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The Billionaire’s Surprise Heir: A Second Chance, Secret Baby Romance

Page 11

by Tara Brent

  “I know he’s mine,” I finally blurt, but it doesn’t come out how I meant it to.

  “Yes, Calvin, you are his father and I will not deny him any longer,” she replies.

  I smile with sheer delight. I am a father. It’s official. For someone to say those words, it feels really good.

  “Look, I could ask you a million questions, like why you didn’t tell me, and when were you going to tell me? But, I’ve got things I haven’t told you as well,” I say.

  She raises her eyebrows as she looks back at me with mild surprise, or is it curiosity?

  “I was trying to tell you yesterday before everything happened, but now, I’m just going to come straight out with it.”

  She looks on, saying nothing, and we suffer one of those pregnant pauses again.

  “I’ve been very successful in business,” I begin. “So successful that I’m very wealthy.”

  “Are you threatening me?” She spits at me.

  “What? No. I was trying to tell you yesterday but stuff happened. I want to come clean and see how we can go forward.”

  Tiffany scrapes her chair on the floor as she stands up so fast.

  “You are not having my son!” She yells at me.

  She’s beautiful when she’s angry but that’s not the point. Is she threatening me with my son? Without meaning to be confrontational, I stand up too.

  “You seem to forget one thing, Tiffany,” I say, calmly. “He’s my son too.”

  “I knew it. This is exactly what I expected. That you’d try to take him away from me!”

  The waitress arrives with a tray in her hands, takes one look at us and quickly turns to go back inside.

  “You are the one who has deceived me all these years,” I snap back, stupidly. “Look, let’s calm down and discuss this like mature adults.”

  “You think your wealth will buy my son?” She continues to yell and the people at a nearby table turn to look at us.

  She’s completely misunderstood me and it's infuriating. I want to hold her and tell her that all will be well, but she does what she always does best. She turns and without saying another word, she marches away. That did not go as planned!

  All I wanted to do was be honest with her. Instead, I scared her away with mention of my wealth, It wasn't meant as a threat but that's how she took it. She’s like a frightened doe right now, protecting her fawn and making me out to be the big bad wolf.

  I need to go about this differently. I love that woman, but by god does she infuriate me. Tiffany Miller knows how to press all my buttons, that’s for sure.

  Chapter 18

  Mega Problems

  “I can’t stay calm, Ali,” I tell her; my hands shaking with frustration.

  It seems that Ali and Nico are the go-betweens for me and Calvin. In a sense, I’m glad not to be dealing with Calvin directly right now. I could say things I don’t mean and I don’t want to hurt him. But it feels as if his wealth is a weapon and he’d use it to take my son away from me. Call it paranoia if you will, but it won't go away. This is the fear that has haunted me for years; that Calvin will take my son away from me.

  “Hey, sweetie, you got to be more open or you'll never find a solution,” Ali warns me. “Let's talk about this and get it out in the open.”

  “All those years back I wanted to tell him when I found out, but we’d already gone our separate ways. One thing I remember well was how he was always keen on wearing protection in sex. It wasn't because he thought I had a disease, he didn't want kids. I knew he was motivated with his career and I believed that even if I did tell him, he wouldn’t have stuck around. Now I see the truth of his success, it just confirms my fears; he's a career guy. No way would a guy like that have been happy with the restrictions that a wife and kid would have brought him.”

  Phew, that feels better for letting it all out.

  “You can’t know that for sure though,” Ali says in a calm voice.

  She is my sense of reason and always has been. We’ve been through lots together. Although our career paths took us different ways for a while, we’ve always stayed close.

  “I have other things on my mind too,” I tell her. “Mom and I have talked about getting out of the city. This tremor has unsettled Callum and with everything that's going on, now seems to be the perfect time to do it.”

  “What! No way can you leave. Why not take some time off work. You put your heart and soul into that job, Tiffy. You should all go on vacation.”

  “That would be nice,” I agree.

  This gets me thinking as I don't remember the last time I took time off for a vacation. Ali's busy texting Nico. I can tell by the twinkle in her eyes and the smile on her face. We’re in our usual positions of lounging on my bed as we work out the problems of the world.

  “What about you, anyway? I ask. “How are you and Nico developing?”

  “Oh, I adore him, Tiffy. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He loves that I get all dirty in my job and still manage to look so darn pretty when we meet. His words, not mine.”

  “You know he’s due to go back to Texas sooner or later?” I remind her.

  “Don’t you start that too. My pa is harping on about Nico breaking my heart when he leaves. Though, we are discussing something special,” she says and then goes all quiet.

  “Well?” I ask, intrigued and on the edge of my seat waiting. “Spit it out. Oh my god, you’re pregnant!”

  Ali rolls about in laughter. My whole world is falling apart and she keeps secrets from me.

  “Come on, fess up,” I tease as I prod her. “I tell you all my darkest secrets, it's not fair to keep yours to yourself.”

  That's when I give her one of those looks-to-kill types of stare. I'm trying to show her I'm serious.

  “I’m waiting?” I try to speed up her answer.

  “Nico’s asked me to go with him, to Texas,” she blurts out. “You see, you’re not the only one with life-changing problems. I want to agree, but what with my pa, I can’t walk away.”

  “Why can't you take your pa with you?” I ask.

  “I thought of that,” she admits. “It’s a possibility but I don’t know for sure. It’s a big thing. I have my job and my life here. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, so we both have to help each other.”

  “Hah! And you told me I shouldn't leave the city," I said, rather smartly. "We need to use our brains, that's what. We’ll do one of those lists with all the pros and cons and see where it gets us.”

  “Tomorrow, babes, I’m too tired right now,” she moans sleepily, putting down her phone.

  We settle down for the night to rest our weary minds. Both of us want to be with our dream men, and both of us have obstacles in the way.

  Spanner in the Works

  “I’m devastated to have lost all those years with my son,” I spill to my two brothers, opening my heart to them. “How could she do that to me? She had no right to keep him from me!”

  “Calvin, I know I’ve only just become a father,” Ethan says. “But you have to look to the future, for the sake of your son, and not the past.”

  “You don’t remember what you and Ethan were like when you finished your studies, Calvin, but I do,” Nico interjects. “That’s why I ended up in Texas, away from all the tension of your business lives, the pair of you. You were just as bad, Ethan.”

  He's right, of course, and neither of us can deny it. I say nothing in reply as I’m sprawled out on one of Ethan’s huge couches at his apartment. Mia’s nipped out to one of her restaurants, so Ethan’s watching his daughter. They refuse to get a nanny; what's with their do-it-all-yourself attitude. Mind you, I wouldn’t want a nanny either. I’d want to be with my children and watch them grow up, wouldn’t I? Then again, I wasn’t always like that. Yeah, Nico sure is right, there was a time when I might not have had the patience for such things as being a father. Thank god I'm more mature now, aren’t I!

  Still, Tiffany had no right not to tell me.

bsp; “It’s not fair on the boy, either, not to grow up with his father,” I add in my defense.

  “You two were crazy to make it big time," Nico continues his argument. "I can remember how selfish you both were. No way would you have dropped the opportunities you had, not for any woman.”

  “You know he's right, Calvin. We didn’t care about anything other than making it big time. At least I met Mia after we were successful. You couldn’t have coped with being tied down. We had too much energy then, and we poured it all into growing the business. At best you’d have sent her money to satiate your conscience.” Ethan was only adding more fuel to my character assassination.

  I get up off the couch. My brothers are right. All I cared about was our success.

  “I agree with you both," I say, raising my arms in submission. "Though Tiffany had five years to contact me,” I defend myself again, unable to stop feeling angry with her.

  “How could she have done that? She wouldn’t have known where you were or what you did. You'd only been together a few weeks,” Nico reminds me.

  I’m about to answer him back with some quip about who's side he's on, when my phone rings. It’s Tiffany!

  “Hi, you okay?” I ask, remembering our last meeting.

  “I’m trying to be mature about this situation, Calvin. Ali says I’m reckless for not allowing Callum to know his father, and in a way, I agree with her.”

  “Well, I agree too. I have a lot to give in that role, but there’s no point if his mom being unhappy,” I tell her. I'm well aware of how this situation is all a real strain on her emotions.

  It’s not about me or you, though, it’s about our son,” she says and I can hear a tremor in her voice.

  “I only want to do what’s best, Tiffany,” I reply as I walk into one of the bedrooms for some privacy. Ethan and Nico smile back at me, a little relief on their faces. I love having a supportive family.

  “Look, I understand how things have worked out as they have,” I try to reassure her. “But, can’t we be a team in this thing?”

  “It’s not a thing, Calvin. It’s not teamwork like in your business. And, it involves a very precious little life, so we have to do it right,” she says and I hear her swallow hard. I wonder if she’s crying at the other end. A vision pops into my mind of holding her in my arms and stroking her uncontrollable red hair.

  “Tell me what you want, Tiffany, and give me a chance,” is all I can think to say. I want to try and do this her way. “You have more experience than me at this, so why not guide me?”

  She laughs and that makes me smile.

  “I’m not joking around here,” I say in a serious tone, but she knows it’s my way to lighten the mood. “You have a guy before you who needs help.”

  “I know, and I’m excited for you both, but there are certain fears I have, Calvin, and we must talk about them. Meanwhile, you can see your son but I want to be there. In fact, I want as many people there as possible, so he doesn’t feel any tension in the air.”

  “I agree. You, your mom, Ali, Nico, Ethan, Mia and Lily, and anyone else who you consider family can be there. Is that enough people?”

  “You not coming then?” She asks, feeling a little more positive about this now.

  “You couldn’t keep me away,” I tell her, and it’s true. “Everything can be out in the open and we can use family for our guide. How about that?”

  “It’s perfect, thank you, Calvin,” she says. “I thought everything would get deep and depressing but I like the sound of that. When do want to meet then?”

  I’ll organize a car to pick you up at the weekend for a meal at Mia’s place. Oh, you’re not working are you?”

  “I’m good with that, but we do need to talk, you and I.”

  “Yeah. We’re the grown-ups now. No mommy and daddy for us to lean on,” I joke. Luckily she takes it the right way, telling me that she’s a grown-up, but she doesn’t know about me.

  When we finish talking it's like a lead weight lifted off my shoulders. The thought of seeing Tiffany again, as well as my son, is exhilarating. I can’t help but feel in a good mood as I go back to tell my brothers that they're about to meet my son.

  Chapter 19

  This is Your Daddy

  “Is it today, mommy?” Callum comes running at me in his pj’s, pretending to be an airplane. “Do I get a daddy today?”

  Mom and I look at each other and she gives me a warm smile. She knows how hard this is for me.

  “Sure, honey,” I tell him as he almost crashes into me. “You excited?”

  “Yep. My friend, Jacob, doesn’t have daddy, so maybe he’ll get one too.”

  “Come and eat breakfast or you won’t be going anywhere,” my mom tells him.

  I’ve sort of put it out of my mind and put my head into work for the past week. Now, the day has finally arrived and I'm not sure how to take it all. Calvin gets to meet Callum. Every day Calvin has contacted me to give me reassurance that he will not take my beautiful son away from me. If only I could believe him. People, especially couples, can fall out so easy. Then where will we be?

  “Do as grandma says and then we can go get dressed. I’ve set your new suit out on my bed, so we can dress up together.”

  “Can I wear my Minecraft t-shirt, mommy? That’s my favorite,” he says, between mouthfuls of chocolate cereal.

  “No Minecraft today, Callum,” my mom tells him. “You wear that all the time so there’s nothing special about it anymore.”

  “You’ve got a new outfit for today, Callum. Don’t you want to look your best for daddy?" He ignores me and continues to eat his breakfast, but I can tell he’s sulking. “Oh, and you’re meeting your baby cousin, Lily, so we’ve got a gift for her,” I try to take his mind off the tee-shirt.

  “If she likes Minecraft, I’ll play with her,” he says before jumping off the stool. “Come on, mommy. Let’s go dress up for daddy.”

  Without another word, he shoots off and up the stairs. I hear the door bang as he charges into my room, so I quickly follow.

  “What’s this?” he asks me as I enter the bedroom. With a puzzled look on his face, he shows me the offending item. It's a small tie with elastic, for fastening around his neck.

  I rub my fingers through his hair, “You're going to look so handsome today,” I say. “Shower first, off you go.”

  In no time at all, we are all dressed and ready to go. Callum looks cute in his little suit with matching waistcoat and trousers. I want to show him off as my big boy. My motherly instincts kick in and I can’t stop cuddling him. It’s hard to let go but I know it’s time. Time for my son to have a father figure in his life.

  A huge luxury car arrives to pick us up, driven by a guy in a uniform and cap. Calvin spared no expense, he really must be as rich as he says. We were going to have a long talk but we never got around to it. He’s told me that he’s wealthy and I told him of my fears if we fall out. That’s as far as we’ve gotten over the phone. It’s not easy to discuss deep personal stuff over a phone.

  I want today to be a success, for Callum’s sake. I don’t think he understands exactly what’s going on. I suppose it’s like getting a new toy to him. That's another worry I have. I don’t want Calvin lavishing my son with expensive gifts to try and overcompensate for the missing years. So far, Calvin has agreed to all my requests, let’s see how long that lasts.

  We arrive at one of Mia’s smaller restaurants and she’s closed it for the occasion. I'm racked with nervous tension, even though I know everybody who’s going to be there. Somehow we have to get through this and come out the other side as friends.

  Ali comes over to greet me as soon as we enter the restaurant. I can see everyone else has arrived and Callum becomes suddenly shy, clinging to my leg. He has a big grin for Ali though and runs up to her. She picks him up and swings him around. Ali has always been a bit rough with Callum but it did toughen him up a bit. Mom and I are far too soft with him.

  “I’m getting a daddy today,”
Callum tells Ali.

  “Well, guess what?” she says back to him as he hangs upside down on her back. “My daddy has come for dinner too.”

  I can see my mom and Ali’s dad greeting one another. Once again, I feel a knot in my gut and I take a deep breath. I hope that Calvin lives up to his son’s expectations.

  I follow Ali and Callum as we head towards the tables that are set up lavishly for the occasion. There, I’m greeted by Mia. The men are standing around drinking and laughing. Thank goodness the mood is light.

  Calvin approaches me and hands me a glass of bubbly. I take another deep breath and call Callum over. Ali carries him as she comes to join us. She had promised she would be by my side when the time came.

  “Callum, Sweetie,” I say with a forced lightness in my voice. “This is your daddy.”


  “Do you have any superpowers?” Callum asks me.

  I’m not sure what he means, not being able to think like a five-year-old kid yet.

  “I fly in airplanes,” I reply on the hope that this will impress him.

  “Are you a pre...vert?” He asks and Tiffany nearly chokes on her bubbly.

  “Callum, whatever made you ask that question?” Tiffany butts in before I have a chance to answer my son.

  “Joseph’s mommy says that all men are pre...verts,” he replies, and I can’t help but laugh, though I hide it behind my hand.

  “Well, maybe Joseph's mom has reason to say that,” I say, trying to stop myself from showing that I'm amused. “Though it's not true that all men are pre...verts, and I promise you that I am most definitely not.”

  Callum glares at me with a little suspicion knitted in his brows. I’m going to have to work hard on gaining his trust.

  “You know what, I have a little present for you," I tell him, changing the topic. "Do you want to see it?”


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