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Sold to the Alien Smugglers: A Fated Mates Romance (Captive Mates Book 4)

Page 31

by Corin Cain

  I can’t believe this is going to happen.

  I can’t believe I want this!

  The waves of need from Lucius are coming like flood-waters now, barely contained behind a dam. Yet, he maintains control – his deep, brown eyes turning almost black as he stares into my very soul and exerts his ownership of me.

  I’m helpless against him – and against his battle-brother. Behind me, Quint presses the head of his slick cock against my asshole and I bite my lip - ready for the pain of his huge shaft stretching me in a place I’ve never been filled before.

  But I need it. I need it more than I’ve ever needed anything else in my life.

  “You belong to us.”

  Lucius states the words coldly, holding back his animal desires. Then, he finally slides back into my pussy – at exactly the same time as his battle-brother thrusts into my ass.

  Those two, huge dicks fill me. I’m crushed between the two Aurelians and I can’t move an inch. Their muscled bodies control me.

  I give in.

  “Oh fuuuuuuuck,” I whimper out. If it wasn’t for the Bond rewarding me with pleasure, surely these two cocks would be way too fucking big for me to handle.

  But, instead of pain, there’s only an utter pleasure. I can feel myself made slick and stretched wide by the alien pre-cum still drooling from their cocks – thick and milky, letting them slide their massive shafts into tight little holes that would never have accommodated them otherwise.

  I bury my face into Lucius’s shoulder. He wraps his massive biceps around my head, hugging me tightly as he fucks and fills me.

  Behind, Quint’s hard, sweaty abs slide against my back. He’s claiming me somewhere no man has touched before.

  I’ve never felt so vulnerable before.

  But I’ve also never felt so safe.

  The auras of these two Aurelians are lust and need – both aching for me, and aching to protect me. They desire only to keep me hidden from the evils of the world – and when I’m in their arms, everything hurtful disappears. There is only us.

  There is only this moment – this perfect, endless moment as I’m crushed and sandwiched between these two giants.

  The two warriors are dripping with delicious sweat, and my clit grinds against Lucius’s muscled body as he thrusts inside me. I bury my head into his huge chest, letting the massive alien crush me tightly.

  Then, I finally let my mind go blank. I lose myself to the pleasures of the Bond – how it rewards me with thrum after thrum of ecstasy. The two aliens enter me together, and I’m stretched to the very limit – so filled with them.

  Their bodies move in unison. They fuck me slowly, barely holding back the mating frenzy - their bodies tense and flexed as they fuck me with a slow, perfect rhythm.

  I lose myself to the motion of their bodies entering me - like the waves of a tidal ocean, in and out, over and over again. I never knew I wanted this. It’s heaven to be filled by two Aurelian warriors at the same time – and I hope to experience this countless times in the centuries to come.

  “You are ours, forever.”

  Quint whispers those words from behind me. His voice is filled with wonder. His aura matches his tone – he’s in ecstasy at finding his Fated Mate.

  He never wants to let me go.

  Tears spring to my eyes at the intensity of this moment – of being claimed and protected by two massive beasts, both at the same time.

  Minutes, hours, days – I lose all sense of time, space, and even myself as the auras of the two warriors flood my mind. I slide into their minds, as they’re inside mine – my vision shattering as I experience all perspectives of this union; theirs and mine.

  Their lust builds and builds, until finally they cum in perfect unison – triggering a tidal wave of golden pleasure that crashes through me as my body responds in kind.

  I scream out in pleasure, cumming harder than I ever have before – feeling their massive, throbbing cocks pulsating as they breed me; filling me with their seed.

  Finally, after an eternity, my vision clears.

  Quint and Lucius are still buried deep inside me, and I’m still sandwiched between them. Their huge hands rub my body, massaging me and gently bringing me down from my atmospheric orgasm. The two of them hold me tightly, letting me relax in their huge arms as their hot seed sinks deep inside of me.

  My body shudders from the intensity of my orgasm. I feel like a leaf in the wind, trembling against them.

  Then, suddenly, the insistent need of the Bond disappears. It’s like a switch turning off – as obvious as when Oblog forced that Bond-Disruptor on my finger, but opposite in my reaction to it.

  I’m not being torn from my Bonded mates – my dynamic with them has grown closer.

  The Bond no longer demands I be claimed by them – and I know just what that means.

  I feel it through our shared auras.

  We’re all stunned.

  I don’t know how I know what it means, but I do – even before the Aurelians say anything.

  “You’re with our son.”

  It’s Marcel’s voice. He’s looking down at me, blinking as if he can’t believe it.

  I gasp, looking down at my belly, pressed against Lucius’s sweaty abs.

  I don’t understand it – but I know it. I know instinctively that if the Bond is not urging me to fuck these three magnificent men again, it must mean that Marcel is right.

  I’m pregnant.

  It’s a respite from the Bond – it’s not pulling me to need their seed again – but we’re still connected like no other creatures in the universe could be.

  Only, the stakes have risen now.

  We have to escape.

  I’m bearing the offspring of my triad – one of the oh-so-rare, natural born Aurelians who are the only hope for their dying race. I am fulfilling the destiny of a Fated Mate.

  But my destiny isn’t going to mean anything if I can’t get off this ship. Like the half-formed haven of Atlantis, the future of the Aurelian species won’t matter if the Toad Lord kills their future in my womb.

  My head now clear, I look up at my Bonded triad.

  “He’s going to kill us after this shipment,” I whisper, my voice so low they wouldn’t be able to hear it, if they didn’t share the Bond-enhanced hearing I now possess.

  Quint and Lucius stop rubbing me, their huge hands frozen on my body.

  If I’d thought they were protective before, now that urge is tripled in intensity – their auras aching to keep me safe.

  Why do you say this?

  It’s Marcel’s voice – usually so certain and confident. Now, it just feels cold.

  I heard him speaking with the other Toad Lord, I explain. The other Finger. Somehow, I could understand some of their words, even though he was speaking in Toad… That’s why I told them to put Tessa on the Reaver. He was going to kill her on the way to X12.

  I telepath back my concerns. There’s no use taking any risks by speaking openly.

  Marcel pauses. The alien warrior has lived hundreds of years and faced down twice as many battles – but he takes my warning seriously. The leader of the Aurelians looks down at me with those icy, green eyes – and they sparkle like the grass on a frosty morning.

  "Take a shower," Lucius speaks, out loud. At the same time, I feel the cold circle of the smuggled Orb-Knife being slid into my palm. I close my fist around it.

  Pulling myself up from the bed, I stagger towards the bathroom. My legs are still shaking.

  A shower is one thing, but I need the solitude more than anything else. I can’t blame myself for suddenly needing that comfort – an escape, to stop the walls of this Toad mothership from closing in around me.

  The only place I feel safer is when I’m in bed with my triad. Then, nothing else exists.

  I shower and the lack of the Bond’s insistent thrumming in my mind tells me everything.

  Now, I’m not just linked to these men. Their seed has taken root – but unless we get off this shi
p, Oblog will rip it from me.

  It’s easy to re-insert the cold, otherworldly Orb-Knife into its hiding place. It’s cold in there – malevolent – and it’s everything the cocks of Marcel, Lucius, and Quint aren’t.

  Then, I hurriedly dry off – nervous that the hour Lord Oblog rewarded us with is already running out. At least when I return to that throne room, I’ll feel the shadows of my lovers in my body, their touch a whisper on my skin.

  But when I emerge, the bedroom is empty. I find the three Aurelians in the living room, instead.

  They’re standing there, talking idly about the voyage to Colossus. If I couldn’t feel their auras, everything would look fine – almost as if they were still voluntarily undertaking this shipment for the Toads.

  But inside, their auras are taut – stretched to the verge of snapping.

  It’s all for show, this idle chit-chat. It’s just in case Oblog has a video feed of this room. I feel sick thinking of such a thing – that he could watch me in my most private moment with these men.

  But then, I think about how he’s already forced me to fuck them on stage, in front of a jeering crowd.

  But this time, it was different. I touch my belly, thinking of the consequences of what we’d done.

  I didn’t want the eyes of Lord Oblog to have witnessed that. I wanted that foul creature as far away from the conception of my son as possible.

  “We want to avoid the meteor storm when we plot our course,” Marcel’s voice intones aloud – but then I hear his other voice, inside my head.

  There is a man who may help us.

  He speaks one set of words for show, while he telepaths the true message to me.

  What man? I feel like I’m clinging to straws, looking for a shred of hope.

  Like Marcel did, I try to make idle conversation out loud, to mask the impression that the Aurelians and I might be communicating telepathically.

  “Be careful,” I urge them – and that part I mean. “Come back soon. I hate being on the ship alone.”

  Lucius grins, looking so cocky and relaxed on the surface. Inside, though, he’s in turmoil.

  “Miss us already?”

  Then, Lucius’s real voice sounds in my mind.

  Captain Aelon. He hates Toads. He’s got a warship and a battle-ready fleet, but convincing him will cost us our stake in Atlantis.

  I realize my triad have only one thing to bargain with – the future they were planning to create. The one place in the universe that would be safe from the coming storm.

  All this time, they’ve been breaking Aurelian law to buy into the man-made paradise – but they’re going to have to give it up for a chance to save me.

  I swallow, my mouth dry.

  A war-ship isn’t a rescue mission, either – it’s a full-fledged war. It could trigger a galactic conflict that would plunge the universe into chaos.

  Quint paces the kitchen, speaking more than I’d ever heard him do before.

  “We could cut the travel time in half by going through the meteor shower. I say we risk it.”

  It’s strange to hear him speak, while hearing a different message inside my head.

  We should Orb-Shift in ourselves. If we only had the coordinates! The Orb-Ring cuts us off from feeling you. It cuts us off from being able to shift directly to you.

  He’d Orb-Shift in.

  Orb-Shifting used to be the fastest way of travel. Now, you’d have to rely on a captain with a death wish to take the risk.

  In recent years, more and more ships wink out of existence – and then, they don’t phase back in. Wherever you go when the Orb-Shift winks you out of existence claims you – never to return.

  It’s made even the most intrepid of former starship captains give up the convenience of Orb-Shifting altogether.

  My heart beats like a drum as I imagine what could happen if the void claimed Marcel, Quint, and Lucius – but then, my heart stops as I think of the consequences if it doesn’t.

  I imagine their little Reaver appearing out of nowhere – to face down the massive Toad mothership all alone.

  It would be a tiny little fly against a gigantic monstrosity.

  In real life, Goliath always wins. It would be no different with three men facing thousands.

  That’s if my triad even survived the shift in. They could just wink out of existence, their auras disappearing from my mind – and never return.

  As if it might be for the last time, I reach out with my aura to drink in the three essences of my triad. I sample each one, and then the cocktail of all three. Each so different, yet so similar – all brave and facing the greatest stress they’ve ever met.

  Soon, Oblog will force the ring back on my finger and I’ll be alone in my mind again.

  I take pleasure in our connection while I can.

  As I stand there, I see Marcel fingering his Orb-Blade. He’s aching for a fight. Telepathically, he demands:

  How certain are you that Oblog means to execute us?

  Execute us.

  He talks so plainly about our life and death. Marcel would wield the executioner’s axe, or face his own execution, with equal bravery. He’s a commander – a leader – and where Quint and Lucius have stressed auras, like caged animals, he’s found his calm within the chaos.

  I’d only made out a few words from the Toad Lord’s conversation, but with my strange new grasp of the Toad language, it was enough. My gut is telling me – screaming at me – that after this next shipment, Lord Oblog is done with the Aurelians. Whatever’s going on between the Priesthood and the Toads, Lord Oblog knows news of it can’t afford to see the light of day. We’re loose ends, and our loose tongues could trigger a galactic conflict that might wreak havoc.

  He’d rather murder us than risk it.

  Unless we kill him first.

  We will kill him first.

  The moment I feel that, I see the three men change.

  They straighten their spines, and harden their resolve. They’re instantly battle ready. The decision was made in an instant, and that’s all it took for the warriors to slip into that mindset.

  Stay behind us. Marcel’s voice is cold steel in my mind. We have one chance to get you off this ship.

  He knows that if the triad leaves this ship without me, he’ll never see me again. Once they leave, I instantly become useless to Lord Oblog. From that moment on, he could kill me at any moment – and deliver a swift death to my unsuspecting triad when they return with his final shipment.

  Marcel weighed the odds, and he’d rather we take a dangerous path, than risk what could happen if we’re separated again.

  As I watch them, the three warriors stiffen like predators tasting blood. It’s in the way they stand – the wide stance of their feet, and the stretch of their massive shoulders.

  These magnificent aliens were built for fucking and fighting – and have stores of pent up energy ready to unleash on either.

  I feel pity for all who will stand in their way.

  Marcel, Lucius, and Quint are going to cut their way through an entire mothership full of Bullfrogs, Sentinels, and Toads.

  And, with the power of the Bond, they might just make it.

  Marcel telepaths a layout of the ship to me, showing me the fastest route to the hanger. It’s going to be tight. If we sprint…

  …I reach down, between my thighs, to tug that tiny Orb-Knife out of its hiding place. I know it’ll be less than useless against a huge Bullfrog, or the deadly aim of Sentinels – but it will make me feel like I have some control.

  I touch the entrance to that hidden place…

  …and then the doors hiss open.

  I freeze.

  Four Sentinels loom behind a massive, Bullfrog guard. He’s got his slimy, webbed hand on the hilt of his Orb-Axe, ready for a fight. The Sentinels have their guns half-cocked. A few inches higher and they’ll be aimed for center mass. I’ve seen how fast my Aurelians can move – but they can’t move that fast.

  “She comes wi
th us.”

  The Bullfrog’s eyes never leave Marcel’s. He’s ordering me to separate from my triad, and I think we all know it will be a coin flip how the Aurelians respond.

  The three warriors stand there like statues, their hands hovering above the hilts of their own weapons. I know they’re ready to activate their weapons the instant Marcel gives the command.

  I narrow my own eyes. My Bond-Enhanced sight shows me every detail of the wart-covered beast in front of us – his thick skin impervious to bullets and blades. Only an Orb-Weapon would slice deep into him.

  Behind him loom the hulking, dead-eyed Sentinels – ready to cut us down with a hail of high-velocity slugs and turn us into chuck meat. Their eternal vigilance is even more terrifying than the barely-restrained, brute violence of the Bullfrog.


  I scream the word into their mind, desperate.

  Lord Oblog should have sent a single man – five means he suspects us already. It means he’s still a step ahead.

  It was my insistence that Tessa board the Aurelian’s Reaver, and not a Toad shuttle, that tipped him off.

  He’d realized I suspected him. He’d realized we might try something – and his instincts had been right.

  I’d saved Tessa’s life and doomed my own.

  I step forward, putting myself between the Aurelians and my captors. Their auras crystalize, wracked with anxiety – but they can tell from my aura that I’m certain in my actions. This is the way, and if they respect me, there’s nothing they will do.

  The Bullfrog holds out the Bond-Disruptor ring and I reluctantly put it on. The Aurelians instantly wink out of my mind.

  They may never return there.

  I walk forward, and as the doors shut behind me, I turn to get one, last, tortured look at my men.

  Then, the door closes, and they’re gone.

  I’m marched forward, wading through the fetid water. Part of me wishes we’d chosen the other option – urging my Aurelians to burst forward like a trio of beasts, cutting down my captors.

  But even with their Bond-enhanced strength and speed, they never would have made it across the room.

  Now, I can only pray that I didn’t make our situation worse.

  The Sentinels march me around the first corner – and then my mouth becomes chillingly dry, even in the heat and humidity of this ship.


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