Book Read Free

All Blues

Page 34

by Marie Wathen

  Ally is in her sixties with grey hair and jade tinted eyes. Smiling proudly, she takes a slow sip from her coffee cup before responding. “That girl will never work with her father. Although I am proud of the work that my husband and two sons do at W.C., in my opinion, what she does is so much more important…and badass.” All the ladies hoot at her response, and I can’t help smiling too. Ally’s twinkling eyes shift toward me again, clearly aware that I’m eavesdropping.

  “Oh, look at the time,” one of the women says to the group. “The flower shop opens in ten minutes. If we’re going to beat Margie and her minions to the huge sale next door, we better hustle.”

  Ally exclaims, “Ha, those scavengers are so obvious.” A round of snorts and giggles tinkle on a breezy current of air that stirs up sand within the open terrace.

  Jude’s voice rises when he says, “Of course, we’ll need to reinforce the fence surrounding the property.” Again, I hum. “You know, to contain the yeti.”


  Ally says cheerily, “I think we should have a party at the castle to celebrate Samantha coming home.”

  “Samantha?” I breathe out my sweet goddess’s name.

  “And his brother…the wooly mammoth.” Jude’s humor-filled face pops in front of me, jarring me back to our conversation. “You haven’t heard one damn thing that I’ve said, have you?”

  “Yeah, yeah, fencing in the yeti mammoth, I heard you.” My large hand engulfs his entire face, as I shove it away.

  Jude busts out laughing, “What the hell ever. Get off your ass and let’s go look at your new compound.” He stands and walks toward the trashcan, tossing his garbage. Distracted by Ally’s words, I am slow to follow, and Jude calls out, “Eth?” I frown at him and shuffle forward.

  Facts overheard during the women’s conversation suddenly become rather important.


  Moved from Georgia

  Walker Corporation

  Important and badass job


  Reaching the bakery side door, I turn my attention back to the four ladies. With an expert perusal, I explore every detail hoping to find any resemblance of the silver haired beauty as she stands, leaving out the small wrought iron gate that spills out toward the bare cobblestone street. Sadly, I can’t find one genetic similarity to my grey-eyed angel. But something in my guts tells me that Aileen Walker is Sam’s grandmother. Adding up the details means that Sam is from this little island. More importantly, she is here now.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Reporters spill out the courthouse, taking up perch on the front marble steps with their cameras and recorders aimed toward the podium, awaiting the official statement. My attorney, Trafford Vines, and Georgia State Trooper Russell Daniels shoulders me out the double doors, guiding me around the left side of the boisterous mob. Directly behind us, several federal agents encircle two men, both wearing black Armani suits, not breaking stride until they reach the microphone. Out of curiosity, I pause to listen.

  “We need to get you out of here,” Trafford insists tensely, his eyes bulging, a thin sheen of sweat layering his forehead. “You can catch the report tonight on the evening news.”

  Russ nods. “I think you should listen to your lawyer, Ethan. Besides, I need to get you across town.” His humorous green eyes seem to hold some vital information that I am clearly not privy too. “You have a last minute meeting before heading out of town.”

  “Meeting?” I question my suspicious companion before my attention is drawn away by raised voices coming from the front of the white marble governmental building. I allow one final look at the man standing beside the high priced New York suit now speaking to the news reporters. The smugness on Nelson’s profile as he scans across the crowd twists a knot deep within my gut. A wave of vain accountability flushes over me just looking at him. I failed, the words taunt me. As if he can feel my glower, the foul bastard cranes his head. His arrogant sneer lands directly on me. Unexpectedly, I see the briefest crack in his coldness, making that well-known, self-righteous façade falter. Almost immediately, disappointment followed up with hatred pulses out in waves from his bitterness, assuring me that this isn’t the last time that we will be face to face. Arrogant asshole better pray that never happens. I’m not sure that I will be able to rein in the beast within that wants his blood. Forcing my rage under control, I say through clenched teeth, “We’re done here.”

  Half an hour later, the marked patrol car pulls into what appears to be a condemned parking garage. The entire trip has been silent. Not that I have a problem with that. My mind has been running through the events of the day. Hearing the judge reading off the jury’s sentencing came with a small amount of satisfaction. Of course knowing that Nelson is facing four life sentences, locked in a government penitentiary located in a secretive location, for the extensive list of crimes that he committed against humanity pleases me. Without the added murder charges that I worked so hard at obtaining, I am left feeling wary. I know that there is no way that he will see the outside of a jail cell during my lifetime, but he still has many loyal paid, or brainwashed (however you want to look at it), employees.

  “You can get out.” Russ parks on the vacant top level. He steps out the car and circles around to the trunk, opening it and stripping off his duty belt and shirt.

  “What’s this meeting about?” I ask, strolling to the back of the vehicle joining him.

  Tugging a white golf shirt over his head, he tucks the hem into the waistband of his black cargo pants, tossing the uniform shirt into a small duffel bag lying inside the opened hatch. “The Marshall’s office is sending an agent to meet with you.”

  “I already met with HLS so I know this can’t be about Jude. Who’s coming?”

  He shrugs. “Lassiter and he should be here in a few minutes.”

  “All right…” Studying him, I can see that he seems nervous. “How come I didn’t know anything about this meeting? Do you know what it’s all about?”

  “They said that before we leave for the Gulf they needed to give you something.”

  “And you don’t know what this something is?”

  “Not a clue,” he lies, slamming the lid to the trunk closed then leaping up to sit on it. He glances off toward the horizon, avoiding eye contact. I hold out for a swollen moment, but he refuses to look at me. I snort, and he makes a strange sound in the back of his throat, mimicking a laugh.

  Scrunching my face against the glaring sun, I lean my back against the rear end and glance down at the busy street below, watching for the expected vehicle. A heavy breath expels from my tight chest. Within a few short hours, I will see Sam. Now that everything is finalized and my connection to the assignment is being severed, I am free to explain my situation. Certainly, she is going to be surprised to see me. After the way we left things the last time we were together, I’ll be lucky if she doesn’t shoot me within the first five minutes. Russ told me that she took my promise as a threat. A slow smile begins when I think about what awaits us. I have missed the hell out of her feistiness.

  “Did you hear anything that I said?” Russ shouts while punching my shoulder.

  “No,” I chuckle, looking over at him. “Lost in my thoughts, I guess.”

  “She’ll be fine.”

  “It will be a miracle if I can get two words in before she knees me.”

  He snorts. “Sam is a master in jujitsu, so expect an ass whooping.”

  “Guess that’s why you looked frightened on more than one occasion when I saw you two together,” I say on a chuckle.

  “Yeah, and because of that Alpha bullshit you pulled, I got yanked off the job. Thanks a lot buddy.”

  “Sorry about that, but I couldn’t have you beating on a woman. I really only hoped to put some distance between you.”

  “I get it. You were jealous, but honestly, Sam is like a…sister.” His voice cracks on the last word.

  “I’m really sorry that I couldn’t save Kris, Rus

  He drops his chin to his chest and softly says, “Me too.” A thick silence falls between us and remains until a shiny black sedan races up the ramp, driving over to us. Russ cusses under his breath, “I wish that I would have thought to video tape this meeting.”

  I cut a sharp look at him. “What the hell for?”

  “In two seconds, your expression will be priceless,” he chuckles, pointing toward the man stepping out of the back passenger side.

  “Asshole, you do know what the hell is going on,” I snap, tension drawing up all of the muscles in my body as I turn my attention back to the new arrival.

  “Sloane,” Lassiter greets with an outstretched hand.

  “What’s going on here, Eddie?” I ask the agent who was lead on Nelson’s case, overseeing me and Jude while we were working inside the X’kapz.

  “I’m just going to cut to the chase. You’re going into witness protection.”

  My brow furrows, hearing this news. “What the hell for?”

  “Nelson isn’t going to let you skulk off. A tip came in this morning that there is a price on your head.”

  I growl, “I wouldn’t expect anything less than that from the old fucker, but is WP really necessary?”

  “Yes, for two reasons. We need you and your family out of the spotlight for an extended period.”

  “My family is a nonissue,” I assure, certain that they are better protected living at my compound on Willow Island than anything that the government can offer. “No one will find them.”

  “Regardless, here is the paperwork with everyone’s new identification. I suggest you ensure that your siblings understand the grim truth that they are targets. For how long? We don’t know.”

  Ripping into the large yellow envelope, I sort through the paperwork and passports. Finding mine on top, I glance up and say, “Rhys Bentley?”

  “Correct,” he replies. “Everything you need to know on your back story is in the packet. Learn it and there is one more thing....” With a wave of his hand, the driver of his sedan opens the other back passenger side door, allowing a second occupant out. “Your charge is leaving with you.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I repeat back, “Charge?” He tips his head toward the car and I freeze watching two men walking toward us. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!”

  “I assure you, this is no joke, Mr. Bentley,” Lassiter claims.

  “No,” I growl, “I will not be held responsible for him.”

  “You really don’t have a say in the matter. This order came from a level several times above my pay grade.” Gesturing between us, Lassiter says, “Let me introduce you, Rhys this is your brother…Tyle Bentley.” My blood boils with fury for being duped as my glare latches onto the dark brown eyes of Hillary Kennedy. “Try not to kill each other,” my former boss instructs walking away and climbing into the back of the black sedan.

  Moments later, I am left standing with Russ and Hillary. Russ is the first to break the dead silence that falls upon us with a bark of laughter. “Priceless! I knew it.”

  “Trust me, Rhys,” Hillary says, cutting his eyes from Russ to me. “I don’t like this any better than you do.”

  “Let’s get something straight right now, Hillary,” I stand directly in front of him, my legs spread wide and arms crossed over my chest, “I’m not your goddamn babysitter. We won’t be living together. There will not be family game night. Hell, I don’t even want your fucking cell phone number. You go your way and I promise to stay out of your business. Keep your nose clean. If you do manage to be stupid and screw up, tipping off the wrong people to where you are, it’s your ass. Is that clear enough for you?”

  “The name is Tyle, brother.” Inching closer, he says, “I guess you won’t be inviting me over for Sunday brunches anytime soon, huh?”

  “Ever,” I assure also pressing so close that we are now toe to toe.

  “All right, guys,” Russ interjects. “We’ve got a plane to catch.”

  “Why are you here?” Tyle snaps, following me toward the car.

  “Vacation,” he answers, rolling his eyes at me as he climbs in behind the steering wheel. “And the name is RD.” I smirk.

  Tyle grumbles, “Damn cops. You know, Rhys, this deal you arranged is a bunch of bullshit. Now, the feds are expecting me to fall in line and do whatever you say. Worst witness protection gig ever.”

  “I don’t know,” Russ counters, “I’ve heard crazier ideas. You’re off to a tropical island when other participants are shipped off to the frigid northwest.”

  Once settled in beside Russ, I glare over my shoulder at Tyle and shake my head before turning my attention back toward the road ahead. This really couldn’t have worked out better. Neither man is the wiser of how this little glitch is all part of Max’s master plan. With a genius like him in charge, every twist and turn on this ride has been crazy cool. I am in awe.

  I manage to hold back the ridiculously overconfident smile that is threatening to expose me as an accomplice in this master con to the back seat passenger. The Pawn. It’s my not-so-sweet term of endearment for the dumb schmuck. Little does the royal pain in my ass know that he isn’t just a new resident on Willow Island and one of the newest members of Witness Protection. If all goes as planned, and I have no doubts that it will, my new relative will be the link that connects us to Dr. A.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  “The truth?” Sam asks breathlessly, staring up at me with her chin resting on her hands lying crossed over my upper torso. Her trusting grey eyes shimmer with the residual of our recent love making. Post coitus, the chaotic hammering of her heart challenges the rhythm of my own as it pounds against my chest. My left hand strokes softly against the thick strand of dark hair dangling loosely near her face, pushing it back away from her flushed cheek and tucking it behind her ear. Then my fingertips edge along the smooth skin of her delicate jaw, cupping it while staring straight into her eyes. She moans feeling my other hand grip the swell of her killer derriere, Mmm dat ass. Her long legs curl with mine in a perfect tangle of sweaty limbs. With a kittenish purr and smoldering look, she pushes her hot entrance against my slowly fading erection, earning an awed twitch–ah, a reawakening. A feral rumble from deep within my chest stretches her taunting smile. Insatiable tease.

  With a voice sounding like it has been roughed up by drinking a tumbler of gravel, I ask, “What was your question?”

  “Aw babe, did I distract you?”

  Squeezing her ass, I confess, “I’ll never again be able to fucking think straight with you around, on top, or under me.”

  After a fist pump above her head while pinching her eyes closed, she cheers, “Yes!” Laughter erupts between both of us. She rolls onto her back, clutching her hands around her stomach, gasping for air.

  I move on top of her, pressing my legs between her, her hips cradling me while I hold my upper body weight above her. Her dark hair spreads over the white pillow case. She runs her right hand up, pressing the palm against her temple. A beautiful smile beams up at me.

  “Yes,” I repeat then my smile drops. I lower to rest my weight on right elbow, causing the head of my throbbing erection to press between her slick folds. Moving my left hand to cup the back of her head, I whisper, “Ah, I fucking love you.”

  Motionless for several heart beats, she stares deeply into my eyes, hers shimmering with unshed tears. “Say it again, Blues.”

  “Never doubt my affections. I love you, Sam, and I always will.” She rolls her hips, and I slowly push into her hot center making her whimper. “Fuck, grip me tighter,” I bury my face into her hair at the side of her neck, pausing just a moment to catch my breath as her walls clench me oh so very tightly. “I love the sounds that you make and the feel of your tight pussy.” Rocking with my steady pace, she hitches her long silky legs around mine, thrusting upward hard. “Ah, yes, fuck me, doll.” Our love making becomes all desperate need and fucking. Cuming hard inside her while looking into her eyes, I profess, “I lov
e you so fucking much, with my life, with everything that I am.”

  “I know,” she says panting, brushing her lips tenderly against mine while holding my gaze. Just the way I like our kisses. “I love you, babe.”

  “I’m so grateful.”

  She lets my comment hang there for a second. After a couple of soft nibbles against my bottom lip, she repeats, “Now, the truth?” Rolling onto my back, I drag her body on top of mine.

  The truth. Two small words, a combination of vowels and constants that if rearranged is merely inconsequential nonsense. Upon first glance, the rudimentary significance of something so easily afforded appears lacking in degree. For us, it is anything but trivial. The importance of this question passing from her perfect lips, echoes violently through my mind, like a panicky shriek through a dark hollowed out channel. These eight characters make up the heart of our story. And now? Trust after the truth. Since the beginning, when our eyes met over a year ago, every doubt that burrowed its way deep within my chest comes down to this moment in time.

  After ten impulsive trips, I arrived on Willow Island, before dusk today. Since discovering that the woman who stole my heart returned here, to her home, after the death of her best friend, I couldn’t stay away for more than a couple of weeks at a time. Like a shadow, I followed her, watched from a distance and waited for the precise moment that I could finally approach her. That time arrived. This one is my final. When I showed up at her condo just before midnight, I was finally free to tell her the truth. It wasn’t an easy moment. She was pissed off at me, understandably so, and she fought like hell. After I explained my undercover role and hopes of obtaining Nelson’s confession, she admitted that she loves me too. She may have freaked a little when I told her that she was going to marry me. But it’s the truth. She just needs a few days to get used to the idea. And that is how we found our way back to her bed, where we made love while looking directly into each other’s eyes. Best damn way to love my woman.

  “Hmm, yes, the truth,” I say, gliding a hand over the swell of her hip, drawing her down with my other so that her head rests on my chest. “There are things that happened, which were out of my control. I despise not having full knowledge and final say in a case, but in the end everything worked out for the best.” She peeks up with a thoughtful look, so I add, “Don’t get any ideas about using my downfalls against me, doll.” Gnawing on her bottom lip, she nods. “Silently agreeing doesn’t count, promise.”


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