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Payback Time, Baby

Page 11

by Sabel Simmons


  “Yes, honey?”

  He pulled her head down with his hand around her neck, and kissed her long and deep, enjoying her eager response, her body supple without the usual tension. The twins giggled and she pulled back and jumped from his lap. She hugged Tiffany close and glanced at Tristan, who watched her with a smile on his lips. What the devil was he up to now?

  “The twins wanted to know when we are going to visit your parents. Maybe we should pop in today? I spoke to your mom during the week and she said they’d be home the whole day.”

  He glared at her and she realized he didn’t want the twins near his father; it was there in his eyes. She looked at him and said softly, so the kids could not hear.

  “You can’t punish her too, Tristan. It is her grandchildren too.”

  He sighed and ran a hand down his face. “I know. Very well, as long as they are not left alone with him. Not even for a second! Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Admiral!” He speared an annoyed glare at her.

  “Very funny. I am serious Savannah. I do not want my father near our kids!” He frowned when the tears shone in her eyes. “Now what?” She shook her head and blinked the tears away. “Savannah?” He growled warningly.

  “It’s just … it’s the first time you called them our kids.”

  He just looked at her, realizing how difficult the past few weeks must have been for her. She took all the blame on her shoulders; she suffered his retribution and never once opposed him. He knew he always referred to the twins as his kids, albeit unconsciously … to separate her from the three of them … keep her apart from the bond he was building with them … to break the bond she had with them. There was desolation in her eyes and he realized how much she hurt inside, how alone she had been.

  He cursed but did not respond and called the twins closer. Their excitement knew no bounds when told where they were going. Savannah went upstairs to pack some extra clothes for the twins to take along. They always ended up needing a change of clothes on outings.

  She changed from the shorts and t-shirt she hastily drew on earlier into a long, cool white sundress with white sandals on her feet. She brushed her hair until it shone and bounced down her back, then ran downstairs to where they were waiting impatiently for her.

  Tristan’s eyes followed her all the way down the stairs and when she walked past him, took her arm and pulled her into his arms.

  “You look beautiful.”

  She watched his head lower and sighed into his kiss when his lips closed tenderly over hers. His touch a gentle reminder of what they could have.

  Chapter Eleven

  Alice was over the moon when they arrived and could not stop hugging and kissing the twins. She looked at Tristan and scolded him.

  “Why did you take so long to bring them for a visit? It’s been weeks since they arrived!”

  He smiled indulgently at her. “I know and I am sorry, but I needed some time with them myself.” He looked lovingly down at the twins in her arms, running his hand over their little heads. “Some days I just want to sit with them on my lap holding on to them, listening to them breathe.”

  Savannah swallowed the sob in her throat, turned and ran down the stairs, heading for the cliff at the edge of the property. The raw emotion in his voice broke her heart and made her wonder if he would ever really forgive her for keeping them from him. She had so much hope after the other night. She did not want to live like they have been … not for much longer … she prayed his whisper meant what she thought it did.

  Alice watched Savannah run across the lawn and looked at her son also following her fleeing form with tortured eyes. She placed her hand on his arm; he looked at her and she shook her head.

  “You have to move forward, Tristan. You can’t keep blaming her for what happened forever. If you keep this up, you will lose her again … this time, perhaps for good.” His jaw tightened and he shook his head.

  “She’ll never leave me. She knows I will never allow her to take my children away from me. If she wants to be a part of their lives, she will stay.”

  “And what type of life are you offering her, my son? Think about this very carefully. You continue to hurt her you will eventually hurt your children.”

  His hands fisted by his side and he nodded, his voice was rough with emotion. “I know all of this, Mom. I just … I just need time.”

  “Remember … time is a fleeting thing. Once lost, it is never to be found again. You and she already lost four years, Tristan. Don’t waste any more!”

  “I am sorry.”

  Savannah stiffened, John Wade’s whisper floating over the wind to her. She stood looking down at the sea far below and the wind whipped her hair around her face. She turned around, not sure how to react.

  He stood a few feet behind her with slumped shoulders. He looked as if he aged ten years since the last time she saw him. His eyes were glued on hers, begging forgiveness. He closed his eyes briefly and indicated the stone bench next to him.


  She walked over and sat down reluctantly, not sure she wanted to have this conversation with him. He took the few steps closer and sat down next to her, gazing out the sea, gathering his thoughts.

  “Tristan has never been so happy since he met you. I could see his future in his eyes every time he mentioned your name. He really loved you and he had no doubt you were his soul mate. Thinking back now, I don’t know why I ever doubted it.” He shook his head sadly.

  “My best friend died a few nights prior to the day you came to tell Tristan about the pregnancy, the day of his funeral in fact. We were like brothers and I was devastated. I made him a promise that night and in my grief it was all I could think about. To keep my promise to him, no matter what. I lost focus and Jessica … she knew how hard I took his death, so she … God, no, I can’t even blame her! Yes, I had no idea what she did with Tristan in his office, but I am the one that chased you away.”

  His shoulders shook from the sobs that racked his frame and he looked at her with tears in his eyes.

  “I have lived with regret for four years! Praying you never aborted his child … my grandchild! Every time I looked into his eyes, I saw you … the devastation in your eyes when you came back from his office.”

  He shook his head and slammed his fist on the stone seat between them.

  “The day you phoned a few months later … I already regretted what I did by that time, the money I gave you. But Jessica just told me how much attention Tristan gave her, and that he has forgotten about you … how happy Patrick would be! Instead of doing the right thing for my son, I once again allowed my emotions to lead me and did what I promised my best friend, paved the way for a union between Jessica and Tristan.”

  “A union that never happened.”

  “No … and I soon realized never would. I really am sorry, and even though I don’t expect you to ever forgive me, I am happy you kept my son’s children. You can’t imagine how much! He deserves love and happiness in his life and I recognized then already, you were the only one that could give it to him.”

  There was a long silence between them, with only the warm wind twirling around them. She covered his hand with hers and squeezed softly.

  “I can’t promise anything, Uncle John. It hurt when you told me he never loved me and never would. What hurt even more, is that I came to believe it, that I doubted what he felt for me … and because of that … after you told me he was getting married … how close I got to … to using that damn money you gave me!”

  The eyes he turned to her was torturous, overrun by tears and he wiped her hair from her face, shaking his head.

  “No Savannah … that I will never believe! It might have been a fleeting thought upon hearing that! But now, right here, I do not believe for one moment you would ever have aborted his child. You love him too much.”

  He hugged her briefly. “Thank you for at least listening to me, allowing me to explain. I doubt my son wou
ld offer me the same luxury.”

  “I listened.”

  The hoarse growl came from close behind them and Savannah jumped up, her eyes caught by the hard glitter in his.

  He lifted his hand, his eyes relentless. “Come here, Savannah.” She didn’t hesitate and walked closer, taking his hand and he pulled her against his side, as if to protect her from his father.

  She saw the flash of pain in his eyes. So did Tristan but the hurt was too raw, to relent or to forgive.

  “You should have known better, father. You should have known ME better. I never go back once I decided my course. You taught me that … what made you believe your actions would have forced me to?

  He shook his head. “Savannah might have it in her to forgive you … I honestly don’t know if I do. You took too much from me … from us. I cannot forget that!”

  Savannah put her hand over his heart, her eyes soft when they met his.

  “But maybe one day you will be able to forgive, my love.”

  Savannah and the kids just got dressed and were having lunch on the patio, after a quick swim, when Daisy walked onto the patio with a tall, blond man in tow.

  The twins screeched and charged him and clung to his legs in excitement. He laughed and hugged each one tight. They eventually settled down and he hugged and kissed Savannah briefly.

  “You’re looking well, Savannah.”

  She laughed and looked at him questioningly. “Did you assume I wouldn’t?”

  He shrugged and gazed out to sea and the bridge. “Very nice place you have here. I can see why you wanted to leave so quickly.”

  She shook her head at him. “This place had nothing to do with my decision, James. So what brings you here?”

  He looked at her contemplating his next move. Her eyebrows rose and she sighed.

  “James. Don’t tell me you have not even started looking!”

  He shrugged, unconcerned with her irritation. “Savannah, you’ve had two months now to come to your senses. You can’t really be serious to give up the success you had! The new album we released just after you left went platinum in a week! Everyone is hungry for a tour! You can’t just give everything up and for what? This house?”

  She was more than irritated with him now, she was angry.

  “James, listen to me and listen well. I told you before I left I am done as Purple Pearl. I am not going back to LA!”

  “You don’t have to come back to LA. You can continue as Purple Pearl from here!”

  “I don’t want to! How many more times must I say this! I am done singing! If you are not going to find a replacement, I will publicly announce my retirement as Purple Pearl!”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “James …”

  “No, Savannah, you listen …”

  “I think she has listened enough. It seems you are the one with a hearing deficiency. She is done, and I am done listening to your drivel. I believe it is time for you to leave.”

  Tristan walked onto the patio and towered over James. He rose slowly and they stood nearly eye to eye.

  “So, this is their father. You should have told me why Savannah. This, I would have understood. I had to listen to you cursing him for hours during your labor … only to teach them all there was to know about him when they grew up.”

  He walked around Tristan; bent down to kiss her on the cheek. “Be happy, darling. Come on scamps! Come say goodbye!” He shouted at the twins playing on their swing and they ran across the lawn, laughing happily when he threw them in the air.

  The look on Tristan’s face was frightening to behold. Watching the man who was there throughout their first three years hug and play with them, was too much for him to bear and he growled. James looked up and slowly lowered them to the ground. They noticed Tristan and ran to throw themselves in his arms, totally unaware of the atmosphere their loving natures were causing.

  Tristan watched him leave, called Hetta and instructed her to pack a suitcase for the kids for a week. She looked at him enquiringly and he said shortly.

  “They are going to visit my parents for a few days. I would appreciate if you can go with them.” She nodded and went to do as instructed.

  Savannah felt fear grip her in its hold and she looked at him questioningly.

  “Why don’t I kno …”

  “It is better if you do not talk to me at this moment, Savannah.”

  He put the twins down and they ran back to the swings. His eyes on her, he took his cell phone from his pocket and phoned his mom. She was ecstatic about the prospect of the twins visiting for a few days and indicated that David and Leandra would collect them shortly.

  “Why are you home so early?”

  He glared at her. “I thought it would be nice to spend a relaxing mid-week afternoon with you on the beach … imagine my surprise when I walked in and found you with my children’s … surrogate father!”

  She gasped. “No! He never was that! He has only ever been a good friend and uncle to them! He never tried to be anything more to them!”

  “Yet, he was the one that held your hand during their birth! That was there for their first step, their first nursery rhyme! Deny it … I dare you to deny it!”

  She shook her head, knowing she could not, fearing what he planned to do now. She shivered. Since their visit to his parents, there were no further retribution, he held her close at night, made love to her and treated her with tenderness.

  “I suggest you go to our room if you do not want your sister to worry about you. I would not be able to contain my thoughts when I look at you.”

  She called the twins and hugged them tight. “Mommy loves you very much. Enjoy the visit and listen to Grandma when she talks to you.”

  “Yes, Mommy. We’ll miss you.”

  She swung away and ran up the stairs, not wanting them to see her fear and tears. She ran to the room he gave her at first, and stood looking at the key in the lock for a long time. She reached out and locked the door. It was only three in the afternoon and the sun shone brightly through the windows. She sat down in the center of the bed and wrapped her arms around her knees. She did not have to wait for long.


  His voice thundered through the house and she heard him stomp down the passage. The door rattled as he walked into it and he cursed.

  “Open this damn door!” He rattled the door again. “Savannah … open this door!”

  “Tristan, please! You have to calm down first!”

  “Last warning, honey. Open. The. Door!”


  The next moment there was an enormous crash and she watched with wide eyes as the door shattered literally in half, then separated from the frame and fell onto the floor with another thundering crash. She screamed and scrambled to the other side of the bed when he charged through the door and immediately turned towards her.

  He did not bother to try and chase her around the bed, but step onto it and grabbed her when he stepped off on the side she was cowering with wide eyes. She shook her head when he pulled her up and against him, his eyes furious.

  “You should not have done that, honey. You only managed to fuel my anger higher.”

  He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and her breath hissed out of her when her stomach met his shoulder. He turned and stomped over the broken door to their room. He put her down and looked at her, his expression dark, but relentless.

  She shook her head and pleaded with him. “Please don’t do this. I beg of you.” His finger caressed down her cheek, but his expression did not change.

  “Take off your clothes.” She shook her head and tears ran down her cheeks.

  “Don’t anger me any further, Savannah. You have no reason for tears … yet … it won’t sway me!”

  She angrily wiped the tears from her face and forced the rest back, glaring at him and he smirked.

  “That’s better. Now, the clothes.”

  She undressed with quick angry movements and glowered
at him when she was done. He looked her up and down and smiled when her large nipples shriveled and tightened under his smoldering gaze. She ground her teeth together.

  “Now … undress me.”

  Her eyes swung to his, burning into hers. Her hands lifted and she unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders and clear off his arms. He stepped out of his shoes as she unbuckled his belt. Her hands hesitated over his pants.

  “Stop wasting time!”

  She unfastened his pants and hastily pushed it down, waited for him to step out of them and threw it to one side. She straightened and swallowed; she did not miss his full erection straining against his jockeys. She pulled them down hastily, and straightened quickly, waiting for the next instruction, but he turned and walked to the bathroom. He came back carrying two small narrow boxes in his hand. When he reached her side, he opened them and took the silver film with the pills in out of both boxes and threw the empty ones on the bedside table. She gasped, it was her contraceptive pills!

  She looked at him and his eyes bored into hers, still dark and ruthless. He started flipping the pills from the silver encasements and dropped them into the glass on the bedside table, one by one; all forty five of them. He took the bottle of mineral water on the bedside table and filled the glass with water; destroying the tablets.

  “What … what are you doing?”

  His eyebrow rose and he smiled. “You are an intelligent woman. I am sure I do not need to explain what I just did.”

  “I … I know what you did … why did you destroy my pills?”

  “Even that, you should be able to work out easily enough, eventually. Get on the bed.”

  “Tristan …”

  “On the bed!”

  She sighed and got on the bed, which she only now realized was turned down already and the duvet and sheet were folded out of way at the bottom.

  He stood looking down at her where she lay stiffly with straight legs and arms. He chuckled.

  “You are amusing, if nothing else! In the middle of the bed.” He waited until she pulled herself to the center of the bed and her eyes flashed fire at him.


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