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Ethan (Alluring Indulgence)

Page 16

by Edwards, Nicole

  Once again gripping Beau’s hips, Ethan began pounding inside of him, hard and fast, never relenting as he sought the climax that was just out of reach. The heat of Beau’s ass, the tight pinch of his muscles as he clamped down on his dick were a pleasure Ethan wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of.

  “So damn good,” he moaned, sweat forming on his brow as he slammed into Beau repeatedly, over and over. Fast. Hard.

  Ahhh, fuck.

  With his orgasm looming in the distance, Ethan leaned forward, sliding his hand into Beau’s hair and pulling his head back, holding him firmly. “Tell me how it feels,” he ordered Beau.

  “Fucking good,” Beau groaned through clenched teeth. “Better than anything.”

  So obviously Beau liked it a little rough. Not that Ethan would’ve known that from their earlier encounter. Part of him had needed to know that. To know that he wasn’t going to break because with Beau, he felt as though he were going to shatter.

  But this he understood. Down and dirty. Fucking.

  “Oh, fuck, Beau,” Ethan ground out when that telltale tingle started in the base of his spine. Tightening his grip on Beau’s hair, he pulled hard. “You’re gonna make me come.”

  “Come for me, E. Fuck me till you come.”

  Ethan did as Beau requested, pounding hard, his hips slamming against Beau, his cock lodging deeper. The bed shaking from the intensity of his thrusting. Had he not been so immersed in the sensation, he might’ve worried that the bed was going to come apart.

  “Fuck yes!” Beau growled. “Coming!”

  And with that, Ethan followed him right over.

  When Ethan awoke a short time later, his bedroom was dark except for the dim yellow light sweeping out from the open bathroom door. Glancing over, he noticed Beau still sleeping soundly beside him. He had to lean up to look over Beau’s massive form just to see the clock on the nightstand.

  Eight forty-five.

  At night.

  Ethan couldn’t believe they’d been asleep for four hours.

  Then again, after that last round, he kinda could.

  The intensity of their kiss had morphed into a conflagration that had consumed them both as soon as their bodies hit the bed.

  And it had been phenomenal. Something Ethan intended to repeat in the very near future.

  But shortly thereafter, as soon as Ethan managed to dispose of the condom, they’d both fallen asleep holding one another, unable to conjure up enough energy to make it downstairs for food although they’d certainly worked up an appetite.

  Figuring Beau would likely be hungry when he woke up, Ethan slipped out of the bed, grabbed a pair of shorts from one of the drawers in his dresser and made his way downstairs, flipping on lights as he went.

  He didn’t waste time getting to work in the kitchen, one of his favorite things to do. Especially when he was at home. Not many people knew of his passion for cooking, nor did he usually cook for just anyone other than himself. But suddenly he had an overwhelming urge to cook for Beau.

  Strange that.

  Although it was nine o’clock at night and not in the morning, Ethan retrieved all of the ingredients necessary to make homemade southern biscuits and went to work mixing everything together. Once they were cut and sitting on the pan, he shoved the pan in the pre-heated oven and then went to work on the eggs, bacon and sausage. Keeping in mind that he wasn’t cooking for one, he tripled his normal ingredients and got to work.

  He had just retrieved the pan of biscuits from the oven and was relocating them to a plate when he heard Beau’s footsteps on the stairs. He tried not to appear nervous when the big man loomed in the doorway, wearing nothing but his jeans and a smile.

  Lord have mercy the guy was stunning.

  Smiling smoothly, he didn’t look up when he said, “Sleep well?”

  “You should’ve woke me up.”

  “I was planning to. When everything was ready.” Nodding toward one of the bar stools, he motioned for Beau to have a seat as he slid one of the sausage and cheese omelets onto a plate, adding some sliced strawberries and a handful of blueberries to the plate. He tossed two biscuits and several slices of bacon on one of the plates and pushed it over to Beau.

  “I hope you like breakfast for dinner.”

  “I like breakfast anytime,” Beau reassured him, his smile large and genuine.

  “Good. We’re gonna get along just fine,” Ethan blurted before realizing exactly what he’d said. Turning away briskly, he went to work preparing a second plate before joining Beau at the bar.

  “This is delicious,” Beau said quietly when he began eating. Ethan hadn’t realized Beau had been waiting for him, but he was flattered. Having spent almost a year with Blake, Ethan had come to expect remarkably little respect and the fact that Beau hadn’t consumed all of his food before Ethan even sat down was strangely satisfying.

  It didn’t take either of them long to scarf down everything on their plates, including two large glasses of orange juice. When Ethan moved to do the dishes, Beau came up from behind and wrapped his arms around him.

  “You cooked. I’ll clean.”

  “My house, I’ll clean,” Ethan argued, but didn’t try to pull away.

  “Don’t make me take you to the floor, Walker,” Beau growled in his ear, sending sparks of awareness shooting over every inch of his skin.

  He wanted to challenge Beau to do just that but thought better of it. Instead, he pulled away and put his plate in the sink before making his way back to the refrigerator for more juice. When he returned, he hefted himself up on the counter close to where Beau was working at the sink and watched him.

  Ethan sensed Beau was thinking about something. Part of him wanted to pry and ask him to spill it. The other part wanted to let it be. They’d already achieved plenty of milestones for one day, spilling their guts to one another probably wasn’t in his best interest.

  Especially when he was worried he’d ask Beau to stay the night if he started talking. He didn’t have overnight visitors at his house. Ever. Not even Blake had spent a single night at his house. It wasn’t the way Ethan worked. Casual. Simple. No strings. That was the only way to proceed as far as Ethan was concerned.

  Well, until Beau had waltzed into his life and put his brain on the fritz.

  He had a feeling with Beau, asking him to stay would result in just the opposite of what he hoped for. He’d probably be begging the man to stay, and Beau would insist on leaving. That’s the way things worked. If Ethan wanted something, which was very, very rare, it always seemed unattainable.

  And Ethan had no intention of getting himself into a position that would require him to beg.

  He tried not to stare at Beau as he worked, but that proved to be reasonably difficult. When Beau moved, he was a work of art. All hard muscle and sleek lines. His biceps and triceps flexed and bunched with little effort while his lean, flat stomach muscles rippled smoothly.

  “Keep looking at me like that and I’m going to have you for dessert,” Beau grumbled, his sexy, deep baritone causing goose bumps to rise on his skin.

  Instead of responding, Ethan grinned. Why was it that their interactions seemed effortless, almost like they were used to being around one another for lengthy periods of time, doing mundane household chores. It was a new one for Ethan. So much so that he worried what he was getting himself into.

  He preferred the aloof, don’t-give-a-shit attitude he’d cloaked himself in over the years. But for some reason, with Beau, it wasn’t that easy to keep his guard up. Not that opening himself up was a good thing because Ethan knew better. If he wasn’t careful, he’d fall for this man and then where would he be?

  He’d be smart to remember that he couldn’t have a normal relationship with a man. Especially not this man. Considering he knew how much they’d have to hide from the world, Ethan didn’t want to drag Beau along for that hell ride. It was hard enough having casual relationships much less one that might involve something far deeper.

Shaking off his train of thought, Ethan jumped down from the counter and decided to get some fresh air. Didn’t matter that the temperature was probably close to freezing at this point. His body was hot enough as it was, a little cool night air would likely do him a world of good.


  Beau glanced behind him, watching Ethan as he disappeared out of the kitchen. He continued to finish up their breakfast dishes, rinsing and putting them in the dishwasher. Once that chore was completed, he added dishwashing soap, which he found in the cabinet under the sink, and then flipped the machine on.

  With his goal accomplished, he glanced around the kitchen to make sure he hadn’t missed anything and then went in search of Ethan. He had heard a door open and close near the back of the house, so that’s where he started. He found Ethan standing on the back porch, his arms crossed over his bare chest and his hair blowing in the breeze. Not wanting to interrupt his thoughts, Beau chose to watch him for a minute.

  It took only a second for Beau to get lost in a fantasy that the two of them were together like this, living as a couple, sharing their lives with one another. It seemed too perfect, almost unattainable.

  And had he given it any thought before today, he would’ve considered it an impossibility. However, he got the sense that Ethan had let down his guard with him. Whether he meant to or not, Beau knew what was happening between them wasn’t the normal, everyday casual sex.

  He’d seen the look in Ethan’s eyes when they’d made love earlier. Even the second time, when they were nothing more than two bodies vying to get closer, Beau had felt that connection with him, even if he knew at the time that Ethan was trying to insert that distance he was seemingly fond of. Up until that point, he’d suspected Ethan had dropped his guard, letting Beau see him without all that protective armor.

  Now, as he watched him standing out in the chilly evening air, Beau knew something had changed. Ethan was back to being his usual, self-protected self. What he was supposed to do about that, Beau had no idea. He really wanted to give him space, to let him get used to the idea of whatever this was between them, but he knew if he backed off too much, Ethan would go right back to closing himself off entirely.

  Beau wasn’t willing to risk that.

  A sudden pounding on the front door had Beau jerking, the sound startling him out of his thoughts. He looked over at the door and then back at Ethan who must’ve heard it too because he was moving in his direction at a fast pace.

  The back door opened and then closed at the same time the front door opened.

  Shit. Had Ethan not locked the door?

  “What the fuck?” Blake exclaimed, standing in the doorway like he owned the place.

  Ethan passed by Beau without a word, his attention seemingly focused on the little man standing in the foyer. Beau noticed how tense Ethan was, his body a straight line, his muscles rigid and flexing as he moved.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Ethan barked, his voice echoing through the open space. “How the fuck did you get in my house?”

  “You gave me a key, remember?” Blake responded, his argument not nearly as assertive as Beau would’ve expected.

  Beau wasn’t sure which way he should go. There he was, standing in Ethan’s dining room, wearing nothing but his jeans, so it was a little obvious what they had been doing. Did he go back upstairs and get dressed? Did he try and sneak out the back door? Was he supposed to pretend that Blake’s arrival didn’t piss him the fuck off?

  Beau had never been in a situation like this, and he had no idea what he was supposed to do.

  “Give me the fucking key,” Ethan yelled.

  “Tell me why he’s here, first,” Blake argued, his voice going higher with each word.

  “That’s none of your fucking business,” Ethan ground out, his words dripping with malice.

  Beau knew the smart thing to do would be to sneak out of the house. The less confrontation the better. He knew Ethan well enough to know he’d deny any sort of relationship, interaction, or whatever the hell he wanted to call it and quite frankly, Beau wasn’t sure he could listen to Ethan deny there was anything between them.

  It was one thing for Ethan to keep up that wall he’d built around himself where Blake was concerned, but Beau had penetrated that wall, caused a fissure to start at the base, threatening the stability of all that denial and he hated to lose the little bit of progress he’d made. If he stayed, he’d just end up getting defensive, or worse, protective of Ethan. And he knew that wasn’t going to go a long way to remaining in Ethan’s good graces.

  As quietly as he could, Beau slipped back upstairs, trying to ignore the vehement argument that was going on in the entryway downstairs. He didn’t want to hear Ethan and his excuses. He’d heard so many before and although Beau had developed some strong feelings for Ethan, he knew better than to act on them so soon.

  Hell, it had taken him months to get to this point, it wasn’t like things were going to change overnight.

  Speaking of overnight, Beau glanced at the clock and realized it was almost ten. And since Ethan had informed him earlier in the day that he needed to be at work by seven, Beau knew he needed to go. Now seemed like the opportune time.

  Beau took a detour into the bathroom to take care of business and then made quick work of pulling on his shirt, socks and boots. Making sure he had his wallet and his keys, he glanced around Ethan’s room briefly. Why was he stalling? And better yet, why did he have the strange desire to stay the night? He just wanted to return to that oversized bed and pull Ethan up against him for the next, oh, say, eight hours or so.

  After he kicked Blake’s scrawny ass to the fucking curb.

  Shaking off the thought and refusing to let his disappointment get the better of him, Beau palmed his keys and then headed toward the stairs. The voices were still loud and angry, so he knew his hasty retreat wasn’t going to go over well. Not with Blake and probably not with Ethan. He just hoped he could keep from pounding Blake into the floor. He didn’t want to leave with Blake still there, but it wasn’t like he could stand around and defend Ethan’s honor. That was a surefire way to get his own ass booted to the curb.

  When he made his way back downstairs, he followed the way to the argument still fanning flames near the front door. He stopped short as soon as he saw Blake’s hand wrapped possessively around Ethan’s very naked bicep. His other hand was pressed flat against Ethan’s equally naked chest.

  Beau growled, a sound that was low and menacing and uncontrollable. It was apparently loud enough to catch Ethan’s attention even over Blake’s pleading and begging. He tried desperately to ignore the feeling, that possessive instinct that had reared its ugly head. If he stayed, he would likely cause a scene, and that was the last thing he wanted. He just had to get out of there.

  Unable to swallow past the lump in his throat, Beau couldn’t even come up with the words to say goodbye. Making sure he made physical contact with Ethan as he brushed past, he glanced back over his shoulder when he reached the door, wishing… shit, he didn’t even know what he wished for.

  He had the door open and one foot out in the crisp night air before he heard Ethan say his name. With his stomach churning and his heart pounding, he turned to face him, scared of what the man might say. The next word out of Ethan’s mouth almost had Beau’s knees buckling beneath him.


  Beau wanted to stay more than he wanted air, but he wasn’t sure whether Ethan was saying that for his benefit or Blake’s. And truthfully, Beau didn’t want to get in the middle of this. The two of them needed to work through this or there was no way Beau and Ethan could move forward.

  If that was the direction they were headed.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” Beau said quietly, forcing his legs to move. One foot in front of the other. Repeat.

  He managed to make it to his truck without incident, but as soon as he was inside, the heater blasting, Beau sat in the darkness for several minutes, staring up at the closed front d
oor to Ethan’s house. He couldn’t help but wonder what they were doing now. Was Blake still touching Ethan? Was Ethan angry that Beau had left?

  Knowing he wouldn’t get the answers to any of his questions tonight, Beau put the truck in Reverse and backed out of the driveway.

  Driving away was honestly the hardest thing Beau had ever had to do.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “You need to go,” Ethan said adamantly, his blood pressure soaring from the anger that was building inside of him. Between Blake showing up and having the fucking nerve to use a key he’d clearly had made without Ethan’s knowledge and then Beau walking out, he wasn’t so sure he wouldn’t lose his shit right then and there.

  “I want to talk.” Blake’s face showed absolutely no concern for the danger he might actually be in if he continued to push.

  Unable to control himself, Ethan got up in Blake’s face until they were nose to nose. He didn’t touch him otherwise, fearing what he might actually do if he released the contempt he suddenly felt for this man. “You. Need. To. Fucking. Leave.” He spelled it out as clearly as he could.

  That’s when Ethan’s world flipped upside down, and the anger erupted. When Blake gripped the back of Ethan’s neck and pulled him to him, their mouths pressing together, Ethan reacted in the only way he knew how. He shoved Blake. Hard.

  “Don’t you ever fucking do that again,” he warned, taking several steps back.

  “Why? Because of Beau? Are you feeling guilty now?”

  “I have nothing to feel guilty about,” Ethan yelled. “Whatever you thought there was between us is over, Blake. Over.”

  “No, it’s not,” Blake argued. “Not by a long shot. I love you, Ethan. I won’t let you go.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” Ethan said, taking a deep breath and trying to calm his nerves. “I was never yours to begin with.”

  “Then give me another chance. It was a mistake. I shouldn’t have walked out. I shouldn’t have quit. I’m only human, Ethan,” Blake pleaded. “One more chance.”


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