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The Billionaire’s Surprise Heir: A Second Chance, Secret Baby Romance

Page 16

by Tara Brent

  I’ve heard that the French are aloof with Americans, but they've all been very courteous. I can't help but think it's the show of wealth that's made them so respectful. Whenever I find myself thinking like that, I nip myself into reality. This is what I'm marrying into and I have to accept it in all its glory. This trip has made me realize how much Calvin's wealth is going to change my life. Every hotel we've stayed in has been owned by the Luca family. In a few months, they’re going to be my hotels too. That's a crazy feeling!

  Calvin takes my hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. It’s almost as though he can sense the disquiet in my mind. I’m going to be rich and I’m not completely sure that I’m comfortable with the situation. Whatever my reservations are about wealth, I'm having an incredible time right now. Life is very different, from only a few weeks ago.

  Mia says I need to get used to it. The strangest thing is that I’m not missing work one bit. I’ve handed in my resignation letter already. I thought I'd have to return for a few weeks but it turns out I have so much untaken leave that it will easily cover my notice period. I can’t believe I’m no longer a nurse. It's been such an important part of my life for so long. This new me is all down to Mia, she is a wily woman but I’m glad that she steered me in this direction. I doubt Calvin could have convinced me. I would most likely have accused him of trying to control me and we’d end up falling out. That’s not how we want to start our relationship. I know we’ll get to trust each other more as time moves on.

  What's even more incredible is I haven't brought Callum with me. He’s thousands of miles away! This is the first time in his little life that we’ve been parted for more than a few hours, but we’ve both managed it. Our new family members are giving me so much support that my confidence is growing. I feel more independent than I have ever been, even though I don't work. Anyway, I know Callum's safe and loved as he is staying with my mom at Ethan and Mia's apartment. We video call every day and I can see he's a happy chappy.

  The plane begins its descent and I look through one of the windows and see a small city sprawled out below. That must be Brescia, where we're due to land. Ali and Nico will be down there waiting for us. We're all staying at the family’s largest vineyard, which is close by. I’m pleased we went our separate ways for this trip. Calvin and I have been making up for our years apart with lots of raunchy sex.

  I’m even an official member of the Mile High club now. Calvin is a real stud and an even better lover now he has matured, not that I had any complaints when we were students. He introduces something new every time we have sex. My future husband is a real macho man when it comes to fucking. That's one of the reasons I'm so much in love with him, but hey, sex is important in a relationship.

  Once we touch down it takes no time to leave the plane. That's one great advantage of owning a private jet. Yep, I can see I'll soon get used to this life. Though we still have to go through customs, we're waved through much quicker. One of the border control officers seems to know Calvin and they greet each other warmly. After finishing their greeting, they both stroll towards me.

  “This is Giovani, he’s an old friend of mine,” Calvin introduces the officer to me.

  “Benvenuti in Italia, signorina,” he says in Italian as he bends forward to embrace me, only to kiss me on each cheek.

  “Grazie Mille,” I manage with a faltering Italian accent. He seems to understand and smiles back at me.

  Calvin and I walk out of the airport arm in arm to a waiting car which will take us to the vineyard. We're met by two men as we approach the car, both wearing dark suits and dark glasses. I have a sudden vision of The Godfather as I look on in surprise. They have an ominous presence and for a fleeting second, I feel nervous. Then, they greet Calvin as if they know him and I relax a little.

  The two men sit in the front and Calvin and I get in the back. A glass screen separates us from them.

  “Who are those men?” I whisper and hope they don't hear me.

  Calvin looks at me a little sheepish.

  “They're my bodyguards, my love. This is Italy. It can be a little more lawless than the States. Especially for the wealthy. Don’t worry,” he adds after seeing my shocked expression, “they’re only a precaution. There's nothing to worry about. I use them whenever I'm home."

  I make an effort to relax. Though I can't help but wonder if the two men in the front are armed. It surely doesn't help that this is such a luxurious car. The plush soft leather seats at the rear are almost as big as my couch at home. If we'd got a cab like everyone else, maybe there wouldn't be a need for bodyguards. There's an LCD TV to one side and it's showing all the latest stocks and share prices on the screen. At the other side is a small bar, where Calvin pours us both a cool soft drink. I don't know, I'm up and down with my feelings for this new lifestyle.

  “Your Italian was impressive,” he says, handing me my glass of coke. “I’m pleased you’re taking to this life. I was a little worried you might have doubts and run.”

  "I do love you, Calvin, but I hope there's nothing you're keeping from me. These bodyguards make me feel nervous," I say, in an attempt to be honest with him.

  "My family is well known in these parts. It's more of a show than a necessity," he tells me.

  "I hope so, Calvin, because it's like being in a gangster movie," I whisper again as I don't want to look a fool.

  Calvin laughs, "My whole life has been like this when I am in my homeland."

  I smile back at him and say no more on the matter. I can't imagine Callum's life like this. Maybe we'll avoid trips to Italy if we can.

  As we drive through the countryside, I’m surprised how rustic everything is. It feels as if we’ve stepped back in time. The winery is set upon a green oasis of sunny hills, in Garda, Northern Italy. The views around us are breath taking. We’re surrounded by row upon row of green vineries. Calvin tells me, with a hint of pride in his voice, that it's not only wine but also oils and various vinegars that they produce. The winery even has its own bees for honey production. Again, I'm a little overwhelmed and simply smile back at him, saying nothing.

  The car pulls up in front of a huge villa and people are waiting outside to greet us. As we step out of the car, they gather around Calvin. It feels weird because they treat us like we are a King and Queen of the land. Whoever thought I would be a guest of honor at such a place like this! Of course, I find it all a little overwhelming but I’m too nervous to try my Italian. Instead, I smile and nod every time someone speaks to me. Calvin speaks the lingo fluently and I watch him, realizing what a versatile man I’m marrying.

  As we stand in the courtyard to be greeted by his family, geese fly overhead. A peacock comes strutting up towards us with all its glorious plumage. What an idyllic setting this place is. The house is magnificent, traditional and imposing with whitewashed walls and a red terracotta roof. Once again, I’m assailed with the realization of how much I am now a part of everything that Calvin owns. His family has owned this vineyard for generations, though in the past it wasn't as large as it is today. Calvin has invested in it to make it more like a stately home. It’s currently run by his uncle, one of his late father's brothers, and they're overjoyed to see him. The owner's wife is an aged plump woman, everything you’d expect of a traditional old Italian matriarch. They greet me as if I’m a long lost relative. It’s all a little overwhelming.

  Then, I spot Ali, and a sudden feeling of relief overcomes me. Europe has been out of this world, but I’m a little homesick for something familiar. Everywhere we’ve been we have experienced a welcome that only wealth can buy. Whilst it’s nice for a while, I find it tiring and I long to be home in my little house. I haven’t said anything to Calvin because he may not understand what I mean. Now that Ali’s here, I can pour my heart out to her. Though we don’t have plans to leave yet as both Calvin and Nico are here on business.

  Ali and I hug each other in a tight embrace, both of us pleased to see one another.

  “Hasn’t i
t been amazing?” She says to me. “Did you go to Spain?”

  “No, we went to the UK so I could visit Scotland, my pa's roots,” I tell her.

  “Oh my god, Tiffany! Isn’t life different when you can have anything you want?” She laughs as we pull apart.

  “It’s okay, I suppose," I say with a little reluctance to agree with her. "I'm up and down on the subject. One minute I like it and the next I hate it. Don’t you feel that something is missing?” I add.

  “Yeah, constant worry,” she says, and I smile at her sensible attitude. If only I could feel the same way.

  We sit together and chat about our plans for the coming week that we're to spend without our men. Calvin and Nico will be having business engagements. They had already warned us that such meetings will take up most of their time. So Ali and I are making our tourist plans. We'll tour the winery and then go on a boat trip on the lake, which I’m told is so large it has waves, just like the ocean. At least now I have Ali by my side. That feels like a little bit of home, so I won't feel completely out of place.


  I’ve enjoyed every moment of our European tour, with Tiffany by my side. I’d never been to Scotland so that was a first for me. It’s a place where I see lots of redheads, so it must be a Scottish gene or something like that. It got me thinking that if we have another child, I hope it’s a girl with red hair, just like her mom.

  Every day we’ve spoken to our son. Tiffany misses him to the point of pining for him. Whenever we speak, she never wants to let him go and keeps him chatting over the computer. Though he shows no signs of missing his parents. For me, that's a good sign because he needs to learn independence now he’s at school. Maybe I’ll be the tough parent and Tiffany the soft one. Mind you, he does have me wrapped around his little finger, so I know I won’t be that tough.

  I’ve loved our time together on this trip, with only the two of us. My fiancé is a stunner. Many take a second look at her beautiful red hair and cute freckles, which become more prominent in the sun. As I've got to know her better, I'm glad to say that she has an amazing sense of humor too. It’s also clear that she loves me as much as I love her. Now we have spent time together alone, it's clear we have similar likes and dislikes. They say once you live together you find out all your partners bad habits. Well, I have plenty of those, but the more I learn of Tiffany’s the more I love her.

  So far on this trip, we’ve made love every single night, and sometimes more than once. She's a woman who satisfies my every need and I hope she feels the same about me. Sex is an important part of any relationship, and that part of ours is perfect.

  I haven’t wanted to leave Tiffany's side, not for a second, since we started our trip. Now, I find I must tear myself away for a few days. I have other family commitments and a few personal dealings that I need to take care of. Ethan’s looking to make a new wine to name after his daughter and I promised I’d set things in motion while I’m here.

  I’m watching Tiffany chat with Ali as I look through the glass window. Though I should be concentrating on the meeting I'm having with the wine producers here. This is a meeting set up to discuss Ethan's wish for a new wine but my mind wanders as I walk around the room to talk. I see she’s very animated and looks happy to be with her best friend again. Whilst she doesn’t know I’m observing, I enjoy seeing her smile and laugh. As if she can sense me observing her, she looks my way and sends me a special kind of smile. It’s as if we can speak to one another without the need for words. That will placate me for a now, and I turn my mind back on the business talk going on around me.

  “We must get the right balance of ingredients,” I join in once again. “Ethan wants a gentle sparkle to the white, with the use of a particular grape infused with lily essence. The wine will be called Lilium, and the recipe will remain a family secret for his daughter, Lilly. You should all have a copy outlining the ingredients and process. I'd like to know your thoughts later. For now, I’ll take my leave as I have an incoming call. It’s a surprise for my wife-to-be, so please excuse me.”

  I leave the room to take a call from an Estate Agent in Scotland. I’m buying an apartment in Edinburgh as a surprise for the New Year. I hear they celebrate New Year with style and gusto in Scotland. We’ll spend our first Christmas together in Texas, surrounded by family. Then, I hope to take Tiffany back to her roots for our first New Year. I always like to plan ahead. Once the deal is complete, I’ll get my people on board to organize the furnishing in the apartment,

  It’s my hope that she’ll love it and it will be a place where we can spend many future vacations together.

  Chapter 29


  It’s official, Italy is spectacularly beautiful.

  One evening we travelled to Isola Del Garda. It's a small island on the lake. We went there for an event at the huge villa that sits overlooking Lake Garda. The beautiful Venetian neo-gothic palace was like something from a fairy tale. Its magical gardens are filled with exotic plants and little canals and bridges. Of course, Calvin knew the owners very well. He moves in very different social circles than I’m used to. Though, so far, every one of his friends I’ve met have all seemed down to earth and even normal. Many of them share my own ideologies in life. Though there are a few prigs among them, but then there are in all walks of life.

  I’ve always thought of rich people as stand-offish and ignorant to the plight of the world’s troubles. Calvin is showing me the other side of their nature. The wealthy people I’ve met so far are all hard working and care very much about the world and all its problems. I’m glad to say, so too does my fiancé.

  My fiancé fiancé...I can’t help but repeat that in my head, it sounds wonderful?

  One day it will be, “my husband.” I’m thinking of using the double-barrelled name of Tiffany Miller Luca, in memory of my pa. It was Calvin’s idea. When I told him how upset I was to lose my pa’s family name, he suggested it. I have no brothers to continue the family name. Calvin said he understood because he felt the same when he realized that he now has an heir to his wealth. It’s important to be proud of your family name. Well, that is if you have a loving family, which I’m thankful that I do.

  Ali and I have toured the region on bikes, cycling through local villages and towns. The renaissance architecture was majestic and some of it very old. We passed Roman-style buildings with columns and we lunched in quaint little courtyards. One day we drove for three hours to the dolomite mountains. There, we visited churches with high towers and huge richly decorated arched ceilings. The whole country is like a huge museum, but it’s not staid or dreary. It’s so vibrant and full of life that it’s no surprise that Calvin loves this place so much.

  Calvin has been busy with work, so I’ve tried to keep out of his way during the day. I miss him, but I’m also enjoying being in Ali’s company. At night though, he's all mine and I enjoy every inch of his hardened, muscled body. I hadn’t realized how well-toned he is. Looking at him when he's dressed can be quite deceptive. Most of the time he looks like a well-dressed citizen, but underneath he’s incredibly strong. He turns me on so much that sometimes when I brush his arm it starts my juices flowing. Every day that passes us by, I fall in love with him a little bit more. By the end of the week, even though I’ve enjoyed Ali’s company, I’m starting to miss him a lot as we all wind down our busy schedule.

  I’ve experienced things on this trip I could never have imagined. Expensive wines and meals cooked by Michelin star chefs. Despite all the extravagance, I’m yearning for some normality. I want to go home. Our vacation is coming to an end and I’m glad of it.

  Ali says she’ll be happy never to see the inside of a motor engine ever again. She’s made up her mind that she’s going to live in Texas. As for me, I’m going with the flow at the moment. I’m learning to depend on my other half and allowing Calvin to share in the decision making in my life. I never thought I would ever let that happen, but it’s amazing how easy it is to let someone else sha
re the burden. The old saying is true, a problem shared is a problem halved. I’m liking the thought of married life already.

  Ali and I have only one more trip planned. We're going on a boat ride on the big Lake. I’m now searching for my hat before we whizz off into another hot Italian sunny day.

  New Beginnings

  We’re on our last day. Tiffany and Ali are taking a trip to the lake. I’m sitting on the small balcony of our room, enjoying the morning breeze as Tiffany sleeps on in bed. The long white lace door curtain billows up in the warm air, like a visiting ghost. It’s going to be another hot day. Luckily there’s air conditioning inside, so my love is sleeping well.

  I, on the other hand, am in the middle of a land transaction in the States. I’m buying a small horse ranch not far from Nico’s cattle ranch, which is to be my wedding gift to Tiffany. I figured that she would want to be as near to Ali as she can be, at least for the first few years. Plus, I’ve always had a passion for horses so it's a new challenge for me. Tiffany doesn’t ride but she’ll learn to love it as much as I do. I know it’s a risk because I haven’t discussed this with her yet. My instincts tell me that she’ll come around to the idea of moving to Texas.

  We need somewhere to live. I know that she's uncomfortable with me lavishing her with expensive gifts, but I figured as this will be our first home together, it's ideal. I want her touches everywhere and she’ll enjoy furnishing it. Then it will feel like hers. I can’t wait to see my son running around our new big house. He'll be so happy with his new life, I’ll make sure of that. To start with I hope to have a tutor to home school him. That way he’ll be by my side a lot, to make up for the missing years. Then, I hope that we’ll look for a private school in Italy, so my son can learn all about his family background. I had many amazing times at such a school as a boy, and it will provide him with many happy memories of his younger years. Of course, this all depends on Tiffany agreement.


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