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Nursery Rhyme Murders Collection_3-4-2017

Page 111

by McCray, Carolyn

  “It sound like a good guess to me,” Diego chimed in, giving Jacques a look that was difficult to read. “Now we go, no?”

  “Yep. Time to break up this whole family affair,” Kyra said, then stopped. An expression came over her face.

  Jacques knew that look well. Something had just occurred to Kyra. Something significant. It was written all over her face, at least for Jacques to read, even if no one else could.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I know what’s going on here,” she said, almost too quiet for him to hear. Then, louder, “We need to go. Now!”

  When Kyra used that tone of voice, people listened.

  They were into the car in twenty seconds flat.

  * * *

  Kyra had to admit that, once again, Diego had gotten them here in record time. Without a scratch on any of them. And while the rest of the team looked like they had seen someone arisen from the dead, Kyra had almost enjoyed herself. You know, apart from that whole rushing to the scene of a murder that was about to happen.

  Diego burst through the door at Kyra’s nod. If she was right, the element of surprise would be a really good thing to have on their side.

  If she wasn’t, the whole situation was going to be totally jacked up, regardless. And Jacques was really good at the whole apology thing, so…

  As she moved into the open area right past the entryway, Kyra’s eyes leapt to a still figure of an older woman on the ground in front of a large and ornate fireplace, unmoving. From the red line across her neck, Kyra was sure the woman had been garroted. The first one outside the M.O.

  But Kyra knew something no one else did. And this death fell right in line with what her suspicions had been.

  To the side was Darrel, who was slumped against a wall off to the side, a big purple lump protruding from off his forehead. Out cold, but it looked like he was still breathing. She hoped.

  But the tableau before her was what demanded her attention right now.

  In a far corner lay First Lieutenant Visser, face-first on the ground with a wound on his head gushing blood. On one side of the dead old woman was Inspector Meijer, his breath coming in big heaving gulps. On the other was the huddled, weeping form of Anna. She held onto her grandmother’s hand with a death grip, but her eyes were riveted on the inspector.

  At the sound of the team’s arrival, both Meijer’s and Anna’s eyes swiveled toward her. Meijer’s jaw gaped open as he saw the team there, but Anna called out to Kyra, her tone frantic.

  “Please! He killed my grootmoeder and now he kills me too.”

  “I understand,” Kyra said, and lifted her gun up.

  And pointed it directly at Anna’s face.

  Kyra heard a collective gasp from behind her. No one else on the team had figured it out, and they all probably thought she had lost her mind.

  But Kyra knew exactly what she was doing.

  Finding Meijer and Visser here, that had been a surprise. Finding a dead body next to Anna? Not so much.

  Turning her gaze toward Meijer, Kyra spoke. “You, I will deal with later.”

  The inspector gulped and blurted out, “Visser, he wanted to speak to the girl without you present. I didn’t know until after, and I told him--”

  Kyra cut him off with a sharp gesture. “I said, later.”

  Returning her full attention to the girl, Kyra noted that she had yet to move. The young prostitute’s face was contorted in what appeared to be grief, but Kyra knew better.

  For a long moment, Anna just stared at the gun. Then she spoke, her voice trembling.

  “Why you do this?” She pointed at the inspector with a wavering finger. “It is the man. You know this. It is always the man.”

  “I know,” Kyra agreed. “It is always the man.”

  “Yes,” the girl answered, nodding. “So why do you point your gun at me?”

  “Oh, Anna,” Kyra sighed. “It was the man for your grandmother, which is how your mother was born. It was the man for your mother, which explains how you came to be. Tell me, do you know who your father is? Your grandfather?”

  Anna’s face hardened, the lines in her angular face becoming razor sharp, filled with animalistic cunning. “You see this, do you? You are the only one who does. No one sees de prostituee. We do not exist.”

  “And you can’t stand the fact that you were dragged into it,” Kyra said, nodding her head. “My guess is all the other victims you killed were children of prostitutes as well.”

  “I had no choice,” she shot back. “I was helping them. Everywhere we go, we are klootzakken. Bastards. The children of prostitution.”

  “You think I can’t understand--” Kyra began.

  “You cannot,” Anna cut her off.

  “But I do. So much more than you think,” Kyra insisted.

  “Your mother was prostitute?” Anna sneered.

  “No, but my father was a serial killer,” she said, and allowed a note of pleading to enter her tone. “I need you to know that you have a choice. And your choice right now is to put your hands on your head and surrender to Inspector Meijer.”

  Anna’s eyes pierced the air between them, the fierceness there growing. Then, in a sudden switch, she seemed to collapse inward. Her hands went back behind her, and she hung her head, looking like nothing more than an errant schoolgirl.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured.

  Then, from behind her back, Anna swung the fireplace poker she had grasped, connecting with Kyra’s gun, sending it skittering away across the hardwood floor. Anna continued the swing around, connecting with Meijer’s skull with a crack before turning and bolting toward the interior of the home.

  Kyra darted forward, grasping the girl’s scarf by both ends and pulling it taut against Anna’s neck. The young prostitute’s eyes bulged out, and she tried to grasp behind her, nails like claws.

  “This is how it felt,” Kyra muttered in her ear. “When you killed those girls. Now you will know.”

  She could feel the girl’s struggles grow weaker, as her need for air grew. The sensations were ones Kyra knew well. The narrowing vision, the diminishing senses… but not the hearing. The hearing continued right up to the last.

  “I can kill you,” she continued, still in a low voice. “I should. It’s what my mentor would do.”

  The grasping hands grew still, and the girl’s face began to turn purple. It was almost time.

  Jacques stood in front of her, his expression somehow filled with both reproach and empathy. Son of a bitch.

  Kyra knew that he wouldn’t stop her. None of her team would. And the inspector was knocked out, with Visser in a similar state. No one would know.

  But Kyra would.

  Killing, when it was inevitable, wasn’t a problem. She’d done it before, and she would almost certainly do it again.

  But killing like this…?

  She released her grip, allowing the girl to slump to the floor. Jacques’s shoulders dropped several inches, and he sighed in relief. He glanced up at her, and a smile played around his lips.

  “You getting soft?”

  “Hell no,” Kyra shot back. “Just don’t want to jeopardize our payday.”

  Jacques threw his head back and laughed.

  To purchase or sample The International Hunters, Inc. Collection, go here!


  Thank you very much for continuing with Joshua, Coop, Reggie and, of course, Had!

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  Looking for other great mysteries? Check out the next section for more mystery/thrillers!

  Other Works by Caro
lyn McCray and Ben Hopkin

  The Darc Murder Mystery Collection

  Praise for Darc Murders Mysteries...

  “A pathological serial killer is terrorizing Seattle and the only person standing in his way is Detective Robi Darcmel. From the chilling opening scene to the last lines of the first episode, I don't remember taking a deep breath. As one observer notes in the opening scene at the slaughter house to a man clearly intrigued by the sight and smell of blood, visceral and flesh--”You are one sick puppy, dude.” Indeed...This is a fascinating if horrific read. One of the most unusual “heroes” I can imagine, Detective Robi Darcmel has Asperger's Syndrome… Be prepared to be shocked, and hooked.”


  Amazon Reviewer

  “In the literary tradition of serial novels, I am loving this new format for the Kindle! The characters are engaging, the plot intense, an excellent read! “

  Jon M. Wilson

  Amazon Reviewer

  “I absolutely am loving this book! The way it bounces between the different characters perspectives really helps to get a 3-D picture of what’s going on. The killer is so creepy and ominous.

  S. Busch

  Amazon Reviewer

  Included in the omnibus are…


  the prequel short story to 9th Circle

  Deceived*exclusive to the collection

  Another prequel short story to 9th Circle

  9th Circle

  the #1 hard-boiled mystery that started it all!

  7th Sin

  the full-length sequel to 9th Circle

  Carnal*exclusive to the collection

  the bridge short story between 7th Sin and 5th Pentagram

  5th Pentagram

  the stunning full-length conclusion to the Darc Murders series

  Sinister*exclusive to the collection

  the wrap-up short story to the Darc Murders series

  More praise for the Darc Murders Collection…

  “Five stars for an extraordinary hero who senses his way through clues and is seemingly clueless about ordinary give-and-take relationships. a very satisfying , engrossing novel.”

  Dot Day

  Amazon Reviewer

  To sample or purchase The Darc Murders Mystery Collection, simply click here.

  * * *

  The Harbinger Mystery Thriller Collection

  Hard-boiled mysteries not for the faint of heart

  Praise for The Harbinger Mysteries…

  “Wickedly macabre and blisteringly paced, Plain Jain marks the debut of a thriller for the new millennium. Brash, funny, terrifying, and shocking, here is a story best enjoyed with all the lights on. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

  NYT Top Ten Best Seller

  James Rollins


  “This book is so creepy. I made the mistake of starting in one night before bed. Not only did the story line keep me turning pages, it freaked me out to the point that I didn’t want to turn off my light.”

  The Book Goddess

  Book Reviewer

  The Harbinger Collection includes…


  The greatly anticipated prequel short story to Plain Jane. See where the Harbinger Mystery series began!

  Plain Jane

  Harbinger’s first novel the #1 Bestselling (Police Procedurals and Hard-Boiled Mysteries)

  Dark Lullaby *exclusive to the collection

  Is a 12,000+ word stand-alone short story (with no spoilers) that takes place after the Plain Jane: A Patterson-style thriller with a dash of Hannibal.

  Soul to Keep *exclusive to the collection

  A post-Plain Jane suspense short story.

  Wallflower *exclusive to the collection

  Pray you aren't noticed - (Book 2 of the Harbinger Mystery Series)

  Shallow Grave *exclusive to the collection

  A 15,000 word Harbinger Mystery Series short story

  Buzz Kill *exclusive to the collection

  the full-length conclusion to the Harbinger Mystery Series

  Pallor *exclusive to the collection

  the “wrap-up” short story, featuring Lucky 37

  More praise for the Harbinger Series…

  “If you think you know what is going to happen, your wrong. I have read so many suspense and crime books that guessing the end gets easier and easier. NOT this time. Be prepared to be hooked from the first page and loose some sleep because you just can't put it down.”

  Michelle Delgado

  Amazon Reviewer

  To purchase of sample the Harbinger Collection, just click here.

  * * *

  The Empty Crib Thrillers Collection

  Praise for The Empty Crib Thrillers Collection...

  " Have you ever read something that really, really hit home? Well be prepared! This series is going to be one of those... What will you like? A Story that will reach your core and touch it! Even though it's one that we never want to go through, this is filled with such heart, laughter, tears, compassion and determination. It will take you on a trip that will touch you as no other has. The people that Cam and Harper meet and help will have their lives changed. Some good and some not so good but changed never the less! This series will be one that you will want to follow all the way to the end. I for one will be putting it on my "to be 're-read list" for sure."

  DD Gott

  Amazon Reviewer

  "A parent's worst fear is realized. I have read past work of Ben Hopkin and his newest book does not disappoint. A story of loss, fear, friendship, and understanding. I couldn't put the book down until it was finished."


  Amazon Reviewer

  "This is a very good portrayal of a very sensitive subject, abducted children. The tales ups and downs keep you guessing while the characters draw you into this frightening world. Enjoy this very good read."


  Amazon Reviewer

  The collection includes…

  Child’s Play

  the prequel short story to The Empty Crib Thrillers Collection

  Amber Alert

  the greatly anticipated full-length novel

  Rock-a-Bye Requiem*exclusive to the collection

  the fascinating short story follow up to Amber Alert

  To be included in the collection winter 2017 at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Just be sure to have your autoupdates turned on so that the books download automatically to your Kindle.

  Latch Key *exclusive to the collection

  the rousing continuation of the Empty Crib Thrillers Collection

  Hush Little Darling*exclusive to the collection

  the bridge short story following All Fall Down

  To be included in the collection spring 2017 at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Just be sure to have your autoupdates turned on so that the books download automatically to your Kindle.

  Bullied *exclusive to the collection

  the rousing continuation of the Empty Crib Thrillers Collection

  Playground Predator *exclusive to the collection

  the rousing continuation of the Empty Crib Thrillers Collection

  To order the Empty Crib Thrillers Collection, just click here…

  * * *

  International Hunters, Inc. Collection

  Praise for International Hunters, Inc. Collection...

  “This is a fast paced, action filled, right in your face kind of journey. It goes in so many directions that soon you can't tell who is telling the truth and who is it that keeps leading the team into trap after trap, ambush after ambush! And your simply not going to believe what it all comes down to. I sure didn't see it coming, and I don't think Hunter's, Inc did either.”

  Anna Salamatin

  Amazon Reviewer

  “I thoroughly enjoyed this book from the first page to the last, and can’t wait to learn more about Kyra’s very interesting psyche. I also look forward to many more missions with this most interesting team of specialists. This is exactly
what a perfect 5 star mystery and adventure book should be made of, and I sincerely believe you will not be disappointed in it!”

  Donna Connerys

  Amazon Reviewer

  Currently included in the collection are…


  The prequel short story to Bangkok Butcher

  Bangkok Butcher

  The first full-length novel in the series

  Smallest Country, Biggest Crime

  The bridge short story to Prague Predator

  The following will be uploaded to the series, FREE OF CHARGE, spring 2017:

  Prague Predator*exclusive to the collection

  the full-length sequel to Bangkok Butcher

  Killers without Borders*exclusive to the collection

  the bridge short story between to Madrid Massacre

  The following will be uploaded to the series, FREE OF CHARGE, in summer 2017:

  Madrid Massacre *exclusive to the collection

  the stunning full-length conclusion to the International Hunters, Inc. series

  Statistical Anomaly*exclusive to the collection

  the wrap-up short story to the International Hunters, Inc. series

  More praise for the International Hunters, Inc. Collection…

  “WOW. When is the next book coming out, because I am not quite sure my heart will make it that long! If you think you have it figured out...just stop right there because you are likely going to be wrong. Twist and turns, the obvious is not the obvious and the not obvious isn't either and the introduction of a great range of players makes this another series you will not want to put down!”

  Suezb b

  Amazon Reviewer

  To sample or purchase the International Hunters, Inc. Collection, click here.

  About the Authors

  Carolyn McCray

  Carolyn has had a long and extremely interesting road to become a bestseller.

  When she head to veterinary school those many years ago she had no idea decades later she would be writing controversial historical thrillers, gut wrenching mysteries and roller coaster-style action/adventure tales!


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