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Pinkerton’s Great Detective

Page 51

by Beau Riffenburgh

  Borah, William E. (cont.)

  later career and death, 363

  trial for timber fraud, 320, 341, n77

  Boule, Ed, 305, 312, 316, 344, 346, 350

  Boyce, Ed, 248, 249

  Boyle, James, 116, 117, 124, 138, 150, appB

  and murder of Yost, 87, 88, n27

  Bradley, Fred, 272, 295, 326, 330, 331, n80, n85

  Brown, Harvey K., 260, 262, 285, 316, 319, 341, n70, n76

  Brown’s Park, 222, 223, 225, 226, 228, 231–32

  Buckshots, 27, 30, 33, 34–35, n18, n19

  Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mine, 206, 212, 263, 272, 326, n54–55

  destruction of concentrator, 249, 263, 272, 312, 330

  Burke, Idaho, 206, 208, 210, 263, 264, 276, 278, 285, 289, 313

  Burns, Patrick, 40, 45, appA, appB, n42, n43

  Burns, William J., 307, n74, n83

  Butler, Patrick, 93, 95, 125, 144, 145, 149, 151, 155, 162, 343, appB, n41

  Caldwell, Idaho, 259–60, 262, 263, 265–67, 277, 296, 301, 324

  grand jury of, 288, 289, 291

  Caldwell, Kansas, 180, 181, 232

  Campbell, Alexander, 58, 127, n30, n34, n41

  appeal, 133

  hanged, 137, 147, 150, appB

  and JM, 86–87, 90, 91, 93, 127, 132–33, 147

  as mastermind of Jones murder, 88–91, 93, 98–99, 114, 116–17, 128, 131–32, 153

  and McGehan’s saloon, 90, 91, 132

  and Powell murder, 130, 147

  trials of, 130, 131–34, 138, 147, appB

  on Yost murder, 87, 90, 132

  Campbell, Patrick, 156, 161, n16, n17, n21, n30, n41, n51, n73

  Canning, Dennis, 77, 80, 110, 125, 140, 149, 155, appB, n40

  Carey, Michael, 81, 92, 159

  Carpenter, Oscar, 281, 296, 298–99, n69

  Carroll, James, 85, 93, 101, 106, 117, 145

  confession to JM, 89, 124, 133, 138–39

  hanged, 150, appB

  interactions with JM, 87, 89, 90, 98, 124, 126, 138–39

  and Jones murder, 90, 98, 114, 128

  trials of, 124–29, 138–40, appB

  and Yost murder, 87–88, 89, 128, appB, n27

  Carver, Will, 226, 231, 235–36, 239–41, n61

  Cary, H. Frank, 244, 290, 296, 298, 353–54, 367

  Cassidy, Butch (Robert LeRoy Parker), 2, 234, 240, n58–59

  background and description, 221–24

  considers going straight, 238

  death, 243, n62

  and Murray, 236–37, 239

  organizes gang, 224, 225, 226

  relocation to Argentina, 241–43, n51, n62

  robberies, 222, 227

  Montpelier bank, 223–24

  Pleasant Valley Coal Company, 224–25

  San Miguel Valley Bank, 222

  Union Pacific, Tipton, 237–38, 239, n61

  Union Pacific, Wilcox, 229–30, 235–36

  Winnemucca bank, 238–39, n61

  at WS Ranch, 228, 235, 236–37, 239

  Chain Gang (Sheet Irons), 63, 66, 69, 72, n32

  Citizens’ Alliance, 251, 253, 321

  Coal and Iron Police, 36, 75, 76, 78, 81, 91, 94, 113, 163, n19, n25, n30, n32, n44

  arrests by, 116–17, 125, 154

  Coeur d’Alenes mining troubles, 263

  1892 uprising, 208–12, 275–76, 317–18, n56

  1899 uprising, 249, 262, 263–65, 332

  bullpens, 212, 264

  Bunker Hill concentrator destroyed, 249, 263, 272, 312, 330

  military intervention in, 212, 264–65

  Steunenberg’s role in, 262–65, 332

  union involvement in, 207–12, 249, 263, 265

  Coeur d’Alenes region, 216, 294, 313

  finding metals and minerals, 206, n54–55

  physical geography of, 206

  Siringo in, 207–12

  unions in, 206, 208, 212, 261–63, 276

  coffin notices, 64, 73, 106

  Collins, Arthur, 252, 272, 276, 278, 285–86, 288, 296, 350, n68

  Colorado Labor Wars, 254, 262, 264, 330

  Columbus, Kansas, 171–73

  Conan Doyle, Arthur, 8, 56, 357

  Conrad, John Howard, 200, 201, 202, n53

  Cornish, John, 200, 201, 244, n11, n53

  Cosgrove, Edward, 68, 78, 113, n24

  Cripple Creek, 233, 249, 253, 254, 262, 287, n77

  strike in, 213, 214, 251, 294

  Cull, Manus (aka Kelly the Bum), 54, 57, 148, 150, 287, 297, 334, 343–44, n66, n70

  Cummings, P. M., 66, 69, 152, n44

  Currie, George “Flat Nose,” 226, 227, 230, 234, 235, 237

  Curry, Kid, see Logan, Harvey

  Daily Herald, 103, 105, 106, 117, 135, 163

  Darrow, Clarence, 309, 321, 322, 326, n77

  and Adams’s recantation, 304, 307, 338–39

  in Adams’s trials, 311, 315, 341–46

  background, 284

  bribery, suggestions of, 307–8

  change of tactics with Orchard, 346–47

  closing in Haywood trial, 333–36, 338, n80

  and Coleman’s reasons for Haywood victory, 363, n15–16, n85–86

  courtroom technique, 325, 364, n75–76

  expectations for Haywood verdict, 337

  joins Haywood defense team, 284–85

  later career and death, 363

  mastoid problems, 342, 344, 346, 347

  opinion of JM, 307, 315, 321–22, 334–36, n15

  questioning of JM, 342–45, n83–84

  Richardson, conflict with, 311, 321, 327–28, 338, 341

  salary of, 299–300, n73

  tactics for Haywood defense, 300, 304, 305–6, 325, 329, 333–36, 338, 340, 364, n74

  Davis, Oscar King, 325, 327, 332, 338, n79

  Debs, Eugene, 284, 293, 318

  Dimaio, Frank, 242–43, n51, n62

  Dolan, Barney, 64, 67

  Donahue, John “Yellow Jack,” 80, 130, 144, 147, 150, appB, n40, n41

  Donnelly, Christopher, 80, 125, 140, 144, 145, appB, n40, n41

  Donnelly, Dennis “Bucky,” 97, 145, 149, 150, 156, 158, 159, appB, n42

  Dormer, Pat, 53, 54, 55–56, 57, 58, 86, n22

  Dougherty, Daniel, 69–70, 76–77, 80, 112

  Doyle, Michael, 63, 140, 143

  and assault on Thomas, 81–82, 130

  and murders of Sanger and Uren, 95, 96, 97, 135, 158

  Pinkerton’s search for, 130, 136

  shares room with JM, 63, 95, 98, 130–31

  Doyle, Michael J., 100, 110, 116, 117, 131, 132, n31

  hanged, 118, 150, appB

  and murder of Jones, 98–100, 114, 125, 153

  trial of, 105, 106, 112–15, 116, 121, 133, appB, n35

  Duffy, Thomas, 87, 93, 117

  hanged, 150, appB

  and murder of Yost, 88, 116, 145, n27–28

  trials of, 124–29, 138, 145–46, appB

  Eames, Charles O., 185, 186, n49, n50

  Earp, Wyatt, 165, 180

  Eastwood, P. M., 174, 176, 293

  eight-hour day, 37, 181, 213, 249–50

  Elks, Order of, 220, 245, 268, 300, 361

  extradition of Haywood, Moyer, and Pettibone, 276–86, 290, 295, 309–10, n67–69

  habeas corpus petition, 283–84, 290, 309–10

  press response to, 282, 290, 300, 310

  U.S. Supreme Court appeal, 290, 291, 309–10, 318, n71

  Farley, John F., 184, 187, 191 n49

  Farquhar, Guy, 122, 148

  Fillius, Jacob, 298, 304

  Fisher, Thomas, 87, 147, 150, appB

; Foster, Thomas, 103, 105–6, 108, n32

  Franklin, Benjamin, 21, 26, 75, 78, 90, 128, 131, 133, 162, 163, 167, n25, n30, n57

  JM’s reports to, 65, 70, 74, 81, 82, 89, 95–96, 98, 100–1, 108–10, n22, n30, n38

  as JM’s supervisor, 50–51, 56, 70, 85, 111, 134

  meetings with JM, 50–51, 53, 67, 75, 86, 91, 104, 111, 120

  Fraser, John C., 187, 198, 219, 231–32, 244, 267, 277, 353

  Friedman, Morris, 316, 330, n49–52, n66

  Gabbert, William H., 272, 279, 288, 327

  Gem, Idaho, 206–12, 263, 264

  Gibbons, John, 77–78, 81, 140, 144, appB, n40

  Girardville, xiv, 31, 56, 57, 60, 63, 76, 92, 118, 141, appA

  Goddard, Luther J., 272, 277–79, 288, 327

  Gooding, Frank, 260, 262, 277, 293, 297, 298, 300, 304, 305, 324, n58, n84

  first meeting with JM, 266–67

  interactions with JM, 266–68, 277–78, 282, 286, 289, 295, 302, 305, 320, 323, 331

  later career and death, 363, n82

  role in Adams’s confession, 286, 305

  role in extraditions, 277–78, 292

  support of JM, 266–67, 279, 286–87

  and Swain, 261, 266, 267

  Gould, Jay, 172, 173, 204

  Gowen Compromise, 40

  Gowen, Franklin, 22, 53, 154, n16, n32

  and Archbishop Wood, 123, 128, 152, n36

  background, 22–23, 24, 34

  as district attorney, 23–24, 34–35, 153

  efforts to control anthracite industry, 39, 41, 42–44, 45, 71, 78, 79–80, 83

  goal of controlling anthracite industry, 22, 24–25, 39, 83, 152, 153, n26–27

  interactions with JM, 50, 111, 120–21, 122–23, 125–26, 136, 147, 162, 358, n24

  on JM, 136–37, 364

  later career and death, 189–90, n51

  and legislative investigations, 41–43, 72, 83–84, 85, n27

  linking of AOH to Molly Maguires, 72–73, 83–84, 125–26, 129, 139, 140, n37

  linking of WBA to Molly Maguires, 25, 42, 44–45, 72–73, 83–84, 151–52

  and negotiations with WBA, 39, 40–41, 43, 44, 66, 71, 79–80

  as opponent to Molly Maguires, 25, 28, 84, 112–13, 115, 152, 153, 190, n26–27, n30

  and Pinkerton’s, 25–27, 46, 50, 65–66, 71, 72, 75, 77, 120–23, 128, 136, 157

  as president of Reading, 22, 24, 39–45, 72, 75, 83, 112, 163, 189–90, n30

  Gowen, Franklin (cont.)

  as prosecutor in Molly Maguire trials, 115, 120–26, 128–29, 134–46, 150, 155, n40

  rumored assassination attempt of, 75, 85–86

  speech in Munley trial, 136–38

  Grand Central Hotel, 174–75, 300

  Graves, Thomas Thatcher, 200–2, n53–54

  Great Chicago Fire, 16, 21, 76, 166

  Great Famine, 12, 48, 56

  Gregory, Lyte, 272, 305, 326

  Gwyther, Thomas, 92, appA, n28

  habeas corpus hearings, 108, 117, 118, 128, 134, 143, 149, 154, 283, 290, 300, 305, 309–10, 318

  Hadsell, Frank A., 234, 237, 280, n60

  Hammett, Dashiell, 192, 245, n52

  Hanscom, Orinton, 200, 201–2, n53–54

  Hasson, Gus J., 265–66, 277

  Hawley, James Henry, 286, 293, 296, 300, 321

  and Adams trials, 311, 341, 344–45, n75–76

  background, 275–76, 317

  and Borah trial, 341, n77

  closing in Haywood trial, 331–32, 336

  Darrow’s attacks on, 325, 333–34

  extraditions, involvement in, 277–78, 279, 290, 309, n68

  fee for Steunenberg case, 289, 297–98

  and Haywood trial, 323, 325–326, 328

  interactions with JM, 277–78, 279, 298, 302, 303, 305, 320, 323, 331, n72, n76

  later career and death, 363

  as lead prosecutor for Steunenberg murder, 275, 289, 320, 339, 346, 347, n58

  Haymarket affair, 181–82, 184, 204, 284, n48

  Haywood, William, 250, 302, 307, 309, 313, 353

  acquittal of, 337, 338, n15, n85–86

  and Adams, 286, 288, 296, 316

  arrest and extradition, 276–78, 280–82, 283, 285, 290, n68, n72

  background, 249

  and JM, 251, 283, 339, 355, 365, 366, n72, n85–86

  jurors views on, 337–38, n16, n85

  later life and death, 363

  and Orchard, 262, 272, 276, 286, 328, 336, 348–49, n85

  relationship with Moyer, 321, 330

  and socialism, 249, 275, 293

  trial of, 311, 316, 317, 318, 323–37, 346, 348, 363, n15–17, n58, n66, n85–86

  as “undesirable citizen,” 318–19

  in WFM inner circle, 271–73, 277, 286, 288

  Heaton, Robert, 97, 134

  Heaton’s Colliery, 97, 99, 135, 159

  Hesser, Frederick, 70, appA, appB, n42, n43

  Hester, Patrick, 77, 148, 150, appB, n25

  Hibernian House, xiv, 56–57

  Hicks, Carson C., 319–20, 331, 350, n77

  Higgins, Mary Ann, xi, 89–90, 117–118, 128–29

  Hopkins, Wellington B., 272, 287, 351

  Horan, James D., 4, 110, n11, n31–32, n50–51, n58

  Horn, Tom, 2, 197–99, 218, 351, n60

  JM’s opinion of, 199

  on killing, 198–99

  as Pinkerton’s agent, 198–99, 233–34

  Shores’s opinion of, 197, n52–53

  trial and hanging, 199, 306

  Horsley, Albert, see Orchard, Harry

  Huebener, George C., 272, 287, 351–52

  Hughes, Danny, xii, 86, 108, 118, 149

  Hughes, Francis, 113, 114, 116, 122, 130, 134, 147, 148, 154, 157

  closing arguments, 115, 139–40

  Hurley, Thomas, 84, 94, 140, 143, 271

  and assault on Thomas, 81–82, 106

  capture and suicide, 182–84, 188, n49

  and murder of Gomer James, 77–78, 92–93, 144–45, appB, n40

  search for, 106, 130, 136, 163, 182–83

  stays with JM, 95–97, 127, 135, 159, n29

  Hurt, Walter, 174, 293, 294

  Idanha Hotel, 266, 322–23, 326, 329, 347, n77–78

  Independence depot bombing, 252–53, 254, 262, 272, 288, 321, 326

  Independence Mine, 249, 252

  Indian Territory, 171, 173, 180, 198, 199, 232–33

  James, Gomer, 68, 78, 92–93, 95, 113, 135, 144, 145, 182, appA, appB, n24, n40

  James-Younger gang, 20, 103, 165

  Jones, John P., 88, 147, n28

  Campbell masterminding murder of, 88–91, 93, 98–99, 114, 116, 117, 128, 131–32, 153

  JM failing to warn, 96–98, 100–2, 127, 133, 159, n41, n44

  murder of, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 125, 151, 153, appA, n31

  postponement of murder of, 89, 90, 98, 101

  protection of, 90–91, 98, 100–1, 127, n30

  trials for murder of, 106, 112–15, 121, 131–33, appB

  Kaercher, George, 108, 119, 122, 124–25, 129, 130, 134, 138, 144, 145, 148, 157, 163, 191

  Kalbfus, Daniel, 113, 115, 124, 131, 133

  Kane, Jerry, 114, 130, n31

  Kehoe, John, 4, 58, 92, 106, 357, n16, n29

  as AOH county delegate, xii, 67, 80, 125, n26

  appeal, 150, n42–43

  background and description, xii, xiv, 56–57

  distrust of JM, xii, 118, 120, 123, 124, n36

  first meeting with JM, 57

  hanged, 148, 150, appB

  and June 1 meeting, 80–81, 141–44

  and Langdon murder, 33, 56<
br />
  as leader of Molly Maguires, xiv, 57, 93, 140, 143–44, 145, 148, 271, n26

  pronounces death sentence on JM, xiii, 118

  trials of, 140–44, 148, 158, appB, n40

  and Wiggans Patch murders, 108, n32

  Kelly, Edward, 100, 105, 110, 113, 116, 117, 131, 132

  hanged, 121, 150, appB

  murder of Jones, 98–100, 114, 133, 150, 153, n31

  trial of, 106, 112, 121, appB, n35

  Kelly the Bum, see Cull, Manus

  Kenny, Kevin, 6–7, 100, 151, n15–17, n33, n38, n85

  Kerrigan, Jimmy, 105, 110, 121, 130, 134, n31

  confesses role in murders, 89, 116, 122, 133

  description and traits, 85, 115–16

  family’s plot against, 117–18, 128–29

  JM’s interactions with, 89–90, 125, 139

  later life, 163

  and murder of Jones, 90, 93, 96, 98–101, 112

  and murder of Yost, 85, 87–88, n27–28, n41

  testimony, 117, 128, 129, 131–32, 138, 145, 146, 147, 151, 155, appB

  turns state’s evidence, 115–17, 123, 163–64, 343

  Kilpatrick, Ben, 226, 231, 239–41, n61

  Knights of Columbus, 246, 358–59, 361

  Knights of Labor, 172, 194, 196–97, 204–5

  Langdon, Frank, 33, 56, 148, 150, appA, appB

  Lawler, Michael “Muff,” 56–61, 63–68, 93, 96, 106, 125, 135, 146–48, 163, appB, n42

  Lay, Elzy, 223–24, 225, 228, 231, 235–36, 240, n59

  Lee, Bob, 226, 231, 233, 241

  Lillard, James, 285, 304–5, 307–8, 316, 319, n76

  Lincoln, Abraham, 7, 19, 20, 33–34, 126, 154, 200, n11, n14, n40

  Linden, Robert J., 89, 93, 94, 102, 125, 131, 133, n22

  background and description, 75–76

  and “flying squadron,” 76, 78–79, 160, n44

  friendship with JM, 104, 119, 122

  JM unable to reach, 81–82, 95–98, 101, 159

  later career and death, 167, 190, 256, n51

  meetings with JM, 76, 78, 85, 86, 91, 94, 100, 101, 104, 105, 110, 119, 120, 127

  Molly Maguire investigations, 76, 90, 98, 105–6, 129–31, 148, 163, 183, n28, n30

  and vigilance committee, 103, n32–33

  at West Shenandoah colliery, 78–79

  Logan, Harvey (aka Kid Curry), 226–27, 230, 233, 236–42, 357

  thought to lead Wild Bunch, 232, 234, 243

  Logan, Lonnie, 226, 227, 230, 233

  Long Strike, 71–80, 83, 84, 105, 121, 152

  negotiations during, 73, 79

  violence during, 72, 73, 74, 79, 80, n33

  Longabaugh, Harry (aka the Sundance Kid), 227, 230, 236, 239, 240, 241, n59, n61

  background and description, 225–26


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