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The Dukes' Christmas Abductions

Page 8

by Doris O'Connor

  “Relax, sweet girl. Let me in. This might hurt at first, but it will be short lived pain, I promise.”

  “I know.” Clara’s breathless reply meant he pushed in a little bit more.

  “God, you’re so tight. I will not last long, I’m afraid. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, god, yes, I …ow.”

  Catching her cry of pain in his mouth Daniel pushed through the thin barrier of her innocence in one swift move. After that first brief moment of resistance her sweet cunt opened to him beautifully. He stopped when he was fully seated inside her body, her internal walls quivering around his prick, and looked down on her. Eyes shut tight, his girl whimpered as she began to move slowly.

  “Talk to me, my dear.”

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she gasped when he pulled almost all the way out, and then slid back into her.

  “Talk? You expect me to talk?”

  He laughed at the face she pulled.

  “Not funny, just for the love of god, move….I… god yes… again….harder.”

  Daniel obliged, loving the incomprehensible sounds that spilled from Clara’s lips, as he upped his pace. Her hips rose and fell in tune with his, as they established a rhythm and the heat built between them. Just like he feared his release built at the bottom of his spine far too soon for his liking, and slipping a hand between their sweat slicked bodies, he found her pearl and rubbed in tune with the ever increasing force of his thrusts.

  Clara clamped around his cock and as the first pulses of his seed ejected, she too reached her pinnacle once more. Closing his eyes, Daniel gave himself up to the sheer joy of his release, as his future duchess shivered and shook underneath him, her little sounds of joy the perfect backdrop to his own guttural shout of completion as he made her his forever.

  Daniel collapsed on top of her, and once their breathing had slowed down somewhat, and he was fairly certain that he had regained the use of his arms and legs, he withdrew his softening cock from the tight clasp her body still had on him. He clucked his tongue at her wince of pain, as he rolled off her, taking her with him and tucking her into his side. Clara snuggled into him with a sigh of completion and his heart clenched at her whispered words.

  “Thank you.”

  Propping himself up on one elbow better to see her expression, he frowned down on her.

  “What for, my precious girl?”

  “For making my first time so spectacular,” she said and he laughed.

  “That is very sweet of you to say, dearest, but I fear I didn’t last much longer than a school boy after he’s graduated to long trousers. I can do much better than this. Just give me a few moments to recover, and I’ll show you.”

  Clara smiled and much to his surprise raised herself up until she could kiss him. Just like before their kiss quickly turned passionate, and his cock responded most satisfactorily. Clara gasped in seeming delight when he grasped her by the shoulders and held her poised above his erect cock.

  “Your turn to ride me, if you’re not too sore that is.”

  With an adorable look of concentration on her face, Clara grasped the root of his cock and slowly seated herself. Her breathing sped up in tune with his, and grasping his shoulders to steady herself, began a slow up and down rise, that made him grit his teeth against the urge to take over.

  “That’s it my sweet girl, you set the pace.”

  She grinned at him, and then her brows drew together in a frown as she looked past and to the side of him.

  Following her gaze he saw it was the letter Kit has written to him.

  “Shouldn’t we finish reading that?” She gasped as he thrust his hips upward to meet her on the down stroke, and digging his finger into her hips, Daniel did it again.

  “Plenty of time for that. Besides I know what it will say.”

  “You do?” Clara went a little cross eyed, and shrieked when he tumbled them both, as he took charge of their coupling.

  “Yes, I do. He’ll wish me well and laugh at my expense that I had to go through time and space to find the one woman I want to marry.”

  Clara tensed and shook her head.

  “I told you, I’m not going to marry you. I want to marry for love and… umph.”

  Daniel shut the infuriating woman up by kissing her while speeding up his thrusting.

  “Yes you will, even if it takes me the rest of your days to convince you of it.”

  Chapter Nine

  Clara woke up on her own the next day. By herself in the big Regency four poster bed with bright sunshine streaming into the room, signaling that she must have slept half the day away. She could almost believe that she had dreamt last night’s strange happenings. Were it not for the soreness between her legs and the feel of Daniel’s cum slowly slipping out of her as she gingerly moved into an upright position, she might well have believed that to be true.

  As it was she hugged her arms around herself and grinned as she recalled the events of last night in glorious Technicolor detail. It was a wonder she could walk at all this morning as she padded across to the wet room to relieve herself and freshen up a bit.

  Her reflection in the mirror gave her pause for thought. She looked happy, truly happy and she was honest enough with herself to admit that was entirely due to her time travelling duke. Where was he, she wondered? Padding back into the bed chamber she picked up her mobile phone and whistled through her tears.

  It was 2.00 PM in the afternoon, and James had said the estate solicitor would be around in the morning for the reading of the will. The whole thing was still a mystery to her. At some point in the early hours of the morning Daniel had read the rest of the letter to her. A fair part of it has been this Kit fellow ripping off Daniel, just as he’d said he would, and she smiled to herself as she recalled the affection in Daniel’s voice when he’d talked of Kit and his wife.

  It had reassured her greatly that by whatever quirk of fate this whole thing had happened, Vicky… no Lady Victoria… was happy in her times. She could only hope that Daniel would be happy in this time.

  A noise from the sitting room brought with it the scent of freshly brewed coffee, and mindful of the fact that it was probably James, she grasped a robe draped over the chair at the writing desk perched in front of the window, just in time to see the solicitor’s Range Rover speed away up the winding drive that led to Haversham House.

  Daniel would have had his meeting then and would now be installed as the Duke of Hockwell, long lost heir to the Haversham Estate, and by default her employer.

  Good grief, I’m a walking cliché. I’m sleeping with the boss.

  That’s if he didn’t sack her. Would he even have a need for a curator now, that he was the duke and in charge of the family fortune?

  The thought that she might never see him again hurt far more than it ought to, and Clara shook her head against her fanciful thoughts. You just didn’t fall in love with anyone that quickly, did you? That was the stuff of romance novels, that was all.

  The door to the bed chamber opened, effectively cutting off her maudlin thoughts. Far from James it was Daniel carrying a tray with coffee, and what looked like brunch. It wasn’t the incongruous sight of this Regency duke doing such a menial task, however, that took her breath away. No, that would be due to the sight of Daniel in modern day clothing. The faded designer jeans clung to his strong legs, and hugged the impressive bulge at his groin, which she was now intimately acquainted with. A light jumper, the sleeves pushed up to reveal his corded forearms, completed the ensemble and made her mouth water and her pussy clench.

  One night of sex and I’ve turned into a nymphomaniac.

  Daniel winked at her as he sat the tray down on the writing desk, dislodging a leather bound book that thudded onto the floor. He bent to pick it up with a frown and Clara’s fingers itched to grasp the globes of his ass and squeeze them as the denim stretched over them.

  Naturally he caught her staring when he turned around book in hand, and he smirked.

  “As muc
h as I’d like to take you up on that invitation, dear girl, you’ll be too sore, and besides you need to eat something to keep your strength up first.”

  He laughed when she blushed, and handing her the book, dropped a hard kiss on her lips.

  “That looks like one of the diaries Kit’s wife was always scribbling in. No doubt it will put your mind at rest as to the whereabouts of your friend.” He nodded at her sharp intake of breath, as she opened the leather bound volume to the first page.

  She recognized Vicky’s writing immediately.

  December 1815

  Dear diary,

  Today has been a day full of surprises, not the least to discover that…

  “Good, god, you’re right, this is Vicky’s writing and she seems to have started this the morning after she was abducted.”

  “Abducted, you say?” She looked up at the amusement she could hear in Daniel’s voice. “Strong word that, abduction, and it mirrors the tone of the will, which was amusing to say the least. I do believe Lord Reginald Danvers might have been quite mad.”

  Daniel poured her a cup of coffee, handed her it, and taking the diary out of her hands, flicked through the pages with a whistle.

  “This is a day by day account of their life together it seems. There must be more of these. I wonder where we would find them. I must ask my curator.”

  He grinned in his most mischievous way yet, when her sip of coffee went down the wrong way, and he leaned his jeans clad butt on the edge of the writing desk, seemingly waiting for her to recover.

  “I am still the curator then?” She flinched when both his eyebrows rose, and he inclined his head. Right now, modern clothes or not he looked every inch the haughty Regency duke again, and her heart beat faster. How she loved that look on him. Loved?

  No, no, no, I can’t be in love with him.

  “Of course you are. The estate solicitor was full of praise for the work you’ve done here.” He frowned and inclined his head. “I owe you my heartfelt thanks for getting us out of the mess your predecessor left us in.” He put his hand up to stop her immediate denial. Truly, though he hadn’t been that bad, and the conditions imposed by the will, were bizarre to the extreme. “No. let me get this off my chest. I will take me weeks, if not months to sort through all the paperwork, and I can’t think of anyone else I would trust to go through it all with me, and not pull the rug out from under my feet.” He stopped to smile at her, and Clara’s heart beat faster at the approval she read in his eyes.

  “It’s okay. That’s my job, and I’m glad to see you’ve given up on this marrying me nonsense.”

  “Did I say that?” His voice held an edge of steel and made her pussy tingle. “As you keep telling me this is the twenty first century, and thus I can see no reason why my wife could not also hold down gainful employment.”

  Clara was glad she hadn’t been drinking or she would have spat her coffee out.

  “I told you, I won’t marry without—”

  “Love, I know. Neither will I, and I will just have to convince you that I’m a man you can fall in love with then, won’t I?”


  Haversham House, three years later

  Clara giggled as Daniel, the Duke of Hockwell, shouldered open the door to their bedroom, and with an exaggerated huff carried her across to the four-poster bed and collapsed with her on the modern memory foam mattress.

  “Good lord, woman, what is in that dress of yours, stones?”

  “Well, my lord, you did insist on a grand wedding with all the trimming and this family heirloom of a dress. It weighs a ton and I can’t wait for you to peel me out of it.” She smiled when Daniel kissed her nose, having had to push several yards of material out of the way to find that part of her.

  “True, but it was my mother’s dress and when we found it in the attic I knew I wanted you in it. Mama would have approved and you looked radiant.”

  “Flattery will get you nowhere.” Clara gasped as her new husband somehow found his way under the multitude of petticoats that came with the dress and cupped her bare pussy with his hand. Liar. It would get him everywhere, not that she intended to divulge that nugget of information to him. Some things were best kept to yourself.

  “I don’t need to flatter my wife. You, sweet thing are all mine, now, and what a naughty duchess I’ve got. All wet for me already and no underwear. Mama would be outraged.” He slid one long finger inside her, and Clara moaned as her body instantly responded to the man she loved.

  “No she wouldn’t. I know fine well that they didn’t wear any undergarments in those days.”

  Daniel curled his finger upward while pressing his thumb to her clit, eliciting a low moan from Clara.

  “No wonder my overachieving cousin ended up with seven kids.”

  Clara gasped and then pouted as Daniel withdrew his fingers and licked them clean with a devilish gleam in his eyes.

  “I’m glad cousin Linda managed to attend anyway. You could definitely tell she was a descendant however many times removed from Kit and Victoria.” He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “We tried to work that out but gave up after goodness how many greats.”

  Clara swallowed hard and nodded her agreement when Daniel got off the bed and proceeded to shrug out of his wedding coat and tails, and opened the bottle of champagne that James had left to cool for them on the nightstand with great aplomb. Having filled a flute each with the bubbly liquid he handed her one, and they clinked glasses, grinning at each other like love sick fools, which was, of course, exactly what they were.

  True to his word, Daniel had set on a course of determined seduction, following on the morning of what they now laughingly called The Dukes’ Abductions.

  Just like any good romance novel their abductions had ended up in a happy ever after for all concerned. Through the meticulously kept diaries they had eventually discovered, they’d learnt all about the lives of Vicky and Kit, and Clara knew, Daniel had appreciated knowing how his cousin’s life had turned out as much as she had appreciated the knowledge that Vicky had been happy.

  For his part Daniel had adapted to life in the twenty first century with great ease. The fact that he hadn’t been afraid to lean heavily on her for guidance had been a pleasant surprise and had meant that Clara had fallen in love with him even more.

  So, last Christmas when he’d very formally had gone down on one knee in front of a crowded ball room, she had been only too happy to accept.

  “Penny for your thoughts, at least I think that’s the right expression. And I hope they are about me, or a man could get jealous seeing the love of his life smiling like that about someone else.”

  Clara grinned at the mock pout that accompanied those words, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Careful, there, girl. I got you to myself now and you don’t want to start your honeymoon with your behind on fire.” At her moan in reply he grinned. “Then again, maybe you do, and I shall be most happy to oblige. I have a new flogger with your name on it, girl.”

  “Is that supposed to be deterrent, my lord?” Clara fluttered her eyelashes at him and Daniel burst out laughing.

  “Minx, just as well I love you.”

  Clara sobered, and a thrill of excitement went through her at his husky words.

  “As I love you, my duke.”

  The End

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