The Beast’s Fake Marriage

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The Beast’s Fake Marriage Page 16

by Bree Livingston

  “I’d say that was a good and proper kiss.”

  She shook her head. “Not nearly as good and proper as I want it to be.”

  He plunged his hand into her hair and kissed her again.

  Pulling back slightly, he said, “As much as I’d like to continue this, I think they’re waiting on us.”

  Pressing light kisses on his lips, she nodded. “I think they are too.”

  “Let’s get this monster locked up.”

  Izzy smiled. She couldn’t agree more. Getting Steven out of her life for good was what she needed. Even more, she needed Rowan. She’d face whatever fears and doubts she had in order to be with him. No, she’d do anything and everything to be with him.

  Chapter 24

  Over the course of the next week, Noah and his team moved into the apartment next door to Kelsey’s. The occupants were eager to help once they understood the situation. Noah explained to Rowan, Isabeau, Kelsey, and Retta that it was better to move slow so that if Steven was watching the complex, he wouldn’t get suspicious and flee.

  Retta had been visibly shaken when she returned and found out what had happened. She hated the idea of Isabeau being alone as much as Rowan did, which is why he was now pacing the small apartment next door to the one Isabeau called home prior to moving into his. He hated feeling so confined, but he was also unwilling to leave her alone, and next door was as much space as he was willing to give.

  “Can you hear me?” Isabeau’s voice filtered through the listening device hidden in the apartment.

  They’d set up those and sensors to notify them if or when he broke in. Today Isabeau had made a big show of moving back in, hoping to entice the creep to make a move. Rowan hated it. He supported her desire to face her fear, to gain her power back, and confront her attacker, but he hated that he wasn’t with her.

  He stopped stone-still in the middle of the room, ready to present an idea he’d been working on. “What if Steven thought she was dating someone? Would he be more inclined to try something?”

  While Noah and his team were setting up in the apartment, Rowan had planned a date for Isabeau in the hopes that they’d agree with him. If they said no, no loss, but he didn’t want to be in a lurch, trying to figure out what to do if they went with it. He’d even purchased a Maserati two days prior, just so he could take her somewhere. With him not leaving his home in so long, he had no need for a car, but if she decided to stay with him, he planned to make dates with her a habit. He was thankful Texas allowed online driver’s license renewal and that he’d had the frame of mind to use it.

  Gunner bobbed his head. “Based on his personality profile, I don’t think he’d be able to resist. I suspect the second you left, he’d be trying to get to her. He considers her his property. The idea that another man would touch her would drive him insane.”

  “But you guys are here. Once I drop her off, the instant he shows, you’ll grab him, right?” They’d tried to ease his worry, but it wasn’t something words could squelch. He loved her, and the very thought that she might get hurt tore him to pieces. Then a better thought hit him. “What if I waited and doubled back around? I don’t like the idea of not being there when he’s taken into custody.”

  Noah nodded. “You could do that. You’d need to be really careful. We don’t want to spook him.”

  “If you’re going to do that,” Gunner said, “you need to park far enough away that it looks like you’ve left.” He stood and grabbed a bag that he handed to Rowan as he stopped next to him. “These binoculars will allow you to watch from a safe distance.”

  Rowan hadn’t expected that from Gunner. The man struck him as someone who didn’t take things seriously too often. “Thank you.”

  “My sister was stalked briefly. I know how you feel.” Gunner shot Noah a glance. “These guys helped me.”

  “I appreciate it,” Rowan said.

  “Gunner and I will follow you to the restaurant too. That way, if he tries something, we’ll be there.”

  “I like that idea even better. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date to attend.” He left the apartment and stopped in front of Isabeau’s door. Nervous energy bubbled through him. He couldn’t remember the last date he went on, and this one meant more to him than just some date. He knocked twice before it opened.

  Isabeau smiled. “Rowan, hey. What’s going on?”

  “I thought we’d go on a date.”

  Her lips parted, and the corners tipped up. “A date?”

  His heart skipped a beat. What if she said no? He hadn’t thought of that until just that moment. “If you would do me the honor.”

  “I’m not really dressed for a date, but I’d love to.”

  So she thought. Her little white jeans fit her like a glove, and her off-the-shoulder flower-print blouse showed off her soft skin. Her hair bounced around her shoulders in soft waves that fell to her collarbone. She couldn’t have been more stunning. “You look lovely, Isabeau, as always.”

  Her smile stretched wider. “Okay.” She tangled her fingers in his, shut the door, and locked it.

  “Is there something you’re craving?” he asked.

  “Other than time with you? No.”

  The answer caught him off guard, and his cheeks heated. “And you call me charming.”

  “Because you are. I was only answering a question.”


  She giggled, and it was like bubbles in a champagne glass. “So, where are we going?”

  “You’ll see,” he said and winked.

  When they got to his car, Isabeau gasped. “This looks brand new.”

  Rowan smiled. “It is. I haven’t had a desire to drive a car since the accident. Let’s just say I have a renewed interest.” He held her door, and she got in. He jogged around the front and slipped into the driver’s seat.

  He’d been a nervous wreck the first time he sat behind the wheel. It had been so long since he’d held a steering wheel in his hands. It brought back painful memories, but he was also learning that he couldn’t continue to live in the past.

  When they arrived at the restaurant, he handed the keys to a valet, and Isabeau linked arms with him as they walked in. Once they were seated in a quaint booth located in the back of the restaurant, she turned to him and said, “I’m underdressed for this place.”

  “No, you’re not. You are dressed perfectly.”

  “I’m in jeans and a simple blouse. All these other women are in fancy dresses.”

  Laughter erupted from a small group sitting not too far away, and Rowan glanced over, catching one of the women staring. Or at least it felt like she was.

  Isabeau covered his hand with hers, recapturing his attention. It was a small gesture with immense relief.

  “Just keep your focus here,” she said and smiled.

  Nodding, he took her chin in his fingers. “All of them wish they were as lovely as you. You are perfect just as you are.”

  Isabeau moved in like she was about to kiss him, when a waiter stopped at their table to take their drink order. Isabeau muttered something about interruptions under her breath, and it took work not to chuckle.

  As soon as the man left, she circled her arms around his neck and kissed him. Man, he wanted to tell her he loved her. He wanted it so badly he ached, but not when she was dealing with so much already. Plus, he didn’t want to add to that the weight of a commitment and thoughts of forever.

  The waiter returned with their drinks and left again.

  “He didn’t take our orders,” Isabeau said.

  Rowan smiled. “Because I called ahead and spoke to the chef. He’s making us something special. Kelsey said your favorite meal is seafood risotto and your favorite dessert is strawberry pie.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You did this all for me?”

  “I know you’ve been stressed, and I wanted to give you an hour or two of enjoyment.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes.

  He tilted his head as his heart sank. “Did
I do something wrong? We don’t have to stay.”

  She shook her head. “No, this couldn’t be more perfect, but how will I ever be able to do something like this for you?”

  Why would she think she needed to? “Isabeau, haven’t you realized already? You do every time you walk in the room.”

  Before she could respond, the waiter stopped at their table again with their food. Once he left, she palmed the spot over her heart. “I don’t think I can express just how overwhelmed I am right now. You are the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful man I’ve ever met.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  “Only because you’re here.” Her eyes twinkled, and the smile she gave him was soft and sweet and tempting to taste.

  Dinner was filled with stolen glances, sweet smiles, and laughter. The conversation topics ranged from her favorite painting to his favorite baseball team. At first, when he was planning the date, he’d been a little worried about being in public, but then he realized it was stupid. And if anyone was staring, he didn’t care anymore. He was burned in a car accident. There was nothing he could do to change it and not living was wasting his life.

  It made him wonder why he’d allowed people to take away his confidence and his ability to enjoy life. But he had to admit, he wouldn’t change a thing. He’d met a woman he could see himself loving for the rest of his life. Twelve years was nothing if it meant he got to be with her.

  Chapter 25

  Isabeau didn’t want dinner to end. Rowan had planned something so special for her, and he’d even stepped out of his comfort zone to do it. Until tonight, she didn’t think she could love him any more, but somehow, he’d managed it.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to use the restroom. But this conversation isn’t over. I haven’t had this much fun in so long.”

  Rowan stood and took her hand as she stood. “The night doesn’t end until you say it does.”

  How about never? “I hope you’re ready to stay up late.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll be here when you get back.”

  As she walked to the bathroom, she covered her cheek with her hand. She’d smiled so much that her face hurt. After she finished using the restroom, she started to unlock the stall, just as she heard the door open and a faint click as it shut.

  Immediately, she knew without a doubt Steven had found her.

  “Izzy,” he said in a sing-song voice.

  For a second, fear gripped her. This man had caused her immeasurable grief, and she was done being a victim. She pulled out her phone and quickly sent a text to Rowan.

  As she opened the stall door, she stepped out and found Steven standing near the bathroom door. His blonde hair was stringy, his eyes were bloodshot, and his clothing reeked of alcohol.

  “There’s my girl.”

  “I am not your girl.”

  “But we’re destined to be together.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the bathroom door opening and Noah quietly easing inside. Before he could pounce, she held her hand out. Izzy needed to say a few things to Steven, and now that she knew for a fact she was safe, she wasn’t going to hold back.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “You tried to kill me. That’s not love.”

  He raked his hand through his hair. “That was a mistake. I’m sorry. I was just so mad, and you filed that restraining order and hurt me.”

  “Hurt you?” She pinched her lips together. Her blood boiled. “Have you lived in fear for over a year? Do you have scars where someone stabbed you three times? Did you have your cheek surgically remodeled because you’d been beaten so badly that it was crushed? I did. You hurt me. You terrorized me. Made me afraid to leave my home. Cost me my job and my license. Took my dignity. Stole my peace. I have nightmares because of you.”

  “But, honey,—”

  “Don’t you ever call me that. I am not your honey, darling, or beautiful. Nothing to you. And the next time you’re in front of a judge, I’m going to be there. I’m going to tell them what you did to me. I won’t allow you to steal anything else from me.”

  Steven clenched his fists. “We’ll see about that. You’re mine and always will be.”

  “Isabeau,” Rowan said as he pushed through the door.

  Steven started toward her, and Noah moved to grab him.

  “No, Noah,” Izzy called out. “I’m ready for him this time.”

  Rushing the rest of the distance, Steven grabbed her by the wrist.

  It was like a switch went off in her. She pulled away from him, grabbed his hand and twisted his arm behind his back, and smashed his face into the wall. He stumbled back and fell to the floor. As he tried to stand, she slammed the flat of her hand into his nose and heard it break.

  “If you get up, the next time I hit you, it won’t be your face.” She lifted her gaze and found Noah, Gunner, and Rowan standing there.

  A moment passed, and then all three clapped. “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you beat down a creep,” Noah said.

  The sound of a ripping shirt filtered through the room as Gunner yanked him off the floor. “Come on, I have some friends who’d like a word with you.”

  Noah followed Gunner out, leaving them alone.

  Rowan walked to her, wrapped his arms around her, and picked her up. “We heard everything. Gunner recorded the whole thing. You were fantastic.”

  She tilted her head. “You did?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, didn’t you mean to have your phone on speaker?”

  “No. I didn’t even realize I’d called you after I sent the text.”

  “Well, you did. You were so great. Do you feel any different?”

  She circled her arms around his neck. “I feel…” She wanted to say, I feel wonderful because I can tell you I love you, but she didn’t want to tell him that in the middle of the women’s bathroom. She wanted it to be as romantic a setting as Rowan had given her. “I feel free. I got to tell him all the things I’ve wanted to say.”

  With one last tight hug, Rowan set her feet on the floor. “He’s not getting out this time.”

  “I know. You won’t let him.”

  “He committed a crime in Texas, and I have some very powerful friends. By the time he returns to Portland, he’ll wish he’d never stepped foot in this bathroom.”

  A policeman stopped at the entrance of the bathroom. “If you wouldn’t mind stepping outside, we have some questions for you, and we need to get your statement.”

  Izzy nodded. “Okay.”

  She was free. She was free to live, to love, to walk down the street without fear. And as soon as things settled down, she was going to tell Rowan that she wanted to live with him and love on him for the rest of her life.

  Chapter 26

  With a yawn, Rowan shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Now that Steven was in jail, Noah and his team were gone, and Isabeau had moved her things back to his house. At night after Retta and Ulysses left, it was just him and Isabeau again. The last week and a half had been so different with her. Something had changed, and she’d been quiet since Steven’s arrest.

  He’d taken to sleeping in of the extra bedrooms so she could stay in his room. The stiff mattress had given him a new appreciation for his bed. It was middle of the night on Christmas Eve, and he’d been tossing and turning since he’d lain down. He’d come to the kitchen, thinking maybe some hot tea would help him sleep.

  “Hi,” Isabeau said as she sat on a stool.

  He startled and took a deep breath. “I wasn’t expecting you to be awake.”

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Obviously, I can’t either.” He smiled.

  She nodded. “I can sleep in my room so you can have your bed back.”

  “You will not, but I’m wondering why you’re having trouble sleeping. Are you having nightmares?”

  “No.” She pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth, and it looked as though a war was raging in her. “I have to tell you something.�

  He’d yet to confess his feelings for her because he wanted to give her time and space to deal with the emotions from the night at the restaurant without adding anything extra to her plate. “Okay.”

  “I wanted to plan something special and wonderful, but I can’t wait anymore.”

  She slipped off the stool and walked to him. Casting her gaze to the floor, she said, “I’ve been wracking my brain, trying to think of something to get you for Christmas.”

  “You don’t—”

  “I do, though, and this is going to sound arrogant, maybe, but I’d like…I’d like to give you me.” She lifted her head, and their eyes locked. “I’m in love with you. I’ve wanted to tell you, but—”

  She loved him? She loved him. His pulse rocketed. Isabeau loved him. He wrapped his arms around her, lifted her off the ground, and kissed her. “I love you. I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you. I love you with all my heart. I’d like to rip that contract to shreds. I don’t want you to ever leave.”

  Circling her arms around his neck, she brushed her lips across his. “I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. Every piece of me loves every inch of you, inside and out. I think I would fall apart if I had to leave you.”

  “I couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present.”

  As she touched her lips to his again, she palmed the side of his face. This is what he wanted, and the only one he wanted to hold forever was her. She was soft and sweet, and he loved her more than anything. He pressed light kisses from one freckled cheek to the other, breathing her in as he did.

  She buried her hands in his hair, brought his lips back to her, and instantly deepened the kiss. He tightened his hold on her and enjoyed the comfort of her warmth. The sweetness of her lips. The soft moans coming from her as she kissed him.

  When it felt like his lungs would explode, she broke the kiss and nuzzled his neck. “I’m sleeping in a very large, very comfortable bed, and I was wondering if my husband might like to join me.” She leaned back. “I love you, Rowan. I love you so much.”


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