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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

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by Samantha McCoy

  “Damn!” This day was just full of surprises. “So what do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to take Rachel to her appointment next Tuesday,” Sledge answered. “Diesel will be leaving on a short trip, but I wanted to get Rachel in as soon as possible.”

  “I gotcha,” Tank replied. “I’ll take her.”

  “Thanks, man,” Sledge smiled. “I have a good feeling about this.”

  “Do Rachel and D know?”

  “Not yet,” Sledge grinned. “It’s a wedding gift. All expenses will be paid by the club.”

  “Aw,” Tank grinned. “If our enemies could see you now. All mushy, with a heart, and shit.”

  The smile fell from Sledge’s face and his eyes narrowed on Tank. Any other time, Tank might have been worried, but not now. The look caused him and Reaper to bust out in laughter.

  “What are y’all over here scheming about?” All three guys turned to see Diesel pushing Rachel towards them.

  She really did make a beautiful bride. Tank was so happy for her and Diesel.

  “Well,” Sledge answered. Tank watched in astonishment as Sledge looked uncertainly between him and Reaper. Tank had never seen the man looking so unsure.

  “Well, what?” Rachel asked.

  Seeing that Sledge was struggling, Tank cleared the distance between him and Rachel and kneeled down in front of her.

  “What are you doing?” she inquired.

  “I was going to ask you to marry me, but since you went off and married this jackass today,” Tank pointed to Diesel, “I guess I am just going to have to let you know that Sledge and the rest of the Henchmen have a surprise for you.”

  “First, we would never work as a married couple,” Rachel laughed. “Second, what surprise?”

  Tank turned back to look at Sledge, but the man still looked uncertain.

  “Really, Prez?” Tank asked, shaking his head.

  “What is it?” Rachel now sounded nervous.

  “You have an appointment scheduled for next Tuesday,” Tank answered.

  “Appointment for what?” Diesel finally spoke up.

  “We found a doctor that might be able to help Rachel get out of that chair,” Reaper replied.

  For a few minutes nobody said a word. Rachel looked from one Henchmen to the next, clearly unsure of what to say. Tank wanted to grab her up and hold her tight. He could see the flame of hope blossoming in her eyes. For her sake, he prayed Sapphire Kimber could create miracles.


  “Yes,” Reaper answered. “Tank will take you to the appointment...”

  “I can take her,” Diesel interrupted.

  “No you can’t,” Sledge finally chimed in. “You are leaving Monday on an assignment, down to the border.”

  “Can’t Tank go in my place?” Diesel asked.

  “Gonzales will only work with you. You already know that,” Sledge replied.


  “Sorry, man,” Sledge said, sympathy evident in his voice. “But I promise, Rachel and Tank will give you a full report.”

  “Absolutely, baby.” Tank felt the ever present pang in his chest as he watched Rachel gaze up at her new husband. Love shining in her eyes, she sent him a smile that could melt the polar icecaps.

  Rachel then turned that same smile towards the others standing around her.

  “Thank you,” she choked out as small tears rolled down her cheeks. “This is the best gift.”

  Everyone watched as Sledge gave a jerking nod of his head and walked away. Emotions were high for everyone today. Even though it had been almost a year since the fire, they all knew this event came within a breath of never happening.

  “I love you guys,” Rachel whispered.

  “We love you too, Rach,” Tank answered for the entire group.

  “Okay,” Reaper announced, getting everyone’s attention. “It’s party time! Let’s get this shit done!”

  “Definitely,” Rachel smiled. “Let’s do this shit.”

  All at once, every head turned her direction. Mouths hanging open, the crew was silent.

  “Seriously y’all?” Rachel laughed. “I do know a few cuss words.”

  “But you never use them,” Tank said in astonishment.

  With a shrug of her shoulders, Rachel wheeled herself away from the group and headed towards the reception area.

  Chapter Three


  “Okay Josie, remember to listen to your mom. No crazy stunts. No jumping off the couch,” Sapphire said as she walked her young patient and her mother out into the waiting room.

  “But Doctor K,” Josie replied, “couch jumping is fun. You can’t touch the floor because it’s lava.”

  Sapphire laughed at the enthusiasm in the girl’s voice. She couldn’t blame her for the adventurous side she developed. A year ago, Josie could barely take five steps, now she was running around with other kids.

  “Well, definitely don’t touch the lava, but let’s try not to give your ma a heart attack, okay?”

  “Okay,” Josie said with a sigh.

  Sapphire waved them off and pulled the next chart from the holder on the wall. Looking at the name, a thrill shot through her. Rachel Moore Briggs. She had been looking forward to this meeting since she had gotten the results and notes from Rachel’s visit with Cleo a few days ago.

  “Rachel Briggs?” she called towards the room of patients waiting to be seen.

  Sapphire watched as a tall man stood and began walking in her direction with a stunning woman wheeling herself in front of him.

  Holy shit! He’s huge!

  Sapphire had never seen anyone as gigantic as the man approaching her. He was built like a linebacker. Wide shoulders that tapered down to hips that she wanted to wrap her legs around.

  What the fuck!

  Sapphire cleared her throat and turned her gaze to the woman in front of her. She felt horrible for ogling the lady’s husband. That was so unlike Sapphire.

  Maybe I just need to get laid…that has to be it.

  “How are you, Rachel?” Sapphire asked. “I’m Doctor Kimber.”

  “I’m good,” Rachel replied. “Excited to finally meet you.”

  “Let’s go back and we can go over the results from your visit with Dr. Cleo and some other information.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Sapphire led the couple into an examination room and pulled up Rachel’s file on the computer screen.

  “Okay, there is a lot to cover. But first, let’s get to the good news,” Sapphire said. “Looking over the results, I think your paralysis can be reversed. I’m not sure how your other doctor missed it, but it’s fairly noticeable.”

  “Fixed? Like fixed?” Rachel’s quiet voice met Sapphire’s ears.

  Turning to look at the woman, Sapphire saw the start of tears shining in Rachel’s eyes. Reaching over, she handed her a box of Kleenex and grabbed her hand.

  “Yes, Rachel. Fixed.” Sapphire smiled. “I’ll have to ask Doctor Cleo to perform the surgery...”

  “Surgery?” Sapphire looked at the giant standing against the wall, his voice catching her off-guard.

  “Diesel, right?” Sapphire asked.

  “Oh, no. Diesel is off on assignment for the Henchmen,” Rachel answered. “This is Tank. He’s another member of the club. Kind of like my big brother.”

  “Oh,” Sapphire answered. Tank. That name definitely fit him. He was built like a Mac truck... or tank.

  Shaking her head, Sapphire continued, “Looking at the scans you had done, there is a blockage to the Peroneal nerve.”

  “The what?” Rachel laughed.

  “Peroneal nerve,” Sapphire chuckled. “It branches off the sciatic nerve and controls the sensation in the legs and feet.”

  “Okay,” Rachel nodded her head.

  “But there is a blockage there that is not allowing the nerve to send signals to the brain. If we can remove the blockage, with some therapy, you should be able to walk again.”

/>   “Really?” Rachel asked, new tears of hope falling down her cheeks.

  “Yep,” Sapphire smiled.

  “What kind of surgery? How extensive is it?”

  “It’s not a surgery I can do. I’ll speak with Doctor Cleo about scheduling it. I am not a neurosurgeon. The surgery itself has its risks. I mean, it is a spinal surgery. So you will need to think about that,” Sapphire answered.

  “I want to do it,” Rachel blurted out.

  “Rach, don’t you think you need to talk to D about this first?” Tank asked.

  “Tank, would you do it? If it meant walking again, having children?” Rachel asked. “Heck, having sex again!”

  “Okay, okay, okay,” Tank shivered. “There is just some shit I don’t want to know. Your sex life is one of those things.”

  Sapphire watched the exchange. They really were more like brother and sister.

  “Take a few days,” Sapphire interrupted. “Definitely talk it over with Diesel. And then let me know. This is a huge decision.”


  “No buts, Rachel,” Sapphire interrupted again. “Look, take this information home,” Sapphire handed the woman a file. “Read over it with your husband. I’ll have Mandy schedule you another appointment in one week. In the meantime, write down any questions that you or Diesel may have. Bring them back with you and I can answer them at the appointment.”

  “Okay,” Rachel sighed.

  The rest of the appointment passed fairly quickly. Sapphire finished reading results and answering questions. She also created a therapy plan for Rachel to start immediately.

  “So why do I need to do this if I can’t even feel my legs?”

  “It’s been almost a year since your lower extremities felt any sensation. Massage is a great way to promote healthy blood flow.”

  “So just random massage?”

  “Yes and the other exercises.”


  “Alright, let’s go get you another appointment scheduled,” Sapphire said, standing from her chair.

  “Definitely,” Rachel smiled. “Let’s do this.”

  Tank and Rachel followed Sapphire out of the room and back into the waiting area.

  “Mandy, schedule an appointment for Mrs. Briggs for one week, please.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Mandy answered, clicking a few buttons on the computer.

  “Mandy will get you all fixed up,” Sapphire smiled. “And I will see you in one week.”

  Reaching for the next chart, Sapphire was about to call her next patient when the rumble of Tank’s voice flowed over her skin.

  “Thanks, Doc,” Tank said, sending a panty dropping smile Sapphire’s direction.

  “You’re welcome,” she squeezed past her dry throat.

  Now that she knew Tank wasn’t Rachel’s husband, Sapphire was in full-on ogle mood. The man was hot as fuck. Jet black hair, bright blue eyes, and without even touching him, Sapphire knew the man would feel like solid granite.

  Stay away! He is a biker. Not just any biker, but a Henchmen.

  With a heavy sigh, Sapphire turned back to the waiting room. There was no point in lusting after the man. Nothing would ever come of it. Sapphire had no interest in starting any type of relationship with a biker. That was the last thing she wanted. Most of the men in their world would just try to use her. And she had absolutely no intention of letting that happen. No bikers. It was the one rule that she had stuck with since she first started dating.

  “Mrs. Richards,” Sapphire called, smiling as the older woman made her way over.

  “How are you, hun?” the woman asked. “Didn’t you have a date yesterday? How did that go?”

  “Ugh,” Sapphire moaned. “Don’t even get me started.”

  As the two women walked back to another examination room, Sapphire could feel Tank’s eyes following her.

  Look all you want, because that’s all you’ll ever get.

  Chapter Four


  Five days. It’s been five days since he had seen her and she was still invading his head space. No matter what he did, he couldn’t shake her.

  Sapphire Kimber...

  Tank wanted her. The woman was gorgeous. The moment she had walked into the waiting room at the clinic, he had immediately been drawn to her. Nobody had ever affected him like that, not even Trisha. Sapphire Kimber was a living, breathing dream. She was tall for a woman, only a few inches shorter than his own six feet; long dark hair and the brightest blue eyes that Tank had ever seen. So bright, they almost seemed to glow.

  “Keep rubbing that glass and it’s going to get a hole in it,” Tank turned at the sound of his bar-back’s voice. “Daydreaming, again?”

  “I just can’t get her out of my damn head.”

  “Well, that bottle isn’t going to help you much either.”

  Tank looked to the half empty bottle sitting in front of him. If he were honest, he had barely touched the stuff since meeting Sapphire.

  “No, it isn’t. I’ll be back later, before we open.” Tank dropped the hand towel on the bar and made for the exit.

  He needed to ride.

  Mounting his bike, Tank fired it up and with a quick shift into gear, he was leaving The Brickyard.

  He had no idea where he was going. All he knew was he needed air. He needed to find a way to get Sapphire Kimber out of his head.

  How could you want another woman? How could you betray Trisha?

  His thoughts whirled as his bike flew through the outskirts of town. Twisting and turning, the road took him further away from his home, but no matter how fast or far he rode, the ghosts of his past were never far from him. They never left him alone.

  Feeling like the walls were closing in, Tank twisted back the throttle and immediately felt his Harley respond. The land around him was a blur. He rode until darkness was all that surrounded him, all that filled him. Darkness and silence.

  Finally slowing his bike, Tank took a right turn that would lead him to an overlook area of the city. Following the narrow lane, he pulled to a stop and noticed another bike was parked near a picnic table; a beautiful, custom chrome and bright yellow Harley. It was a bike he had never seen before, but would definitely never forget.

  Like a dream, he watched as the owner of the beast walked out of a hidden trail. His mouth went dry. A nervous fluttered started in his gut.

  What the fuck was wrong with him? Since when did he get butterflies around a woman?

  But it wasn’t just any woman. The owner of the other bike was none other than Sapphire Kimber.

  What the hell was she doing in Dallas? Almost four hours from home.

  “Oh!” She seemed surprise to see him. “Hello, Tank.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  Tank could have beat his own ass for the rude tone that came out of his mouth. He knew Sapphire heard it, too. The smile that was present on her face at the sight of him quickly vanished.

  “Not that it is any of your concern, but I am here to work with Rachel.”

  “I’m sorry,” Tank sighed. “It’s been a long few days.”

  “Yeah,” Sapphire replied. “Whatever.”

  “No, seriously, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so rude.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Sapphire answered.

  Tank watched as she walked over to the beautiful, shiny beast. His heart rate increased at the thought of her leaving. He didn’t want her to go.

  Let her go! What about Trisha?

  Trisha is gone. It’s time to move on.


  The words and thoughts warred in his head until he was ready to scream. Grabbing his temples, he rubbed vigorously.

  “Are you okay?” Sapphire asked, concern evident in her tone.

  Tank looked up to see her moving in his direction. Again, his heart rate increased. He wanted her close. Needed it. Craved it.


  Shut the fuck up!

  The war continued. His head was starting to pound
. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think he was going crazy. Or maybe he was. Fuck! He had no clue.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Just been a long...”

  “Few days?” Sapphire interrupted. “You already said that.”

  “Yeah, I did,” Tank sighed.

  Tank watched as she reached her hands up and with experienced fingers massaged the tension from his shoulders. Within minutes, the pounding in his head seemed to vanish.

  “You don’t have to leave on my account,” Tank said, staring into her eyes.

  “I should probably be getting over to Rachel’s house anyway,” Sapphire replied, meeting his gaze.

  “Are you just here for the night?”

  And why hadn’t Rachel told him that Sapphire was coming to town?

  “No, I’ll be here for about a week,” Sapphire answered. “It’s easier for me to travel than Rachel. Plus, I needed the vacation.”

  “Vacation?” Tank asked. “You came here to work and you call that a vacation? Girl, you need to refresh your dictionary skills.”

  “Probably,” Sapphire laughed.

  Finally climbing off his bike, Tank placed a hand on Sapphire’s hip.

  “Find anything interesting down the trail?” he asked quietly, not wanting to break the mood.

  “Not really,” she answered.

  “Follow me,” Tank replied, walking in the opposite direction of where Sapphire emerged.

  “Follow a stranger into the dark woods? Hmm,” Sapphire retorted with a raised eyebrow.

  “Oh, come on,” Tank chuckled. “I’m not a stranger. Plus, the view from the outlook is amazing.”

  “You are definitely a stranger. After all, I know virtually nothing about you. That alone equals — stranger danger.”

  “Stranger danger?” Tank stopped. “What? Are we five now?”

  “Maybe,” Sapphire replied, unable to hide the smile on her face.

  “Let’s go, woman,” Tank reached behind him and grabbed her hand, pulling her behind him along the path.

  Reaching the overlook, Tank led Sapphire over to a picnic table that sat along the edge. It was one of his favorite spots. The view was something that could never truly be described, a person really had to see it to understand its beauty. Even at night, with darkness surrounding them, the lights of Dallas shone brightly.


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