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MIKE The Firefighters of Station 8

Page 24

by Samanthya Wyatt

  Cassie already held his heart.



  The man in the hospital was not his brother. Did the guy have a horseshoe up his ass?

  Twice he’d schemed and twice he’d fumbled.

  Maybe he needed some help.

  Seth pulled his cell from his pocket and hit the keypad.

  “Carl. It’s me.”

  “Seth? Been a while, man.”

  “Yeah. Got anything goin’ on?”

  “Naw. I need a job. You got something?”

  “Sure do. Taking a man out.”

  “No shit. You got a plan?”

  “Got several plans, but the guy is a fireman. Got the eye of the public, you know what I mean?”

  “That will bring some heavy heat.”

  “Yeah. I’ll give you the details of why later. You in?”

  “Sure, man. I owe ya.”

  “Good. When can we meet?”

  Seth agreed to the place and time, then ended the call. He shoved his phone back in his pocket, turned around, and—


  One of the nurses stood glaring at him. Then she stuck her prissy-ass nose in the air and walked on down the hallway.


  How much did she hear?

  Seth thought back over his conversation, trying to remember the exact words he’d said. Was there anything to incriminate him?

  Just what he needed. A nosy nurse. A loose mouth. Someone to finger him.

  Could this night get any worse?

  Chapter 25

  Cassie went for coffee when the doctor came to examine Mike. He could use some alone-time and she needed to freshen up. She checked her appearance in the mirror and decided it was good enough. In the large waiting area downstairs, she grabbed a newspaper and scanned the headlines. Mike was ready to leave when she returned to his room. Mint soap wafted to her nostrils. Not the usual spicy musk, but still, he smelled nice. Stubble on his jaw, he looked good enough to eat.

  Without warning, he grabbed her and planted his mouth on hers. Her hand slid to the back of his neck as she gave in to the desire his blistering kiss ignited. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against his arousal. Good Lord, she’d only been gone a short while. She wished they were anywhere but here.

  When he finally released her, she sucked in air. “Hmmm. Did you miss me? I haven’t been gone that long.”

  “Long enough. Come on. Let’s get out of here.” With his release papers in one hand and her fingers in the other, he pulled her down the corridor.

  Mike remained quiet on the ride home. Driving him to her place reminded her of the last time she’d driven him to her apartment. The night he’d saved that woman from her car crash. But then, on that particular ride, he’d been asleep.

  “Where are we going?” Mike asked.

  “I thought I’d take you to my place.”

  “You don’t need to be my nurse. I’m fine. Besides, I need a change of clothes.”

  “What makes you think you need them?” She glanced in his direction and heat flared in her belly from the fire she saw in his burning eyes. “Do you want me to wreck?”

  “I didn’t touch you.” His voice was low enough to send tingling vibrations down her back.

  “But you’re looking at me like you want to devour me.”

  “Then keep your eyes on the road.”

  She tried. “Doesn’t help.”

  “You’re the one talking about not needing clothes,” his deep voice rumbled.

  The pressure in her belly rose to her chest. Damn, it was hot in here. He laughed and she glanced at him again.

  “You think this is funny?”

  “Damn right I do. You’re horny and can’t do a thing about it.” He leaned his head back on the headrest, his knees bumping the dash. He completely filled the space in her car. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I’ll scratch that itch as soon as we get there.

  Cassie almost stomped on the gas pedal. What kept her from it, she wasn’t sure.

  Another ten minutes and she pulled into a parking space at her apartment complex.

  “We’re here.” Cassie had no idea why she felt the need to say that.

  Mike snapped his seatbelt and was out of the car before she turned off the engine. Her nerves tingled on the back of her neck. When her car door opened, Mike stood there glaring down at her, his eyes blazing with intent. She gathered her keys and grabbed her purse. Anticipation jacked up her eagerness making her edgy. By the time they got to her door, anxiety had traveled to her fumbling fingers. Mike took her keys and opened the lock.

  They barely made it inside when he grabbed her and pinned her to the door. He devoured her mouth with a passion bordering obsession and she clung to him with equal fervor. She arched toward him, wanting to crawl inside his skin, kissing him with all the urgency and anxiety she’d contained since hearing he’d been shot.

  His mouth moved to her jaw, where he left a blazing trail of hot kisses down the side of her neck. Her eyes closed, she allowed her head to fall back on the wood. Mike was here. She could have lost him. She tightened her hold and sank into the warmth of his body. His lips grazing her skin, his hands holding her hips …

  “Is this what you want?” he whispered. “I want you, Cassie. All of you. You excite me beyond all reason.” He nipped, then laved with his tongue.

  “Yes. I want you so bad I’m shaking. Make love to me, Mike.”

  With a growl, he scooped her up into his powerful, strong arms. She pressed her cheek into the curve of his neck, giving him an open mouth kiss, then a little suction.

  He jerked. “God, woman. I can’t wait to get you naked. But this time, we’re making it farther than the door.”

  She gave a little laugh, but never moved her lips from his delectable neck.

  In her bedroom, he lowered her feet to the floor, then delved his tongue into her mouth and tore at her clothes. Breathing hard, he ripped each item away. When she stood completely naked, his eyes blazed, giving her no doubt to his hunger.

  Unable to do anything else, she stared at him and watched as he removed every stitch of his own clothing down to the last piece. He had an impressive body, all bronze and solid muscle. She was fascinated by the size of his arousal. Standing at attention, pointing up in the air. Long, thick … glorious.

  She met his gaze. He wanted her with an intensity that took her breath.

  His eyes darkened as his gaze roamed over her like a lover’s caress, heating her blood from the tips of her breasts to her woman’s core. She would always remember this moment. His proud stance, his adoration.

  He stepped forward and with the gentlest of touches, scooped her up. He lowered her to the bed then crawled beside her. She trembled with eagerness. Slowly and ever so sensuously, he kissed her cheek, her jaw, the side of her mouth. Her eyes closed as she swam in breathtaking wonder. Enjoying this perfect man making love to her, and feeling like a woman being cherished more than she ever thought possible.

  He laced his fingers with hers and raised her arms above her head. He did not rush, but blazed a fiery trail with his mouth and tongue. Sensations bombarded her, from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. He circled her breasts with his tongue and a series of open mouth kisses, carefully avoiding her nipples, prolonging her torture. She didn’t think she could take anymore when he finally latched onto one pebble and suckled. The scalding heat of his mouth on her breast flooded her insides, scampered through her veins and settled in a sweltering pool in her womb. When he paid homage to her other breast, cool air tickled her skin where his lips and mouth had been.

  His teeth scraped, sparking a rush of tingling hunger. She stretched and arched and silently begged for more. Her mind kept chanting Mike, Mike, Mike. His fingers slid down over her rib cage to her navel, caressing her belly. She held her breath. As his hand drifted lower, she bit her lip, but could no longer hold back a moan.

  He whispered in her ear. “You’re mine.” At the
same time, he pushed his finger inside, as if staking his claim. Her shriek turned into a gasp as his hungry mouth covered hers in a hot, fierce kiss.

  He inserted another finger, stroking her core, melting her bones, bringing her to erotic heights. She opened her legs wider and writhed under his ministrations. He rubbed her harder and increased the rhythm until a tidal wave stormed her, roaring through her veins. Every nerve she had exploded, shattering her wits. Reeling her into mindless ecstasy.

  Abruptly, Mike’s erection replaced his fingers. Gripping her bottom, he thrust, filling her completely. Giving her exactly what she needed. He threw back his head, the veins protruding in his neck, and gave a hoarse shout.

  “Don’t move. Just let me feel myself inside you for a moment.”

  Overwhelming pleasure engulfed her. She couldn’t help it. She squeezed.

  “Holy hell, woman.” He shifted his hips and plunged deeper. His groan of satisfaction pricked her heart.

  He caught her mouth with crazed urgency. Then he took her with a passion bordering on madness. She wrapped her legs around his waist, meeting his every thrust.

  Her body tightened and quivered and she could do nothing but hold on.

  Hold him.


  His nostrils flared and he released a guttural groan. He annihilated her, crushed her heart with a love so fierce she wondered if he felt it. She clung to him, love filling her to bursting.

  Joy pierced her soul. This strong, colossal, powerful, gentle, tender, sensual man had robbed her of her senses. Made her body a pool of Jello and had given her the most sensational experience of her life.

  She loved him.


  Cassie’s heart beat steady against his. Reminding Mike he still lived and breathed. In the blink of an eye, one’s life could be over. And his life would be over if he lost Cassie.

  He still couldn’t believe how close he’d come to death. If the bullet had been a fraction of an inch over … He didn’t need to think about what might have been.

  Cassie all nestled up to him made life perfect. It didn’t get any better than this.

  He closed his eyes in exhaustion, which was to be expected since the meds were probably kicking in. He could use this to his advantage. Confess his feelings in his groggy state and deny everything tomorrow.


  If yesterday had taught him anything, he would not let another day, or night, go by without telling Cassie of his love. The idea of life without her brought reality crushing down on him.

  I love you.

  Say it. Just say it.


  “Hmmm?” His voice thick with his thoughts.

  She snuggled deeper into his embrace.

  “God, you feel good.” His hand drifted to her rump and squeezed.

  “I love you.”

  His hand stilled. Had he heard her correctly? He placed his fingers under her chin and lifted her gaze to his. “Did you just say you love me?”

  Her eyes glassed over and she looked so scared he felt her pain. Had she meant it?

  “Cassie. You have no idea how that makes me feel. I love you, too.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes and one slipped down her cheek. “Oh, Mike. You do?”

  “Is that so hard to believe?” He caressed her cheek, his thumb following the track of her tear.

  “I love you so much. I was afraid you didn’t feel the same.”

  “I do,” he whispered. “I do.” He lowered his lips to hers.

  The moment his tongue slipped into her mouth, the kiss turned hot. He licked and stroked and lost himself in it. She returned his passion, pouring every ounce of love she’d just confessed into their kiss.

  After a long heart-shaking moment, they drew apart gasping. He pressed his forehead against hers. With one finger, he traced her lips. “I can’t believe what you’ve done to me. What I’m feeling. Cassie, I love you. With everything in me, I love you.”

  “Promise you’ll never let me go.”

  All his doubts and fears. All his worry over risking his heart and having a woman leave him. And here she was asking him not to leave her. He hugged her tighter.

  “You’re not going anywhere. Not without me.”

  “Good.” She burrowed deeper.

  “Cassie? I have to ask you something.”

  The tightening of her body cautioned him. But then, she half crawled onto his chest, propped her chin on her fingers and gave him a curious look. He had to address the elephant. The one that had plagued him most of his life.

  “My career. I’m a firefighter.”

  Her brow rose in confusion. “And?”

  His chest squeezed. He took a deep breath and trudged on. “That won’t change. I’ll always be a firefighter.”

  “Okaaay.” She drew the word out like she wasn’t comprehending.

  Dammit. He may be cutting his own throat but he had to know if Cassie was in this for the long haul. “Can you handle it?”

  She took a moment to consider before answering, twisting his gut every second she remained silent.

  “Are you asking me if I expect you to stop?”

  “It’s a dangerous job. But I’m trained. I—”

  She covered his mouth with her palm. “Mike. I love you. I wouldn’t change one thing about you. Seeing you help others, knowing others depend on you, some for their lives … it amazes me. I admire you. I have every confidence in you.”

  She studied him for a moment and the love he saw in her expression, grabbed him by the balls.

  “I need to tell you something,” she said.

  Good God, here it comes.

  “Two years ago, my cousin’s house burned to the ground. Don’t look like that. It’s a story I want to share.”

  That made him feel somewhat better.

  “My cousin and her husband never had a honeymoon and on their tenth anniversary, her husband wanted to surprise her with a trip. I offered to stay with their son, who was eight. The fire was traced back to the dryer, so no one started it, but I woke to a room filled with smoke. I panicked. I tried to find my little cousin and couldn’t. I couldn’t even see. Thank God, he’d already made it outside and a firefighter carried me to safety.”

  Thank God. His heart stopped at the thought of Cassie being in a fire.

  “Since then, I cringe when I hear a siren. It’s not with the fear I felt while I was in that burning house. But the fear that someone else is suffering the same thing. Someone’s house is burning and I wonder if they will get out alive.” She cradled his cheek. “Mike. I’m in awe of your profession. Without men like you, people would die. I would never want you to change who you are.”

  He searched her eyes for the truth.

  “I can’t say I won’t worry,” she continued. “I’d probably worry if you got a cold. But I don’t expect you to give up something I know is important to you.”

  Maybe she meant it now. But would she change her mind? He captured her hand with his.

  “My mom left my dad because she couldn’t handle the pressure. I was just a kid. I haven’t seen her since. She never came back.”

  “I’d never do that,” she said. “I love you. I’m in this for always. I believe in forever. I’ll love you forever.”

  His eyes blurred, his emotions too much to stomach.

  “Woman. You know how to make a man feel like a man.” He flipped her onto her back and proceeded to show her just how much she meant to him.

  Chapter 26

  A car door slammed. Mike stepped from the back of the rig to see who had pulled up at the bay door.

  “Hey Chuck.” This guy could be mistaken for Jared, since they shared sandy blond hair and had a penchant for Ray-Ban sunglasses.

  “Mike.” Chuck gave a nod.

  “What brings you—” Then he suddenly remembered the Spurs game and Chuck had promised him some tickets. “Oh, you have those tickets?”

  “Nah. They’re at home. I’m here to see your Captain.”

/>   Uh oh. If he’d used the title Captain, instead of Shep, it must be important. Chuck had the look of bad news. Mike could be wrong, but he didn’t think so.

  “Cap’s upstairs in his office.”

  Chuck gave another nod and stepped inside the bay. “You think I can see him?”

  “Sure. I’ll take you up.”

  Chuck removed his sunglasses and fell in behind Mike without saying another word. Guess he wasn’t in the mood for chitchat.

  Shep opened the door before Mike had a chance to knock. He stepped back in surprise.

  “You got something for me, Mike?”

  Mike pointed a thumb over his shoulder. “Chuck’s here to see you.”

  Shep’s expression did not change. “Come on in.”

  Mike stepped back, unsure whether he was invited to the party. Chuck solved the puzzle real quick.

  “You can come in, Mike. This concerns the entire department.”

  “You here officially?” Shep asked.

  “Investigator Hooley is on the Wimer property case. He shared some information with me.”

  While Shep walked behind his desk, Mike stepped inside and closed the door. Chuck took a seat and Mike figured he better take one too.

  “There’s a detective in our department working closely with the fire inspector and Hooley asked for me to help with his investigation.”

  Shep sat down and leaned back in his chair, waiting for Chuck to continue.

  “I’ve never known Hooley to ask for help before and you can bet I was surprised when he asked for me.”

  “I’m not,” Mike said. “You’re one of the best guys on the police force. You’re meticulous, but fair. You’ve been on the force for how long?”

  “Nine years. Seems more like twenty.”

  Mike wanted to laugh, but Chuck’s job wasn’t funny. He put his life on the line every day not knowing what to expect on any call that came through dispatch. Sure, firefighters fought fires, but at least they knew what they faced heading out on a call. Chuck could go on a domestic call and end up getting shot. It happened too frequently.

  “Does that mean you’re working on the case now? Did you get promoted?” Shep asked.


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