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Duke In Disguise (The Stafford Sisters Book 1)

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by G. L. Snodgrass

  “Relax, Ann, I will be as gentle as I can,” he said as he looked deeply into her eyes.

  She swallowed hard and nodded.

  He positioned himself before her opening and slowly started to enter her.

  She gasped, he would surely cut her in two. But still, her body demanded him.

  He stopped to observe her, silently wondering if he should proceed.

  She bit her lip and nodded for him to continue. It felt so strange, wonderful, yet terrifyingly strange. As if she were being invaded. As if her very soul was exposed and vulnerable.

  He continued to push into her until he reached her barrier. Their eyes locked once again. He leaned down and took her lips with his as he thrust through the barrier.

  Ann arched away as a flash of pain engulfed her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said with a deep frown and her heart was lost. He really was sorry. He really didn’t want to hurt her but there was no other way. She smiled up at him as she examined her body.

  Yes, this felt right. He was so large, so powerful, yet it felt right for him to be inside of her. As if he had been put on this earth for this fact alone.

  He started to withdraw and she panicked, no, this could not end. Not yet. Her knees clamped around his hips to hold him in place. He laughed gently as he slowly filled her again.

  “Yes,” she said as she found herself arching up to meet him.

  Again, he started to withdraw and again he thrust into her. Ann marveled each time. Every thrust was unique and special, each filling her with satisfaction and building her need for him.

  Over and over he thrust into her until she found herself lost in this new world of pure pleasure. All she could think about was this man over her and what he was doing to her.

  More, she needed more as a strange feeling began to build inside of her. Harder, more.

  A mountain, she was close to the summit, desperate to reach the highest point. Almost.

  His brow furrowed in concentration as he continued. Was he in pain? she wondered. Then he thrust again and she fought to understand as her world dissolved into a thousand pieces. Wave after wave washing them away.

  Daniel grunted and exploded inside of her, filling her with warmth and throbbing strength that sent a second wave of pure pleasure flowing through her.

  “God, you are so perfect,” he whispered as he collapsed on her.

  Ann, wrapped her arms around his back and her legs over his hips as she held him in place and basked in the wonderfulness of her husband.

  She knew her heart was lost, and a sadness filled her to realize he would never love her as she loved him.

  No matter how perfect things were. There was always a price to pay, she realized as a tear formed in the corner of her eye.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Daniel woke to find his wife’s perfect rear end nestled next to him. He thought of their night together. Falling into a deep slumber curled up with each other only to wake and start again. The woman was curious, insatiable, timid, pure, adventurous, all wrapped up together. And the woman was his. It was enough to make a man want to beat his chest and greet the day with a giant roar.

  As he grew aroused once again, Ann moaned and pushed back at him, silently demanding more. He smiled to himself. A man could grow to enjoy this too much.

  Yet, there was something missing. It was as if she was holding a part of herself back. Refusing to expose her inner self to him. As if she was afraid of letting her true self be seen. She was more than willing to give him her body. But not her soul.

  A sudden discontent filled him. He wanted more. He wanted all of her. The feeling had no sooner arrived than he pushed it aside. While he might not be able to have all of Ann. He could have what he needed at the moment.

  The woman was his. Willing, curious, and demanding.

  He nuzzled the back of her neck as his hand probed her core, preparing her for him.

  She sighed with pleasure and turned to greet him with a smile.

  “Good morning husband.”

  “Good morning, my duchess,” he said with an answering smile. Then he raised an eyebrow as his finger slipped inside of her.

  She sighed happily as her eyes closed.

  That familiar animalistic need filled him as he covered her.

  When they had once again mutually exploded in pure pleasure, he sighed heavily and fell back to the bed. His heart pounding as he fought to regain his breath. God, a man could become lost in this woman.

  Ann snuggled next to him, resting her head on his shoulder, gently playing with his chest hair.

  “What now?” she asked.

  He frowned as he twisted to see what she meant.

  “The day,” she said quickly as her cheeks grew pink. “What is expected of me?”

  He laughed, but in the back of his mind, he wondered if that was what she had truly meant. There was something else there, he was sure of it. But now did not seem the right time to push the conversation.

  No, that way lay danger.

  “I assume you and mother will go shopping.”

  She sighed heavily as she nodded. “And that is it, my life is to be taken up with shopping?”

  He smiled to himself. Most of the women he knew would have considered that a perfect way to live. Shopping during the day and dancing at night. But not this woman. She needed more.

  “Ann,” he began. “If you are asking what I want from you. Be careful, for I will tell you.”

  She laughed gently then leaned up on her elbow and stared down into his eyes. “That is exactly what I am asking. This is all so strange to me. I am not of your world, remember.”

  He smiled at her, “Very well, if you want to know what would make me happy. It is simple. I would have you manage my household. I would have you design a world around me that allowed me to look outward. To keep the drama to a minimum while allowing me to pursue my interests. I would have you provide me insight. To be the one person in this world that I know is not out to use me and my title to better their own lot in life.”

  She studied him for a long moment, “Then my life is to focus on you. You are to be the center of my universe.”

  He laughed, “You asked. Oh yes, and do it with a worshipping look, letting me know that there could be nothing of higher meaning to you.”

  She frowned as she studied him.

  “And, of course,” he added, “Ravish me every night in our bed. A capability that you have proven to be an expert at, I might add.”

  She slapped at his arm then blushed. Then her brow creased in confusion. “But, it could be said that you have described a wife’s duties. But what of being your duchess?”

  He paused for a second. She really was worried about this. It was important to her. Leaning forward he kissed away the worry line on her forehead.

  “Ann, you will be an outstanding duchess, I assure you.”

  She continued to frown, “How? what do I do? What is my purpose?”

  He sighed heavily. “I told you, being my wife. As for the duchess part. Ask my mother.”

  She nodded as her eyebrows narrowed in thought.

  “But, Ann,” he said. “Always remember, being my wife is more important than being my duchess.”

  She sighed heavily as she lay back down to rest against him. But he could tell by the crease of her brow that she was worried about failing at both. The thought reminded him of his realization earlier that she was holding something back. As if she was thinking through her reactions instead of just feeling them.

  The thought troubled him to his very core.

  Sighing, he smiled to her and said, “For now, I have a much bigger need.”

  She cringed before she could stop himself. Four times in twelve hours was probably too much for any woman. Especially an innocent such as herself. He must be careful he reminded himself.

  “No, not that. At least not yet,” he said with a small laugh. “No, I need food. Someone has caused me to work up quite an appetite.”

blushed prettily. “Do you want me to make you something to eat. If you tell me the way to the kitchen”

  He barked out a laugh as he pulled her into a hug. “Oh, sweet Ann. The kitchen is staffed with a dozen people waiting for me to ask for food. What is more, they would die of apoplexy if a duchess invaded their sanctum and tried to cook me so much as an egg.”

  She frowned as she nodded.

  “No. I can either call for something to be brought up to us. Or we could go down to the dining room. It is early yet, but they would have something for us within minutes.”

  She continued to frown, then her eyes grew very large as a sudden thought filled that pretty mind of hers.

  “I have nothing to wear.”

  Daniel returned her frown. “What about those bags delivered to these very rooms yesterday. A fact that I noticed your maid corrected by taking them to your quarters, I might add.”

  “I can’t wear those clothes to meet your servants. I would look like a country girl. Not a duchess.”

  Daniel laughed as he threw off the covers and walked to get his robe from the floor. “Really, Ann, I don’t care if you wrap yourself in a sheet and spend the rest of the day in bed. But I have to be fed.”

  She watched him don his robe. He smiled at her, then opened his door and stepped out onto the lading. He heard her gasp behind him but ignored her.

  “Stevenson,” he yelled. “Breakfast, in my rooms. For two.”

  “My Lord,” Ann hissed with shock.

  He laughed at her surprise until he heard Steven yell back, “Of course, Your Grace.”

  Ann’s eyes were as big as saucers when he stepped back into his room.

  He smiled. “If I know Old Stevenson, you have about five minutes before this room is filled with footmen and maids. It is just me, but I would prefer no man ever see you naked. Call me old fashioned that way. So, you have a choice. You can hide under the covers, or get dressed and join me for a meal here in my room.”

  The color left her face for a second then she threw the covers back and bolted for her room, He laughed as she fumbled with the key. God, what a perfect rear end. That was a sight he could truly appreciate for the rest of his life.


  Ann scrambled to find clothes. The maid, Gretchen had put things in the drawers, but everything was out of order.

  Sighing, she quickly stepped into underthings and then into a chamise before putting on her best dress. The only one she had without mended seams or patches.

  Once she was done, she sighed internally. At least she was dressed. They were the wrong clothes for the wrong person in the wrong situation. But at least they armed her to meet the day. She would have to deal with it until she was able to obtain something appropriate.

  The thought made her think of her sisters. How were they doing? Her heart ached being away from them. Were they all right? What did they think of their new future? They had had so little time to talk. So little time to truly explore every facet of what was happening to their family.

  Dresses, she realized. She must send them dresses. She did not want them arriving in London looking like milkmaids. No, her sisters would not feel this sense of inadequacy.

  Nodding to herself, she turned to return to Daniel when she forced herself to pause a moment and reflect on their night together. A warm blush filled her cheeks as she recalled everything they had done. A feeling of joy and overwhelming pleasure rushed in to fill every part of her soul.

  The man was a master. Of that, there could be no doubt. What is more. He had not simply taken. Not commanded or demanded. No, every act he had taken had been to make her feel special. To enhance her enjoyment. It was almost as if he cared for her.

  Deep down, a hope began to build inside of her. Before she could stop it, a spark was ignited. Maybe he really did care for her a little. At least enough to not want her hurt. Maybe that would be all she could hope for.

  But she must never forget, she reminded herself. Although he had her heart. She would never have his.

  Sighing, she swallowed a deep regret and entered his room.

  The servants had come and gone. Rebuilding the fire and leaving two trays of food. Eggs, Bacon, bread, and marmalade.

  “I hope this is acceptable,” he said as he waved his hand at the food. “Cook knows that I prefer simple fare.”

  Ann could only stare at the meal and shake her head. There was enough there to feed half a village. After she had prepared a plate, she sat across from him by the fire.

  The man looked so commanding. Even in his robe. As if he owned the world and everyone else was merely a player.

  “What of your day?” she asked with curiosity. What was it duke’s did all day?

  He finished his bite of food, then shrugged his shoulders.

  “I need to see Liverpool …”

  “The Prime Minister?” she gasped.

  He nodded as he took another bite. “And then I should check in with Prinny. At least for a short while.”

  “Why do you need to see the Prime Minister?” she asked. “I must say that his popularity has fallen since Waterloo. You would think after such a victory everyone would be much happier.”

  He stopped eating and tilted his head as he studied her for a moment. “You would think so, but with victory, things have shifted. Pressures and desires for change were put on hold during the war. Now, there is a strong reactionary force throughout the land. People demanding change immediately.”

  Ann frowned as she thought about what he was talking about. He was right, she remembered the men searching for work. The families disrupted by lost husbands. The way people were moving to the cities for a better life only to find it just as hard as the back-breaking work in the fields.

  And her husband was one of the men responsible for helping the government navigate its way through all this turmoil.

  Suddenly, a sense of pride filled her. Her husband was important. Not because of his high status. But because of the impact he could have on people’s lives.

  “I need to see Liverpool to find out if I can sneak away from parliament for a few days next week. If there are to be any important votes. That type of thing. After that,” he continued, “I must see several businessmen. And, I must meet with my secretary, Mister Erikson, A lot of things were allowed to slide while I was at Brookenham.”

  Her stomach fell, he looked at that time as wasted, not joyous or beneficial. If anything told her what he really thought. That simple statement said it all.

  “Why do you need to ‘slip away from Parliament’?

  He shrugged again as he took another bite. Once he had swallowed he said, “I need to visit my estates. With all the discontent in the land, it is important that I keep in touch with my agents and talk to my tenants.”

  She frowned, they had only been married for one day and he was already planning to leave her. Hadn’t he said that they would need the first month alone. Now he was planning on deserting her. Leaving her here all alone in this big house without her knowing anyone.

  “How many estates do you have?” she asked and held her breath while she waited for him to respond.

  “Six, if you count the one in Scotland. But I won’t be traveling there on this trip, probably next spring. You will like Scotland.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Six estates. Scotland.

  “Of course, those are just the entailed estates. I also have several other holdings that I have purchased over the years. Those are not bound by the crown.”

  Ann’s mind whirled. The man was an advisor to princes and prime ministers. Owner to a great expanse of lands. A businessman with investments. And her husband.

  What had she allowed herself to be pulled into? How could she hope to help him manage all of this? How could she be expected to know what to do? How could she learn while he was traipsing around the countryside doing his nobleman duties?

  He continued to eat. “I believe we should leave on the tour the day after the ball. The sooner you and mother can ar
range that the better.”

  Her heart lurched. “We?”

  He nodded. “Of course. As the Duchess of Norwich, it is important that you learn about my holdings. In addition, our first stop will be at the family’s country home, Chadwick.”

  Her stomach turned over. So much, it was too much to take in all at once. But deep down, a pleasure filled her. He might want her to go with him because he expected such a thing of his duchess. But the thought didn’t really matter.

  What was important was that he wanted her there at all. She would take what little she could get from this man because she knew that was all she could ever ask for.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ann rose and curtsied when the Dowager stepped into the parlor.

  “Oh, no, dear,” the older woman said as she shook her head. “We don’t curtsey to each other. In fact, technically, I do believe you outrank me.”

  Ann gasped, how was that possible?

  “I know,” the Dowager said as she waved her hand. “The first thing you must always remember. As a duchess, you curtsey to no one but the royal family.”

  Her face flushed. How many more mistakes would she make? What if she made a fatal error and brought embarrassment to the Duke? Deep inside she smiled to herself. He would remain the Duke in her mind. Only in their bed could she think of him as Daniel.

  The woman paused for a moment and stared into her eyes as if she was trying to discern a deep dark secret. It took Ann a moment to realize the woman was wondering how she had fared during her wedding night.

  A deep blush made her cheeks grow hot as she quickly looked down so that the woman would not see how much she had enjoyed it.

  The Dowager smiled to herself. Obviously, she had seen enough to make her happy.

  “Now then,” the Dowager said. “Let me look at you.” As the Dowager examined her, a frown broke out on the older woman’s face as she slowly shook her head.

  “I had hoped to go to tea at Lady Gresham’s before we went shopping. But no, I think not. That dress will never do. Do you have anything more appropriate?”

  Ann’s heart stiffened as she shook her head. What was she doing in this world?


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