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My Beloved

Page 17

by T. M. Mendes

  "You want to come down now?"

  Her eyes spotted Asher leaning against a beam from the play equipment with a small frown marring his features. Sighing, she nodded and hopped down, but being up there for so long made her legs not cooperate. Before she hit the ground, Asher was there to make sure it didn't happen.

  "Come on, we need to get ready to leave. I told Vincent to let you blow off some steam, but it seems like you haven't made much progress. I think you need another three months to let off what you have built up," was all he said before they slowly walked back.

  Chapter 18


  It was quiet in the living room as she gazed around. Her two suitcases were packed by the door, reminding her of what had to happen. She bit her cheek hard enough to hurt so it would take away the sting in her heart. Now all was needed was the letter. The letter that sealed her fate and would make this all more real.

  Closing her eyes, she willed herself not to fall apart but Wendy jumped when her cell rang. She’d have to leave that behind too. Her mom’s name flashed on the screen, and ignoring the look of the others, she chose to pick it up “H-Hello?” was her shaky reply.

  “Hey, honey! Just wanted to let you know your father and I are picking up dinner then we’ll be home. I can’t sleep one more night in that awful cot, plus your brother is recovering well, so we don’t need to stay there tonight.” Her mother’s voice was bittersweet to her. On one hand, she was glad she could talk to her once more, but on the other hand, it made leaving that much harder.

  “O-Oh… sounds good.” It took everything she had not to break down and cry like she so desperately wanted to.

  It was quiet for a moment before, “Sweetheart? Is everything alright? You sound upset.”

  Closing her eyes, she was ready to reply when suddenly she was airborne as Vincent carried her to the other side of the room, making the phone drop to the floor and caused Wendy to scream. “Let go of me!” she yelled as angry tears rolled down. Her small hands beat at him in confusion and anger. She could hear her mother’s frantic voice on the other end and grew more alarmed and confused when Vincent nodded at Darcy. Darcy then picked up the phone and turned it off.

  “What the hell are you doing?! Let me go!”

  Vincent let her go with a sigh and when Wendy made a go to pick up her phone to call her mom back, he shook his head. “This way, you won’t be betraying them. They won’t go on for the rest of their lives thinking, ‘what did I do wrong?’ or, ‘will she come back?’ This way they can channel their anger and hurt to someone who took you away. Me, not you.”

  Wendy shook her head when she realized why he did that. “They’ll still be heartbroken over this-”

  He cut her off. “Yes, but they’ll heal quicker knowing that the more time grows with you gone, the lesser the chance of you coming back. If you were to simply run away, they would be stuck hoping that you’ll eventually come back. Now we need to go, I’m sure that call will have them calling the police.” He turned to Darcy and Anya while Asher watched silently. “Tear this place up. Don’t destroy anything valuable. Just make it look like a struggle, okay? We’ll meet you at Darcy’s soon. Asher, you follow them when they leave.”

  Wendy didn’t know how to feel about this new arrangement. A part of her knew this way her family wouldn’t hate her, but it would devastate them, thinking she’s probably dead.

  “We need to go,” Vincent said as he held his arms out to her. Although she was still hurt by the whole situation, she just couldn’t resist the comfort his embrace brings, so she let him carry her bridal style while he left her bags to the others. Her neck began to throb painfully, causing her to groan to herself. Not already! Knowing what she needed, Vincent took her outside before biting into her. Sighing in relief, she laid her head against his shoulder once he pulled away. He made it quick, but Wendy noted it didn’t bring the immense pleasure as usual. It was embarrassing to ask but her curious mind wouldn’t let it rest.

  Before he could take off, she blurted it out. “Why doesn’t it feel the same? I-I mean, it f-feels relieving but…” she trailed off with a red face.

  He let a small smile slip but didn’t look at her. He was respecting her boundaries that she put up in the past few hours. It hurt him, but he wanted to make this transition as painless as possible. “Your body isn’t recognizing my bite as pleasurable any longer. It’s only seeing it as a way to appease its need, so to speak. Much like an addict with their vice of choice.” It made sense but it was all so weird to think that her body basically had a mind of its own in such an extreme way.

  “Hold tight,” he murmured in her ear. She shivered slightly but tucked her head into the crook of his neck, trying not to cry. Her eyes went to her house once more before it suddenly disappeared. It was like they were flying through the cool night air. All of this didn’t seem real to Wendy. She felt like any moment she would wake up and find this all some amazing, scary, hurtful, incredible dream. Tightening her hold on the collar of his jacket, she scrunched her eyes closed while she tried to shield herself from the icy wind. Her glasses were secure on her face for once, to which she was grateful for. She’d hate to have to double back to find them in the dark.

  It was minutes later before she felt the wind stop, which gave her the okay to look. They were at Darcy’s again. Vincent set her down without saying anything, but let her take it in. She stayed quiet and listened to distant frogs and the soft rustle of leaves. Turning around abruptly, she looked at him with a torn expression.

  “I don’t know what to feel!” she shouted, feeling this volcano of emotions sprout about. He stood there letting her get this out. She paced back and forth. “This isn’t fair! I want to hate you! I want to hate you so bad, but I can’t! You, you… arg!” She went up to him and hit him over and over again, trying not to cry.

  He then wrapped his arms around her. “I know, I know,” he murmured and kissed the top of her head. Her emotions seemed to be on a never ending high as tears leaked out.

  “Why am acting like this?! I feel so conflicted it hurts!” she said with gritted teeth and white knuckles from gripping his shirt too hard.

  He pulled her back enough to really look at her. “It’s normal, and it’s going to increase until the day I turn you-”

  She turned away feeling frustrated, yet also wanting to kiss him like crazy.

  “Everything is falling to shit because of that stupid bite! I lost my will to do what I want. I lost my family but… ah! Why do I love you?!” she yelled, feeling relieved to get it all out. Oh yes, she was venting and surprisingly it was to Vincent. It was too late to stop what she said though. With wide eyes she slowly turned back around. “I-I… no, it’s too early!”

  Vincent was looking at her in shock as well. He stalked up to her with passion-filled eyes. “By whose standards? The rest of the world’s? Our relationship is completely different from others! I fell in love with you the moment I connected with you! Why is it so difficult for you to admit you love me back?” He ended in a whisper and caressed the side of her face.

  Their relationship was different, that was true. Not many girls can say they found their ‘soul-mate.’ It’s just so hard to wrap her head around the fact that everything in her said she loved Vincent. Her common sense kept reminding her of of the things why she shouldn’t. By all accounts she should want nothing to do with him! She couldn’t lie to herself, not about something this big. “I… I love you. There, you heard it-”

  He kissed her, cutting her off. She sighed into him and just told herself to forget for now. As they say, ignorance is bliss. Wendy then decided to tuck away the heartache she felt with losing her family and come back to it later. She felt like it was selfish but how in the world was she supposed to deal with this? There was nothing she could do now.

  His lips were coaxing her into a more relaxed state as he held her to him with firm hands. She whimpered against him and held onto him as if he were her lifeline. Even with this whirlwind of cha
os around them, when Vincent kissed her, it was like the world melted away. Nothing else mattered; it was just him and her.

  As quick as he was, Vincent flitted both of them inside so she didn’t catch a cold. Her mind felt like it was spinning as his tongue swept across her lower lip and it made her tremble. She opened up to him, and not just with her own mouth but her entire being. Call her stupid, call her crazy or irresponsible, but she was in love with this vampire. Despite all that happened and the fact that her life has been turned upside down, she had never felt more alive.

  He made her feel excited! Almost every minute since she met him, she felt important, wanted, and loved, not by another family member, but by a man. It was something addicting and entirely life-changing. Before all this, she was just breathing, only living to be a wallflower, nothing more, nothing less. She was like on a never-ending adrenalin high.

  Breaking away, she greedily took in air as he looked at her. “I know everything is different, but this will be great,” he promised her with sincerity in his voice.

  She took in a shaky breath and removed her hands from the collar of his shirt. “I hope so,” she murmured and took one of his hands in both of hers. “I’m going to try really hard to start accepting whatever this is. I need you to promise to be patient,” she said slowly since her mind was still in a hazy state.

  He nodded and bent down to kiss her forehead. “I promise. C’mon, let’s go downstairs. We won’t be staying here for very long. Only the next few days. I bought this house in the country Canada, but it will take the next few days to accommodate my way of life, and soon to be yours as well.”

  Wendy wanted to ask how, but she felt too exhausted to voice it out loud.

  “Oh, shut up!” they both heard from the front door. They were now on their way down into the home below. Wendy rolled her eyes when she recognized it as Anya’s voice.

  “Don’t tell me to shut up! You shut up!” Darcy argued back.

  Wendy heard a groan of frustration. “For the love of twinkies, may they rest in peace, both of you shut up!” Asher said in a huff and stomped down the steps, only to run into Wendy and Vincent.

  “Oh, thank God! Maybe you two can baby-sit these two!” he said with an eye roll and stalked passed them to go in the door that led downstairs.

  Anya and Darcy quickly followed, arguing all the while. “You’re so stupid!” Anya said through gritted teeth.

  “Hey, guys,” Darcy said quickly before passing them. “When did you get to be so bitchy?!” he asked with a snippy tone. The door shut behind him, leaving both Wendy and Vincent to themselves.

  “I got bitchy when you became a dick!” they heard Anya yell back. Wendy looked at Vincent with a sigh.

  “How about we get out of here for the night? I’ll take you to this spot. I hope it is still there after all these years. C’mon, we’ll be back in time before sunrise in a few hours.” He held out his arms, letting her choose.

  Wendy didn’t need to think about it when she heard the distinct sound of smashing glass and Darcy yelling, “Hey! That was one of my favorite vases!”

  She nodded desperately and hopped up into his arms.

  “Close your eyes,” he instructed near her ear. She did as she was told and for the moment enjoyed being close to him. She knew the moment she was outside when she once again felt the cold air whip around them. She realized on the run to wherever they were headed that she quite enjoyed his smell. It was comforting and reminded her of her relaxing bath oils, like her eucalyptus and spearmint one. It was only minutes later before they stopped. She could hear the sound of water close by, which made her open her eyes.

  “Oh my gosh!” she breathed out in a gasp. Vincent was quiet as he set her down. Wendy took in the sight before her. There was a small quiet pond that looked almost like a perfect oval. Willow trees encircled the far half while long grass enveloped everything else. It was by far the most serene place she’s ever seen with her actual eyes, and she stood there drinking it in. “Vince, it’s so incredible,” she said with a sigh.

  Vince chuckled lowly and came up behind her to ensnare her waist with his arms. “I came here often before I was trapped. It was the perfect place to think. I almost built my home here, but I felt it would destroy the tranquility here.”

  Wendy could imagine Vincent way back before her time, sitting here at night just taking everything in.

  “I wish I could take this place with me,” she whispered and leaned into him.

  He kissed the side of her neck, making her shiver. “Me too. We’ll come back to visit if you want?” he offered as he nuzzled the crook where her neck met her shoulder.

  She instantly shook her head. “No, at least not for a while.” She paused. “It’s too close to home, and it would hurt too much,” she explained softly. He nodded but didn’t say anything else. Her little locked up feelings about her family were rattling in her mind, but she firmly shut it out. She was too tired to deal with it now.

  “Sleep, my little Firefly. I’ll bring us back in in a little while.”

  She nodded tiredly and had to smile when he laid them down in the cool grass, but she felt warm next to him. He tucked her into his side and protected her from the cold wind.

  Chapter 19


  He breathed in deeply as if to fill his soul with the cool night air. His eyes trailed down his Firefly’s profile, drinking her in. The moon was full tonight, casting a soft glow on her already pale skin. It was a breathtaking sight to see. His fingers lightly traced her sleeping face, making her mumble in her rest. Her scent surrounded them, making his gums ache. One of the things he failed to mention to Wendy. She wasn’t the only one affected by this. With her need growing for his bite so he’ll eventually turn her, the need to bite her and drink from her increasingly grows as well.

  Everything in him ached to sink his teeth into her soft flesh, but the love he had for her thankfully prevented him from going too far. Once again he pushed back the beast within him for her sake. It will all be easier once he turns her. A selfish thought considering all she’s had to give up because of him, but he knew things would work out. She was going to have to leave eventually, now it’s just sooner than expected. He wished her family could somehow stay in touch but it would be too dangerous for them. Wendy has been aware for the past month, and look what kind of dangers were lurking for her! Humans were not designed to survive with his kind. It just wouldn’t do.

  He stayed outside with her a little while longer before the sun came up and carefully picked her up and flitted back to Darcy’s place. Luckily it was quiet, which meant Anya and him have stopped their bickering. Maneuvering Wendy in his arms carefully, he opened the door and stepped in.

  “Was wondering where you two went off to,” Asher commented, throwing up a ball and catching it repeatedly. “You might want to go check out the news downstairs,” he stated and stood up before heading to the small kitchen.

  Vincent hurried downstairs and walked in. Wendy stirred slightly but otherwise stayed asleep while he flitted her to a bedroom and shut the door behind him.

  “They already got the media involved in this. We’ll need to lay low for a while,” Darcy murmured with his hands fisted at his mouth as his elbows rested on the tops of his knees. Vincent looked at the T.V. and saw Wendy’s picture flash and the quiet murmur of the news story that only he and Darcy could hear.

  “Young Wendy Garret was last seen at school yesterday afternoon. Her mother talked to her on the phone yesterday evening but the call was cut short when her mother heard her daughter scream before the line went dead. We have Carols at the scene with the parents this morning.” The picture went from the woman news anchor to the front of Wendy’s house with two crying parents.

  “Please, if you’ve seen her, please let us know! Oh baby, if you’re watching this, know we love you and we’re never going to stop looking for you!” Debbie cried as she leaned into her husband who was trying to stay strong. Feeling guilt eat at him, h
e turned off the T.V. quickly. He turned to Darcy who was looking up at him.

  “Never let her see the news for the next few weeks, okay? I need to go check on her.”

  Darcy nodded but as Vincent walked out of the room, he spoke up. “I love her,” he said in a defeated voice talking about Anya. Vincent turned around with a slight smile.

  “I know. We all knew. Now it’s time Anya heard it from you.”

  Darcy shook his head. “She can’t. Not right now.”

  Vincent quirked an eyebrow. “Why not? I think now is as good as any time.”

  Before Darcy could answer, a knock sounded at the door. Vincent looked up at the clock and saw the sun should be up right now, so who was at the door? Darcy and he both got ready as he answered the door with caution. No human would know about this place underground unless they were involved with vampires, but neither of them could hear a heartbeat. When Vincent opened the door, he was surprised to see three men dressed in black suits head-to-toe with some sort of helmets covering their faces as well.

  A hum-like hiss came from his mouth in warning. These three were vampires, and by the looks of things, they got around in the sun with these suits. One of them held up their hands in surrender before taking off his helmet. “No need to worry, old friend. It is I, Fredrick.”

  Vincent looked at the man before him with long white hair and a clean shaven face. He recognized who it was. The other two took off their helmets as well. Both Vincent and Darcy recognized them as Michael and Tobias. Three of the twelve on the Vampire Board or Commission as some call it. Vincent made a smile appear on his face by force. He didn’t want anything to go wrong. These men could order the killing of Wendy if they so choose. ‘I’ll kill them first,’ he thought with an internal growl.


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