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Saving Her

Page 7

by Jessika Klide

  "Where are you going?" Aurei asks.

  "Away from their prying eyes." I slide off the seat and onto the floor where I spin around to face him. "You should lean your head back and rest. If they can't tell anyone is in here, then they'll leave to go chase the other limos."

  "Good thinking, Smart Thang!" He leans his head back and rests it on the seat. The car slows down and waits for the next limo. Aurei stretches his legs out. He looks every bit like a Dom sitting there, looking down his nose at me. A smirk starts to spread over his face. "What are you thinking?"

  I smirk back, then crawl up the back of the seat to the driver, hike my ass in the air and flash my sweet, little pussy at Aurei. I hear him say. "Perfect."

  "We would like a little privacy, please." I tell the driver.

  When the partition is shut, I slink back down to sit in front of Aurei and I tease him. "You made me so horny in the elevator!" I sink my finger in and out a few times then show him. "I'm very wet!"

  His face is deadly serious as he studies me. I can hear the conflict inside him. He wants to command me not to, but he wants to watch too. Damn! That Dom Thunder look is fucking beastly!

  Leaning my head back, I stroke my pussy in big, dramatic circles, then I pat my clit and finger myself. "Ah! That feels good."

  I peer at him though narrow slits and see that his head is off the back of the seat. He is watching me like a hawk. His expression says, 'Wild Thang, you make my heart sing!' And, that reminds me.

  "What did you say I do when I cum? Sing? Really? Those songs must be special for you, Aurelius. I don't remember ever hearing myself create moaning music when I masturbate. But, let's see." I lay my head back again and I moan. "Umm, Aurei!" I start to squirm. "You do bad things to my good thang. Baby, you make me wild!" I lift my head and look at him as I stroke and poke my pussy for him, quickly building myself to climax. When his hand slides to his cock and he chokes it, I spy on him. As I let go, his expression becomes thunderous. "Hah. Hah. Hah."

  Then I collapse and breath while I study him. He doesn’t move a muscle. I grin at him as I lift my head, back to normal. "Ah! That's better. Did I sing?"

  He doesn't say a thing. His eyes devour me and his hand still has a death grip on his cock.

  "I didn't think so. You see, your fucking is special! It's fuckaliciousness!"

  He grins.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A truck goes by, tooting its horn and the rednecks in the back are "hooting" at us. He looks at the tinted window and I smile.

  "Lean your head back, so they can’t tell if anyone is in here, or they will keep following us." I instruct as I move forward to kneel in front of him, keeping my head below the window. I swat his hand away and find his cock throbbing in his pants. I look up into his face now and lick my lips.

  "Do you need my help with this?" I tease him with whispered, dirty words about blowing him up and sucking him dry as I unzip his pants and push his briefs down under his balls. The waist band pushes them up for me.

  He picks his head up to look at me and the "hoots" start all over again.

  I pull his hard cock out, then blow my breath on it. I smile as I open wide and insert it. As I look up from my kneeling position, I close my mouth around it and suck.

  He drops his head back against the seat and moans. "F...u...c...k!"

  I open wide, and remove his cock without touching or stroking it. Then I put my lips on the tip and blow hard into it.

  "F...u...c...k!" He says again. I hold my hands up and spread my fingers wide. He slides his fingers in-between and cinches us tight. I work him over this way, until his cock is swollen and tight. When I feel the veins, I know it’s time to finish him.

  With soft pressure, I lick him, teasing his shaft, and wetting it throughly. Then with light lips, I start down on him. He lets go of our hands and grips the edge of the seat, pulling against it, giving me all of it. As I force him down my throat to reach the bottom, he moans, "F......U......C......K!" And it’s louder than he realizes.

  Sucking him from the base as I pull away all the way out to the tip, I feel his legs quiver. When I blow one last time inside, he takes a big breath, but loses it when I run my tongue around the ridge line, over and over. Tortured, he growls from his chest and his hands grip my head. He pushes me down on his cock and I relax, letting him push all the way in again. His fingers flex in my hair as he holds me down. When I finally need air, I pull back, and he let’s go. His hands grip the edge of the seat again, as I suck hard his entire length. I take a much needed breath and stare at his hand, then I bat my eyes, and cut them at him as I lick my lips and line back up. His fingers wrap themselves in my hair and he pushes me back down. Then he guides me up and down along his shaft, building pressure. When he cradles my head, my tongue dances around his thumping tip, teasing his ridge. When I feel his hands constrict on my head, I relax and let him slide back down my throat. This time, I move my tongue against him. He stops panting, and at the bottom, his abs harden. Then his semen shoots the back of my throat and he lets go, moaning. I hold on tight and drain him dry. As I swallow all of his glorious cum, he pushes out, "F...u...c...k.... Y...e...a...h!" When he goes limp, I slide him out and play with his tip on my tongue, until his hands find my hair again and he holds me still.

  I smile up at him through blurry eyes, filled with tears from holding back my gag reflex. The expression on his face is honest, pure raw emotion.

  I smile at him. "My Fucking Golden God! I adore you!"

  His hands fall limp to the seat again and he lays his head back, closing his eyes. His beautiful golden hands lay open and relaxed.

  I tuck his precious package back in his pants, tuck his shirt in as best I can and zip them up. I lay my head in his lap. He strokes my face, then takes my hand and pulls it to his mouth. He puts my finger in it and sucks my dry juice off. The feeling makes me wet again!

  "Come kiss me, Bad Thang." He commands me, and I obey. As I straddle him, he let's my finger go and as I lean down to kiss him, he waits for me. Content. When I place my lips on his, he waits for me to stick my tongue in him, then he sucks it once and lets it go. I look down on him, and he smirks. "I taste good in your mouth."

  I chuckle as I slide onto the seat to sit next to him, pulling the hem of my dress down then I lift his arm and snuggle under him. He gives me a gentle squeeze on my ass, but doesn't move or say anything else.

  He rests, as we circle the airport and head around to the runway.

  When the limo comes to a stop, the driver taps the barrier window. Aurei opens his eyes and lifts his head. I sit up and smile into his face. His grin is relaxed, lazy and satisfied.

  Now that is one happy face! And I guarantee my man will wear it forever!

  The driver opens the door, takes my hand and helps me out. I stand next to the limo and wait for Aurei to emerge. The driver very casually opens his hand in front of me, offering me something. When I look down, there is a peppermint candy laying on his palm. I take it, unwrap it, pop it in my mouth, put the empty wrapper back in his hand and wink at him. He winks back, puts the wrapper in his pocket, then walks to the other limo to get my luggage.

  Aurei gets out, offers his arm again, and we walk to the stairs leading up to the jet. A pilot emerges with a big smile and walks half way down to greet us. "Moore! Man, it's good to see you! How've you been?"

  "Good. Morris. And you?"

  "No complaints. Who's this beautiful lady you have on your arm?"

  "This is my lady." He says it possessively. "Siri Wright. Siri, allow me to introduce you to the first scoundrel I met in flight school. Mike Morris."

  He nods. "Nice to meet you, ma'am. Although, I'm surprised. Moore here has been a lone wolf as long as I've known him."

  "He was just waiting for the Wright one." I wink at Morris then I glance over my shoulder at Aurei and he gives me that killer wink. I smirk, roll the peppermint around my tongue so he can see it, then turn to walk up the stairs.

  Morris says to him.
"Must have been. You look different. Relaxed. It looks good on you."

  Chapter Sixteen

  When we enter the cabin, I'm pleasantly surprised at the luxury. The seats are dark leather and plush. The stewardess is Mary. "Sit anywhere. You are our only passengers this trip."

  I return to the front and Aurei holds up his arm for me to slide under. I snuggle in and smile at Morris. He laughs and shakes his head, amused. "It's good to see him happy, Siri. Good to see. Well, let me get us airborne and heading to Rome, then I'll come back and we can catch up."

  Aurei shakes Mike's hand again and as Mike goes to the cockpit, Aurei smiles at me. "Morris is a good guy."

  "I can see that. Where do you prefer to sit?"

  He selects seats on the right side, in front of the wing and offers me the window seat. We buckle up and as soon as the plane begins to move my nose is glued to the window. Aurei holds my hand and watches me. I love to fly! Every once in a while, I look at him and grin. "I love watching the world change."

  He grins back. "You enjoy every moment of every day, don't you?"

  "I try to. Why wouldn't you? Your heart only has so many beats. You better enjoy them."

  He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it. I turn back to stare out the window.

  After the jet reaches cruising altitude, Mike joins us for dinner. Mary brings us a glass of champagne and serves us. We eat and chit chat. Mike asks how we met, what I do, the typical things. I answer honestly. They talk about the things long term buddies talk about. How's Mike's wife. She's expecting their first baby. It's a boy. They've moved to Atlanta. Aurei resigned from the Army. His parents are in Italy to celebrate what would have been his Grandpa Aurelius' 85th birthday. That's news! Ann is good. She is still putting up with Bee. Then they start reminiscing about their Army days together. They tell story after story about and on each other. The bars they crashed, shut down, or got thrown out of. The practical jokes they pulled. We laugh together and the time flies. When he leaves to go back to his pilot duties, it is dark and late. Aurei and I recline our seats. Mary appears with blankets and pillows. We kick off our shoes, and Aurei takes his tie then his shirt off. Mary eyes his body appreciatively as she takes them to hang with his coat.

  I ask as soon as we settle in.

  "So what’s this about a party for your Grandfather's 85th birthday?"

  "Not just a party. It's a celebration."

  "Oh. What's the difference?"

  "Big and extravagant. We go all out for it each year making it a family reunion of sorts keeping the tradition he established. He would say that it's the Texan in him coming out." Aurei laughs.

  "Texan? I thought he was Italian."

  "He claimed both. It's a great story. Especially the part about courting my grandmother. 'It's quite the love story.'" Aurei says with a slow southern drawl that has just a hint of an Italian accent.

  I giggle. "Tell me the short version, please. It will make a good bedtime story."

  "My grandmother was a gifted dancer like you. She was a ballerina. They met and fell in love, but she wouldn't give up her career for him. At first his heart was broken, he took a job with this big company and they transferred him to Texas. He saved his money, bought some land, then struck oil. When he returned to Italy years later a wealthy oil baron, he reconnected with my grandmother, and asked her again to marry him. Again, she refused because of her career, but this time, she told him when she was too old to perform she would marry him. Each year he returned and ask her. Finally she agreed. They wed and she moved to Texas with him. They had my mother a year later and lived happily ever after until she died on the dance floor. He returned to Italy to bury her and stayed. He wouldn't leave her again." Aurei speaks with the same funny accent. "Till death do us part. Well, I'm not dead yet." He laughs. "He was quite the character."

  "Wow. That is a romantic story. Tell me about your parents."

  "My mother is Zita. My dad is Robert. Everyone calls him Bob. They met in high school, fell in love and got married. Bob joined the Army. They had me then Ann. We were Army brats until middle school, then he resigned from the Army to help his parents run the farm." He yawns. "Any more questions before I fall asleep on you?"

  "Yes. I want to know about the Bastard Son of Thor."

  "It's complicated. Too complicated for tonight."

  "May I have the short version of it too then? I'm dying to know! Please?"

  "Shortest version. Photography. My Granny Moore gave me a camera when I was 12. 'I took a likin' to it.' She would say when she bragged to her friends about the nice pics I took. When I went to spend my first full summer in Italy, I talked some older girls into letting me photograph them nude." He smirks and I laugh. "I was a horny teenager. What can I say."

  "Did they give you the title?"

  "No, but it's extremely complicated, Curious Thang." He tweaks my nose. "That's the shortest version." He yawns. "Let's see if we can sleep. I'm drained." His grin is lazy and his eyelids are heavy. I slide in next to him, aware that Mary is watching us and she dims the cabins lights. Before I can get the covers pulled up and settled in, I hear his soft snoring beside me. I put his arm over me and hug it close as I snuggle against him. His soft, gentle snoring, lolls me to sleep.

  I like sleeping with him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next thing I know, Mary is waking us with a fresh cup of coffee and the sun is shining in the cabin windows. Aurei stretches and stands. He takes the coffee she offers. "How long till we land?"

  "About 45 minutes. I thought you would like time to freshen up before we touch down." She tells us as she hands me coffee. "There are toiletries in the bathroom. Let me know if you need anything else. There are breakfast muffins if you like."

  "No thanks. I'm good with coffee for now." I tell her.

  Aurei takes his coffee and asks for his phone. She retrieves it for him, and I watch him check his emails. When he places a call and speaks Italian, I visit the bathroom. Inside, I brush my teeth and take a quick whore's bath, then I put my blue dress back on. I fluff my hair, pinch my cheeks and bite my lips to add color. When I'm finished, I return to my seat, plop down and wiggle up to him. His arm goes up and over me. I drape it around my shoulders like a shawl and flex his fingers as I examine them. I listen to him and his voice is crisp and businesslike. When he hangs up the phone, he tells me. "I'm happy you are with me."

  My heart melts. "I will follow you anywhere, Aurelius."

  He places a butterfly kiss on my forehead. "I've reserved a table at Gia’s for breakfast. We'll check in at the hotel, get a quick shower. Keyword being quick again." He smirks at me and I giggle. "Grab a bite, then sightsee."

  I squeal softly, clapping my hands together fast. "I can't wait!"

  He chuckles as he stands and stretches. "Fun Thang, I'll be right back."

  I laugh up at him. "I'll wait right here. I'm not going anywhere." I watch him walk to the bathroom. Mary meets him at the door with his shirt and tie. He thanks her, then disappears. She comes to me and takes our coffee cups away. I stare out the window letting my mind play picture games with the images of the clouds in the sky. I see a horse, a deer, and a bear. When Aurei comes out, he is dressed and ready for Rome. It’s going to be hard to take a quick shower. I smile at him as he sits down next to me.

  The buckle your seat belt light illuminates. Mary watches to make sure we have, then she disappears behind the curtain. Morris keys the intercom and begins a narration of the sights we are flying over as we approach Rome. My face is glued to the window. I hear Aurei chuckling. "You're like a little kid on Christmas morning."

  "I'm so excited! I've dreamed of this day for a long time!"

  "I’m glad I’m making your dreams come true."

  My eyes leave the sights. I lean over and place my lips on his. His hand slides around my ear. "You are." I whisper.

  "I’m glad. You are too."

  "I’m glad too."

  Morris is at the door when we exit. He and Aurei
agree to get together when Aurei is stateside again. We pass without a hitch through customs and finally I get my passport stamped Italy. There is a limo driver waiting for us and we are whisked away to the hotel. "We are staying at the Hotel Aldo. Antonio, my PA, made the arrangements."

  "Is that who you were talking to on the plane?"


  As the limo pulls out, I stare out the window. "How long have you lived in Rome?"

  "Off and on my whole life."

  "Oh, is your studio in Rome too?"


  "I'm living a dream! Pinch me." I hold my arm out to him.

  He pretends to pinch it, then kisses it. "You may be living a dream, but you’re not dreaming, I promise. You are in Rome."

  When we pull up to the curb, the doorman opens the door and I take his hand to exit. I see his eyes travel from my foot as it emerges from the car, up to my eyes appreciatively and I smile sweetly at him. Italian men. They do enjoy women. I walk away a few steps and wait for Aurei to tip him, then join me. Walking in, the beauty and splendor of the Hotel is everything and more than I would expect. It is posh with an Old World grandeur that Vegas can’t replicate. I wait patiently as Aurei checks us in. When he is finished, he takes my hand and my heels click as we walk across the marble floor to the stairs that lead to the elevator landing. We are silent walking up, waiting for and entering the elevator, but as soon as the doors close on us, Aurei puts his arm on the back wall, and hovers over me. "Where were we?" His finger slides easily in me and I put my arms around him and bring his lips to mine. The elevator stops on the very next floor. He removes his finger, but not his kiss. The occupants enter, push the button and totally ignore us. When it stops again, Aurei stops kissing me and grins. "This is our floor, Angel Thang."

  We walk silently down the hall. When he opens the door to our room, I walk in and stop stunned. It's a suite and it's beautiful! The color is a warm golden brown. The floor is a rich golden brown color with large Persian rugs. All the furnishings are antique. There is nothing modern about the room. It’s like stepping back in time. Heavy drapes line the windows offering either full sun or complete block out. There are french doors that lead out onto a standing only balcony. I can’t wait to see that view! There is a living area, a desk and a dining area. An open door to the right rear leads to the bedroom.


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