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Page 9

by K. H. Kate

  "Are you worried that I'm going to go back to him?" When he didn't answer right away, I continued. "What if I am? You can't do anything about it."

  "You wouldn't." His eyes narrowed.

  "Just let me go, Lex." If I could, I would've dropped on my knees. I never believed in the saying, out of sight, out of mind but now? Now I wanted to do anything to get Lex's face away from my sight.

  He was my ultimate weakness.

  My supposed death just proved that.

  With gentle fingers, he made sure we were facing each other. I almost wanted to push him away but the look in his eyes stopped me. His fingers brushed against my cheeks in a taunting touch. "Don't you feel it?"

  I felt the connection...alright.

  Just when I thought he wouldn't say anything, he whispered against my lips. "I'm sorry if you think I hurt you."

  I took a deep breath before meeting his gaze, letting him see the hurt I was trying to hide all along. "You already hurt me."

  "You know I would never hurt you on purpose. It was in the past, a mistake. It was a prophesy, for devil's sake! Even I'm weak when fates are involved, don't you get it?" His voice was low, and concern filled his eyes.

  "That's the thing. I don't know if I can ever get over the fact that you had a hand in killing me. It's there, constantly reminding me of that time when I don't want to remember that. I want to move on but you won't let me." I answered, trying to keep the fear from my voice.

  "Y-You think I'm going to do that again." Anger now filled those dark eyes.

  "I don't want to think that." I breathed out, letting him see the truth. I thought he'd argue more but to my surprise, in a second, he was almost out of my room.

  "I'll send some people for you to feed, you're getting weak." For some reason, I couldn't just let him leave like that. In spite of my anger toward him, I did remember those moments where he made me feel liberating. My heart raced just thinking of that. I talked about him letting me go but...

  Could I truly let him go?


  My heart was thumping against my chest. He wasn't still looking at me but he at least stopped walking. "I-I think we started on the wrong foot. I'd like to start over again. Can we be-" Saying the words in my head was much easier than saying it aloud but I had to say something.

  "Can we be friends?"

  There, I said it. If I thought I knew what pure anger was before nothing prepared me to see the look in his eyes when he finally glanced back at me.

  "Oh, my little soul, even if I wanted to, I can never be your friend when I-" My heart stopped. The disappointment I felt must've shown on my face cause he once again turned his back on me.

  "I'm sorry."

  Before I could say a word, he turned and left the room.

  I should be somewhat glad that he didn't want me as his friend. That maybe I could grief my old life in peace and move on to the next. But why did it feel like he didn't want to do anything with me?


  "What's going on?"

  When Allegra called me in the devil awful time to meet her, I didn't exactly realize that I was meeting her along with every other Volkios. The place was literally swarming with ego and pride.

  "We are inviting you to the meeting." She assured with a smile. "Eros thought it's time we all talk face to face."

  "The Demon?"

  "The very one. Oh look, he's already talking to Emie." With that, she started walking toward them, forcing me to wonder how to kill a Volkios without facing punishment. I didn't know who this Eros was but I sure as hell didn't expect him to talk to my wife. It's been a few weeks that I hadn't seen her. Sure, I had seen her with Lana and Allegra, living life like she always meant to with occasional nightmares on the nights she felt lonely but that's it. She never tried to approach me nor did I had any guts to show my face to her.

  "Your shadows are literally this close to strangling him." I heard a voice behind me. Lana. "Please don't kill him. I kind of like him as a friend."

  "Does he know who he is talking to?"

  "He will in a second if you actually interrupt him." Good point. By the time, Emie noticed that I was with them I had already claimed my spot beside her. I felt her tense but I was too far gone to consider what good behavior was.

  "Volkios." I nodded at the man, raising my eyebrow at Emie. "Wife."

  The Volkios, Eros looked at me with amusement. "It's Eros. I believe you are Darkness?"

  I nodded, waiting for her to say something. But she stayed silent until Eros chuckled. "Nice to meet you. Your wife didn't mention you at all. I was just surprised that you two are already married without her...permission."

  What? Was little soul going around telling people that I forced her to marry me?

  "She told you what-"

  "I meant Rebecca." He was quick to clarify. "You need permission from the Eternal Volkios to go through any marriage. You know the laws, right?"

  Fuck the new world and fuck the laws.

  But I couldn't say that without ruining my master's reputation so I held in it like a good boy. "My wife also forgot to mention that I was only awakened like four years ago so I am not familiar with the new laws. It was wrong of me to not brush my knowledge up sooner."

  "It's no problem. Just don't tell Rebecca about your marital status and we won't have anything to worry about." I tried to find any deceit in his eyes just as my shadows did but unfortunately, none of us found anything. Before I could grill him more, Allegra told us to sit down.

  The Volkioses were ruthless.

  I didn't have to spend too many seconds with them to deduce that. Especially that Eternal.

  "I suggest Emeline Deshayes go through a trial. She'll give us all the answers we want and we can put this matter behind us."

  I was ready to let the shadows do their job when Lana spoke out. "It's not happening. My sister won't go through a trial."

  "Why not?" The woman looked smug. "If she knows something-"

  "Asked me that directly," Emie whispered with a scowl. I could feel her frustration and fear with our connection. I really could whack this Rebecca for even suggesting such a thing.

  "Exactly. Ask her what she knows instead of jumping up to conclusions." I added after seeing her show a little hint of smile.

  "And who are you?"

  "That's Darkness." The fairy, Araceli let them know before I could. I couldn't trust the look in her eyes when she smiled slowly. "Forgive me, I've watched over your grave for years."

  Talk about being creepy.

  Shuddering, I tried to look at anything other than her when I noticed a disturbance. Like it was coming from me. Anger? I was a little creeped out but I wasn't angry. Was it possible that little soul was jealous?

  "Shouldn't concern him. Why is he even here?"

  It's Allegra who shot her a disapproving look. "I told you he's her beloved. He has every right to stay here just like her."

  This conversation was headed down a path none of us wanted. Thankfully Eros intervened. "Guys, calm down. Demos is not answering any of my letters. That's why we called her or otherwise Demos would be the one sitting here, answering us. Now, Emeline, tell us what you know about him."

  Yeah, tell him, little soul. How you don't hate him like you hate me. How he was the one-

  "He saved me. I remember the hellhounds wanting a piece of my flesh. They used to wager which part they would get first. Demos noticed me and he saved me from that. We were friends for a while until he proposed."

  Cracking my knuckles wasn't enough, I had to bit my lip to stop myself from howling. None of them noticed how close I was to release my shadows neither did they care by the way they kept their interrogation.

  "The Demon King proposed. How did it feel like?" Rebecca asked with a smirk. I was really starting to hate her.

  "Like I didn't deserve it." She trailed off, frowning. "It's not like he made me feel like that but I never thought we were equal. I am not even a demon."

se we were equal. We still are.

  "How many people knew about you in Hell?" Eros asked next, a thoughtful look on his face. "And why did he give you permission to come here?"

  "Almost everyone, even Fallon. He had me live in the same place he lived. I knew he had siblings but he didn't tell me where they were. And the reason he wanted me here was because..." Her breath hitched, finding my eyes on her. "H-He said I was a faulty demon and I needed a cure. He thought the Coven had an answer, especially a witch."

  "The attack near the manor." Allegra started explaining. "The day we found her, we lost a clan over his rage which brings us to this question...Emeline Deshayes, are you responsible for the people to rise from the graves in Memphis?

  I expected her to deny it. To look shocked. But much to my amazement, she took the blame with only a shrug. "Yes, I did. What about it?"

  "Emie..." I tried to warn her of the outcome but she looked at me like she wasn't scared at all.

  "Demos thought I needed an army to keep myself safe from the witches so I did. I wasn't thinking of the consequences back then but I take full responsibility for anything they did."

  "No!" Couldn't she see what that meant? "Those people are kidnapping witches to rebel against the devil. You want to be responsible for that? Don't be stupid."

  Only now I could see her widened eyes. "What?"

  Allegra confirmed it with hesitation. "Darkness is right. You don't want to take full responsibility for that, Emie. Demos told you to do that. You shouldn't blame yourself alone."

  "Our brother isn't like this. It's not in his nature to do things like that." The angel countered.

  "But he still did." Eros said, sighing. "Emeline, can you tell us anything else that would help us with our problem?"

  "Ask her if she knew Sage." Valentine interrupted, looking bored. I have only met this guy a few times in my life but I had to admit he looked better than he did a few centuries ago. That blood lust in his eyes was almost gone. Almost.

  Lana reacted first. "What does Sage has to do with anything?"

  "Just ask her."

  "Yes, I knew him." What? I must have shown my shock cause she looked down, starting to pick her nails. "I told Valentine, I am sorry. Demos wanted to take advantage of the fact that Sage would open the gate. They used to have meetings sometimes."

  "Oh." Lana whispered.

  "Maybe we have a solution already. Byron."

  Whoever this Byron was, had the people in the room erupt in shouting. Even my shadows picked up the danger, barely hissing through my haze. It's Valentine who raised his hands in warning. "Hear me carefully. Byron worked for Sage so he must have told him everything or some parts of his plan. We find him, get him to confess and then come back here, safely."

  "Absolutely not." Lana stood up, glaring at the vampire.

  "Who to say he's even alive?" Lorette asked.

  The werewolf nodded. "Sparkas."

  Sparkas? They were willing to go back there? My eyes met Emie's at the same time she shook her head. "Why do you want to go there?"

  "He's been thrown there as punishment but he's a vampire. He'll die slowly, more miserably so I can assure you that he might be barely breathing but he's alive. You can make him talk."

  "She's not going." I didn't care what anyone else thought. I would not have her remember those moments ever again. I won't let them taint her mind. I couldn't.

  "Not alone, yes." Valentine added with a grin. "You are going with her."


  "Little Deshayes?" The mermaid asked with a small smile.

  I was staring at Emie the whole time yet I could see Lana shudder. "I can't. I-I am sorry Emie but I can't face him again."

  "You won't be actually going there. We will use astral projection just in case." Allegra advised which I would take over going there any day when Lana shoved a fist through the table, almost breaking the thing.

  "None of us are going. Eros, say something!" It was adorable that Lana thought of us but the other Volkioses seemed to already make up their mind. I could see in their eyes. Not a second later, Rebecca let out a sigh.

  "So be it. Arrange for a secure passage to Sparkas."



  Before I could even process what's happening, Allegra was preparing a way for us to enter Sparkas without actually going there. Astral projection was what we were going to use she said. I had seen that kind of magic but I had never used it on myself or others.

  "What are the risks?" As always Lex was the calculative one, thinking of pros and cons.

  "You come back before we wake you up. You will get eight hours at most, time goes there quickly so it might feel like a second when it's already been hours here. Now you may see something that will make you want to come back sooner but keep it in mind, do not wake up without actually talking to this Byron. The other Volkioses will literally lose their mind if you don't come up with an answer."

  Oh, God.

  I could feel the panic rising deep inside me. As if he could too, he relaxed with a grin. "Anything else?"

  Instead of answering, Allegra handed me a small bottle. "Drink this. Both of you."

  The bottle was surprisingly heavy for being so small. I shook the thing before opening it. The smell was what got me first. "You want me to drink blood?"

  I heard a sound, expecting to see Lex scoff but to my shock, he knocked down the thing with a grimace. "Yuck. I don't remember blood being this disgusting."

  "Because it's pig's blood mixed with mine." Allegra said with a straight face.

  Damn it. Why couldn't she say it after I took it too? Smelling it wasn't an option so just like he did, I shoved it down to my throat with difficulty. It's a miracle that I didn't just gag, Lex wasn't exaggerating. The taste was absolutely awful.


  "Yeah, this will connect you two to me. Take another bottle with you. It's Valentine's order. If you two find Byron passed out, just give him this."

  Thankfully Lex took the bottle before I was forced to even go near it. He kept it in his pocket, glaring at her the whole time. "If he kills us after tasting it, I'm coming after you."

  She didn't even blink. Sometimes I wondered how she was so immune to things around her. Maybe that's why she was a Volkios.

  "If you are done glaring at me, lay down side by side like that day. Remember, eight hours."

  With that warning, she started chanting an incantation. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to relax, mimicking Lex who slid under a grave. I didn't know why we always had to do these rituals in a cemetery but apparently, we have less chance of getting interrupted in this way.

  Her logic, not mine.

  As her voice raised, my eyelids dropped lower. There were blurs of motions, like pictures going faster and faster in my vision and I was almost sure that I was going to sleep when I heard it.

  "I am with you. I'll always be with you."

  I woke up in what looked like a zombie world.

  The last time I was here, it was filled with sand and a beach. At most, the sky was red and the people were hiding near trees but now bodies were on the ground where even to walk, we had to tiptoe in the danger of stomping one.

  "What the hell happened here?" Lex asked, mirroring the look in my eyes.

  "I don't know."

  "Wonderful." He cursed, grabbing my wrist suddenly. I must have tensed cause he rolled his eyes. "Relax, I'm just helping you move with all the bodies here. We don't want you puking your guts out."

  Damn it. I really would have.

  The bodies were missing their limbs, some even looked like a skeleton. Did Byron do this? The thought made me hold into Lex even tighter. He could be extremely dangerous. Who knew in what state we were going to find him.

  "You see someone?"

  "Dead or alive?"

  Scoffing, I punched his shoulder. "Alive."


  After that, we just walked like miles when it might just be a few blocks. Allegra w
as right. Time had no sense here. We might be here for an hour and it still felt like years. No sooner than we got out of the woods that we finally found a clearing.

  That beach.

  Right where I was ripped out of this earth.

  Beside me, Lex froze as if he had the same thoughts.

  "Come on. Let's get out here." I should have agreed with him, not trying to walk faster to escape him. I heard rather than see him when he stopped behind me.

  "Still the same, isn't it?"

  "Yes." I inhaled, memories poisoning my mind. "Dark magic still taints the air."

  "Just as the memories, I assume?" He finished with a bitter laugh.

  Suddenly, pain like nothing hit me from nowhere. Maybe it was mine or maybe it was his but we suffered the same. Maybe it was time to get over it. I had to accept that it happened if I wanted to move on. I turned around, watching him stare at me with no emotion.

  "Alexei...maybe it's time we talk about it."

  "No." He shook his head. "No, you are just going to hate me all the same. What's the point?"

  Was he for real?

  "The point is you never knew why it hurt the most!" Once I started, I couldn't even stop. "I-I thought we were going somewhere. That after we defeat Keisha, we could actually have a future. My whole life was in fate's control. I never had anything that I chose myself. Choosing to love you was me being against fate and all the crap she put on me. I was such a fool."

  He touched a strand of my hair, putting it behind my ear. "And if I told you earlier? Would we have a future?"

  "Yes. Yes, we could have one."

  "How?" He wondered aloud, chuckling. "We were prophesized to destroy each other so how?"

  If only he believed in me, in my love for him... "We could have figured it out. Together."

  His eyes widened. "Until I ruined it."

  "Until you ruined it."

  "I was the fool. Little soul, I am so-" He was abruptly cut off with a voice that sounded like hadn't been used in years.

  "Is it me tripping or do I see a Deshayes?"

  "Oh, would you look at that? Byron in the flesh." Lex sneered, forcing me to look where his attention was. The Byron in question at one point must be out of the world in the looks department cause even battered and almost desiccated, he looked good. Wait...


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