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Page 12

by K. H. Kate

  She was silent. Too quiet. I tried to look into her thoughts but to my surprise, she already had a wall to block me out.

  "Little soul?"

  No answer.

  Cursing, I wondered if I fucked up again...

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I murmured in her ears. For another few minutes, she ignored me until I finally saw her break into a chuckle.

  "You are still an asshole."

  My spirit lifted and I took that moment to kiss her again. She gasped out at the sudden invasion but roughly kissed me back. With still in my lap, she shifted until we were at each other's eye level.

  "I'm going to say this once again that I need you and you're going to follow without any question. Comprende?"

  Hell, horny Emie was becoming my favorite Emie.

  All day I was so busy preparing the date with Emie that I almost forgot that the eve of May was approaching fast. Not that Allegra let me forget that anytime soon. Every other time I bumped into her, she was bubbling about doing this or that to celebrate the festival with the Coven.

  Which apparently somehow included me now.

  "Have you heard anything about the demon King recently? I mean you two would be gone for the whole day." She asked me again when I was getting ready to receive Emie for the date. I couldn't stop the very much needed scoff.

  "No offense, Allegra, but do I look like we contact every other day?" Before she could say more I raised my hands in warning. "We are not buddies, ok? I don't handle his schedule neither do I know when he'd actually show his face, so leave it be."

  "I can't leave it be!" She hissed, showing the first hint of worry in her gaze. "Two clans in North Carolina are gone, Darkness. It has his marks all over it, he has already started his war. Don't you get it?"


  If Emie knew...

  I was going to do something about it when Lana came forward with a forced smile. "Allegra, this is why we are holding the festival open for every kind this year, remember? It's a trap for Demos. Besides, we are here, aren't we? One day wouldn't hurt if they are gone."

  Wait, what?

  "Why wasn't I informed that it was a trap?" Shit, what else were they hiding? "If it's true, Emie should stay far away from the festival. Not right at the middle of it!"

  "Trust me, it wasn't a plan S, it wasn't even a plan T. It was more of a plan Z but he's hiding in plain sight and we have no way to catch him! No one wants to follow my original plan so Aaron came up with it. This is what we got. Accept it." Lana snapped.

  "Who's Aaron?"

  She looked at me like I should know. "Mikhail's friend, of course."

  Allegra couldn't hide her frustration any longer. "With everything going on, shit-"

  "With everything going on, we need a break. We never did the actual things couples do. So for once in my life I want my wife happy, why the hell do you have a problem with that?"

  Lana must have noticed that I was going to lose it completely cause she quickly called Mikhail to make a portal out of here. Before we could make it to him though, Zed emerged from the library with a frown on his face.

  "Why the long face, master?"

  "I need to tell you something important." He looked irritated for some reason. "I don't know how long I can go on without telling you that-"

  "Whoa! Hold on." His eyebrow raised higher as I looked around before whispering something to my oldest friend. And when his eyes widened too, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

  "You planned a date without me? Look who finally grew up."

  "What can I say?" I boasted with a smugness I really didn't feel. "I'm the most charming man you could ever meet."

  Zed only shook his head with a laugh. "Fine, have fun. But the moment you are back, we need to talk."

  "Will do, master."

  "Are we interrupting any scheming?" Lana's voice had both of us look back at her. Though Lana wasn't the only one standing, Mikhail was with her too.

  "Not really. Now here's the thing. I am going to see if she's ready meanwhile you all prepare yourselves to not look like this." I pointed at the frowns on their faces. "No one tells her about North Carolina until we return, got it?"

  Before I could walk out though, Lana stopped me with a warning. "Because I respect you and love my sister that I'm making sure this is the best first date she ever gets. But if you hurt her again, nothing's stopping me from throttling your neck. Not even her."

  This was one threat I could get by as even my shadows would throttle my own neck if I ended up hurting her again. So I only nodded before leaving them to find her. However knocking on the door twice when she finally opened the door, I was momentarily knocked out of my breath. She looked stunning in the simple black frock with her hair curled over her shoulder, giving her a sultry look. She really was trying to kill me, wasn't she?

  "So-" She grinned at me. "How do I look?"

  "Like I want to ravish you."

  "Stop it! Where are we going?" She asked, curiosity gleaming through her eyelashes. Her eyes widened even more when I opened the door to watch a bright-lighted portal waiting for us.

  "Ok, seriously, where are we going?" She asked again, eying the portal with a cute frown. She had a little choice when I gently pulled her with me to stand in front of the portal.

  "Do you trust me, little soul?"

  She blinked, surprised. "Of course, I do."

  "Then let me take care of it. Jump with me." I was barely aware of anything as hand in hand we both jumped into the bright portal. Surprisingly this time the ride was smooth. I only lost a lock of my hair. Coughing when she finally took in the place we landed, her eyebrow raised in alarm. I knew the risky look she shared with me but I already made sure she was safe in my hands.

  "If I'm not mistaken-" She swallowed, glancing at the place in front of her. "It looks exactly like Zed's living room which is extremely impossible."

  I didn't know if it was the best idea at that moment but I thought of having this date where I first realized that I couldn't go through the prophecy anymore. This was also the same place where she thought of me as more than the man who wanted her soul. So, I asked Mikhail to transport us back to Zed's clan house in New Orleans.

  "You're not mistaken, little soul." I reached out, removing her lip from her teeth. "We really are in New Orleans. But don't worry, we're safe. The clan knows where we are but they are giving us privacy."

  "I'm not complaining. I was just surprised, that's all." Shifting closer, I held her hands to walk her to the dining room where the table was filled with numerous items. Giving her a wink, I pushed the chair out for her. Sometimes I missed the old way I saw people doing things for their beloveds. Would I be the same man if I never died? No, fuck, I couldn't think of that.

  "For my lady."

  She laughed before taking the seat. Leaving her to ogle at the food, I took a seat next to her.

  "Can I start? I haven't had the chance to eat." She bit her lip, looking at the food and then at me. I nodded, watching her take the first dish on her plate.

  I waited with a clenched jaw to see her reaction when she finally took a bite of her food. At first, her eyes widened, making my legs shake in worry. Then she let out a satisfied groan. I didn't even realize that I was holding my breath until air rushed through my lungs.

  She liked it, heck, maybe she even loved it!

  "It's really good. Where did you get them?" She asked, taking more in her mouth. With a slow smile, I revealed the cook's name.

  "That would be me." On the instant, she choked on her food. Helping her with a wince, I couldn't help but think what was wrong.

  "Shit, Emie. Are you Ok?" I asked once she composed herself with a red beet face.

  "You just gave me a heart attack, Lex. I never thought you could cook this good. You're on the cooking duty from now." I forced myself not to laugh at her hopeful face.

  "Today we are filled with orders, huh?" She avoided my obvious jab by filling her mouth with more chicken. "Besides
, I was going to pick up the cooking duty anyway. Remember, you can't even brew a soup. I don't want to die by food poisoning out of everything."

  This time I saw the whack coming from miles away.

  Laughing, the wine in my hand felt numb as I watched her enjoy herself and the different reactions she had with every dish she tasted.

  "How are you feeling?" I could see that my question startled her.

  "I'm fine."

  "I didn't mean now, Emie. I mean how you are now when you are finally free of him." Her face dropped immediately. "I could feel that bond breaking you know? Last night I felt it when we shared our souls and I see his mark is gone from your skin too."

  "I-I didn't want to tell you in case it ruined the mood."

  "Little soul?" I touched her chin to make her look at me. "You can tell me anything, baby. You never have to worry about me like that."

  She shrugged, finally meeting my gaze. "I know now that he was never meant for me but that oath we took to be together forever...I feel betrayed you know. It's like I was living a lie for a millennium when it's only been four years on earth. You said it felt like a lifetime I was gone? I've lived that lifetime."

  My anger rose as she kept going on. "At first it was the loyalty that bonded us quickly and then he had to take an interest in me. He was always curious about where I came from and why I was so different than the other souls. I never even realized when I fell under his spell, Alexei. All our memory turned to nightmares and he became the only remedy. I don't even remember some days what happened to me. I only knew myself as his companion, nothing else."

  Warning bells started to ring in my head. If she didn't remember who to say she wasn't violated? The thought made me want to drag the Demon ass in here to watch him die slowly.

  Painfully, until there's nothing left of him.

  "Alexei?" She gulped, shooting me a look I couldn't decipher.


  "Do you feel any less about me, now that you know? L-Like I'm weak-minded for him to pick on me?" I looked up in surprise. What the hell? Why would I feel any less of her?

  "For fuck's sake, never ever think that I'll think of you any less." Shoving my chair backward, I was quick to pull her out of the chair. "It's not your pure soul nor do your Reaper side that makes me crave you, little soul. You are you, the most selfless woman I have ever met, that's what makes you special. Never doubt that."

  "Alexei." A breathless whisper left her lips.


  I had never seen her smile so big when she looked at me. "Will you dance with me? I have never danced with someone I....someone I feel so strongly about."

  Who was I to refuse her?

  So, we showed our bond through the slow dance. And if she would let me, I'd love to show it till death did us apart.


  "Now take a deep breath and control."

  I did just as Allegra suggested and let my Reaper side go.


  Oh shit! I cursed again.

  "Bravo, sister. You just managed to break the wall. Now we just have to think it was our enemy's head and then we're all done." 5132 clapped behind me which earned her a glare.

  "Lana! Let her focus. Emie, again." Allegra yelled out, ignoring 5132's rolling eyes. All three of us were in the training room for hours and all I managed to do was breaking a vase without ruining the room. And for 5132, even with being a newbie witch she perfectly did all the things I was currently lacking.

  Like controlling my Reaper side!

  This time with determination, I imagined Demos's head being the target. The more I thought about that lying bastard, the more my anger grew. He knew, he had to have known who I was and yet he took advantage of my loss of memory. Ever since I learned that eight more clans were destroyed by Demos, it was a miracle that I was still standing here and not in a suicide mission to bring his headless body in the Coven.

  "That's more like it. Use that anger of yours." Allegra's voice felt like coming from miles when a jolt of shock tore through my veins.

  "You did it." A breath of relief left from my lips as Allegra showed her appreciation. Allegra was no Hannah but I did respect the woman just as much. Even 5132 looked proud of me.

  "That was damn good! Want to see a cool trick of mine?" She asked, biting her lips in excitement.

  Allegra and I looked at each other before I shrugged, humor dancing behind my gaze. "Sure, your highness."

  Then to our utter surprise, 5132 closed her eyes only to show three versions of hers standing there. My eyes widened where Allegra actually stepped back.

  "Did you-did you just multiply yourself?" She all but shrieked. 5132 gave us a smug look before going back to being one person.

  "How was it?" She asked mischievously.

  "I hate you." I mumbled, making her laugh.

  Allegra stiffened when 5132 turned to look at her. "I assume you are looking at me for my approval and I'm impressed. But where on earth did you learn to do that? You don't even know much of a spell."

  "Oh, thanks for the reminder. First, it was you are not even a witch and now it's you're a new one." 5132 rolled her eyes. "Before Alexei showed up on our doorsteps, Mikhail shared a part of his soul with us. You know he uses the illusion to take on two forms. Since then I can multiply myself. At first, I was scared of seeing double or even triple of myself but then he said it was an advantage of having a part of his soul."

  Hearing her, I was reminded of that night when Lex shared his soul with me. Even now if I tried, I could hear his thoughts perfectly inside my head. As if he was always there, lurking, reminding me who I belonged to.

  "Duck!" Allegra suddenly yelled, taking the three of us down with her behind a table. Whirling around, I was surprised to see a knife almost missing me by an inch.

  The wind around me started picking up to protect us when the ceiling starting to crack, shaking the ground with it. We all looked at each other in silent alarm and picked up our speed to run from the training room. Just as we were out of the room, with a bang the door closed shut and the cracking stopped.

  In fact, everything just stopped.

  No wind.

  No shake of the ground.

  5132 looked like she was still in shock. "What the fuck just happened?"

  "I think nobody felt that." Allegra's eyes fell on some of her Coven members who were busy with the last-minute preparation for the festival. "They all look perfectly fine. No one's freaking out or asking for help. What is happening?"

  "I don't like the look of this." I whispered, eying the people around us.

  "My favorite girl..." Someone shouted loudly, causing all of us to look behind. It was a guy with blue eyes who looked awfully familiar and a girl I had never seen. Whoever these people were, they got some nasty stares from everyone in the room.

  "Oh my God!" 5132 squealed, running to kiss him. My eyes widened where he couldn't stop smiling. I tried to figure out who they were when 5132 pulled back and looked at the blonde next.

  "5133! I missed you."

  The girl immediately took a step back. "Really? Because you two forgot that I even exist. No call, no visits. I was forced to stay there with this one."

  The man rolled his eyes. "Hey!"

  "Oh, Mikhail's back home. Saving people, being everyone's hero, cutting off my soul supply, you know, the usual." 5132 started rambling before noticing my gaze on them. "Dammit! Where's my manner? Emie, this is Zach. My...kind of beloved and you should know him."


  " do look familiar but I've no idea from where." I answered honestly.

  "You don't know him?" Allegra had her eyes wide and for the second time, I wondered why they all thought I should know him.

  "You...killed me once." Zach whispered, gaining my attention immediately. Killed him? What the-oh...oh. That night after Hannah died. After I lost my mind, my everything. I closed and opened my mouth, unable to say what really was on my mind. What could anyone even say a word to a person
they killed?

  I'm sorry?

  I was not myself?

  My Reaper side could never regret it?

  "You are the one who I-"

  "Don't worry!" Zach put a stop to my hysteria. "I'm already over it. I get it. For what's worth, I'm sorry for what I did to Lana too."

  "Okayyy...This is getting depressing so I'm just gonna skip to the introduction. This is 5133, Ivy Hernandez aka Mikhail's sister. She was the one who was my roommate." I could vaguely remember 5132 telling me about her time in that sanatorium.

  "Now their specialties. Zach binds souls using that trinket of his." True to her words, he raised his wrist showing off the little trinket. "5133 here can see the past, present, and future. And she hates doing incantations."

  "I said I can't do it." Ivy corrected her with a grin.

  I couldn't help but smile. "I thank you two from my whole heart, for being here in need."

  "Oh, don't bother." Zach grinned, showing the glint in his gaze. "Mikhail may have been her beloved but I'm her protector. I'll always protect those who are closer to Lana."

  The words confused me, especially as 5132's smile dimmed a little. But as if nothing happened, she kept going. "You are going off track. Why did it take you two so long again?"

  "Did I ever mention that the Red clan is utterly annoying and all of them are assholes?"

  My heart picked up again. Red clan? How could I forget those people? Before I could ask how they were doing, Ivy let out a snort. "You never stopped saying that."

  "What?" Zach tasked, acting hurt. "I thought we agreed on that?"

  "I think we all agree on that." 5132 agreed, watching my reaction. "Emie, I never told you this but I met your friend, Gema. If you want, you can give her a call. I think she'll like it."



  It's been too long and the promise I gave her... "I-I will think about it."

  "Good! Now, can I go with them? I'll do double training tomorrow."

  Allegra seemed only reluctant for a second before nodding with a sigh. "Fine. But I demand serious training. From both of you."


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