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Page 6

by Natalie Lougher

  “A true shape-shifter. Well, I’ll be.” Hugh murmured in wonder and Edan regarded me curiously.

  “The flashes of light are new I think. I don’t recall ever reading about the light when any of our other ancestors got close during a change. Mind you, I don’t think anyone ever really witnessed a change.”

  “Well, there has to be a first time for everything, doesn’t there?” the three of us sat in silence for a moment and finally I let out a big sigh.

  “My biggest question is how am I going to explain to Rachel that I’m not going home with her?”

  “You could just tell her that Dr. Andarsan hasn’t cleared you to fly yet and when he does we will get you a ticket home.” Edan suggested and I raised my eyebrows slightly as I mulled that over.

  “I’ve never lied to my best friend before. She’ll know something is up.” I shook my head slowly, chewing on the thumbnail again anxiously.

  “Well, unless you can think of a less complicated excuse, that might be your best option. Once she’s home and you’re more comfortable, tell her whatever you want. Where is your tour today?”

  “We were supposed to be visiting Buckingham Palace and then some museums in London before flying home tomorrow. Rachel said she packed my bags and took them with her when they left the inn yesterday.”

  “Your belongings will be easy enough to retrieve, I have some business to take care of there and will be leaving shortly. Ask her to leave them with the front desk and I can pick them up on my way home. In the meantime, I am going to go check on my wife then sit down at my computer to do some work.” Edan said goodbye to myself and his father and after he’d left the cottage I looked at the older man thoughtfully.

  “What’s on your mind lass?” he asked softly and I just sat there and regarded him for a long minute.

  “My whole life I have yearned for two things. First, I always wanted to fly - just spread my arms as wide as they’ll go and coast along on the wind. And second, I’ve wanted to come to Scotland but I could never explain why I wanted to come so badly. I guess now I know.”

  “Aye, I guess ye were destined to come here at some point. I just wonder what is so special about now?” he mused and I nodded slightly in agreement.

  “Why now? And what am I going to be able to do about it?”

  Chapter 5

  When I spoke to Rachel a little while later, I was as honest with her as I could be. I told her that we still didn’t know what had happened to me yesterday and Dr. Andarsan wanted to keep a close eye on me to make sure that it didn’t happen again. The first part was true, we didn’t know exactly what happened to me in the cab when I had tried to leave, but I knew that if I tried to leave without Edan or Hugh with me, it would undoubtedly happen again. The bit about Dr. Andarsan was a minor fabrication; it was true that he had checked my blood pressure and temperature again but there were no tests he could run that would explain the transformation process from human to dragon and back without vast amounts of time, money and equipment. And a willing participant, which I was not.

  I also assured her, when she got truly concerned and wanted to double-back and come to the estate herself, that these people were practically family and she didn’t need to worry.

  “Rach, this is where my Nana and Granddad lived before my Dad was born. The cottage they lived in is still here too. It’s like being home.” I told her earnestly and she sighed heavily.

  “Lani, I can’t just leave you there. God, what if something happens to you and you’re here all by yourself?”

  “Sweetie, nothing is going to happen to me. The minute they learned my last name here and who my grandparents were I was treated like part of the family. I’ll be fine and as soon as I’m able to, I’ll get back on a plane and come home. I promise.”

  “I will leave your bags at the concierge service for that guy, Edan Cameron to pick up. Are you sure that’s such a good idea? He’ll have your passport and everything!”

  “Yes, and he’ll be coming right back here with it after he’s done whatever business he has there. You worry too much.”

  “I worry too much? Are you kidding me? You’re in a foreign country, on a stranger’s property, you’re sick and I’m supposed to just leave you there until you’re well enough to fly home? Why the hell aren’t you at a hospital if it’s that bad?” Rachel asked indignantly and I nodded my head slightly in rueful consent. Given the bare minimum that Rachel knew, that was a very good question and one I would definitely be asking if our roles were reversed.

  “Sweetie, I promise you that I will explain everything as soon as I can. But you need to trust me, okay? I can’t leave here right now, I’m not in any physical danger and if I need anything, you’ll be the first to know.” I held my breath and crossed my fingers that she would let it go at that and, blissfully, she did.

  “I love you. Don’t go and do something stupid, do you hear me? And as soon as you can get away from that place, come home.”

  “I love you too Rach. Have a safe trip home tomorrow and send me a message when you land to let me know you’re okay.”

  “You too.” I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was starting to get choked up so I ended the call quickly and stuffed my cell phone into the back pocket of my jeans. Then, feeling restless, I went to find Ciara. I found her in a quiet studio, an easel in front of her as she painted and I stood in the doorway for a moment to admire her work.

  “You are very good.” I complimented when I was sure I wouldn’t startle her and she turned with a pleased smile.

  “Thank you. I find it very relaxing to come in here and paint. I try to find some quiet time to come in here every day but the more restless the twins get, the less I want to stand at an easel. Once they get to moving around, the only thing I can do is move around too because there’s no point in resting.” She laughed and rested a hand lovingly on her stomach and I smiled. No sooner had she spoken then all of a sudden she jumped a little and her hand went to a different spot on her stomach, massaging the area slightly. “Speak of the little devils and they wake up. Care to go for a walk with me?” she offered, setting her paints aside and I nodded. It was now my job to keep a close eye on this woman, especially with Edan away so I accepted the jacket she loaned me, waited patiently for her to get her shoes, and then we walked out the kitchen door into the yard.

  She led the way away from the buildings, wandering in the general direction of the road, where the ground was flat and pretty much wide open. All of the trees on the property seemed to be between the houses and the cliffs. From a security standpoint, that was awesome. The only way onto the property was through the locked gate that stretched across the lane way, over a eight-foot stone wall, or up a sheer cliff that had a narrow path that led down to the rocky shoreline below. The estate was situated atop a horseshoe-shaped bay, well, more like a cracked fish-bowl than a horseshoe, and the rocky walls went all the way out to the water, even at low-tide.

  “It feels good to get out and go for a walk by myself sometimes. I know they mean well, but the constant attention from the staff gets to feeling a little stifling. And the further into the pregnancy I get, the worse it gets. I can barely switch rooms without someone being there to ask if I need anything or if they can help me.” She grumbled when we were far enough away from the house that we didn’t have to worry about anyone hearing her and I cringed slightly at her words.

  “Guilty as charged. I don’t think I’ve been much better.” I said somewhat apologetically and she laughed and looped her arm through mine like we had known each other for years.

  “True. But for some reason, when you do it, it doesn’t seem to bother me. Much like Edan and Hugh, you feel like family.” She squeezed my arm in a friendly fashion and I smiled in relief.


  After our walk, I escorted Ciara back to her room, helped her change into some more comfortable clothes and she laid down in her bedroom to have a rest. I went back outside and wandered around, this time along the c
liffs and jagged shoreline, and I stopped to stare out at the waves far out in the bay, breathing in the salty air as the wind coming off the water whipped at my ponytail.

  Eventually, I turned and went back in the direction of the main house and surrounding cottages. I saw Dr. Andarsan walking across the lawn and he raised a hand to wave at me in greeting. The gesture seemed slightly out of character for the young man, although I wasn’t sure why, and as I raised my hand to wave back, we both froze for a split second when a blood-curdling scream ripped through the peaceful afternoon silence. We exchanged alarmed glances and then broke into a run towards the main house. I had been on the property for less than two days and yet I would know that scream anywhere; Ciara.

  The doctor and I burst into the kitchen and followed Alice, Will and Madeline down the hall towards the Laird’s bedroom. Madeline got to the closed door first and threw it open, all of us pouring into the large room behind her as she exclaimed,

  “My lady! What is it?” and then promptly ducked as a raven swooped towards her and the open bedroom door. Will, a very tall and broad man, stood in the doorway blocking the door, making the bird change directions and circle around the room, hugging the ceiling.

  “Get it out of here!” Ciara shrieked, clutching the sheet on the bed up to her chin as though ready to cover her head, and I pushed through the crowd just as the bird dove at her, talons extended. She shrieked again and pulled the sheet over her head to protect herself and on instinct, I dove for the bed too, getting between her and the dive-bombing blackbird.

  “No! Get away!” I shouted, swinging an arm up in front of me, ready to protect my own face but I needn’t have worried. The bird’s beady little eyes latched on to me and if a blackbird could have turned white in fright, this thing would have and it threw the brakes on and tried to redirect itself. It swooped back up towards the ceiling as Alice went to the window and threw it open, giving the bird a free path out of the house and it wasted no time taking the offered escape route and leaving the room. When it was gone, the cook pulled the window closed again and latched it and everyone looked at each other, our expressions all showing various degrees of shell-shock.

  “Is everyone okay? Ciara? Are you okay?” I asked in concern, ignoring my own racing heart as I turned to the other young woman and she nodded as she lowered the sheet back down onto the bed and rubbed her arms to comfort herself. Madeline went to her and sat on the bed, wrapping her arms around her protectively and my gaze swung to the doctor and two cooks. Everyone nodded silently, and when Alice and Will were sure Ciara was okay, they excused themselves and left, leaving Dr. Andarsan and I gazing at each other again as Madeline got Ciara calmed down behind me. He had a curious look on his handsome face as he walked past me and went over to where the two women sat huddled together on the bed.

  “Ciara, how are you feeling?” he knelt beside her, and as the two of them conversed in low tones, I scoured the room, trying to determine how the bird had gotten in with the heavy wooden door closed, and the equally heavy window open just enough to let a breath of fresh air in. There was no way the bird would have been able to fit through the slit in the open window, I had checked the window before I’d left her alone to make sure, so how did it get in? And why did it seem so scared of me? When it had flown towards Will and the open bedroom door behind him, the big man hadn’t seemed to ruffle its feathers - excuse the pun - but when it had seen me, it was almost like it had seen a ghost and wanted to get the hell out of dodge as quickly as possible.

  I walked the perimeter of the room, trailing my fingers lightly along the wall, and as my fingertips brushed against the window-frame I paused. The wood directly under my fingers seemed to glow faintly, and as I moved my hand, the glow followed. But it disappeared as soon as I touched the wall. I continued my walk, this time much slower as I watched where my fingers touched. When I completed the circuit around the room and reached the bedroom door, I touched the door frame and the glow came back. Lost in thought, I moved my hand up and down the wooden frame and across the open expanse of the doorway, watching the glow move with me. I was so hypnotized with this new discovery that I jumped when Dr. Andarsan appeared behind me.

  “Looking for dust or spiderwebs?” he asked quietly, an amused note in his voice and I glanced over my shoulder at him, a smirk on my lips and saw that Ciara was back to sleep and Madeline was tucking the blanket around her. She excused herself as she left the room and when it was just the two of us left with the pregnant woman, I looked back at the physician and his dark eyes held mine, even as he raised his eyebrows expectantly, still waiting for me to explain why I was waving my hand around aimlessly in the air.

  “You are probably one of the more practical thinkers here, would you agree?” I asked him quietly and he nodded.

  “While I’m on the clock, absolutely. I have to be, it’s part of my job.”

  “Do you see anything out of the ordinary when I trail my fingers along like this?” I gently rested my fingertips against the wall and he watched my long, delicate fingers as they moved along the white plaster. He was about to shake his head no but stopped in mid-shake when my fingers reached the door frame and the wood directly under my touch started to emit a faint glow. I looked from my hand to his face as I moved my fingers back onto the plaster and the glow went away.

  “What is that?” he whispered, more to himself than me and when I moved my hand back over the door frame he slid his hand under mine so it was sandwiched between the wood and my skin. The glow went away the minute he obstructed my access to the door and reappeared when he slid his hand out. “You are certainly a fascinating creature, aren’t you?” he remarked quietly, standing so close that his shoulder bumped mine when he turned and I bit my lip as butterflies appeared in my stomach at his words, and looked back at the door frame skeptically.

  “If it’s all the same to you, I’m going to wander around a bit and see what else I learn.” I told him and he nodded silently, turning back to make sure Ciara was asleep. I walked out into the empty hall and continued trailing my fingers along the wall, watching for the glow to come back. It did; every time I touched a window or door and by the time I had walked every hallway and room I could get into, I was absolutely mystified. What was it? What did it mean? Was it my dragon-senses trying to tell me something, and if so, what?

  Going back into the kitchen, I greeted Alice and Will and assured them that Miss Ciara was asleep and the last I had seen her, she was in the care of the doctor.

  “Crazy thing, that bird getting in there like that. Bloody hell if I know how it got in.” Will muttered, shaking his head and Alice nodded in agreement.

  “What baffles me more though is the reaction it had to you, Miss Lani. If that bird’s feathers could have turned white I think it would have.”

  “You thought so too, huh?” I smirked slightly, getting a cup down out of the cupboard where I had retrieved the water glass for Ciara the day before, and pouring some hot water out of a kettle that sat on the big cast-iron stove. “Would you like some tea with that hot water, lass?” Alice asked and I shook my head.

  “No thank you. Just a spoonful of honey, if you have.” The honey jar was handed to me and I put a decent dollop of the sticky, golden sweetener into my hot water as Will laughed behind me.

  “I think that bird was afraid it was going to be roasted for dinner when it saw Miss Lani dive for it.” At his joke, Alice inhaled sharply and her gaze swiveled between him and me like she was watching a wild tennis match, waiting to see what my response would be. I looked at the two of them silently for a long minute, sipping my hot water and honey tentatively as I thought about my options. Finally, I went for acknowledgment mixed with humor.

  “Well, if there had been some barbecue sauce, or even salt and pepper, than maybe. But plain roasted raven doesn’t sound very appetizing.” Alice exhaled her breath in a relieved whoosh and Will laughed.

  “We’ll make a point of keeping little dishes of condiments stashed around the est
ate for ya’ lass, should you get a craving.” His words made me laugh and the final walls of secrecy came down as I perched on a stool at the marble-topped island.

  “So, does everyone know what I am? And when did you all figure it out?”

  “Lass, our grandparents grew up with your Grand-da and everyone knew what he was. He never changed, but the possibility was there. Some of us were young enough that we vaguely remember him and your Nan leaving and from there on, it was just stories that got passed down and mixed with legend. The minute we saw you, we knew there was something more to ya than Mack just finding you on the side of the road. What man would pick up a stranger at that hour, female or not?” the older man leaned back against a counter, a serious look on his face and beside him Alice pondered his words, chewing on her lip until she nodded slowly.

  “Aye, that’s true enough. For me, it was how you stood on guard with Miss Ciara the minute she came into the room yesterday. We have grown up on stories of how the Williams dragons were always so protective of the Lairds and their families, never leaving their sides. You appearing on this side of the wall out of the blue like you did, and then taking a post behind the Laird’s wife….” Her voice trailed off with a small smile and I chuckled.

  “So, does everyone here know who or what I am? Judging by the stunned look on Mack’s face yesterday when I told him my name, he knows. But what about everyone else that lives here? Am I destined to have people staring at me and whispering behind my back?”

  “Nah. The young’uns might if they hear their parents talking but we’ve all been awaiting the day a Williams dragon would come back. Now you’re here and no one should give you a hard time about it.” Will shook his head firmly and I raised an eyebrow with a wink.

  “Especially if there’s barbecue sauce nearby.” With his roaring laughter echoing behind me, I excused myself and left the kitchen, wandering back to my own cottage, all of the questions from earlier flooding back. How was I going to get any answers to what I was and what I could do? I knew Nan and Granddad had wanted to protect Dad, and Dad in turn wanted to protect me, but had it never occurred to any of them that I might need to know the big secret one day? Forbidding me to come to a country with no sound reason behind it suddenly seemed so inadequate.


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