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Mr Darcy's Cottage of Earthly Delights

Page 49

by Beth Massey

  “Yes, a bit. First I will make certain they are not as naïve as I was. It makes no sense to keep such knowledge from them. Why wait until they are about to be married to explain relations between men and women?” She searched Will’s eyes to make sure he was not horrified by her proposal. She saw no trace of disapproval so she continued. “As you suggested, I will use the example of our family to educate them. None of their uncles or their father possesses the charm that Wickham found so easy to dispense, but each has wonderful qualities to recommend them. George and Henry will be enlisted to make sure they warn their sisters of any possible rakes or snakes. I will also encourage them to have meaningful conversations with young men… to speak of something other than the weather and the state of the roads… with your permission perhaps even allowing them some privacy to encourage such communication. Those long discussions of books during our solitary walks in the grove… were, after all was said and done, the basis for discerning your character.”

  Will listened to her words with a thoughtful expression—nodding occasionally. With her last observations he at first looked doubtful, but then smiled at the memory of their times alone in the grove at Rosings. He kissed Lizzy’s temple and whispered, “With all our children, the answers lie in being open and encouraging them to come to us for advice.”

  Lizzy felt the need to understand a bit more of her father’s ideas. “So what else does my father, the great educator, plan to do for Tom?”

  Will stood still holding her. With his arms around her, he recited from memory what Mr Bennet had told him on the occasion of George’s birth. “He plans to give Tom a well rounded education… to train him to manage Longbourn… to encourage him to read all that his library has to offer… to teach him to play chess… send him to Cambridge… see that he spends time with his sisters, nieces and nephews. He particularly wants him to spend time in London and take advantage of the great cultural opportunities that abound in that city.”

  Elizabeth expressed her next thoughts with laughter but there was poignancy in her voice. “I hope Tom receives all that Papa has planned for him. It would be a shame if he retreated to his library and once again became a hermit.”

  “Lizzy, you are too hard on him. He is just a man, and he has changed for the better. I believe you are just a bit envious that he did not have such a grand plan for his daughters.”

  “You are correct. And I was luckier than my sisters. I received the best of his love and any knowledge he felt disposed to give.” She chuckled at a thought. “He at least taught me to play chess. That is an excellent skill for learning how to outwit an opponent.” With this observation, Lizzy licked her lips and gave Will a decidedly licentious look.

  Will met her enthusiasm with a similar leer. “Your father impressed me with one other bit of strategy he developed after Tom was born. When your mother is having a bout of nerves, he no longer ridicules her. Instead he kisses her passionately and has come to realize that is an excellent way to quiet her anxiety.”

  With that disclosure, Mr Darcy did, indeed, begin to caress his wife’s lips with a silken savagery, and she welcomed the calming power of his kiss. She allowed him entry and returned his foray first with little jabs and then plunged in to explore his mouth with abandon. She rubbed against him and wiggled her body between his legs and luxuriated in feeling his arousal become poke worthy. Will whispered in her ear, “Oh my, I am to be comforted twice in one day.” Her response was to giggle.

  Within minutes their clothes were removed and they were lying on the bed where they first made love… arms and legs entangled… tongues fully engaged in waltzing. Pulling back from his mouth she said one last thing before she surrendered to her lust. “This cottage changed both our lives forever.” His reply was to merely whisper, “Yes.”


  Beth Massey lives in Chicago, high above Lake Michigan, with her husband of forty plus years. They have been activists in the struggle against war, racism, sexism and anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender bigotry for even longer than their marriage. Now that she and Bill are retired, Ms Massey spends her early mornings writing and the rest of her day in the company of her well-informed best friend and partner.

  Other titles by Beth Massey

  Goodly Creatures

  WARNING This story is about rape. It is not graphic but realistically portrays the emotional legacy of such an attack as well as portraying faithfully the attitudes of society.

  A life altering event inextricably links a fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Bennet to Fitzwilliam Darcy while simultaneously creating an almost insurmountable divide. This Pride and Prejudice deviation takes the reader on a journey through a labyrinth filled with misunderstandings, bias, guilt and fear—not to mention, laughter, animal magnetism and waltzing. As Elizabeth says, 'she shed enough tears to float one of Lord Nelson's frigates' but as she learned from her father 'unhappiness does, indeed, have comic aspects one should never underestimate.'

  Some praise for Goodly Creatures:

  “Like the world we live in, Goodly Creatures is tragic, difficult, and yet glorious as well.” Laura Hartness, Calico Critic

  “I'm glad to see that writers can still rise to the challenge of writing both a smart and entertaining novel.” DocBartlett Florida, USA

  “If you stick your head in the sand because of the rape, you'll be missing one of the best.” Steven J Zawicki VA, USA

  “So many times on my kindle, the books are over so fast. This is one of my favorite "what if" books. I highly recommend it.” Edna Says, L.I., NY

  “There were parts of the book that brought tears to my eyes there were also times where I was wearing a smile while reading. I couldn't put the book down. I loved it!” Rita

  Mr Darcy Likes It Wild

  Coming March of 2013

  A classic road trip with Mr Darcy and his new best friend, Elisha Barton. Pride and Prejudice meets Some Like it Hot.

  Davis took his master’s things. He hesitated before announcing, “Mr Darcy, there is a young man in your library waiting to see you. I tried to turn him away… asking that he leave his card or a note, but he informed me he had no cards, and he preferred not to leave a note… implying I could not be trusted to keep it confidential.” Davis’ face betrayed his anger with the visitor, but he continued without rancour in his voice. “He assured me his business was urgent and threatened me with your serious disapproval if I did not comply. The fellow is quite brash…” Davis screwed up his face in thought. “And perhaps a bit desperate… there is something about him that makes me think his bravado is false. Though he speaks well, his clothing is dated and far from the finest quality. I believe him very young; and of all things, he insisted on waiting in the library as opposed to your study. His name is Elisha Bartlett.”

  Blast! He could not recall the name. Darcy preferred not to have to entertain a visitor at this moment. He wanted to focus on preserving his friendship with Charles. Within the next day or so he should either tell him the truth or continue on with the web of deception he had allowed Miss Bingley to weave.

  Darcy saw no one as he opened the door. A jacket was thrown across the back of a chair. Davis was right, it was an old fashioned cut. A noise above caused him to look up. A slender, more boy than young man, stood on the top rung of the library ladder. He took in the lines of the boy’s body as he leaned forward to concentrate fully on a row of books beyond his reach. Darcy was happy he had not been noticed yet, because it gave him time to figure out his sudden inexplicable reaction to the rear displayed above him. The Master of Pemberley’s body had been stirred by a boy’s posterior.



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