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The Redemption Saga Box Set

Page 43

by Kristen Banet

  He was right. Since they’d sublimated back and forth, there was no way for Zander to keep them shielded. She knew the others were probably pretty pissed at Vincent and her for doing it.

  As the sparring continued, Sawyer noticed an odd sensation in her mind and wondered if Vincent was doing it. She stayed in smoke form longer than she normally would have and felt his smoke bleed into hers. She jerked back at the sensation it created. She reformed, then blinked away.

  Vincent became solid again with a grin.

  “I thought we said only sublimation,” he commented.

  “What the hell?” she growled. “What the fuck was that?”

  “That feeling is what happens when two Magi meet in smoke form. It’s harmless, just…” Vincent shrugged.

  Intimate. Almost a violation, but not quite. Their minds had been directly next to each other. Her Source has been touching his in a way she’d never experienced. It did weird things to her and seriously distracted her.

  “You’ve never had it happen before?” Vincent asked, still smiling at her.

  “No,” she answered softly. “Back to the fight. All abilities.” She was suddenly pretty pissed. He’d known it would freak her out, and he had intended to use it against her.

  “Fine.” Vincent chuckled and approached her. Their blades clashed again, but neither of them sublimated. This time, Sawyer blinked behind him and sent a slash up his back. She’d barely nicked him, but it was a good warning shot.

  “If you two are going to draw blood, you keep that shit non-fatal!” Elijah roared from his spot. “You get three. Whoever takes three hits, loses! Follow the Old Ways, you two mother fuckers!”

  Vincent got a slice on her thigh, and she stumbled, but only for a millisecond.

  “Fuck. They might actually kill each other,” Jasper groaned.

  Sawyer got in a cut over his forearm as he did the same to her bicep.

  “Zander, get fucking shields back on them,” Elijah snapped.

  Sawyer and Vincent continued to fight, using every advantage they could. He was physically stronger than her, but she always had speed on her opponents. Shields reformed around them, but Sawyer didn’t care.

  Vincent’s smile had pissed her off. She hit him hard enough to shatter the shield on him and make him stagger back and fall. She blinked over, straddling him, and poked his chest gently with the blade, causing a single drop of blood to show.

  “I win, asshole,” she hissed. She got off him and brushed off, looking to the other members of the team. “That good enough?”

  “Yup! Never letting you spar again,” Elijah huffed, walking over to her. “I’ll take those. I’ll put new enchantments on them, so you can use them during missions.” She handed him the daggers and looked back down at Vincent.

  “Here,” she sighed, holding a hand out. He took it and got up as Zander put a hand on her. His touch was hot, and she felt the small cuts get healed. He did the same to Vincent after she was done. Then he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into him before she realized what was happening. Her back was to Zander’s chest, and he chuckled.

  “That was the hottest thing I’ve seen in years,” he purred into her ear. Vincent was glaring at the hand on her abdomen, and she looked down at it. She grabbed Zander’s hand and twisted his wrist until he yelped. He had turned up the playboy act recently, and she was starting to lose patience with him because she was losing the willpower to say no; but she wasn’t some chick that was going to be an easy conquest for Zander’s smile and his playboy act.

  “Don’t do that,” she growled at him. “I’m not a plaything, Zander.”

  “I’m sorry, Sawyer,” Zander grunted after she released him. She glared at him and then glared at Vincent. She wasn’t going to deal with that jealous shit from him, and he knew it. She didn’t belong to anyone, definitely not to him.

  “I could have told you not to do that,” Jasper groaned, crutching over to them. “Sorry, Sawyer. Any sort of manners I’ve ever tried to teach him…”

  “Yeah, I know.” Sawyer snorted, smiling at Jasper. “This is Zander we’re talking about. He just needs to realize that I’m not the easy lay he’s used to.”

  “Baby, that’s the best part,” Zander chuckled.

  “Gluttons for punishment, all of you,” she mumbled quietly and began to walk away. She caught up with Quinn and Elijah. She slid her arm through Quinn’s and he chuckled. “Save me from them, Quinn. You’re big and scary.”

  “No,” Quinn chuckled. “You’re scary enough without my help.”

  “I’ll protect you, little lady,” Elijah drawled playfully, and she pushed him away from her other side.

  “No, you are a member of the other team,” she reminded him. He was on the ‘get Sawyer horny all the time’ team.

  “I can play both sides,” he retorted with a wink. “I already do. Call me Double Agent Elijah.”

  Sawyer laughed, throwing her head back. Damn him, he was right.

  “Elijah, you might be able to answer this, but why are they all so pushy now?” She pointed a thumb over her shoulder and he chuckled.

  “Are you saying Zander wasn’t to begin with?” Elijah grinned. “I’m a flirt but I don’t expect anything. He expects something from you, and now he knows you’ll be around for a long time. He can up his game. Jasper follows him… and you have real history with them. That doesn’t just disappear because you don’t want to deal with it. You don’t lose your v-card to your best friend and expect everyone to just move on from that. Or kiss the other one on accident and think it’s normal.”

  “Ah, now everyone knows,” Sawyer realized. “Fantastic.”

  “What’s a v-card?” Quinn asked softly.

  Sawyer and Elijah quickly explained the concept to him, but he just shrugged as if it didn’t matter.

  “Humans make all of this so complicated,” he finally muttered.

  “So yeah,” Elijah continued on. “Then there’s Vincent. I’m not sure what his problem is. He’s got issues. You seem to make all of those more complicated than he can handle.”

  “At least you two are nice.” Sawyer sighed. “Everything is simpler with you two.”

  “Isn’t it?” Elijah laughed. “How is chess with Vincent, by the way? That seems much more complicated than anything we ever throw at you.”

  She groaned and shook her head. They had played the night before, and it was tense and awkward. She was able to play black side at least, but that didn’t stop Vincent from beating her. The game on the board was casual, the game between them was not. It had been strangled conversation about growing up. Neither of them had really wanted to talk about anything, but they had tried. They both had also promised to continue to try after the game was over, when they admitted that it was difficult. The only thing they needed to talk about was the one thing they hadn’t.

  “It’s a thing. We’re going to try and find some common ground that isn’t…” She took a deep breath and shook her head. They needed to find common ground that wasn’t Axel or Henry. Common ground that didn’t involve graves and pools of blood.

  “I understand, and in the end, it will help the team work cohesively,” Elijah said to her softly. “Thank you for working with him on it. We all need to be able to trust each other out in the field and here at home. As for the romantic stuff… that’s more complicated, but don’t let it bother you. Remember, I can get Vincent to listen to me. I can also knock some sense into Zander.”

  “Wrong.” Sawyer sighed. “No one can knock sense into Zander. You can only knock him around and hope it sticks.”

  That made Elijah laugh, and she smiled. Quinn just nodded wisely as they got to the weapons building.

  “Need me to order you a box of batteries? AA or AAA? Those are the ones vibrators normally use, right?” Elijah teased, and she grinned.

  “DD,” she answered, and he lost his mind in a fit of laughter. When he finally looked back up to her, his grin had turned naughty.

l, if you double D…”

  “I meant the bigger batteries,” Sawyer groaned but she couldn’t stop the laugh. “Fuck, you are so immature.”

  “Yes,” Elijah confirmed, smiling.

  Quinn just continued to nod. She didn’t know if he was following the conversation or not, but she found it a bit funny that he kept a straight face and just nodded the entire time.

  “Quinn, do you know what a vibrator is?” Elijah asked, trying to hold back a snicker. “Have I told you yet?”

  Sawyer groaned. Did they really need to have this conversation?

  “Is it the purple thing in Sawyer’s bedside table? It had a button and vibrates at different speeds? I would assume that’s what one might call a vibrator.” Quinn asked her, turning to look at her with a curious expression. Sawyer’s jaw dropped open. “I opened it and saw batteries. I put it back together before I put it away.”

  “Quinn,” Elijah was still laughing. “I told you not to go through her things. And if you did, not to let her know.”

  “That’s right…” Quinn frowned. “But is it?”

  “Yeah,” Elijah mumbled, trying to control himself. Sawyer was still opening and closing her mouth, trying to figure out what absolute fuck her life had turned into.

  “What’s it for?” Quinn asked softly, looking at her. She saw the light for new information dance in those ice eyes. He was genuinely curious. This was new and exciting territory to him.

  “It stimulates women to please them sexually,” Elijah answered him diplomatically. He looked insanely pleased with himself, even if there was a touch of guilt in his eyes. “Then there are dildos, which are replicates of a penis, to do the same thing.” Elijah looked at her and shrugged. “There’s never been a reason for him to know before or to introduce the information to him…”

  “I’m leaving,” Sawyer said under her breath. She did just that. She turned on her heel and walked away before the conversation went any further. It had already gone too far.

  “Why would…. Oh, because she doesn’t want to have sex with anyone here.” Quinn sighed.

  She left before she could hear any more. Well, she ran before she heard any more. She hustled all the way back to house and made it to her bedroom. She would have locked the door, but she still didn’t have a damn lock on it.

  She went to her bedside table, found the purple vibrator and glared at it. She picked it up and inspected it. She tested the button and the batteries. Nothing seemed off with it. She wondered when Quinn might have gone snooping and found it.

  Probably when he stole the picture that he used to track her in Atlanta. So, early in her stay with them. Probably in the first week of her being here, since at the time, she was a criminal in protective custody who might make a break for it.

  She put it away and sighed.

  She fiddled on her computer, bored. She sent a couple texts to Liam, hoping he would answer her. Charlie had made zero progress in lessening his anger at her.

  She read a chapter of the IMPO handbook.

  She checked the time and groaned. Only fifteen minutes had passed.

  She took the purple vibrator back out and used it. Then she took a nap.

  A knock on her door later woke her up, and she groaned. She sat up, nude, as the doorknob turned.

  “Sawyer?” Elijah called. He didn’t sound as happy as he had been earlier in the day, and she noted that immediately.

  “Hold on,” she called out and slid off her bed. She grabbed her sweats and a tank, throwing them on quickly in order to answer the door. She walked over to the door and pulled it open.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, yawning. He seemed a bit forlorn.

  “Me, Jasper, and Zander are heading to Atlanta for the night. You can come with or stay here, your choice,” Elijah informed her, playing with his shirt. He seemed a little upset.

  “What are you guys doing in Atlanta?” She looked him over and saw that he was wearing some of the nicest clothes she’d ever seen on him. Something like what he had worn when they had first met. A button-up shirt that was a bit too tight on his muscles with a white undershirt. He had on clean, nice, blue jeans and his midnight black cowboy boots, looking they had been cleaned recently. He held his hat in one hand, and his hair was even combed.

  “Just going to hit up a few clubs, have some drinks. We normally get a few hotel rooms and stay out all night,” Elijah answered with a sigh. “It’s a tradition. If you don’t want to come, you’ll be here with Vincent and Quinn for the evening.”

  “You all go and pick up chicks,” Sawyer guessed, with a smile. She kept that smile plastered on her face, but she felt a curl of jealousy. “Even Jasper?”

  “Eh, some girl will get him to third base, and he’ll chicken out of finishing the deal. Happens every time.” Elijah chuckled. “Zander and I have a bit more fun.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s going to be a no from me,” Sawyer said laughing. “I’m not sure I want to witness that. Even if I tried to get a man, he’d have to compete with all of you… Yeah, no thanks.”

  “You know, I have feeling if you went, things would go down much differently. I think you said that I was irresistible when you were drinking,” Elijah purred at her, and she pushed him back gently.

  “Go have fun,” she chuckled. “Keep those two out of trouble. How’s Jasper going to handle it?”

  “He’s going on a simple leg until I finish the prototype I’m planning. He can walk well enough, and I think it might help him, not hinder him.” He threw a wink at her, and Sawyer only nodded.

  “Women love a man with battle scars,” she confirmed with smirk. “Anything I need to know about what’s going on here?”

  “Quinn will be unreachable in the woods for the entire evening. Don’t mess with him. Vincent… if he’s not in the office, then he’ll be down in the entertainment room,” Elijah sighed. “Check in with him sometime tonight so he knows you haven’t run.”

  “Can do,” Sawyer said with a nod. “Go on. Have fun. Tell those two the same.”

  “Will do, little lady.” Elijah chuckled and swooped down to kiss her forehead. She jerked her head back and frowned at the retreating cowboy. She didn’t say anything, though. She had a feeling that Elijah was just being Elijah with that kiss, nothing more. She hoped. She knew what those lips could do to a person.

  She closed her door and checked the time. It wasn’t too late, only seven.

  She scrounged up some dinner for herself, then read for several hours. It was nearly eleven when she decided she should check in with Vincent. She made sure to get dressed more appropriately before heading down to find him, which meant she put on a bra and thong to go with the sweats and tank top.

  She checked his office first, knocking before she walked through the door to see if he was there. She frowned at his desk, noticing it was in complete disarray, something that was not normal for Vincent. She walked closer and gasped at what she found.

  Pictures of boys with dark curly hair. Playing together, standing stiffly for professional pictures. There were about five, along with hundreds of scattered papers. News clippings, documents.

  “Vincent,” she muttered to herself, looking through it more. This must have been everything he had on Axel. “Oh, Vincent…”

  She left the office, taking the photos with her, and headed down into the basement. She held the pictures to her chest and wondered what she would find in the entertainment room. She had an idea.

  She didn’t knock, just walked in through the door. She was being overly lazy with her powers, she knew it, but it was still nice to use them again...

  She immediately noticed the smell of scotch and looked at the large TV. She gasped, dropping the photos she’d taken from Vincent’s desk. Her idea flew out of her head.

  It looked like Henry, running and playing in the bright sun. But a woman’s voice called for Vincent. Then a second young boy was on the screen, though he was a bit older, and the woman asked Axel not to tease his brother. They sc
uffled and laughed.

  Sawyer’s heart broke as she heard a soft cry. She picked up the photos and thought for a moment. She stepped around the large recliners and saw Vincent, a little bit drunk, watching the video with a few obvious tears on his face.

  “Why did the guys go to Atlanta?” she asked suddenly, making him look over at her.

  “It’s tradition to go out to Atlanta and party when our cases are officially closed and sentenced. The WMC has finished their official sentencing of Antonio ‘Axel’ Castello. He’ll be put to death once they feel he’s given them all the information he has about his and other criminals’ activities,” Vincent said hoarsely. “No date… just… whenever they fucking want to.”

  Sawyer felt another small, tiny piece of her heart break. Some piece of her heart that must have been holding on to the precious few good moments and that naïve childish love she’d had for the man that had ruined her, that had broken her into a thousand pieces. A tear rolled down her cheek.

  “They’ll torture him,” Vincent continued, clearing his throat, “within an inch of his life, if he doesn’t give them everything they want.”

  Sawyer went to the bar and poured a hard drink. She didn’t know what she grabbed, and she swallowed what must have been three shots at once. They had all known when they left for Atlanta that this had happened. She had known this was going to come.

  Nothing had prepared her for it.

  “Why does it hurt so much?” Vincent asked roughly. “Why?”

  “Because we once loved him,” Sawyer mumbled, pouring another drink. She hated the words as they came out of her mouth, but it was the truth. A bitter, hard truth, but the truth nonetheless.

  “I never—”

  “Don’t lie to me or yourself, Vincent Castello,” Sawyer growled. And she wouldn’t lie to herself. After everything she had gone through, something about it still fucking hurt, and she knew Vincent was feeling exactly what she was: shame that they pitied a monster his fate, a mix of sadness and joy that it was finally over, and relief underneath it all that someone they once cared for was going to die in an awful way. Add in a touch of guilt for feeling the relief. “He’s your brother.”


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