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Mr Darcy's Cottage of Earthly Delights

Page 47

by Beth Massey

  “Yes, he was an exclusive customer of Susan’s for about three years. He is the only one I know that saw one woman and no other the entire time he visited. Sometimes, I became quite jealous of him.”

  Elizabeth looked a bit shocked. She knew about Will, Jon and Richard, but she had forgotten about Will telling her of Charles… and he had made love to Susan exclusively… she was not sure that was the correct term to call what they did. Oh, she hoped Jane never found out.

  Bella was a bit concerned by the look on her friend’s face. “Lizzy, all the Fitzwilliams, Lord Blessing’s brother were educated at Lady Sarah’s.”

  “The Reverend Holmes spent time there?”

  “Yes, but once he was ordained, he no longer visited.”

  Lizzy looked a bit reassured by that, but then thought of something she had just read in the latest letter from home? “What about Lord Calderwood? My mother wrote that he just proposed to my sister Catherine.”

  Bella tried to stifle a laugh. She was not quite successful. Luckily, Elizabeth was too disconcerted by the news to notice. “Yes, he was a patron.”

  Elizabeth remained quiet while they freshened up. She suddenly realized all of her sisters had or would marry men who had been educated at Teasewell House.

  Charles Bingley adored his Jane. She had been the making of him. Besides his growing copper tub business, he had bought into his father’s former mill in Bradford. He kept his investments diversified to protect against the booms and busts that now came with greater frequency.

  Caroline persuaded her husband, Sir Walter Percy, to participate in her brother’s bathing enterprise by stressing the tolerability of being in trade as long as the products produced were only for the most elite of society. The room set aside for washing in their home in Bath, was a showcase for the most elegant fixtures Bingley, Gardiner and Percy had to offer.

  Charles and Jane had found a delightful small estate about five miles outside of Scarborough. The house on the property, being in ill repair, had prompted them to build a new very modern one. They were the first in all of Yorkshire with water piped to their bathrooms from a cistern on the roof that collected rainwater. They decided to give the property the lyrical appellation of Falling Water in honour of the innovation. Their family and friends often commented on the beauty of the name… many asked if there was a waterfall on the property… and everyone failed to understand why their compliments caused the couple to chuckle.

  Though Jane, as Elizabeth learned when she encountered Max, Susan and Bella, continued to be gullible, she never reverted to her previous passive personality. Charles preferred her passionately aggressive. He had revised his thinking and now thought of her as half angel and half devil.

  Mrs Bingley became renowned throughout Yorkshire as an excellent hostess. A secret source of help when she gave a party for her husband’s business and political acquaintances was Max Lacombe. He was devoted to the elegant Jane and agreed to cater all her affairs. Her guests were envious of the quality of the food she served. Even though there were much greater estates nearby… and the Bingley’s wealth came from trade… an invitation to an event at Falling Water was one of the most coveted in the county.

  Jane’s fantasy of having Charles bathe her was often played out in their bathroom. She would lie against his chest in water strewn with rose petals. He would wash every inch of her, dry her with warm fluffy towels, rub lotion all over her body, comb out her hair and then once she was clean and well lubricated he would take his reward right there on the floor.

  Jon continued to teach his Lydia many things. He taught her to be an expert horsewoman and a crack shot. Annually they joined Lady Sarah and Colonel Fitzwilliam in hosting a foxhunt that drew enthusiasts from all over England. At their shooting box, Lydia was allowed to join the men for sport. Though Jon sometimes cautioned her that for appearances sake, she should not always bag the most birds.

  The Countess of Blessing turned out to be an excellent mistress of their estate. She was very adept—often with Mary as a partner—at organizing charitable events. Her sister, the local parson’s wife, would mainly play a role behind the scenes; while Lydia would be the hostess whose effervescent personality would put the participants in the mood to give.

  Lord and Lady Blessing gave some of the best balls Derbyshire had every experienced, and both always danced every set… except for the occasions when she was large with child. It was at Blessing that a waltz was danced for the first time in that county.

  Lydia dressed to please her husband; and it was noted by many that her clothes always enhanced her assets. Jon was never jealous, and even admitted to his countess that one of his great enjoyments in life was watching men ogle her. Lydia’s constancy never wavered from her burly bear and his never ever considered any other but his tempestuous tiger.

  There was always much gossip among their neighbours about the couple having a great deal of zest for all kinds of physical activity.

  Their bathtub, which had been the sight of much passion early in their marriage, increasingly became a place for the two of them to doze – she wrapped in his arms – while they soaked away the aches and pains caused by their exuberant lifestyle.

  Elizabeth and Will’s approach to love making was two-fold. They enjoyed each other often, and they embraced spontaneity. It is true they preferred the privacy and comfort of their bedroom… she never slept in the mistress’ chamber except when her children were born… but sometimes it was necessary to throw caution to the wind. The cottage had been his inspiration; so it was utilized quite regularly, as well as the nearby waterfall and swing. A glade they had found once on a ramble had been pleasant; and the inside of the Grecian Folly had offered a venue several times when out riding. A galloping horse had only ever been foreplay, but they had learned well how to use the motion to heighten their urgency. His office at Darcy House caused them to recollect their rather spectacular argument just before they wed. They almost always felt the need to reassure themselves by using it for a different purpose when in town… both the sofa and the desktop had been forced into service. They would routinely scheme to figure out how to recreate their encounter in her uncle’s office, but so far had not accomplished that feat. However, it was on their list of things to do before they died. There were several places at Pemberley where they had indulged in a quick poke, but the remembered one at the Gardiners was the epitome of the genre.

  They had tried everything in the book from India Richard had given Will. There were only a few things they truly enjoyed, but attempting the others was worth the shared memories of laughter at their oft times twisted attempts.

  Certainly they had used the bathtub, for love making over the years. Now their favourite occupation while soaking… Will at one end and Lizzy at the other… was to discuss their children. They were excellent parents and soaking in the warm water was the perfect atmosphere to jointly make decisions about how to resolve any problems with George, Anne, Henry and Frances… born in that order precisely two years apart.

  Laughter was a favourite indulgence of Lizzy and Will. They routinely left bawdy notes for each other in the pockets of their clothing. Darcy once unfolded one while he was meeting with his solicitor and had to excuse himself quickly before he lost his composure. She signed her notes ‘Peach Bottom’ and he signed his ‘The Stallion’.

  One remembered note had been found on a Sunday evening when, instead of having nothing to do, he was swamped with numerous letters to write. Just as he was wishing Lizzy would come and help him complete the task, he reached into his pocket to check his watch. It was then he found her note. It had said, “I await you at the cottage. Which would you prefer to give me a moonlit swimming lesson, enjoy some fruit salad or play chess for favours?” His arousal was instant and he quickly abandoned his work and headed up the incline to his wife.

  When he arrived, she was in the doorway with Bice. The tilt of her head and her hand on her hip spoke volumes. She lifted one eyebrow and stared at him with some
sort of imitation of Lady Catherine. In fact, both Lizzy and the cat looked at him with disdain. She said, “I am pleased you were finally able to make it, Mr Darcy. I was beginning to think I was going to have to make do with my fingers.”

  He laughed at her posturing. “I am so relieved I found your note. I was overwhelmed with a mountain of correspondence, and then I had a disaster. I hurried to the cottage because I knew you would be able to help. Lizzy, will you mend my pen?”


  August, 1824

  What Should We Tell The Children?

  The first rays of sun peeking into the room awakened Will Darcy. It was warm and still in their bedchamber. At her insistence, the windows had been left wide open, and the curtains tied back to allow even the barest hint of a breeze to enter. She had slept naked, but scoffed at his request to snuggle when she had finally come to bed last night. Now she was gone. He hated waking alone, and she knew of his twelve-year need for the assurance of her presence in his bed. Most likely, she was insisting on another bath. The Pemberley staff was very fond of their mistress and always accommodated her during a heat wave. They tolerated this whim with good-humour, as it was one of the few examples of Mrs Darcy ever being demanding.

  He decided to snooze for a few more minutes before he arose and commenced looking for his wayward wife. It had been days since they had made love. Maybe she would agree to a communal bath. His eyes closed in sleep just as his morning arousal began to respond to such a thought.

  Elizabeth Darcy had, indeed, been bathing. She had refused to sleep curled up with Will, but could not refuse her frightened daughter the privilege. Mrs Hinton had knocked at around one to inform her that Franny had a nightmare and was insisting she needed her mother. As best Lizzy could tell, her youngest was traumatized by a fear of losing her shoes. Lizzy had been reading The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes to her at bedtime. She assumed the story had been the source of her apprehension… though Margaret had been given shoes… not suffered a loss. Her Franny had a history of being frightened by dreams, and Elizabeth always went to her youngest daughter. She herself had suffered similarly, and remembered fondly her mother comforting her… something that had been forgotten until her sweet baby girl exhibited the same need. Mrs Bennet had eased her fears by telling her of being wakened by bad dreams and being calmed by Lizzy’s grandmother. Elizabeth always told her Franny the same in reassurance.

  Franny had many things in common with the youthful Lizzy. She was utterly fearless and had to be restrained from attempting to do what her older siblings did. Almost daily she demanded her father buy her a pony… now that Henry had one. Unlike her sister Anne, she preferred outdoor activities. She tagged along with her brothers at every opportunity, and Elizabeth worried it was only a matter of time before she attempted tree climbing and swimming. Still she seemed to harbour some hidden source of anxiety that would sometimes be reflected by a frightening dream.

  Elizabeth had managed to sleep a few hours with her daughter, but soon her discomfort with the heat caused her to waken. She waited until six, and then rang for a bath. Her maid was expecting the possibility and quickly prepared the tub for her mistress. Warm water was not necessary as Elizabeth just wanted to remove the sticky film from her body to allow for a few more hours of slumber.

  She entered their bedchamber wrapped in her lightest robe, and the sight of her sleeping husband gave rise to laughter. Stifling back the sound of her mirth, her initial intention was not to disturb him. He was asleep on his back… sprawled naked atop the bedclothes… legs splayed… with her morning friend aloft and beckoning. As she smiled at the display, she wondered whether she should act. For days, the heat wave had put her in a mood to say no. Surely he would not object to being wakened in such a way. Now refreshed by a bath she felt up to indulging.

  Discarding her robe, she stealthily climbed in bed. She knelt beside Will’s arousal and began applying her tongue to first the tip and then the shaft. Her strokes were feather soft at first… light licks designed to ignite a response. What was pleasing to him was second nature to her now. Her subjugation of his member with her mouth was one of her talents he most enjoyed. Bella’s tips and her practice with the parsnip had been instrumental in developing her accomplishment, but it had been the praise he had heaped upon her skill that kept her active. She felt him stir as she enclosed the tip and then opened to allow him to slide deeper into her throat… while she traced the ridge along his length with her tongue. Her sucking became more demanding of his attention… and then slowed and she began to engage in nibbling the head. This teasing action resulted in a sigh of pleasure, and encouraged his hands to entangle themselves in her curls… that fell like a waterfall to obscure the source of her ministrations.

  She pulled away from his erection and began to devour those walnuts she had found years ago in their cottage. He loved it when she took each one and sucked it into her mouth and swirled her tongue around until she felt it swell and its wrinkles become smooth. Once she was satisfied they were sufficiently tantalized, she moved back to his member. Within seconds, she had him ready to push against her, and she incited him with her tongue to plunge ever deeper into her throat. His sighs had become moans and his hands were squeezing her peaches.

  “Oh luscious Lizzy, I am ready. Climb aboard and take me there.”

  She was ripe for entry, and did as he asked. Slippery from her saliva mixed with spilled anticipation, she was wet from imagining the feel of him inside. Her motion was slow and steady… pushing and pulling… rocking side to side, as she rode her mount.

  His hands were busy guiding the action and caressing her beloved bottom. The strokes of his hands were punctuated with the occasional pinch and soft slap… to urge her on to their blissful reward. He had learned long ago how much she was excited by such acts of encouragement. As they moved in unison, his lifting up was met by her driving down. Now and then, she would lean over to present his mouth with a breast to suckle, but mainly they concentrated on accentuating their joining. The muscles he had come to love squeezed with a force that spurred him on to reach the depth of her core. As they both neared the brink, his eyes captured hers. His climax was ignited by what he had come to expect with her release. It was Lizzy’s look of love—for him alone that he had seen twelve years before.

  As they prepared for their day, they killed two birds with one stone. They decided to remove the sticky sweat of bliss from their bodies and speak of their children while sharing a bath.

  “Where were you? I awoke and you were gone.”

  “Franny had a nightmare. I slept with her.” Lizzy noticed a pout on Will’s face. “You begrudge your daughter my comfort?”

  “No, but I deserve your comfort too.”

  Lizzy gave her husband the same look she gave to her children when they were too demanding. “And what do you call what I just gave you.”

  There was a hint of mischief in his eyes as he replied. “That was, indeed, comfort, but you refused me last night.”

  Despite his less than serious expression, she felt some real exasperation. “Will Darcy, you are so very greedy. Luckily none of our children seems to have inherited that trait.”

  “I am only greedy about one thing, and it remains to be seen whether any will exhibit that proclivity. You have your own insatiable appetite… just not during a heat wave. By the way, Franny has definitely inherited a tendency toward anxiety from you and your mother.”

  “I am nothing like my mother. I only worry about important things.”

  Will did not want to have this argument so he changed the subject. “I was not aware you were summoned. How were you able to hear Mrs. Hinton’s knock, and I slept through it?”

  Elizabeth was still peeved with his comparison to her mother. Her reply was civil but delivered with a hint of her sweet sarcasm. “I suppose it is because I sleep like a mother, and you sleep like a father.”

  Once again, Will tried to find a safe topic. “I am riding to Blessing today to fetch Ed
ward. Tom should arrive around noon tomorrow. Jon told me, Edward is planning to demand your brother call him Lord Colton. This happened because the last time the boys were all together, Tom insisted he is the most important because he is the uncle and five days older than Edward.”

  “Oh my, a fun time should be had by all. Those two remind me of Lydia and Kitty when they were that age—so competitive and always arguing.”

  Will nodded in agreement. He recalled his son’s reaction to the visit. “George is very excited about both Edward and Tom coming for such an extended stay, and I am certain Henry will be clamouring to go everywhere with them. Luckily George is a very honourable young man and is generous towards his guests and his younger brother.”

  Elizabeth decided to apologize for her annoyance with her next words. “Yes, he is the most like you of all the children. He resembles you, and his reserved demeanour is yours. He is dutiful—almost to a fault—like you, but luckily, he has that Fitzwilliam Darcy love of laughter. Henry is a good companion for him. George does so enjoy his brother’s irreverent humour.”

  Once again, Will spoke with a glint in his eyes, “Yes, and we know from where Henry inherited that trait.”

  She grimaced at his observation and said, “I am willing to own my culpability in his tendency toward impertinence. However, I do not remember going through a phase where I was so obsessed with the human body… at least not until I met you.”

  Her response caused Will to place his foot between her legs and wiggle his toes. She raised one eyebrow and said, “The children will be coming downstairs for breakfast in half an hour. We do not have time to play… again.”

  Will put on his most petulant expression and replied, “This is what happens when you deny me.”

  Her look was one of true exasperation. “It was four days! You have gone much longer than that when I gave birth.”


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