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The Cases That Haunt Us

Page 45

by Mark Olshaker

  Lee, Dr. Henry,

  Leibowitz, Samuel,

  Lesnick, Joel,

  Levy, Joseph,

  Lindbergh (Berg),

  Lindbergh, Anne Morrow,

  and baby Charlie,

  journals of,

  and kidnapping,

  and second child,

  Lindbergh, Charles,

  and baby’s death,

  celebrity and,

  emotional control of,

  Hopewell house of,

  and kidnapping,

  solo flight of,

  Lindbergh, Charles Jr.,

  birth of,

  discovery of body of,

  kidnap of, see Lindbergh kidnapping

  Lindbergh, Jon,

  Lindbergh Case, The (Fisher),

  Lindbergh kidnapping,

  “Cemetery John” and,

  communications in,

  conspiracy theory in,

  discovery of the body,

  disputed evidence in,

  Hauptmann and,

  Jafsie and, see Condon, John F.

  ladder in,

  preliminary events of,

  ransom money,

  reported to police,


  taking charge of,

  and trial,

  Violet and,

  Lindbergh Law,


  linkage blindness,

  Lizzie (Spiering),

  Lizzie Borden Past & Present (Rebello),

  Lizzie Borden: The Legend, the Truth, the Final Chapter (Brown),

  Llewellyn, Dr. Rees Ralph,

  Lockheed Martin,


  “the Abyss” in,

  Bloody Sunday in,

  City boundary of,

  cockney English in,

  Home Office policy in,

  Jewish immigrants in,

  law enforcement procedures in,

  newspapers in,

  overlapping jurisdictions in,

  panic in,

  prostitutes in,

  Scotland Yard in,

  social reform in,

  Victorian era in,

  London, Jack,

  Long, Constable Alfred,

  Long, Elizabeth (Darrell),

  Long, Stewart,

  Los Angeles Examiner,

  Lundblad, Det. Sgt. Les,

  Lusk, George Akin,

  lust, use of term,

  lust murders,

  fantasy in,

  motive in,

  torture in,

  use of term, see also Jack the Ripper

  Lutz, Monty,

  Lyle, Walter,

  Lynch, Det. Sgt. John,

  Lynch, Thomas,

  Lyons, John,

  McCarthy, John,

  McCarty, Lew,

  McCrary, Gregg,

  McIlwain, Blaine,

  McLean, Evalyn Walsh,

  MacNaghten, Sir Melville Leslie,

  M’Naghten, Daniel,

  M’Naghten Rule,

  McNamara, Edmund,

  “Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run,”

  Mageau, David,

  Mageau, Mike,

  Malcolm, Mary,

  Manchester, Bertha,

  Manchester, Stephen,

  Manley, Robert “Red,”

  Marsh, Dr. D. C. B.,

  Mason, Det. Sgt. Larry,

  Masons, and Jack the Ripper,

  Maybrick, James,

  Means, Gaston Bullock,

  Measuring Man,

  Medley, Officer William,

  Mellon, Det. James,

  Mencken, H. L.,

  mental illness,

  Merrick, Jeff,

  Metts, Sheriff Jim,

  Meyer, Dr. John E.,


  Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan),

  Miller, Ernest,

  Mindhunter (Douglas),

  Miron, Dr. Murray,

  mission-oriented offenders,

  Mitchell, Dr. Charles H.,

  Mizen, Constable Jonas,

  MO (modus operandi):

  evolution of,

  linkage of,

  use of term,

  Monk, Mary Ann,

  Monroe, Special Agent Jana,

  Monroe, Marilyn,

  Montgomery, Elizabeth,

  Moody, William Henry,

  Moran, George “Bugs,” 132

  Morgan, Bryan,

  Morrill, Sherwood,

  Morrison, Al,

  Morrison, James,

  Morrow, Dwight Whitney,

  Morrow, Elizabeth,

  Morse, John Vinnicum,

  Morton, Edward,

  “Most Dangerous Game, The” (Connell),



  in lust murders,


  not recognizable,


  revealed in communications,

  Mullaly, Officer Michael,

  Mullen, Mary,

  Mulrooney, Edward,

  Mumford, James,


  categories of,

  of children,

  competent investigation of,

  state jurisdiction in,

  unsolved, see also specific murders

  murder weapons,

  “blow back” effect on,

  linkage of,

  switched-gun theory, see also specific crimes


  by disorganized offenders,

  Freemasonry and,


  torture and,


  of image vs. reality,

  of serial killer,

  Narlow, Det. Sgt. Kenneth,

  Nassar, George,

  National Academy,

  National Lumber and Millwork Company,

  NCAVC (National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime),

  Neil, Constable John,

  Newton, Michael,

  Ng, Charles,

  Nichols, Mary Ann (Polly),

  Nichols, William,

  nuisance crimes,

  Odom, James Russell,

  offenders, see criminals; perpetrators

  Oldfield, Chief Insp. George,

  Olshaker, Mark,

  O’Neil, Nance,

  Openshaw, Dr. Thomas,

  organized nonsocial personality,

  credibility sought by,

  lust murder and,

  mixed signals from,

  murder as game to,

  psycholinguistic analysis and,

  Osborn, Albert Sherman,

  Ostrog, Michael,

  Oswald, Lee Harvey,

  Packer, Matthew,

  Paley, Bruce,

  Palmer, Amelia,


  children protected by,

  methods used by,

  and postmortem treatment of body,

  and reaction to trauma,

  as suspects,

  Pasch, Lucinda Lou,

  Patterson, Det. Fred,

  Paugh, Donald,

  Paugh, Nedra,

  Paul, Robert,

  Peel, Sir Robert,

  Pelham Parkway murder,

  People of the Abyss (London),

  Perkins, Officer Frank,


  communication from, see communications

  crime reports called in by,

  emotional disintegration of,

  journalists as,

  lust murderers,

  mental illness of,

  murder as art to,

  murder as game to,

  as paranoid,

  press reports and,

  suicide and, see also serial killers; specific cases

  Perrone, Joseph,

  personal-cause homicides,

  Petrocelli, Daniel,

  Phillips, Dr. George Bagster,

  Pillsbury, Arthur E.,

  Pitta, Capt. Daniel,

  Pizer, John,

  police, see l
aw enforcement; specific officers


  Pope, Frederick A.,

  postmortem treatment of body, see also mutilation

  postoffense behavior,

  power, as motivation,

  power-reassurance rapist profile,

  prejudice, vs. fair trial,


  advertisements in,

  communication from perpetrator to,

  in courtrooms,

  and defense attorneys,

  and Hauptmann,

  and Jack the Ripper,

  and Lindbergh,

  and mythology,

  perpetrators from,

  perpetrator’s response to,

  and Ramsey case,

  sensational stories in,

  sympathetic person identified in,


  on unsolved crimes,

  and Zodiac,

  Primary Colors (Klein),

  Prince, Cleophus Jr.,

  Prince Jack (Spiering),

  prisoners’ rights, abuse of,


  ambiguity in,

  construction of,

  crime scene keys to,

  linkage in,

  precipitating stressor in, see also specific cases

  psycholinguistic analysis,

  Radish, Kris,

  Ramsey, Burke,

  Ramsey, Elizabeth (Beth),

  Ramsey, John Andrew,

  Ramsey, John Bennett,

  author’s profiling and,

  and Beth’s death,

  and Burke,

  as businessman,

  and cancer,

  and discovery of body,

  emotions of,

  lawyers for,

  and media,

  police and,

  postoffense behavior,

  and ransom note,

  suspicion toward,

  in what-if scenarios,

  Ramsey, JonBenet,

  assumed kidnapping of,

  author’s involvement in case of,

  author’s summary,

  bed-wetting by,

  case maturation,

  Christmas and,

  discovery of body of,

  evidence collected,

  grand jury,

  media and,

  memorial service for,

  as performer,

  police investigation,

  postmortem exam of,

  ransom note,

  stun gun theories,


  Ramsey, Melinda,

  Ramsey, Patricia (Patsy),

  and author’s profiling,

  background of,

  Burke and,

  cancer of,

  caring for daughter,

  and daughter’s death,

  emotions of,

  home of,

  kidnapping reported by,

  lawyers for,

  media and,

  and Miss America pageant,

  police and,

  postoffense behavior of,

  and ransom note,

  suspicion toward,

  in what-if scenarios,

  Ramsland, Katherine Johnson,

  Ransom (movie),

  ransom notes:

  evaluation of,

  publication of, see also specific cases

  rape, classification of,

  Reagan, Hannah,

  Rebello, Leonard,

  Reeves, John Saunders,

  Reich, Al,

  Reichenbach, Sgt. Paul,

  Reilly, Edward J.,

  Retkowski, Kenneth,

  Rifkin, Joel,

  ritualistic elements:

  in disorganized murders,

  in Pelham Parkway murder,

  in postmortem mutilation,

  of sadistic rapists,

  in serial crimes,

  Robins, Ira,

  Robinson, Hon. George Dexter,

  Robinson, Constable Louis,

  Rogers murder case,

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.,

  Rosecrans, Egbert,

  Rosenhain, Max,

  Rosner, Morris,

  Rumbelow, Donald,

  Run, Bambi, Run (Radish),

  Russell, Alice,

  Russell, George Jr.,

  Rust, Sgt. Ed,

  sadistic rapist profile,

  St. John, John,

  St. Valentine’s Day Massacre,

  Samenow, Dr. Stanton,

  Samuels, Dr. Elaine,

  Sawyer, Charles,

  Scaduto, Anthony,

  Scapegoat (Scaduto),

  Scheck, Barry,

  Schmidt family,

  Schoeffel, Maj. Charles,

  Schoenfeld, Dr. Dudley D.,

  Schultz, Christine Jean,

  Schultz, Elfred O. (Fred),

  Schultz, Sean,

  Schultz, Shannon,

  Schwartz, Israel,

  Schwarzkopf, Col. H. Norman,

  Scotland Yard,

  and graphology,

  and Ripper, see Jack the Ripper

  search warrants, information included in,

  Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper, The (television),

  Sequeira, Dr. George,

  serial killers:

  activity ceased by,

  anniversaries and,

  behavioral clues to,

  copycats and,

  evil archetype of,

  fear generated by,

  focus on first crime of,

  linkage and,

  as lust murderers,

  mythology and,

  nicknames of,

  progression of crimes by,

  research on,

  signature elements of,

  triangles and, see also Boston Strangler; Jack the Ripper; Zodiac

  Severed (Gilmore),

  sexual fantasy,

  sexual harassment,

  sexual homicides, see lust murders

  sexual organs, removal of,

  Shakespeare, William,

  Sharpe, Emily,

  Sharpe, Violet,

  Shawcross, Arthur,

  Shepard, Cecilia Ann,

  Sheppard, Dr. Sam,

  Short, Elizabeth “Black Dahlia,”

  signature crimes,

  signature elements:

  linkage of,

  in serial crimes,

  use of term,

  Simpson, Nicole Brown,

  Simpson, O. J.,

  Sirhan, Sirhan,

  Sisk, Thomas H.,

  Skwierawski, Judge Michael,

  Slesers, Anna,

  Slesers, Juris,

  Slover, Nancy,

  Smerick, Pete,

  Smit, Lou,

  Smith, Arnold,

  Smith, Constable William,

  Smith, Eliza Ann (Chapman),

  Smith, Emma Elizabeth,

  Smith, Shari Faye,

  Smith, William French,

  Snubbs, George,

  Son of Sam,

  Speed (movie),

  Spiering, Frank,

  Spitale, Salvatore,

  Spooner, Edward,

  Spratling, Insp. John,


  Stapley, Robin,

  Starkweather, Charles,

  Stephen, Sir James,

  Stephenson, Robert Donston,

  Stevens, William A.,

  Stevenson, Robert Louis,

  Stiltz, Chief Jack E.,

  Stine, Paul Lee,

  Stokes, Elizabeth Watts,

  Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The (Stevenson),

  stranger crimes,

  street crimes, as high risk,

  stressor, precipitating,

  Stride, Elizabeth (Long Liz),

  Study in Scarlet, A (Conan Doyle),

  stun guns,

  Sullivan, Bridget,

  after the murders,

  and Borden deaths,

  sickness of,

  and trial,

  Sullivan, Jane,


  court appearances of,

  emotions of,

  ex-husbands as,

  police as,

  presumed innocence of, see also specific cases

  Sutcliffe, Peter,

  Swanson, Chief Insp. Donald Sutherland,

  Swayze, Walter,

  Swezey, Stuart,

  Tabram, Henry,

  Tabram, Martha (Emma Turner),

  Tampa Bay murders,

  Tate, Mary,

  Terry, Charles A.,

  Thayer, Robert,

  theory of transfer,

  Thomas, Det. Steve,

  Tomkins, Henry,


  Toschi, Insp. Dave,

  Townsend, Capt. Dan,

  Townsend, Frank,

  Trailside Killer,

  transfer, theory of,

  trauma, emotional reactions to,

  Treasury Department, U.S.,

  Trenchard, Judge Thomas W.,

  Trendley, John,

  Trujillo, Det. Thomas,

  Tumblety, Dr. Francis,

  Turner, Emma (Tabram),

  Turner, William,


  Underwood, Aggie,

  UNSUB (unknown subject),

  Ustinov, Peter,

  vampires, legends about,

  Van Ingen, Dr. Philip,

  VICAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program) database,

  victim, proprietary interest in,


  linkage of, see also specific cases

  victims of opportunity,

  violence, potential for,

  violent crimes, behavior patterns leading to,


  Wahgoosh (dog),

  Walker, Special Agent Ron,

  Walsh, Adam,

  Walsh, Harry,

  Walsh, John,

  Warner, Officer William T.,

  Warren, Sir Charles,

  Watkins, Constable Edward,

  Webster, William,

  Weiss, Hymie,

  werewolves, legends about,

  Westmoreland, Rod,

  Whateley, Aloysius “Olly,” 121,

  Whateley, Elsie,

  White, Fleet,

  White, Priscilla,

  White, Sgt. William,

  Whitechapel Murder, see Jack the Ripper

  Whitehead, Sarah,

  Whitson, Sgt. Robert,

  Wickman, Det. Sgt. Tom,

  Wilentz, David T.,

  Williams, Dr. Harry D.,

  Williams, Tennessee,

  Williamson, Officer Charles,

  Wilson, Jack Anderson,

  Wilson, Orville,

  Winn, Newton Alfred,

  Winslow, Dr. Forbes,

  witches, legends about,


  and composite sketch,

  conflicting statements by,

  corroboration and,

  motivation of,

  Wolf, Cpl. Joseph A.,

  Wood, Dr. Edward S.,

  Worthington, Rogers,

  Yorkshire Ripper,

  Zess, Frances,

  Zess, Judy,


  Bates as victim of,

  communications from,

  costume of,


  Faraday-Jensen murders,

  Ferrin-Mageau assault,

  Johns attack,

  Lake Berryessa attack,

  linkage and,

  name of,

  Stine as victim of,

  Zodiac (Graysmith),

  Zodiac (movie),


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