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Payback Time, Baby

Page 3

by Sabel Simmons

  His fury built to a point of incineration. A suspicion prickled at the back of his mind that he refused to consider. If he was right … he would kill her … slowly! The picture moved inch by inch and his eyes turned as cold as a silver bullet.


  His eyes trained on the purple streak hardly visible and hidden by the pony that only briefly appeared when the wind ruffled her hair.

  “Where. Did. She. Go?”

  He ground the words out through clenched teeth. Walt forwarded and they watched her disappear into the parking garage at the back of the Hotel. Walt switched to the cameras at the exit of the garage, and searched for the same timeframe, but she was nowhere to be found. As quickly as they found her, they lost her again.

  “Tell me I did not see a ghost, Tristan. That was Savannah?”

  Tristan breathed in haggardly and battled to get his anger under control. Walt jumped when he released a string of curses and swiped the table behind him clean from the clutter covering it; his face drawn in a sneer. Cups cluttered to the floor, glasses splattered to pieces and the girls stood watching him in fright. They have never seen him angry, let alone lose his temper.

  “Yes, that was Savannah Seagers. Also the Purple Pearl! Now you better find her for me, Walt!” he snarled as he turned towards the door, and send me that clip of her.”

  He sat staring at his computer screen for hours, his rage churning inside him, until his eyes eventually burned with strain. Yet he could not take his eyes off the picture of the beautiful woman on the screen. One he has been searching for, for four years … and one he held in his arms and buried his shaft into four months ago … never realizing he found her.

  It was Savannah’s younger sister’s twenty first birthday party that night and everyone was invited. The party was held at the posh country club on Long Island in New Jersey.

  Brett and Emma Seagers greeted Tristan warmly and Emma hugged and kissed him on the cheek. He still visited them regularly and to them, he was still the son they welcomed into their home the moment Savannah told them he was the love of her life.

  To this day they were still sad about her disappearance, and still didn’t know or understand why. She phoned them at least once a month and they have long conversations, their longing for her becoming harder to bear. She refused to tell them where she was, knowing that Tristan was looking for her when she tried to leave the country. Since then she has become persona non grata and all they had of her was her sweet voice every now and then.

  Tristan has been searching for her non-stop and knew about the phone calls, but it was a burner phone she bought every time and they could not even trace that to a country. No one knew where she was.

  “It is so good to see you, Tristan. You have been very scarce since you went to LA four months ago.”

  “We have been exceptionally busy, Aunt Emma. I promise to make up for my tardiness though!”

  He felt slightly guilty for not mentioning he found Savannah, but seeing as they didn’t know anything more than they did that morning, he didn’t want to put their hopes up.

  Jessica hung on his arm and he shrugged her off irritably. She has become annoyingly possessive of late and he frowned at her. They grew up together and she has been part of his family for as long as he could remember. Their father’s grew up together and Tristan knew they always had a pact that the two of them should be married. He put a stop to that fantasy when he went to the Navy and made it clear to his father he would never see her as anything other than a sister. Did she all of a sudden have the same aspirations? Lord, another complication he did not need in his life right now.

  She was already thirty two years old and had a few steady boyfriends over the years, but none ever turned serious. He sighed as her words registered and he frowned angrily.

  “Why you still call them Aunt and Uncle I will never know! They are nothing to you!”

  “It is not your concern what I do or do not call them, Jessica. I brought you here on my fathers’ request, not as my date, so I suggest you go and look for them. I am going to join Damien and Shane.”

  He walked away leaving a fuming Jessica behind, the fury he felt earlier in the day still seething inside him.

  Leandra, Savannah’s sister and his brother, David, joined the group as soon as he did and there were hugs around, but Leandra could not hide the sadness in her eyes. His questioning look caused a deep sigh to expand his brothers’ chest. They looked a lot alike, but David was blond and his frame slightly smaller. He made his father proud and worked with him as a partner at the firm.

  He hugged the petite and very pretty brown haired, young woman close to his side, the love in his eyes shining down at her. She returned his smile sadly.

  “She is sad that Savannah is not here.”

  “She will be here tonight!”

  “Lee … she promised before and it never happened. Please, darling, don’t put your mind to it.”

  “I am telling you David, she will be here! She said she will be here and I believe her this time!”

  “Did she promise she will be here or did she tell you she’ll be here?” Her brother Alex joined them and asked the question softly.

  “She told me she’ll be here, when we spoke two weeks ago. She actually got mad when I demanded she promised and told me that promises were meant to be broken and those that made them never meant them! Her words were … I will be there, Leandra, now stop haggling me! Yes, that’s what she said!”

  Alex smiled at her and hugged her tight. “Then, Leandra, my little sister, our long lost sis will be here tonight. If that is what she said, she will be here, you can count on it!”

  Tristan turned to stone, his face drawn tight and his lips pulled in a straight line. His heart hammered against his chest. He forced the words out, and his voice was so hoarse it was nearly unrecognizable.

  “How can you be so sure Alex?”

  “Because Savannah does not believe in promises, not anymore and if she didn’t promise but made a commitment, she will honor it.”

  From that point Tristan’s body trembled in anticipation and the fury built slowly higher and higher. He withdrew from everyone and stood on the outsides looking in, adamant to see her before she noticed him. Everyone was called into the ballroom where the tables were set out around the dance floor for dinner to be served. He had no choice but to trail in after everybody and his lips tightened when he noticed Jessica on the chair to his left.

  The five course meal and speeches took nearly two hours and by that time Leandra’s unhappiness was rising again. It was past eight o’ clock and still no sign of Savannah.

  Reginald Seagers, Brett’s youngest brother and Leandra’s favorite uncle was the MC of the evening and drew everyone’s attention, clearing his throat loudly. All eyes went to him and he smiled widely at Leandra.

  “Lee, my darling, you are today a young woman, on the precipice of a beautiful future with a man that truly loves you by your side. Now to make the beginning of this journey even more perfect is the best surprise ever. She told you she’d be here tonight, and here she is, with Purple Pearl and the dancers, your sister, Savannah!”

  Leandra slapped her hands over her mouth, her eyes stretched wide. The curtains on the stage opened and the lights went out, whilst at the same time a spotlight shone on the stage the moment the band started playing Purple Pearls just released hit, I’m wild for you, baby.

  More lights flickered on and followed the dancers weaving their way through the tables, all dressed in black and purple, with matching masks on their faces to start dancing on the floor in the center of the room. The first lines of the song echoed through the ballroom in the Pearl’s husky, warm voice and the people at the back of the room jumped up and clapped and screamed so loud, they completely drowned her voice.

  Leandra jumped up, not to search for the Pearl, but to desperately search the dancers to see if she could recognize her sister. She slumped down realizing they all wore the same purple wigs and
a few were the same height as Savannah.

  Tristan was livid and his eyes blazed silver fire when they slapped on the shapely, curvy figure in the tight purple pants and jewel studded corset, with a purple wig, gyrating and enticing everyone with her beauty and … deceit. He didn’t need to search the dancers for Savannah Seagers; his eyes burned holes into her already! His body ready to pounce on her and wrap his hands around her neck … as soon as he got his arousal throbbing painfully against his pants under control!

  Chapter Four

  Savannah could feel his eyes incinerate her and avoided looking in his direction as much as possible and when she did it was only to familiarize herself with her brother and sister and how much Leandra has changed and turned into a woman over the past four years.

  Her heart ached with the desire to hold them close. Her throat clogged up when her eyes came to rest on her parents, where they were pointing at the dancers, trying to establish which one was her.

  They were in the process of changing their song set and she took a large swig of water and choked when his eyes caught hers in his fiery gaze. His rage emanated from his whole body and she stiffened. It could not only be because of that night at the Charity Ball, he looked as if he knew … oh God, did he? Was it possible he already knew who she really was?

  She tried to remain calm but felt shiver after shiver run down her frame as his eyes turned into globes of steel, even over the distance separating them. A slow grin formed around his lips, his eyes glued to hers as he lifted his cell phone to his ear, talking briefly and she nearly suffocated. What was he up to? She had to get out of here, was the first thought that flashed through her mind! But how could she? She came here because she reached a decision. A decision that would change her life forever … but one she clearly was not ready for.

  The band started with the new set and she switched into her role. The ballad she sang was poignant, full of pain and heartache and her voice carried all those feelings to everyone there. When the last note died away, everyone stood up and erupted in applause, some even wiped away tears.

  A lively tune was next and she indicated to the dancers to get the guests on the floor. The girls immediately went to grab Leandra and David and pulled them to the floor. One by one they added more couples until the dance floor was packed and the only couple still sitting was Tristan and Jessica. She watched when Terry went to entice them to the floor, but Tristan’s eyes remained on her, waving her away absently. Jessica fumed and her eyes flashed dangerously at Savannah.

  It was that look that enticed her to act impulsively, stupidly. By the time she acknowledged how reckless she was to get close to the Lion’s den, she already stood next to his chair. The tune called for energetic moves and she swung her hips in time, looking down at him. His eyes were shuttered, but glittered like splintered glass. She smiled and took both Jessica and his hands in hers, pulled them up and was surprised at how easily he followed her. She drew them to the center of the floor, and swung them towards each other, then quickly escaped through the dancing couples, forcing them to join the dancing.

  She could feel her back burn with the heat from his gaze, his irritation slamming into her back. A wicked smile curved her lips. The song came to an end but she enticed everyone to stay on the floor for the next song which flowed directly from the previous.

  It was the song of the big reveal. She came because the void without her family was getting too much for her. She came because she was tired of hiding and she came because her children deserved to be part of a loving and happy family. She came … because they needed to know their father. And she came … because she needed their father!

  At her sign the dancers removed their masks one by one, her eyes caught Tristan’s and in that moment she knew … he already knew who she was. He was waiting for the moment when she stood naked in front of him … with nothing to hide behind ... no mask to protect her from his wrath. It was there in his eyes, in his rigid body and in his hands that fisted next to his body.

  She turned away and stood behind Leandra facing David and Alex. The last dancer removed her mask and she saw her shoulders drop, clearly thinking she was not there. She pulled the mask and the purple wig from her head and her long black hair cascaded down her back, the purple highlight catching the light. Alex went as white as a sheet, then a smile so sweet it transformed his face into pure happiness. David froze and just stared at her until Leandra noticed and turned around.

  Her eyes went as round as saucers, her mouth dropped open and she gaped, tears gathered and ran unhindered down her cheeks. Savannah took the step that separated them and softly wiped the tears from her cheek, her own eyes drowning in hers.

  “Hello, little sis.”

  She screamed and they grabbed each other, Alex stepped closer and threw his arms around the two of them. The music stopped and everyone watched the excitement of the three siblings, some tearfully. Her mother’s soft voice penetrated through the excitement and she extracted her from her Leandra’s clinging arms. She turned and her strength waned when she met her mother’s warm brown eyes, and her father’s tear filled green ones.

  She stumbled forward and they drew her into their arms. Now she was the one clinging and drawing strength from them. At long last … she came home.

  Savannah managed to stay out of Tristan’s way for over an hour. Or rather he kept away from her, but he hovered close and she was constantly aware of his presence. His cold, hard stare remained trained on her all the time. She had the distinct impression he was biding his time, waiting for the opportunity when she was not surrounded by either her or his family. When there was no one but the two of them.

  She swallowed hard, emotionally preparing herself for the upcoming confrontation. He was livid about her deceit in Los Angeles; it was there in every look he gave her. She smirked, he probably thought what he did four years ago was not deceitful? Did not totally destroy her? All he got … was pleasure! So why was he so damned angry at her?

  She stood with Alex and Tristan’s twin sister, Georgina in the foyer some time later. He lurked close by when Georgina grabbed her left hand and shouted, “You’re married?” Then she gasped when she recognized the ring. With her mouth still stretched in an ‘Oohh’, she looked over Savanna’s shoulder to catch her brother’s eye pointedly.

  He froze when he heard the question, his heart slammed against his chest, but it was her astonished look that propelled him to her side. He yanked Savannah’s hand out of hers. His heart stopped beating and he forgot to breathe. She still wore the engagement ring he put on her finger four years ago! His grip tightened around her fingers until she gasped in pain, but he didn’t let her go. Very slowly, his eyes lifted to hers, rage gleamed into her suddenly very green eyes.

  Both Alex and Georgina took flight the moment he grabbed her hand and they stood alone amongst a foyer filled with people. She gasped when his hand tightened around her fingers again. The pain flashed in her eyes … he exulted seeing it.

  “Why?” he forced the word through tight lips and she flinched, but stubbornly pressed her lips together. His hand tightened again and she cried out in pain.

  “I asked you why!”

  She groaned and tears of pain filled her eyes. “Please Tristan! You are hurting me!” Still he didn’t reduce his hold on her hand.

  “Answer me, damn you! Why are you still wearing my ring?”

  She swallowed at the lump in her throat, and looked at him through the pain throbbing in her fingers still clasped painfully in his large hand. Her tongue circled her mouth to wet her suddenly dry lips; her eyes held hostage by his.

  “It was not … up to me … to remove it.”

  She said so softly he had to lean into her to hear her. The rage he had been battling to contain inside him erupted. It flashed briefly in his eyes in warning and she desperately tugged at her hand to free herself. He let her, but only to bent over and throw her over his shoulder and march out the door.

  For a moment she was too stunned to
react, but when the cool air of the late night shivered over her spine she started struggling, kicking viciously with her feet, and hitting his back with her fists. His large hand closed over both her ankles and he yanked her further down over his shoulder. She shrieked and grabbed onto his belt in fear of being dropped on her head, she was hanging so low over his back. Her head bobbed against his legs with every step he took. Her hair trailed on the ground and her only anchor his one hand holding onto her ankles.

  “Put me down! Tristan, I said put me down!”

  Then he did, or rather he didn’t, he threw her down so that she fell hard on her butt on the grass covered lawn and her cry of pain echoed through the trees around them. She lay stunned for a moment, not believing he just did that and missed his expression of horror at his own vicious act. She groaned and pushed up on her elbows, slowly pulling her legs together. She wearily watched the furious man towering over her, his legs spread wide and his arms crossed over his wide chest. He watched her painfully gathering her limbs to sit up, seemingly unconcerned for the pain he caused her.

  “You could have broken my neck!”

  Her anger at being so manhandled lashed at him and he smirked.

  “Shall I try again?” She whipped glowing green eyes at him.

  “That is not funny.”

  He stepped closer and roughly kicked her legs apart to hunch down between them. She cried out and forced herself not to scramble back in fear. He leaned forward, nearly nose to nose with her, his eyes hard and deadly serious.

  “You will find that I hardly ever joke anymore and I never say anything I don’t mean.” His eyes bored into hers and she swallowed.

  “You are a jerk!”

  He grabbed her chin between his fingers and drew her face closer to his, forcing her to sit upright.

  “Jerk am I? What does that make you I wonder? Bitch … slut?” he snarled at her and she winced, tears gathered in her eyes at the viciousness of his words.

  “Hell no! Don’t you dare! No amount of crocodile tears will sway me! As God is my witness, if you as much as shed one single tear out of those lying dragon’s eyes, I’ll wring your bloody neck!”


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