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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

Page 14

by Samantha McCoy

  “Tank,” Sapphire moaned. “I’m gonna cum.”

  “Give it to me, baby,” Tank growled.

  With another deep plunge of his digits, he felt Sapphire’s inner muscles begin to twitch. She was so close. If he wasn’t careful, he would disgrace himself and cum in his own jeans. Seeing her glow from pleasure was the most beautiful sight he ever saw. Finally, pushing a second finger inside of her, Sapphire crashed over the edge.

  “Shit!” she moaned out loudly. He had no doubt the guests in the neighboring room heard her, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  Quickly moving off the bed, Tank removed his clothes. He couldn’t wait anymore. He had to be inside of her. Spreading her legs, he lined himself up to her entrance and with a single flex of his hips, he buried himself balls deep inside of her.

  “Fuck!” he groaned. “You’re still so fucking tight.”

  Slowly, he pulled back until just the head of his cock remained, and with a quick jerk, slammed back into her. Over and over he repeated the process. Out slow, in hard. Out slow, in hard. Just when he thought he was going to explode, he pulled out and flipped their positions.

  He watched as Sapphire slowly sank down onto him.

  After a second to adjust to the new depth, she began to grind her hips against him, moving back and forth. Reaching up, Tank grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled.

  “That’s it, baby,” he praised. “Ride it like you mean it.”

  Sapphire moaned in ecstasy. Tank knew she loved being dominated, but only in the bedroom.

  “Harder, baby,” he encouraged. “You like having my dick buried deep inside of you, don’t do?”

  “Yes!” Sapphire moaned. “God, yes!”

  “Have you missed it, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes!” she answered. “Fuck, yes!”

  “That’s it, beautiful,” Tank groaned. “You’re about to make me cum.”

  “Me, too,” Sapphire whimpered.

  “Baby,” Tank warned. “Shit!”

  “Give it to me, Tank,” Sapphire demanded.

  The moment his dick pulsed inside of her, Sapphire clenched around him. Together they flew off the cliff. Stars exploded behind his eyes. Tank came so hard, for a moment he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t focus on anything other than the feel of them together as one. If this was the moment he died, he would go out a happy man.

  Coming back down to earth, Sapphire collapsed on his chest, both of them breathing hard and completely exhausted.

  “I think I need another shower,” she finally spoke.

  “Nah. I like knowing you smell like me,” Tank chuckled. “And sex.”

  He couldn’t see her face, but she could feel her laughter.

  “I’m sure the entire floor already knows about the sex,” Sapphire laughed.

  “Only this floor?” Tank replied.

  “Maybe above and below, too,” Sapphire added.

  “Good,” Tank replied. “Then everyone will know you’re mine.”

  Tank wanted to shoot himself the moment the words left his mouth. Sapphire stiffened against him and then slowly began to pull away.

  “Don’t,” Tank warned.

  “Don’t what?” Sapphire asked.

  “Don’t pull away from me.”

  “What do you want me to do, Tank?”

  “Anything but that.”

  “You take off. I don’t hear from you for two months,” Sapphire begins. “TWO MONTHS!” Her voice raised an octave. “And then I see you here. You barely say a handful of words to me, and then fuck me and call me yours?”

  “First of all, I didn’t fuck you,” Tank growled. “We don’t fuck. Fucking is cheap. Fucking is what you do to someone who means nothing. We do not fuck!” He was pissed, but he wasn’t sure if it was at himself or her. “Second of all, I’m sorry I left. That was a mistake I will always regret. I should have stayed. You needed me and I abandoned you. For that, I’m sorry.”

  “You should be sorry,” Sapphire sighed. “You hurt me, Michael. Bad.”

  “I know, baby,” he replied, pulling Sapphire into his arms. “I know.”

  Shame filled his heart. He didn’t know how he would make it better, but he would. He would find a way to erase all the hurt and pain and replace it with love and joy. He needed this woman. It wasn’t until she was in his arms again that he finally realized, he truly needed her. Without Sapphire Kimber, he was empty. Nothing.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Sapphire didn’t know what to think. One part of her was still hurt, while the other wanted desperately to grab ahold of him and never let go. If he had wanted her, why did he leave her in the first place?

  “Why, Tank?” Sapphire voiced. “If you wanted me, why did you leave?”

  “I honestly don’t know,” Tank sighed. That wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear.

  “If you don’t know, how do you know that it won’t happen again?”

  “It won’t. I promise, baby.”

  Sapphire wanted to believe him. She wanted to trust him again. But could she?

  “Listen, I am extremely sorry. I’d give anything if I could take it all back, but I can’t. All I can do is move forward from here. And I’d really like for that to be with you.”

  “I don’t know, Tank,” Sapphire answered honestly.

  “Please,” Tank replied.

  “Let me think,” Sapphire said. She needed to get her head straight. With all of this being thrown at her, she didn’t want to make a mistake they would both regret.

  “Okay,” Tank responded.

  “I have to get dressed. I’m supposed to meet the girls downstairs at nine,” Sapphire said, climbing out of bed.

  “Okay,” Tank said. “I need to go to my room and grab a shower and then talk to Sledge and see if anything has been figured out.”

  “Alright. Let me know, please.”

  “I will,” Tank smiled.

  Sapphire watched as he climbed out of bed and began to get dressed. The man had a body that would cause a woman sit up and beg. She could literally stare at him all day.

  “Like what you see?” he asked.

  “Oh, I definitely like.”

  Tank slowly stepped towards her. Leaning down to her height, he placed a light kiss on her lips.

  “I’ll see you later?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she answered.

  “Okay, have a good day, baby.”

  “You, too.”

  * * *

  Sapphire walked into the restaurant fifteen minutes early, but the girls were already there waiting on her. As she made her way over to the table, a hand snaked out and grabbed her upper arm, bringing her to a stop.

  “You had overnight company, my dear,” Chaz said. It was a statement, not a question. He already knew Tank had stayed the night in her room. Which meant he had someone watching her.

  “I did,” Sapphire admitted, there was no reason to lie.

  “I am disappointed.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Are you?” Chaz asked. Sapphire could hear the anger in his voice.

  “Actually, no,” Sapphire replied, pulling her arm from his grip. “And understand this, if you touch me again, without my permission, I will remove your balls through your gut.”

  “Be careful, Sapphire.” Chaz threatened. “We wouldn’t want you to have an unfortunate accident.”

  Sapphire had enough. This fucker wasn’t going to threaten her. Today, he would learn just who the hell Sapphire Kimber was.

  Stepping into his personal space, Sapphire reached down and grabbed a handful of his junk. With a quick twist, she had his balls in a vice.

  “You son of a bitch. Don’t you dare threaten me,” Sapphire whispered through clenched teeth. “I will stomp your ass right here in the middle of this restaurant for the entire place to witness. So,” she gave a sharp yank, “you be careful, Chaz. We wouldn’t want you to go home with body parts missing.”

  With a final tap
for good measure, Sapphire released him and with a quick turn, walked over to the table and primly sat with her crew.

  “What the fuck was that?” Raven asked.

  “Your bitch ass brother just made a grave mistake,” Sapphire answered, still seething. “All bets are off.”

  “What did he say?” she asked.

  “Apparently, he had someone watching my room and knows Tank spent the night,” Sapphire replied. “Then he proceeded to threaten my life. Which does not fly with me; so, I threatened to gut him and remove his balls.”

  At Sapphire’s admission, the table erupted in laughter.

  “Why is it I can actually see you doing that?” Piper asked.

  “Because I will,” Sapphire answered.

  If there was one thing she had learned since taking over the club, it was to not take any bullshit from anyone. Sapphire had no problem with putting someone in their place — male or female. As a woman in the motorcycle world, she was automatically looked to as less than. However, Sapphire planned to change that. There wasn’t a man on this planet that she would cower to, and that included Chaz Montgomery.

  As their breakfast order arrived, a noise caught her attention. At the entrance, Chaz and members of the Black Spades had stopped Sledge and the Henchmen. She couldn’t hear what was being said, but if she was reading facial expressions correctly, it wasn’t a friendly conversation and it was being directed toward Tank.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me?” Sapphire mumbled.

  “He couldn’t get to you, so he goes after Tank?” Scarlet asked.

  “Seems that way,” Sapphire said standing from her seat.

  “Where are you going?” Raven asked, also standing.

  “To perform surgery,” Sapphire replied, walking towards the group of men.

  * * *

  “Stay away from her, Tank.” Sapphire heard Chaz say as she approached.

  “And if he doesn’t?” she asked, hands on her hips. “Didn’t we just have a conversation about this?”

  “It’s okay, baby,” Tank grinned. “I got this.”

  “No,” Sapphire grinned back. “I got this.”

  Before anyone had time to react, Sapphire threw her weight into the perfect roundhouse kick. She watched with satisfaction as Chaz fell backwards into his crew. Several others decided at that moment to come into view and join the party. Shoulder to shoulder, Iron Angels lined up beside Devil’s Henchmen. The odds might not have been in their favor, but that was okay. Sapphire liked being the underdog.

  “Are we going to play, boys?” Sapphire grinned.

  “Please say yes,” Piper chimed in.

  “Yes, please,” Raven joined.

  “This will be so much fun,” Scarlet taunted. She might be young, and sometimes a little too naive, but Sapphire knew something nobody else did. Scarlet Kimber was a knife genius. Put a pair of blades in her hands, and the girl would tear some shit up.

  Even if the Henchmen weren’t here today, Sapphire had confidence in her crew. They might lose the battle, but the Black Spades would definitely know they were there. But luckily, the Henchmen were there. With the added force, Sapphire knew this battle was theirs.

  “No,” Chaz grumbled, holding his jaw. “There will be no fight here today. But mark my words, this is not over.”

  “But mark my words,” Scarlet mimicked causing Diesel to chuckled.

  “I like this chick,” he grinned. “She’s my kind of people.”

  “Chaz, this isn’t a battle you will win,” Sledge said. “Not today or any other day.”

  “We will see about that,” Chaz replied. With a wave of his hand, his crew began to disperse.

  Sapphire waited. The last thing she would do is let down her guard. Chaz was a big enough coward to strike when her back was turned.

  “Calm yourself,” Reaper said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “We got your back.”

  With a curt nod, Sapphire and her crew walked back over to their table. Several of the restaurant patrons stared in their direction.

  “Man,” Raven grumbled. “My eggs are cold.”

  “Oh shut up,” Piper chuckled.

  “Well,” Reaper said, pulling up a chair and sitting next to Sapphire. “That was interesting.”

  “Yeah,” Sledge agreed. “Mind telling us what that was all about?”

  “The bastard stopped me on my way in earlier,” Sapphire explained. “He knew Tank had stayed the night and wasn’t happy about it. Fucker even had the nerve to threaten me.”

  “He threatened you?” Tank asked.

  “Yep. And I kindly explained to him that threatening me would lead to a loss of his testicles.”

  Sapphire saw the look that Sledge and Tank exchanged. If she didn’t know better, she would think they were up to something.

  “So, did y’all find out anything?” Sapphire asked, fishing for answers.

  “I am waiting for Banjo to call back,” Sledge answered.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” Piper asked.

  “Nothing.” Today, Sapphire planned to laze around the pool and maybe hit the spa. Tomorrow, they would all be heading back home.

  “Sounds good to me,” Raven replied.

  Conversation died down around the crowded table as more food arrived and everyone began to eat. Once finished, everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Sapphire and the girls headed back to their room to change with plans to meet at the spa. A day of pampering is just what the doctor ordered — literally.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Meeting with the crew, Tank and Sledge put their plan into motion. After leaving Sapphire’s room this morning, Tank had gone straight to Sledge’s. Montgomery needed to be eliminated. That was the only way to remove the threat against Sapphire; and after what happened this morning outside of the restaurant, Tank was even more convinced that the man needed to be taken care of.

  “So, everyone understands their part in the plan?” Sledge asked.

  “Yeah,” the group answered in unison.

  “Just clear the way for me to enter,” Diesel said. “And I will take care of the rest.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Reaper asked.

  “Do you have a better idea?” Tank asked in return.

  “We can call in the authorities?” Diesel suggested.

  “They have had suspicions for years and haven’t been able to pin anything on him,” Tank replied.

  “Then we do this,” Sledge nodded.

  Tank watched as each member of the team nodded their heads in agreement. These guys were his brothers. He would lay his life down for any one of them, and they would do the same for him.

  Waiting until the darkness of night, the team took the stairs to Chaz’s floor, the penthouse. Along the way, Reaper hijacked the security cameras, playing back repeat footage. There would be no way to even know that the Henchmen were ever there.

  Slowly, Sledge stepped to the stairwell door. Using skills he had perfected over the years, he silently opened the door. Crouching low, the team entered the hotel suite. Clearing the kitchen and living room areas were easy with the suite’s open floor plan. Like ghosts, they moved down the hallway that led to Chaz’s room.

  With a hand signal, Sledge brought Diesel to the front. The group stood, unmoving, listening for any sign of movement. When nothing reached their ears, they continued as planned.

  Again, using his skills, Sledge opened the bedroom door only wide enough for Diesel to enter. From this moment on, he would be on his own. The remaining Henchmen would stand guard outside of the room.

  Tank started to feel anxious. Diesel should have been out by now. What could be taking him so long? Just as he was about to say, fuck it, and enter the room, Diesel walked back out of the door.

  With a nod of his head, the team turned to exit. Just as quietly as they entered, they left. Back down the stairwell they quickly, but quietly, made their way back to Sledge’s room. Nobody
said a word. Not a sound was made.

  Reaching their destination, Sledge opened the door to their floor, but brought the team to a halt. Slowly closing the door, he raised a finger to his lips. There was someone in the hallway. They couldn’t exit without being seen. Four men dressed in full operations gear would be rather suspicious, especially when a dead body was found in the morning.

  Rechecking the hallway, Sledge gave the order to move. Silently, they moved out into the hall and quickly into Sledge’s room.

  Closing the door, Tank turned to Diesel, saying, “What the fuck took so long?”

  “That motherfucker is a light sleeper!” Diesel replied. “I am seriously surprised he didn’t wake up when Sledge opened the door.”

  “What happened?” Sledge asked.

  “Seriously, the man would wake up to a mouse fart,” Diesel sighed, flopping into a chair. “Anyway, it’s done. The threat has been eliminated.”

  Relief flowed through Tank. He knew he should feel regret, but he didn’t. Sapphire’s safety was number one for him. He would always do what was necessary to protect her. And Chaz Montgomery was a huge threat.

  “I owe you one,” Tank said to Diesel as he removed his gear.

  “Nah. You don’t owe me anything, brother,” Diesel smiled. “We do what we do to protect the ones we love.”

  “I’m heading out,” Tank said with a nod of his head towards Diesel.

  “Me, too,” Reaper and Diesel called.

  Leaving Sledge’s room, Tank didn’t even bother to stop at his. Taking the elevator, he pressed the button that would lead him to Sapphire. He knew it was late, but he had to see her. He had to lie beside her, hold her in his arms. That was the only way to stop the ache he felt from being away from her.

  Standing outside of her door, Tank pulled the extra key card from his pocket and let himself in. For a moment all he could do was stare at her. Even in sleep, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

  Quickly stripping out of his clothes, Tank climbed into bed behind her and pulled her against his chest.

  “What are you doing here so late?” Sapphire mumbled.

  “I just needed to be with you,” Tank replied honestly.

  “Where have you been?” she asked, turning over and throwing her leg over his hip.


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