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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

Page 10

by Samantha McCoy

  “It feels that way,” Sapphire sighed. She had been doing a lot of that lately.

  “Don’t look at it as losing your freedom. Look at it as starting a new adventure.” Again, Diesel tossed her one of his award-winning smiles as he left the office, pulling the door closed behind him.

  “A new adventure,” Sapphire repeated. Turning to Tank, she smiled, “New adventure.”

  “Kind of makes it a lot less ominous,” he offered reassuringly.

  “Right,” Sapphire replied.

  Pulling the four leather-bound books out of the safe, Sapphire carried them over to the desk and sat down. Absently, she rubbed her hand over the cover of the top book. How many times had her mother opened these books?

  Opening the first showed her the financials of the club. The zeros that followed the forty had Sapphire’s mouth almost hitting the floor.

  “What the hell!” she exclaimed.

  “What?” Tank asked, coming to stand behind her.

  “Forty million...” Sapphire stared at the book. How?

  “How in the fuck is that correct?” he asked.

  “It can’t be,” Sapphire thought out loud.

  “You could ask Sledge to look it over to see if it’s correct,” Tank suggested.

  “Call him.” Sapphire needed to know.

  All of the sisters and her mother invested a lot of money back into the club, but forty million dollars’ worth? That didn’t seem right. How could her mother have that kind of money saved?

  Sapphire set that book aside and opened another as Tank made the phone call.

  The second book was a complete dossier of every member of the club. Past history, financials, current employment, birthdays — literally everything, including a photo.

  The third book was what Sapphire had been looking for. It was a paper record of every gang and group that the Angels had ever come across, but nothing about the cartel.

  The fourth book was just like the third, and where she finally found the information she was looking for on the cartel. The book gave dates and times of shipments, inventory of cargo, leaders’ information, and much more. Everything Sapphire needed was in that one book.

  “Knock, knock,” Sledge said, walking into the office and closing the door. “What can I do for you?”

  “Look at this,” Sapphire said, passing him the first book.

  Sledge took the book from her and flipped it open to the first page. A low, long whistle escaped his lips.

  “Is that right?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “I don’t know,” Sapphire admitted. “That’s why I had Tank call you. I need you to look over the book and tell me.”

  “It’ll probably take me a few days,” Sledge answered.

  “That’s fine,” Sapphire agreed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “So, you taking over the club?”

  “Yeah,” Sapphire replied. “I am.”

  “Good. They need you.”

  “That’s what I hear.” Sapphire shrugged a shoulder.

  “Listen, if you need anything, and I mean anything at all, just let me know,” Sledge offered. “I will always be just a phone call away.

  Emotions on complete overload, Sapphire had a difficult time seeing through the tears. “Thank you,” she choked past the clog in her throat.

  “No thank you needed,” Sledge replied.

  With a nod of her head, Sapphire went back to reading the book in front of her.

  “What’s that?” Sledge asked.

  “My mother’s notes on the cartel.”

  “Mind if I take a look?” Sledge questioned.

  “Not at all,” Sapphire replied. “We’re in this together.”

  For the next several hours, Sapphire and the guys looked over every page, read every word. Sapphire even copied each page of the book for Sledge to take back to the Henchmen compound. Right now, they were in this together. Devils and Angels fighting the same demon — The Cartel.

  “Okay, we are heading back in the morning. The guys got a lot accomplished today. All the living spaces have been cleaned and most of them have been repaired,” Sledge said as he walked towards the door.

  “I’m going to stay here,” Tank stated before Sledge could leave the room.

  “What do you mean you’re staying here?” Sledge asked. “The Angels can handle the rest of the cleanup.”

  “I mean just what I said,” Tank retorted. “I’m staying here. I’ll be home later in the week.”

  Sapphire could see the wheels turning in Sledge’s head. Could almost smell the smoke. She knew he didn’t like what he was hearing, but Tank wasn’t an official member. Sledge couldn’t order him home.

  “You know,” Sledge started. “With the Angels hit, the Henchmen could be next on the cartel’s list. We could really use you at home.”

  “I’m staying,” Tank reiterated. “Y’all are trained military. I’m sure you can survive just fine without me.”

  “Maybe,” Sledge shrugged. “But family needs family.”

  Sapphire hated to be the cause of any trouble between these two. She knew by the way they interacted that they had been friends for a long time.

  “You can go back home,” Sapphire said.

  “See, that settles it,” Sledge said reaching for the knob.

  “It settles nothing,” Tank replied. “I’m staying.”

  Sapphire heard the command in Tank’s voice; Sledge would have to be a fool to have missed it. And Sledge was definitely no fool.

  “Are you seriously doing this?” Sledge asked.

  “Yes,” Tank sighed. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  “Nothing,” Sledge sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I think I’m turning into a mother hen wanting all my chicks under my roof.”

  “Dude,” Tank chuckled. “I am no fucking chicken.”

  As the two men shared a laugh, some of the tension drained from Sapphire’s shoulders. She didn’t want to be the reason for a fallout between Sledge and Tank.

  “Anyway. It’s getting late,” Sledge said. “I’m gonna call it a night.”

  “Good night, brother,” Tank replied.

  “Good night,” Sapphire followed.

  “Night.” Sledge walked out of the door, softly closing it behind him.

  Well,” Sapphire said a moment later. “That wasn’t tense at all.”

  “Stop worrying,” Tank said, massaging her shoulders. “Sledge will be fine and so will the rest of the guys.”

  “Are you sure you shouldn’t just go back home?” Sapphire asked. “I mean, if I need help, I could always just call or something.”

  “I’m staying here,” Tank repeated. “This is where I want to be.”

  “Okay,” Sapphire conceded.

  “Good,” Tank replied. “Now that that’s over, let’s head to bed. We can start back on this first thing in the morning.”

  “What do I do with the books? I can’t put them back in the safe.”

  “Take them to the bedroom with us.”

  “Us?” Sapphire asked. “Who said anything about us sleeping in the same bed?”

  “I did,” Tank replied.

  “Is that right?”



  Sapphire picked up the four leather books and tucked them closely to her chest. Walking to the door, she cast a wicked glance over her shoulder to find Tank watching her every move.

  “Well, if you’re going to be keeping me company, you better come on.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Tank grinned, tipping his invisible hat in her direction.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Today had been an emotional roller coaster for Sapphire. He could see it written all over her face, in the way she walked, and the slight slump of her shoulders. Sapphire was completely exhausted. Since their first time together, Tank had wanted to be back inside of her, but tonight wasn’t the night. Tonight, he would simple pull her close and make sure she knew that she wasn�
�t alone.

  “Sapphire.” They both turned toward the sound of her name.

  “Hey sweetheart,” Sapphire said to Scarlet as she approached.

  “Hey,” Scarlet answered, hugging Sapphire’s neck. “I just wanted to check on you before you turned in for the night.”

  “I’m okay,” Sapphire sighed. “Just tired.”

  “I’m sure,” Scarlet replied, then turned to Tank. “Did you tell her about Sable’s comment?”

  Tank could have kicked her. He wanted to avoid this. After talking to Reaper, he didn’t want to add any more stress onto Sapphire’s shoulders.

  “No,” Tank said, hoping his eyes replied to Scarlet to shut up.

  “What comment?” Sapphire asked, looking between them.

  “Nothing,” Tank replied simultaneously as Scarlet said, “About your time at that camp.”

  “What the hell did she say?” Sapphire questioned.

  Tank and Scarlet both looked at each other. Tank could feel the anxiety pouring off of Scarlet in waves.

  “I said,” Sapphire repeated. “What did she say?”

  Taking a deep breath, Tank tried to steer the conversation toward a quick end, but Sapphire put a stop to it before a single word ever left his mouth.

  “Listen closely,” she said, invading his space. “If you dare lie to me, you can turn your ass around and go sleep elsewhere. The quickest way to piss me off is not telling me the truth. I don’t have the time, patience, or energy to deal with that bullshit right now.”

  “And that is exactly why we are not going to have this conversation tonight,” Tank replied.

  “Wrong,” Sapphire argued. “See you don’t get it. You, don’t get to decide what I can handle. That’s my job. And let me tell you, these shoulders can carry the weight of the world without a single complaint. So, spill — now!”

  Tank released a deep, low growl. He hated this. No matter what she said, he knew she was nearing the end of her rope. And knowing the comments Sable spouted, that would be just what was needed to push her over the edge.

  “Sapphire, please,” Tank tried.

  “Scarlet?” Sapphire turned away from him, now completely ignoring him.

  If he were honest, slapping him in the face probably would have hurt less. He was trying to protect her and she wasn’t having it.

  “I was walking down the hall when I heard Sable ask him if he really thought he had a chance with you. And then when Tank tried to defend you,” Scarlet explained. “Sable went off about how it’s always ‘poor Sapphire’ and she brought up what happened when you were kidnapped.”

  Tank turned just in time to see the blood drain from Sapphire’s face. Taking a step towards her, he was concerned she would pass out. But as always, he was wrong about her. One second she was ghostly white, then next her eye brightened with anger.

  “That fucking bitch!” Sapphire spewed. “Where is she?’

  “In her room,” Scarlet answered.

  “Sapphire!” Tank called to her back. “Where are you going?”

  “To handle my house.”

  “Oh shit,” Scarlet whispered.

  “Why the fuck would you tell her?” Tank demanded in a whisper as he quickly moved past Scarlet to follow Sapphire.

  He couldn’t believe this shit. This was not how he expected the night to go. All he wanted was to take off his dirty clothes, grab a hot shower, and slide into a comfortable bed with Sapphire by his side.

  But no... now, he was chasing her down the hallway like a damn puppy.

  “Sapphire, wait.” Catching up to her, he reached for her hand to halt her movement.

  Before he had time to realize what was going on, Sapphire had him pinned to the wall, but he wasn’t backing down — not this time. Quickly, he reversed their position.

  With his forearm pressed across her breasts, he leaned in closely with his mouth next to her ear.

  “Next time I call your name,” he whispered. “You better listen.”

  “Get off of me,” Sapphire hissed.

  “Not yet.”



  “Get off.”

  “No,” he licked the outside shell of her ear. “Are you listening now?”

  “Get off.”


  A frustrated growl left Sapphire causing her breath to rush across his skin. For a split second, he almost caved. But this was too important. She needed to realize they were a team. It didn’t matter what Sable had said. The only thing that mattered was the two of them.

  “Listen,” Tank growled. “I don’t give a flying fuck what Sable said. I don’t care if it’s true. I don’t care if she is a spiteful cunt. What I do care about is you. You have enough shit to deal with, without her causing trouble.”

  “Which is why she is leaving my house,” Sapphire retorted. “Now.”

  “Not now,” Tank replied. “Handle it tomorrow. Don’t go off all half-cocked. You’re hurt and pissed off.”

  “I am not,” Sapphire interrupted.

  “You are,” Tank countered. “I can see it in your eyes. Most people might not take the time to see the real you, but I do. I can read every emotion that passes over your beautiful face. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t read you like a book, by any means, but I do see you.”

  “I want her out,” Sapphire demanded.

  “Then tomorrow, you stand in front of every member in your house and you own your spot. Then, and only then, do you boot her ass out. Until then, you’re nothing more than a pissed-off sister throwing a temper tantrum.”

  “I am not having a temper tantrum,” Sapphire said, pushing against his chest. “And get off of me.”

  Stepping back a foot and releasing his hold Tank said, “To everyone else, it will look as if you are. Think about it, you go in there in the middle of the night yelling and screaming about her telling a secret — it will definitely look like a tantrum.”

  Tank could see the fight drain from her face. A part of him hated to be the one to put out that fire, but another part knew she needed it. Sapphire needed someone to balance her. She might be fearless as fuck, but she needed someone in her life to steady her.

  Man, I hope that person can be me.

  Tank wanted to be her balance. From the first moment he saw her, he wanted, no needed her. And now it was obvious that she needed him, too.

  “Let’s go to bed, baby,” Tank said, leaning his head against hers. “Tomorrow will be a different day.”

  “Different day, same shit,” Sapphire mumbled turning back towards the bedroom.

  As they neared Scarlet, Sapphire pulled her youngest sister into a hug.

  “I’m sorry Steph,” Scarlet choked.

  “Don’t be, sweetie,” Sapphire replied. “Go on to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  They stood in the hallway and watched until Scarlet opened the door to her room and then softly closed it behind her. Once Sapphire was satisfied that her sister was safe, she opened the door to her room and Tank followed her inside.

  Chapter Seventeen


  By the time she walked into her bedroom, her heart was still racing. She wanted to rip Sable apart.

  How could she do that?

  How could she share a secret that wasn’t hers to tell? And why?

  Sapphire felt hurt, anger, and betrayal so deep it burned. Of all the people she thought she could trust, her sisters were it. And now, she didn’t even have that.

  Flopping on the chair in the far corner, she rested her face in her hands and let loose a heavy sigh. What was she going to do? It was clear Sable wasn’t a good fit to run the club, Piper was out, too because of possible conflict, and Scarlet was too tender-hearted. So honestly, that only left her. Either she took over or let it fall apart. Her mother’s legacy — gone.

  “Hey,” Tank said softly. “I’m going to go jump in the shower.”
/>   Okay,” Sapphire answered. “Towels are in the top cabinet.”


  Once Tank was out of the room, Sapphire pulled the letter from her mother out of the book and reread it.

  “Oh Mom, what do I do?” she asked knowing she wouldn’t receive a reply. “This isn’t the life I wanted. This isn’t how things were supposed to be.”

  For what felt like a lifetime, Sapphire sat there contemplating the future of the Iron Angels. Take it or leave it. The internal struggle felt like a school bus was sitting on her chest. She struggled. Sapphire was losing everything she worked so hard to obtain, mainly her freedom and independence. Her mother was tied to this place. She lived and breathed for the Angels, and that wasn’t anything Sapphire ever wanted.

  Make the Angels your own... Let them help you heal...

  Her mother’s words jumped off the page she held in her hand. Could it be that easy? Was anything ever really that easy?

  Let them help you heal...

  Standing, Sapphire walked over to the window and stared out into the darkness.

  Let them help you heal...

  Suddenly, a single raindrop splattered on the window, followed shortly by another and then another. Lightning crack across the sky, thunder boomed, and the clouds opened up. Rain fell in sheets.

  “Cleansing the earth,” Sapphire whispered, her breath fogging the glass.

  Let it heal you...cleansing the earth and my soul.

  All at once, Sapphire knew. She would lead the Iron Angels. She was a Kimber. She was a woman of strength and determination. Made of steel, capable of carrying the world, the keeper, the protector — Sapphire was the President of the Iron Angels MC.

  No more pity party. It’s time to get my shit together and handle this.

  Taking a deep breath, she allowed her decision to slowly sink in. She was going to do this. She was going to woman up and do the one thing she never wanted.

  You got this!

  And in that moment she knew, she really did have this. She would lead the Angels just like she did everything else in life. With heart, integrity, strength, and passion. She was a queen, a warrior, and she would present herself as such.

  “Care to share what has you so occupied?” Tank asked, standing in the bathroom doorway wrapped only in a towel.


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