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Single Wide Female: The Bucket List Mega Bundle - 24 Books (Books #1-24)

Page 25

by Lillianna Blake

  Chapter 1

  Waiting for my turn to be fingerprinted at the local police station had given me plenty of time to think. I was working on the next item of my bucket list—all the things I wanted to do or try as I continued on my weight-loss journey. I was feeling proud of the progress I’d made so far, but this next one wasn’t just some wild activity or silly adventure—this was going to involve another person.

  I wondered if I was really ready to be a mentor.

  I sat on the hard wooden chair and did my best to pretend that I was comfortable. I had been just fine a few hours before. Now my legs were beginning to go numb. I had jumped through all of the hoops I needed to, in order to become a Big Sister. Getting fingerprinted would complete my background check and then I’d be ready to go.

  I was looking forward to meeting the young girl that I would mentor.

  As I continued to wait to be called up to the front of the line, I tried not to let my impatience show. I knew that even though the process was nearly complete I was still under a microscope. It was strange how nerve-wracking it had been for me to seek approval. Was I good enough to be a Big Sister?


  I looked up to see a man standing in front of the large wooden desk that separated the police from the public.

  “Yes, you,” he said.

  I stood up and straightened my skirt. I felt like I was in the ultimate principal’s office. He managed what looked like a strained smile, then turned and walked down a hallway. I followed after him. We passed several windowless doors. My imagination ran wild with what might be behind them. Was a criminal being interrogated? Was there a valuable witness squirreled away behind one of the doors?

  Perhaps, more likely, they were just closets.

  “Here we are,” he said.

  He didn’t look much like a police officer. He wore a button-down plaid shirt with dark brown trousers. I didn’t see a badge anywhere on him. He gestured for me to sit down in front of a small table.

  “Here?” I asked.

  “Yes, there.”

  I sat down in the chair. It felt strange to be in a police station preparing to get my fingerprints taken. I had never been involved in anything that could get me arrested as a youth, and certainly not as an adult. I had to remind myself that I was there voluntarily and would be walking out when he was finished.

  “I’ll just need your right hand,” he said.

  I held out my right hand. He grasped it and guided my fingers to the ink pad. He rolled each fingertip in the ink and then pressed each of my fingers down on the card.

  “Now your left.”

  He repeated the process with each of the fingers on my left hand. I watched as my fingerprints appeared on the card he was using. I’d never really thought about the fingerprints that I left behind on everything that I touched.

  “All set,” he said. “Let me just get you something to clean your hands.” He glanced around the small table, then he frowned. “As usual, someone’s taken the wipes and didn’t put them back. I’ll be right back.” He grumbled under his breath as he walked away.

  A few minutes after he was gone, another police officer headed in my direction.

  “Ma’am, are you supposed to be here?” he asked.

  I took one look at his bright eyes and rugged features deciding that jail might not be so bad.

  “I’m just waiting for something to wipe my hands.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “I was getting my fingerprints done, and there weren’t any wipes, so I’m just waiting for one.”

  “Oh, well, you’re not supposed to be alone back here,” he said. “I’ll just stay with you until the other officer comes back.”

  “Okay,” I said. I tried not to smile too wide. I certainly didn’t mind the company.

  “So, why are you getting fingerprinted?”

  He leaned casually against the edge of the table. I noticed that he was looking directly into my eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was attracted to me or if it was because he wanted to interrogate me.

  “I’m applying to be a Big Sister.”

  “That’s very generous of you. Not too many people take the time to volunteer anymore.”

  “I’d just like to have the opportunity to give back a little.” I smiled at him as he continued to study me. It was a little unnerving to be looked at so intensely. I did, however, find him absolutely enticing.

  “I’m sure that you will make a great role model,” the officer said. “So many girls these days get swept up in all of the pop music and celebrity gossip. They get the wrong idea about how they’re supposed to look and act.”

  “That’s very observant of you. Do you have a daughter of your own?”

  “Me? Oh, no.” He shook his head. “Not even close. I have a little sister, though. Some of the things she wears—I just want to lock her up in a closet.”

  “But that would be illegal,” I said.

  “Right.” He laughed a little. “So all I can hope for is that she gets a chance to see what real women are like and what real beauty is.”

  Chapter 2

  I was beginning to like the officer more and more. It wasn’t often that I came across a man who was so willing to talk and also had such clear views on beauty.

  “I’m Paul,” he said, offering me his hand.

  I stood up from my chair so that I could take his hand in a firm handshake, but my foot caught in the leg of the chair. I fell forward. He lunged forward to catch me, and somehow my hands landed right on the curve of his rear end. It was firm and round—and wearing a badge. I drew my hands back quickly.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Uh, yes, thank you.” I swallowed, feeling slightly guilty. If he’d noticed my accidental groping, he didn’t mention it. “I’m Samantha.”

  “Well it’s nice to meet you, Samantha. I’ll let you get back to your fingerprinting.”

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw the man returning with a package of wipes. “It was nice to meet you too Paul.”

  “If you ever want to talk, feel free to give me a call.” He handed me a business card. I took it from him, with my heart pounding. I was already calculating just how long I should wait before calling him. “Bye, Samantha,” he said.

  Bye, beautiful man in a uniform, I thought.

  As the officer walked away, my eyes widened. Clear as day on the seat of his light gray trousers were my fingerprints. If he decided to press charges for indecent sexual conduct, I was sure he would have ample evidence. I tried not to laugh as I turned away from the sight. Maybe he wouldn’t notice.

  “Hey, Barnes, been getting a little too friendly with the felons again?” another officer asked. Officer Barnes glared at the older officer.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said. Then he continued walking down the hallway.

  More officers made little comments as they passed by him. I had a feeling there wasn’t going to be much chance that Officer Paul wouldn’t find out about the marks I had left on his pants. I decided it would be a good idea to get out of the police station as quickly as possible.

  “Here you are.”

  The man who had taken my fingerprints pressed a wipe into my palm. “Make sure you get them clean, that ink won’t wash out of anything.”

  I grimaced as I scrubbed the wipe across my fingertips until they were as clean as I could get them. Then I tossed the wipe in the garbage. I made my way carefully out of the police station. I did my best to avoid running into Paul again.

  Once I was safely in my car driving home, I had to laugh. I could only hope that Officer Paul would share my sense of humor. Maybe if I gave him a call and explained things he would understand.

  At a red light I reached into my purse to find his card. When I pulled it out, I discovered that I had left a big black smudge of ink over both his last name and telephone number. Disappointment flooded me. I was really hoping to be able to connect with Paul again. But maybe it w
as a sign that I shouldn’t risk being arrested for illegal groping of a police officer.

  When I parked in the parking lot of my apartment building, I was still giggling. I locked the doors to my car and headed toward my apartment.

  “Samantha!” a voice called out before I could reach my door.

  “Yes?” I turned to see the social worker that I’d been working with to qualify as a Big Sister.

  “Sorry, I tried to catch you at the police station,” she said. “I wanted to let you know that as long as everything comes back clear on the background check, then you’re approved to be a Big Sister.”

  “Wonderful. But you came all the way out here to tell me that?” I asked.

  “Well, to be honest, since I think we can both be fairly certain that there’s nothing you’re hiding about your past, I was hoping you might want to go with me to meet the Little Sister I have in mind for you.”

  “Really? I’d love to!” I said.

  I was so excited by the idea that I would be meeting my Little Sister that day that I almost hugged Shelly. Luckily for the white sweater she was wearing, I remembered what had happened to Officer Paul.

  “Let me just clean up first.”

  I showed her my smudged fingers from the business card. “Do you want to come in?”

  “That would be great,” Shelly said.

  As soon as I invited her in, I regretted it. My mind raced with what might be hanging around for her to see. If she saw something that she didn’t like, she might not approve me to become a Big Sister.

  As I walked through the living room I didn’t notice anything too incriminating.

  “Would you like a drink?” I asked.

  “Just some water if you don’t mind.” Shelly sat down on the couch. “Nice place you have here.”

  “Thanks. It’s not much, but it does the job.”

  Once I had washed off the remainder of the ink that I had picked up from the business card, I reached into the cabinet to grab a glass. When I did, I nearly knocked over the extra bottle of wine I had stored there. I caught it just before it could roll off and shatter. Carefully I stowed it back inside the cabinet. I filled her glass with a cold bottle of water and carried it out to her.

  “Here you go,” I said.


  She took the glass of water and then looked at me. “I’m going to be honest with you Samantha. The girl I have in mind to be your Little Sister has been through a few Big Sisters. We have a policy when a child is uncooperative to stop trying to match them with a Big Sister. But Charlotte’s case is dear to my heart, and I just can’t turn my back on her. I was hoping that you’d be willing to give her a shot.”

  “Of course.” I said. “There’s nothing wrong with a kid having a little spunk.”

  “Spunk—yes,” she said. “Charlotte has plenty of that.”

  Chapter 3

  Shelly gave me the address and we drove separately, as she had a meeting to attend after.

  When I pulled up to the small house with the dingy shutters and the sagging porch, it reminded me of my own childhood. I hadn’t always had everything I wanted, but I had always been loved. I had a feeling that Charlotte might not have gotten off as lucky as I did.

  The little girl that sat on the front stoop had her nose buried in a book. Her bright red hair was braided tightly on either side of her head. I felt as if I was looking back through time as she peered shyly at me over the top of her book. I had spent many hours reading as a girl, especially when it was pointed out to me that I did not look the way others wanted me to.

  With confidence, I stepped out of the car. I was certain we were going to end up being best friends. As I walked up to her, Charlotte watched me.

  “Hi.” I tried to infuse my voice with warmth.

  The young girl simply stared at me.

  “Charlotte, this is Samantha,” Shelly said. “She’s going to be your Big Sister.”

  “I think my mother might argue that point,” Charlotte said. She lowered her book. Her bright blue eyes scrutinized me. I could tell that she was very intelligent, just from the way she studied me.

  “Alright, Charlotte, this is a good thing, remember?” Shelly asked.

  Charlotte nodded. She didn’t look very convinced to me.

  “We’re going to have fun, Charlotte,” I said. “We can go to the park, or play dolls.”

  “Play dolls?” Charlotte asked. She sighed and looked over at Shelly. “Is she for real?”

  “Just give her a chance, Charlotte.” Shelly looked at me over the top of Charlotte’s head. Stubborn. She mouthed the word. I nodded. I was familiar with being stubborn.

  “Okay, well, what are some things that you like to do, Charlotte?” I asked.

  She lifted the book back up in front of her face.

  “I love to read too.” I sat down beside her on the stoop. “Is that your favorite author?”

  “It’s just a book.” She tossed it down on the stoop beside her and stood up. “I want to go to the mall.”

  “Charlotte, be polite,” Shelly said.

  “Look, am I going to get to go to the mall or not?” Charlotte asked.

  “I’ll take you,” I said. I could see that Charlotte was going to be more difficult than I had anticipated. I didn’t mind. I was always up for a challenge.

  The mall was crowded. Not just a little busy, but packed wall to wall with people. Maybe I had missed a memo about a big sale, or maybe it had just been so long since I’d been to a mall, I didn’t realize how popular they still were. With so many shops in walking distance of my apartment I rarely felt the need to go to the mall. Okay—maybe I avoided it. The mall was a place I never really enjoyed as a teenager. The shops all seemed to be designed for the pretty girls, and I didn’t see myself that way. I would feel nervous about going inside some of the stores, especially if there were other kids around my age to see me. I braced myself, expecting Charlotte to feel the same way.

  “Now we don’t have to stay long if you don’t want to,” I said.

  “I could live at the mall,” Charlotte said.

  I was a little surprised by her words.

  She took the lead and we began to stop in every store that we passed. I noticed that Charlotte loved jewelry, purses, and make-up. As I watched her try on a shade of bright red lipstick, I tried not to grimace. Times certainly had changed since I was her age.

  “Do you want me to get that for you?” I asked.

  “I have my own money.”

  “I’m sure you do. I was just offering.” I smiled at her through the small round mirror.

  She smacked her lips. She had the ability to give stink-eye at a moment’s notice. I was actually fairly impressed by it.

  Charlotte stood up from the chair she had perched on and began looking through the purses.

  “How about some clothes?” I asked. “Would you like to get a new outfit?”

  “Outfit?” Charlotte scrunched up her nose as if I had said something terribly offensive.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “My treat.” I smiled, hoping that she would smile back.

  To my surprise she did smile.

  “Okay,” she said. “But only if I get to pick one out for you too.”

  “Deal.” I was starting to feel like a good Big Sister. It wasn’t exactly guiding her to solve world hunger, but it was a start.

  “I know the perfect store,” she said.

  We stepped back out into the crowded corridor of the top floor of the mall. There were all kinds of temptations around me—from the scent of cinnamon buns to the draw of the flashing pretzel sign. I didn’t give in. I was there to be a role model to Charlotte, not to teach her to give in to tasty treats.

  “Here it is,” Charlotte said. I looked up at the sign over the door.

  Spurs and More.

  “Are you sure?” I asked. The entire shop seemed to have a western theme, complete with mannequins riding on the backs of horses.

  “Yes, t
his is what I like. You don’t think I’m weird, do you?” Charlotte asked.

  “No, of course not. People have different tastes.”

  Chapter 4

  Charlotte smiled and held the door open for me. I stepped inside. The store smelled like leather and dirt. I tried not to wince. My displeasure was eased a bit when a clerk dressed as a cowboy sauntered up to me. He was a bit young, but wore his cowboy hat very well.

  “What can I do for you lovely ladies?” he asked. His smile was quite charming.

  “My Big Sister wants to try that on,” Charlotte said. She pointed to a mannequin that was wearing a skintight corset and leather chaps.

  “Uh—no,” I said.

  The cowboy was blushing.

  “That’s from our intimates collection,” he said.

  “That’s what she wants to try on,” Charlotte said. “You said I could pick it out, remember, Big Sis?”

  “No, no,” I said.

  “Why not?” Charlotte asked. She turned wide innocent eyes on me. I had a feeling she was not so innocent in all of this. “I think you’ll look really pretty. Is there some reason why you won’t try it?”

  I cleared my throat. “Well, they probably don’t have it in my size.”

  “That’s not true, is it?” Charlotte asked the clerk. “Don’t tell me that your store would discriminate against women of size by not having larger sizes in your collection.”

  “Actually, we have all the way up to size twenty-two,” he said. He smiled at me, as if he should be rewarded.

  I wanted to reward him with a punch to the jaw, but I restrained myself. Charlotte was a young girl who was growing up in a body-conscious world. I wanted to be a good role model. I thought maybe this would be a good lesson for me as well, since I obviously couldn’t see myself looking beautiful in that outfit.

  “Alright, but we’re going to have to add some tights or something,” I said.

  “It comes with leather panties,” the clerk said.

  I shot a glare in his direction.

  “Oh, well thank you. You’ve been so helpful.”

  “I do try,” he said.

  I wasn’t sure if he had caught my sarcasm or not.

  “Please? Will you at least try it on?” Charlotte asked.

  “Charlotte, this is not something that you should be choosing for me to wear. This is more of an adult outfit.”


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