The Beast’s Fake Marriage

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The Beast’s Fake Marriage Page 15

by Bree Livingston

  She’d taken the money and started the Guardian Group with a group of ex-Army Rangers. They took on cases that regular law enforcement couldn’t. From what Rowan understood, the elite team she’d assembled was the best, and at the moment, that’s exactly what he needed.

  “I need your help. Well, you and your team.”

  “Give me the details, and I’ll see what I can do.”

  He started from the beginning, telling her everything he knew. “I need security. This man has already tried to kill her once. He will not get a second chance. I will pay you whatever you need to make sure this property is secure and Isabeau feels safe.”

  Pamela laughed. “You know I don’t need the money.”

  Rowan knew. He didn’t know how much wealth she had, but he knew it was enough to make a difference in the lives of everyday people. “I know, but in the future, should you need anything, I’ll owe you.”

  “I don’t deal in favors, love. If I need your help, I’ll ask, but I’m not doing this to gain obligation.”

  Rowan smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Who all will be at the house?”

  “Me, Isabeau, and her friend Kelsey. Retta will be in tomorrow. Ulysses is in New York at the moment.”

  Pamela chuckled. “I might have to come just to see Retta.”

  “I’m sure she’d like that.”

  “I’ll have a team there in thirty. Do you have a room they can call base until this guy is caught?”

  “They can have my office. I’ll send out a notice tonight that I’ve had a family emergency and will be out until further notice.”

  “That’ll work.”

  “Thank you.”

  “See you soon, Rowan.”

  He ended the call and then dialed his uncle to let him know what was going on. They decided that Ulysses would stay in New York for the time being. During the call, his phone chirped, alerting him to Kelsey’s arrival at the gate. He gave her entrance, and on his way to fetch her at the front door, he ended his call with his uncle.

  As she stepped inside, she said, “Thank you so much for this. I can’t—”

  He held up his hand. “Isabeau loves you. That’s all I need.” He took her bag and motioned for her to follow him. “She’s in my room.”

  “When I got the call, I knew she wasn’t going to take it well. No one would.”

  Rowan shot her a glance. “No one should have to. There’s no excuse for him being released. Allowing his father to manipulate the system for as long as he did shows gross incompetence. They’ll be lucky if I don’t sue the county.”

  She grinned. “I really like you.”

  Well, he did appreciate that. Her friend liking him was a point in his favor. “I care about her, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure she stays safe,” he said as they entered his room.

  Kelsey quickly walked to Isabeau and sat beside her. “Oh, she’s white as a sheet.”

  “I barely caught her before she hit the ground. Some of her color has actually come back.”

  With her gaze on Isabeau, Kelsey asked, “Has she told you the whole story?”

  “She did today. Which was a good thing; otherwise, the DA would have told me nothing.”

  Kelsey pulled her gaze from Isabeau. “It’s been horrible. He’s terrorized her for over two years now.”

  “I’ve got a private security company on the way. It shouldn’t be long before they’re here. Do you think you were followed?”

  Her mouth dropped. “I don’t think so. I was in such a hurry to get here that I didn’t pay attention.”

  He hadn’t meant to stress her. “It’ll be fine. I was only asking because I’m sure the security team will ask me. I know this company, and they’re thorough.”

  Kelsey’s shoulders rounded. “Okay.”

  Silence stretched a moment before Rowan said, “Isabeau doesn’t remember what happened.”

  “I know.” She pulled her phone from her pocket, touched the screen a few times, and then handed it to him. “This is how she looked when I walked into her hospital room. I’d taken the first flight out, so it hadn’t been long when I saw her.”

  Rowan covered his mouth with his hand as he took in the picture. His heart broke. His Isabeau was so beaten she was unrecognizable. So many tubes and wires.

  “Steven turned off her alarm system before she got home from work and hid in the pantry, waiting for her. He hit her from behind, beat her, and then stabbed her multiple times. I don’t even know how she survived.”

  Taking his gaze from the phone, he handed it back to Kelsey. The image wasn’t something he’d soon forget. “If he tries to touch her again, I’ll kill him.”

  “I’ve never cried so hard in my life. Izzy is the sweetest, kindest person I’ve ever known. And she’s always been like that.” She pushed Isabeau’s hair from her face and took her hand. “I moved to Portland after my accident. Most kids avoided me like I was diseased. Not Izzy. She just marched right up and declared us friends. She never treated me different.”

  “Yes, I’m keenly aware of how special she is.” His phone chirped, and he straightened as he allowed them entrance. “That’s security. I’m going to get them settled in, and I’ll be back shortly. If either of you need anything at all, just let me know.”

  Kelsey stood and walked to him. “I can’t thank you enough. For her, me. She said you were sweet.”

  His cheeks burned. “Yes, well, I’ll be back shortly.” He took one last look at Isabeau and left the room, quickly reaching the door and opening it to a group of men that made him glad he was the one asking for the help. “Pamela’s team?”

  “That’s us,” the guy in front said. “Mind if we come in and get things set up?”

  Rowan waved them in. “Follow me.” He took them to his office, and they filed in. “You’re free to use this space, or any space, for that matter.”

  “Thanks.” The same guy shook his hand. “I’m Noah Wolf.” He pointed as he introduced the rest of the team. “That’s Ryder, Gunner, Isaiah, Mason, and Kolby.”

  Each of the men shook Rowan’s hand as Noah introduced them. “Thank you for helping,” Rowan said. “Will more be coming?”

  Noah grinned. “We’re all you’ll need.”

  “I believe you.”

  Ryder tapped Noah. “I’m going to get started on the cameras.”

  Noah nodded. “Is the target upstairs?”

  “Her name is Isabeau, and yes, she’s upstairs with her friend Kelsey. Right now, there are only three of us here. I told Pamela that Retta, my…” He paused. Retta wasn’t just some cook. This man needed to know she was just as important as the two women upstairs. “…mother, will be in tomorrow.”

  “Kelsey just arrived, didn’t she?”

  Rowan lifted an eyebrow. “Yes.”

  Noah grinned. “There’s steam still coming from the engine. Do you think she was followed?”

  “I asked. She said she didn’t think so.”

  “Okay. Good to know. We’ll get to work,” Noah said.

  “Thank you.” Rowan left his office.

  It wasn’t until he was at the base of the stairs that he realized he hadn’t hidden from those men. When had he become comfortable in his own skin? When was the last time he even thought about hiding his face? It had been weeks. Even after overhearing what he thought was Isabeau calling him ugly, he hadn’t hidden from her…not his face, at least.

  He smiled as he took the stairs two at a time. Yeah, he could definitely say she’d upended his world, his thoughts, and more than anything, he hoped she would upend his future, because he wanted nothing more than to spend his life with her.

  As he walked into his room, his gaze landed on Isabeau, who was now awake and sitting up. “Are you okay?”

  Her smile hit all the right notes for him. “Yes, I’m okay.” She took Kelsey’s hand. “Thank you so much for letting her come stay here.”

  “I thought you’d feel better if she was here, and this way I can keep her safe too

  Kelsey patted her hand. “Do you mind if I make us some tea?” she asked Rowan.

  “My home is yours. Feel free to go wherever and use whatever you need.”

  “Thank you,” she said and glanced at Isabeau. He didn’t miss the sly smile she shot in Isabeau’s direction. “I’ll be right back.” She stood and left the room.

  Rowan waited until she was gone and then took a seat next to Isabeau. “Your color has returned. That’s a good sign.”

  “Kelsey told me you hired a security firm?” She pushed up and kneeled on the bed.

  “I have a friend of the family who works with a group of men who provide security for people in need. I called her and told her what was going on. That’s why I wasn’t here when you woke up. I was downstairs talking to them.”

  She hugged him around the neck. “Thank you. Thank you so very much. I’ll never be able to say it enough.”

  “You just have.”

  Isabeau leaned back and took his face in her hands. “You mean the absolute world to me, Rowan Masters.”

  “I just want you to feel safe.”

  “I do.” She touched her lips to his and pulled back slightly.

  Just as she leaned in again, Kelsey said, “Hey, I’m back.”

  Isabeau held his gaze. “This isn’t over.”

  “I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something?” Kelsey asked.

  Rowan stood. “No, but I think this is my cue to leave.”

  Isabeau’s cheeks bloomed apple-red as she smiled. “Do you want us to go to my room?”

  He shook his head. “No, you stay here. You don’t like that other room.”

  “Where will you sleep?”

  “I’ll be fine. Enjoy visiting with Kelsey. If you need me, I’ll be downstairs.”


  With one last look, he strode out of the room with a smile on his face. He loved her. It was desperate and deep, and nothing less than forever would work anymore.

  Chapter 23

  Kelsey tipped her head in the direction Rowan went and smiled as she sat next to Izzy on the bed, setting the tray on the nightstand. “He is sweet.”

  Izzy nodded. “Without a doubt, the sweetest man I’ve ever known.”

  “And you’re in love with him.”

  “Totally and hopelessly.” She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “I haven’t told him yet. I was going to tell him once he had a chance to process the fact that I had a stalker and I was attacked, but now that Steven is free again, I don’t know if I should. At least, not until he’s recaptured.”

  “Maybe that won’t take long. Rowan seemed to have a lot of faith in the security team he hired.”

  “It’s almost Christmas. I don’t want this hanging over me anymore. I want this man caught and imprisoned.” Izzy held out her hand. “Could I see your phone?”


  “Just trust me.” Inside, Izzy was a nervous wreck. She was about to do something she thought she’d never have the courage to do. Look at the aftermath of Steven’s attack on her.

  Kelsey handed her the phone, and Izzy quickly found the photograph. She put her fingers to her lips. The person lying in the hospital bed in no way looked like her, but she knew it was. “It’s not okay that he did this.”

  “Did you look at that picture?”

  Izzy nodded. “Yes, because I needed to confront what happened. What Steven has done to me is wrong. It wasn’t my fault that he did this. None of it was, and I’m tired of feeling shame for something I had no control over.”

  Kelsey smiled. “What brought this about?”

  “Rowan called me courageous, but I’m not. My scars are hidden behind clothing. The emotional and mental damage is something no one can see. I’ve used that anonymity to make myself seem fearless when I’m not. I want to be the courageous person he thinks I am. I want my peace back, and I want Rowan. The only way I’ll have that is by taking control.”

  “That’s really good, Izzy. I think that when he’s caught again, if you tell the judge how he’s personally impacted your life, letting them see you and put more than just a face with what happened, but a whole person, that it will help you and influence how long they sentence Steven.”

  Izzy stood. “I want to help catch him.”


  “I want to help. I have an idea. It’s scary, but I think it’ll work.” Izzy waved for Kelsey to follow her. “I need to talk to that security team.”

  Kelsey followed her out of the room. “I have a feeling this idea isn’t going to go over well.”

  “Probably not, but I’ll risk it.”

  They reached the office and found the door open. Two men were sitting at Rowan’s desk while one was talking with Rowan, who stood in the middle of the room with his arms crossed over his chest. He turned his head just as she and Kelsey walked in. “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine, but I think I might have a way to catch Steven.”

  Rowan dropped his arms and motioned to the man by him. “This is Noah Wolf.” He stepped aside and waved to the two behind his desk. “That’s Ryder and Kolby.”

  The two men waved and continued with whatever they were working on.

  Noah stuck out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  As Izzy shook his hand, she said, “This is my friend Kelsey.”

  He shook her hand and smiled. “Two beautiful women in the same house.” He winked and glanced at Rowan. “No wonder you don’t like leaving your home.”

  Kelsey turned six shades of red, and Izzy couldn’t help but laugh. Noah was incredibly attractive. The two behind the desk weren’t bad either. One had movie-star looks, and the other looked like he’d just jogged in from the beach.

  Rowan cleared his throat. “What idea did you have?”

  He was going to hate it, and if she was honest, if the roles were reversed, she’d feel the same way. “Use me as bait.”

  Rowan’s eyes widened. “Absolutely not. He’s already tried to kill you.”

  “Hear me out.”

  Rowan shook his head. “No. I will not let you put yourself in danger.”

  How could she make him understand? “I have lived with crippling fear since this whole thing started. I have been afraid of my own shadow. Afraid to even get in my car because I didn’t know if that man would be hiding in it. I can’t live like that anymore.”

  “Actually, it’s a great idea,” Noah said. “If we’re there, she’ll be completely safe.”

  Rowan pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s not safe.”

  Noah touched his arm. “But she needs this. I’ve worked with women who’ve been assaulted like this. They need to have the ability to take their power back.”

  “Exactly,” Izzy said. “I want my power back. I want my face to be the last thing he sees before being shoved in a police car, knowing it was me who did it.”

  Rowan looked from Noah to Izzy and back. “We’d all be there?”

  “More than likely, he thinks she’s staying at my apartment. That’s where her mail was being forwarded before she moved here,” Kelsey said. “I could act like I was leaving for a conference or something and let him think she’s alone.”

  Noah nodded. “That’s a great idea. A contained space. We’ll all be close, and the second he makes an appearance, we’ll grab him.”

  “List the things that could go wrong,” Rowan said.

  “Any number of things can go wrong, but if we plan well, even if something does go wrong, she’ll be safe,” Noah said, maintaining eye contact with Rowan. “I will not allow anything to happen to her.”

  “See? This is the best chance I have of being free of him,” Izzy said.

  Rowan nodded, but she could sense his unease. “I don’t like it, but this is your call, and I’ll support you. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Izzy nodded. “Yes.”

  “All right. We’ll get working on it,” Noah said. “Kelsey, would you mind givi
ng us a rundown of your apartment complex?”

  “I’ll do anything I can to help,” Kelsey replied.

  Izzy took Rowan’s hand. “Can we talk in private a minute?”

  “I think that’s a great idea.”

  They left the office, shutting the door behind them, and stopped at the stairs. Izzy turned to him. “I know you hate it, and I’m sorry.”

  Rowan cupped her cheek. “I hate it because the idea of you being in the same room with him terrifies me.”

  “I know, but it’s almost Christmas. I want to drink hot chocolate, sit by the fire, and not have to worry that somewhere in Dallas is a man who wants to hurt me.”

  “I know. Well, I don’t know, but I’m trying to understand.”

  Izzy smiled. “It’s only because of you that I’ve got this opportunity.”

  “I think you would have found a way, regardless of me being in the picture.”

  She hugged him around the neck, and he took her by the waist, lifting her off the ground. Pulling back, she slipped her fingers in his hair. “You know what I did notice?”


  “You weren’t hiding from those men. I’m so proud of you. You think that I’m sunshine, but you don’t realize just how bright you make things for me.”

  He chuckled. “I think I have you to thank for that.”

  He was everything she wanted. His laugh, the sparkle in his eyes, the way he cared for her. She brushed the back of her hand along his cheek and touched her lips to his. No, she didn’t just want him, she needed him. His heart was beautiful. Steven had taken that word and twisted it, and Rowan had given it back to her.

  Squeezing her tighter, he deepened the kiss. His kisses were so sweet they made time stand still. Her heart pounded in her ears as he left her lips and trailed feathery kisses along her jaw. She threaded her fingers through his hair, and goosebumps lined her arms. A soft moan escaped from her as his lips parted and brushed across her neck, stopping at her ear, and he pressed a kiss just behind it.

  “Uh, guys, I think we have something worked out. I thought you’d want to know,” Noah called from the office.

  “We’ll be right there,” Rowan replied, his voice low and unsteady.

  Izzy smiled as their eyes locked. “People are bound and determined to interrupt us.”


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