasted there for a few minutes before he told her of his favourite daydream. “I have one fantasy that began the night after we made love in the cottage. Each time I think about it, it grows and new delights are added. It starts in the rain at the Grecian folly at Pemberley. You are angry and refuse to come with me. Your hands are on your hips in defiance. In an attempt to keep you from talking and saying cruel things to me, I kiss you. You fight me, but I am bigger and stronger and hold you captive, and just continue to kiss you. At some point, you start to kiss me back. Next, I pick you up and put you atop the horse. This time you are astride the horse facing me with your dress pushed up to your thighs. I have no idea how; but I enter you and we ride to the cottage as I thrust in and out with the motion of the horse.”

  Lizzy was squirming and squeezing him as he told her of his fantasy. With a breathless voice she asked, “What happens next?”

  “When we arrive at the cottage, I take you up the hill to the pond and waterfall. You are afraid of the water, but I persuade you that as long as I am inside you will not be able to drown.” Will rolled his eyes at the ludicrousness of his daydream. “You believe me and agre
e to my plan. We take off our clothes—while I am still inside you… though I have no idea how we manage to do that.” He laughed at the often ridiculous nature of fantasy and leaned in and touched his forehead to hers. His voice became low and husky as he continued. “I carry you under the falls, and we make love for hours with the water cascading over our heads.”

  Lizzy stated emphatically at that point, “Will, I am tired of this ridiculous Indian position. I want more action and I want it now. I have not the patience for this tantalizing tantric thing.”

  They uncoupled as she smiled beatifically. “I know you are tired. You have had to work so very hard this evening, and still I am not satisfied. This time I will ride you.” Now her look became less kind and more mischievous. “You can save your energy for tomorrow morning in the tub. All though, I was thinking that would be a good time to display just how talented my mouth is.” The wickedness of her eyes became positively demonic. “Now, Mr Darcy would you like a blindfold and a feather –or perhaps, I should use a riding crop?”

  Will laughed at both her impertinence and her impatience. “No blindfold, I prefer to watch you rock and sway above me. Also, that position gives me a perfect view to watch your flaming Christmas Pudding eyes just before you climax.” He lay back with a grin on his face; his stiffness beckoning her. She removed the platter from their field of play, and mounted her stallion. Several minutes later they had their third release since saying ‘I will.’

  Just before she fell asleep, she nestled closer and asked, “Will, do you think we could really do what you fantasized about on a horse?”



  There was significant rearranging of housing after the conclusion of the wedding celebration. The newly married couples were to be given as much privacy as possible, despite the amount of family in town needing housing. Jane was moving back to the Gardiner’s, as that would be her home until her aunt’s confinement was over. The other young women, who had become as sisters—Catherine, Georgiana, Mary and Lady Eleanor—would continue to be housed together. They had all been invited to spend time at the home of Lord and Lady Elderton.

  Jane Bennet would miss the company of so many young women; but truth be told, she desired time to herself. She was about to turn three and twenty and was significantly older that the others. Every day she became more aware of a pressing need to evaluate the prospects of her life.

  Most evenings the young women had gathered in one or the other’s room. The excitement of preparing for a wedding had unleashed hopes for the future in their girlish hearts. Several of the evenings Lydia and Elizabeth had spent time alone, and Jane had been peeved by the change in her relationship with Lizzy. She believed they were speaking of the physical relationship they would have with their husbands, and she concluded they thought it improper to include her in their confidences. Though her countenance had hid her annoyance, she resented her role as confidant to Elizabeth being usurped by the youngest Miss Bennet.

  Last evening Elizabeth had seemed to feel the need to, once again, commune with her older sister. She had come to Jane’s room and spent the entire night sharing her sister’s bed. In one last burst of the closeness they had enjoyed since the time of Lizzy’s ability to speak. For eighteen years they had been each other’s best friend.

  Elizabeth had been her strength, her greatest admirer and the biggest promoter of her confidence. She could appear the serene and ethereal beauty as she navigated their small society… as long as she had her sister to compliment and cajole her in private. Tears stung her eyes as she realized she had never given as much to Elizabeth as she had taken. But last night her sister had turned the tables on her; and it was obvious she had felt a need to confess. Though never explicit in her meaning, but rich in imagery, Lizzy seemed to imply she had anticipated her vows with Mr Darcy… or at least she had allowed him to take significant liberties. Now in the privacy of her room at the Gardiner’s, Jane Bennet attempted to fathom what exactly her sister had revealed.

  The need to come to terms with Lizzy’s disclosure was complicated by her belief that Mary would be marrying soon. She and the Reverend Holmes were well suited, and he was definitely attracted. He could not seem to keep his eyes from her bosom Things were happening so quickly, and they were not at all as she had imagined the year before.

  Soon only she and Kitty would be unmarried. This thought left Jane momentarily overwhelmed by a wave of envy. She was the oldest, her manners were impeccable, and everyone said she was the most beautiful. Why was fate relegating her to spinsterhood? Her dismay with her situation had caused her to act impetuously today. Increasingly ungenerous thoughts were finding their way into her temperament. How would she survive this transformation without being able to confide in Lizzy? She was certain her sister would encourage her to embrace some modification, but she would have known how to find moderation in the turbulence of Jane’s emotions. Her action in Mr Bingley’s carriage had been far from moderate—it had been shocking. The look on his face when she asked him in to dinner said so.

  As Jane lay abed, her thoughts drifted back to the assembly of a year ago. Despite her outward appearance to the contrary, she had been proud the amiable Mr Bingley had desired to begin an acquaintance with her. Lizzy had been correct in her evaluation. He had singled Jane out to dance two sets, and she had caught him staring at her several times. Whispers had said he thought her an angel. Her demeanour was modest and demure as she considered the extent of his feelings. But truth be told, she had indulged privately in a bit of smug satisfaction at being admired by the catch of the county. Had she been punished for her felicity while her beloved sister had been rebuffed?

  The situation with Mr Darcy and Elizabeth had been an entirely different meeting. She had been standing next to Lizzy when he walked by, and felt the spark that passed between them. His look had seemed almost frightened once his hungry eyes had been averted. Her sister had returned the depth of feeling in his glance, and when he forced himself to retreat… she had acted so very Lizzy-like… she had laughed. Even after his indiscreet insult, Elizabeth had refused to cow in the haughty man’s presence and sweetly, but publicly, ridiculed his demeaning words. Jane, upon hearing of his rejection, was offended by his need to wound the vanity of a young woman beneath him in consequence. It seemed an act so ungenerous that she struggled to reconcile his friendship with the affable Mr Bingley. She had said nothing to the young man who had favoured her and found an excuse for her sister for Mr Darcy’s behaviour. She had approached the slight to Lizzy from her own narrow needs.

  Her reflections caused her to realize that from the moment her sister had been rebuffed by Mr Darcy, Elizabeth had changed. Jane had been too involved in her own hopes for security and prominence to notice. Though she had continued to appear comfortable in her certainty of spinsterhood, Elizabeth had added secrecy to her routine. In unguarded moments, Jane often saw bewilderment mixed with resentment on Lizzy’s face while in the presence of Mr Darcy. She was too absorbed with Mr Bingley to question the meaning.

  Elizabeth had begun locking her door at night, and Jane had once observed her from a distance appearing to argue with someone… though no one was there. Many of Lizzy’s words last night had explained how strongly both had fought the attraction. Jane had felt mortification when she learned that loyalty to her had been a major factor in Elizabeth’s refusal of his first proposal in Kent.

  The most dramatic part of Lizzy’s confession had told of a dam of passion that had been breached when she was at Pemberley. She spoke of being unable to control her curiosity about the sensations his presence unleashed and of reconciling her guilt for their intimacy with her almost constant hunger for him. Jane had listened wide-eyed as her sister’s words and pictures of physical pleasure tumbled from her mouth. Now the eldest Miss Bennet had been left with a burning curiosity to experience what she suspected both her sisters were enjoying tonight.

  While Lydia’s looks at Lord Colton had not been as pow
erful as those Lizzy directed at Mr Darcy, they still seemed to imply an anticipation of something appealing. Even the glances between Mary and the Reverend Holmes had a potency of promise that Jane had never experienced with anyone in her almost three and twenty years. As she watched her sisters during the wedding breakfast she concluded she had, indeed, been indifferent to Mr Bingley. Her thoughts had been calculating the winning and emotions had been unimportant.

  Last night Elizabeth had crawled into her sister’s bed in need of absolution. Kindly Jane had offered her words of reassurance that she was not immoral. But what she had heard had set something unexpected in motion and now brought to mind her most pressing need to evaluate her behaviour before tomorrow. Why had such feelings for Mr Bingley been absent before today? Was it because he was not the one, or had she refused to admit such emotions were proper… or even her goal?

  Gone from her head were the rumours of pain, unpleasantness, the advice to lie still, and excuses to keep a husband at bay when not in the mood. She wanted what her sisters had.

  Many had needed transportation back to their abodes after the wedding celebration. Mr Bingley had petitioned Mr Bennet for permission to convey her to the Gardiner’s to ease the crowding. Mr Bennet and Mr Gardiner had often talked of the young man’s efforts to find a purpose and direction in his life. They knew he had hopes to become worthy to court Jane but were unsure how she felt about a renewal of his attentions. Mr Bennet applauded that she seemed to have changed from a young woman pining with lost hopes, to one who insisted the man who pursued her be worthy. Consequently, he had thought it safe to allow Mr Bingley the privilege to escort his daughter to Gracechurch Street. Her father’s evaluation had been of his worthiness not Jane’s.


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