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My Beloved

Page 3

by T. M. Mendes

  “Got your seat belt on?” Jim asked her from the front. Wendy rolled her eyes to herself and gestured to the belt that went across her torso. Jim nodded in approval before backing out of their parking space and hitting the road. Wendy knew her parents were now protective of her more than ever since Markus collapsed last year during a game, but it still felt suffocating from time to time.

  The ride was filled with a more joyous atmosphere since the worst of the family’s problems was now behind them. Wendy let her head lull to the left of her since she was behind her mother on the passenger side and bit back a scream.

  “Hello,” Vincent greeted with a coy smile. Wendy’s eyes shot to her parents in alarm and felt confusion when they seemed oblivious this man sitting beside her.

  “H-How?” she whispered and unconsciously gripped the necklace in her hand for comfort. His eyes shot down to what she was holding and her breath was stolen when she saw him smile.

  “I see you listened to the calling of the necklace, little one.”

  Her eyes dropped to the necklace and her hands unclenched around it. Knowing it had something to do with him, she struggled to get it off, but the delicate-looking chain wouldn’t come undone, almost as if it was now welded together. “Get it off!” she hissed under her breath, fear momentarily forgotten. He leaned in, making her lean back against the cool window.

  “That necklace called to you for a reason, little one. It knows you belong to me, therefore it belongs to you. Only I can open it and only I can take it off. Of course… you’ll be able to do so when I fully claim you to me.”

  Wendy didn’t like the look that passed his face when he talked about fully claiming her. She wasn’t naïve, and having read a lot of teen romance novels, she knew what he was getting at. That subtle hint was enough to make her face inflamed.

  “Take it off!”

  Wendy’s patience was wearing thin, but she kept a wary eye on her parents, wondering how they cannot see such a large man sitting in the back with her. Vincent followed her line of sight and let out a sultry chuckle, capturing her attention once more. “They cannot see me because I’m not really here, Love. I’m appearing before you because our bond grows stronger everyday. I have abilities that are beyond your mind, but in due time I will share them all with you. I have to say this modern day carriage is so much more efficient than the old ones in my day. And the best part about it is you do not need to see a horse’s rear!” He laughed at his own joke, but Wendy looked at him like he was mad, or perhaps she was again entertaining the thought she was now crazy.

  “I believe my dinner last night said the people call them cars?” he said more to himself than to her. Her face paled at his words and she tried to back away from him even more without accidentally opening her car door and ending up like a rag doll on the highway.

  Her mother turned around and looked at her with concern. “Honey? Are you alright? You look sick.”

  Wendy saw her father’s eyes peer at her through the rearview mirror and awaited her answer as he looked back at the road.

  “U-Um… can we p-pull over? I need some air,” she stuttered. Her father immediately veered off to the right and stopped the car.

  “Stay in here. I’ll be fine.” She didn’t need to have her parents asking if she was crazy when she looked to be talking to herself. Jerkily unbuckling herself, she flung open the door and took in deep breaths of air once she was out of the car.

  “Are you unwell, my little one?”

  She jumped and looked up from her crouched position to see him gazing at her, crouched down as well.

  “W-What did you mean, ‘d-dinner’?” she asked reluctantly. He looked at her for a moment before his eyes narrowed.

  “It seems time has not changed human’s perception of me. To all, including you, I am nothing but a monster.” His voice was bitter and angry, but somehow Wendy knew it was not directed toward her. He looked back at her. “Yes, I feed off humans, such as yourself. But it’s how I live, My Beloved. I never kill from feeding, because how can I drink my fill that much? I cannot do so just as much as you cannot drink a trough’s worth of water. Now can you please stop looking at me like I’m a part of your greatest nightmare?” His plea tugged at her heartstrings and she inwardly cursed her good nature.

  “Have you killed before?” She had to ask and without hesitation he answered.

  “Yes. Do you fear me?” he asked in return.


  Her answer hurt him, but he didn’t let it show. Determination flashed in his eyes, making her grow wary. He stood up and her eyes followed his every movement. Part of her reasoned it was so in case he wanted to strike, she could be ready. But another part knew it was because she was so captivated by his fluid movements.

  “Well, then I suppose I will have to change your viewpoint of me. I bid you a good day, little one.”

  She blinked and he was gone, making her confused as disappointment flooded through her. Her conflicting emotions were giving her a headache. With a deep breath, she staggered back to the car and silently buckled herself back in.

  “What’s wrong? Should I call the doctor? I’m going to call the doctor.” Debbie went to grab her cell from her purse before Wendy protested.

  “No, mom, I feel better. Just got a little car sick, that’s all.” It amazed her how easy lying was coming to her now, and with startling findings, she realized that this was one of the first times she’s ever lied to her parents and it made her feel sick all over again. Not wanting to have her mother call the doctor because she asked her dad to pull over again, she suffered in silence.

  Her fingers played with the necklace she couldn’t force herself to hate. No matter the reason she has it, her heart wouldn’t let her despise the beautiful piece of jewelry. He was right, it did call to her. Even though he said only he could open it, she tried the entire way to the hospital anyway. For the next twenty minutes Wendy was lost in her thoughts, trying to make sense of what was going on in her life. Was this real? So far she has only seen this man once in real life and he was very much dead. A shudder rippled through her at the thought of the body. No, it can’t be real… but it seemed real.

  ‘Maybe I should consider seeing a shrink,’ she thought to herself. She looked down at the necklace and again tried to take the thing off even though her mind was begging her not to. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get it off. ‘How do you explain that one?’ that pesky voice asked with a sneer.

  “We’re here, honey. Are you sure you’re okay? I’ve tried to get your attention for the last five minutes,” Debbie asked with a frown. Wendy got out of the car and gestured to her necklace.

  “Was just trying to take it off so I can get a better look at it, but can’t seem to take it off. Can you help me?” she asked her mother sweetly.

  ‘Do not let her take it off, Little One! She will be badly hurt if you do!’ Vincent’s voice rang through her head in warning, making her side-step her mother’s hands. Debbie looked at her daughter with a worried expression and held her hands up as a surrender gesture.

  “N-Never mind… let’s go see Markus.” She all but ran past them, not caring if she looked like a lunatic. At this point she was pretty sure she was! Hearing voices! She scorned herself and ignored the glance shared between her parents.

  Wendy knew the way to her brother’s room by heart and held the elevator for her parents to walk through. It was an awkward silence that grew thicker by the minute. Finally their floor came up, making all of them give out a silent breath of relief. Wendy started to feel the excitement she was feeling earlier come back as she drew closer to the room.

  “Hey, Mark!” Her voice chirped, not giving any hint of her anxiety in the background of her mind. By all accounts, everyone knew Wendy got her looks from her father while Markus got his looks from Debbie. He had auburn-colored hair that was pin straight like their mother’s and had her brown eyes. Markus sat up straighter, but started a coughing fit from the exertion from doing so
. His family’s eyes saddened until Jim remembered their good news.

  “Hey, little sister. Long time no see,” Markus teased with a weak voice.

  Jim stepped to his side and beamed down at him. “We have the money, son. You can get the surgery!”

  Markus looked thrilled, but cautious. “H-How?”

  It pained Wendy to see him like this. He was always so strong and now he seemed weak and frail. Debbie placed a proud hand on Wendy’s back and pushed her forward. “Seems Wendy here is quite the treasure hunter!”

  Jim then jumped in and told the story. Not the real one, but the one the town will hear. They wouldn’t tell him the truth until he was home. With him drugged up often, they didn’t want it to slip on accident.

  “Way to go, sis! I mean, I know I said I was ready if I had to die… but I didn’t want to.” Wendy felt tears well up in her eyes when she walked over to his side and carefully gave him a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered. She knew then that all this craziness was worth it.

  “I’ll go get the doctor and let him know,” Jim said with a choked up voice. It meant the world to him that his son had a bigger chance to live.

  “So Wendy got any boyfriends I should know about?” Markus teased, but it made his sister give an uneasy laugh, when her mind flashed Vincent’s face.

  “N-Nope! How about you? Any female nurses catch your eyes?” Growing up, Wendy became somewhat of an expert with diverting attention away from her.

  Markus gave a cheeky grin. “There is this one nurse with the biggest bo-”

  Debbie gasped. “Markus Nathaniel! You better say ‘books'!” she reprimanded her freshly turned adult son.

  Markus gave her a sheepish smile. “I think you and I both know I wasn’t going to say books. Love you, mommy!” He gave her the puppy dog look he was so famous for and Wendy knew their mother was a goner.

  Instead, Debbie sighed and turned to Wendy. “Your mind better stays innocent! I don’t care if you just turned seventeen. You two will always be my babies.”

  They all laughed when something of a glimmer caught Wendy’s eyes. She looked at the window and sucked in a breath. The sun was going down, making her hair rise on the back of her neck. She knew, she just knew that he was coming for her.


  Chapter 4


  "No, sweetheart, you aren't missing tomorrow too," Jim said to his daughter when she nearly begged to stay at the hospital overnight with her brother. He couldn't understand why she was wanting to stay so badly.

  "Oh, c'mon dad! She has an A+ average, let her live a little," Markus said with an open pout that made Wendy want to roll her eyes at his over exaggeration. Jim pursed his lips and looked to his wife for answers. Debbie sighed and nodded tiredly.

  "I think it's the least we can do, but, Wendy, you better make up for the work you've missed."

  Wendy nodded jerkily, happy that she had the safety of the hospital to perhaps keep her from him.

  "Goodnight, my babies." Debbi kissed both Wendy and Markus' head before walking out with her husband.

  "Alright, why are you so jumpy?" Markus asked his baby sister with concern. For as long as he can remember, his little sister has always been the cool and collected one. Not this jumpy paranoid girl in front of him.

  "I-It's nothing," she said, but he only snorted and shook his head.

  "Try again. Don't make me get out of this hospital bed... My gown doesn't close in the back. I don't think you want to see that," he joked, making her let out a shaky laugh.

  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she muttered and kept her eyes on the window even though they were four floors up.

  "Enlighten me."

  Wendy knew that with Markus she was always able to tell him anything. She turned to him with tears in her eyes, making him stop short. She then began to tell him the tale of all that has happened within the last two days, minus the dream where he took her first kiss. Once she was done, she dared to look up and saw a torn expression on his face. Like he wanted to believe her because she was his sister, but it was a pretty unbelievable story.

  "I knew you wouldn't believe me," she whispered and looked down at her hands. Her glasses were fogging up from the unshed tears in her eyes. She felt fear take up the forefront of her mind when she noted the sun has long since dipped down into the hills.

  "You really think this dude is coming, huh?"

  Her eyes snapped to her brother and she reluctantly nodded. "I don't think. I know. Somehow I know he'll be looking for me tonight."

  Markus began to scoot over with difficulty, but then patted the empty space on his bed. "C'mon, then. You're sleeping with me in this bed. Will that make you feel better?" he asked her with a soft smile. Even though he didn't quite believe her, he still believed she thought this was all real. Which meant she was feeling scared for real.

  "Mark, you don't have to-"

  A knock sounded at the door. Both their heads whipped to see who it was and when the door opened, it made a small scream escape from her and she shuffled to her feet.

  "Y-You!" She pointed at him, but Markus looked at her, concerned.

  "Wendy Bird, it's only a doctor. Relax. I'm sorry, sir, she's feeling a bit jumpy."

  Wendy watched Vincent smile at her brother, making her heart rate pick up full speed. Markus looked at ease, which made Wendy feel helpless knowing she couldn't look to her brother for help. It was like some bad nightmare.

  "Not a problem, Mr. Garrett. This hospital can get pretty scary at night. Never know what lies in the dark shadows." He said the last part with his eyes glued to Wendy. She hated to admit, but he looked good in the scrubs he was dressed in. It made his eyes stand out that much more.

  Markus winced when he moved too much, making Vincent seize the perfect opportunity and came over to him with some kind of needle. Wendy stopped him in his path, making her body hum from the close proximity. "What do you think you're doing?! Get away from him!" she all but shouted in fear and anger. Markus' eyebrows shot up in surprise to see his soft-spoken sister act like that. Vincent raised his hands up innocently to show he meant no harm.

  "Just giving him some pain medication." He walked around her and whispered in her ear, "I would be careful, Love. I would never hurt your family, but I will do what needs to be done to have you with me." His warning rang truthful and clear, making her snap her mouth shut. The only consolation for her right now was the fact she wasn't going crazy.

  "Sis, calm down...I'm hurting so let the kind man through." Markus joked, but was also serious. It unnerved him to see her acting like this.

  "If you hurt him, I will find a way to kill you," she muttered under her breath so only Vincent could hear. She didn't know where this confidence has come from, but she held on to it for dear life.

  Vincent smirked at her when his back was toward her brother. "So there is a fire in you, Little One. You should take care of what you speak. It may backfire on you." The lust in his eyes spoke loud and clear, making part of her excited while the other part shake in uncertainty and fear. Vincent used her moment of shock and spun around as he quickly administered the pain medication by tapping into her brother's IV.

  "That should help you." Vincent's smile seemed genuine, but he was also anxious to get his beloved back with him. He's waited too many years for her, and he wasn't going to let her slip away due to unneeded fear. Markus felt the slight burn of the drug, but grew used to it over the past few months and welcomed it. Vincent turned to Wendy with a serious expression. "Now come with me, my Love." Wendy was shaking her head before he finished his sentence and backed away. Her eyes darted to her brother and saw he was already drifting off, but she could see the concern in his eyes.

  "W-Where...w-what are you talking about?" he slurred, now feeling he may have made a huge mistake.

  "Relax, boy. Your sister will be safe with me. I will give her a life she deserves, for she is mine." Wendy detected a slight accent in his voice like he was from London that mad
e her shiver.

  Markus shook his head in a daze to try and clear it. "S-So what she said was true?" Markus wanted to kick himself for even allowing this man in the same room as his sister.

  Vincent sighed and turned back to Wendy's brother. "That depends on what she told you." He flashed his fangs at him after he said that and that would have startled him if Markus didn't have pain killers flowing through his veins, but he still felt fear creep up into him. Not for himself, but for his little sister.

  "Please....don't...take...her..." he managed to get out before his eyes involuntarily closed. Wendy let a single tear slip for her brother's words and prayed he would think this was all a dream when he woke up. But she knew he'd remember, especially when he wakes up and she's still gone.

  Her stormy eyes rested back on Vincent and took a step back. She gasped when he was suddenly in front of her. His hands shot out to steady her when she stumbled back and stayed on her upper arms.

  "We can do this easily, but that is completely up to you, Little One," he murmured in her ear as he bent down to her level. His warm breath made her body tingle and she mentally cursed herself. She was really beginning to hate her body if it kept betraying her like this. She wasn't about to just give in; her stubborn streak wouldn't let her. So she started to struggle and in vain as it looked like she barely moved within his strong grasp.

  "Let me go!" she yelled, wondering where the hell the other nurses or doctors were.

  "Maybe I should call you my little firefly from now on? I'm assuming you have chosen the harder way. Fine by me, let's go." He heaved her up over his shoulder, making her shriek. "You can yell as loud as you like, Love. I can fight off whoever comes in." His tone told her he wouldn't hesitate to kill whoever got in his way with her and that made her shut up.


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