Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library)

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Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library) Page 3

by JJ Argus

  His tongue slid up along her slit and she shuddered and dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands as they rested against the wall behind her. She closed her eyes, shuddering, shifting her legs further apart as he began to lick at her. He wasn't very good, but then again, she didn't have an awful lot of experience with this, and she was already hot and excited by the situation itself.

  This was fucking crazy! This was fucking insane! This was – . “Ohhh!” she gasped as his tongue rolled over her clit.

  He pressed his mouth in tighter and she shifted her feet wider as his cheeks slid between her thighs and his tongue slid up and down her slit, again and again. His hands slid up her body to grope her breasts, then down again, cupping her buttocks, squeezing them as he licked and licked. His lips found her clit and he kind of kissed her, mashing himself against her there, then he sucked and she let out a helpless little cry, her hips bucking forward.

  Heat was flooding her system, sexual electricity crackling along her skin as she arched back against the wall, eyes staring up into the night sky. His tongue lapped at her clit again and again, and she felt her hips grinding against him in response.

  Then he was standing before her, kissing her, and she melted against him, hands sliding up over his shoulders as he ground himself against her, crushing her against the bricks.

  His fingers nimbly unbuttoned the front of her dress shirt, pushing it open, and the catch between her bra cups parted with hardly a notice. He pushed the shirt back over her shoulders, bending, catching the center of her left breast in his mouth, sucking, chewing hard enough that small pain sounds left her trembling lips.

  But this was more exposed than she had imagined being out here on the porch! And when she tried to draw the shirt back, tried to push him off a big he reacted quickly, startling her. He spun her around, and she wasn't ready for it, and yanked the shirt back off her shoulders.

  “W-wait!” she gasped, trying to hang onto it.

  “Fuck you, wait,” he panted. “I'm gonna fuck your tight pussy.”

  Which was not something she didn't want too, but – .

  But instead of removing her shirt he sort of pulled her sleeves halfway off, then tied them together back between her shoulder blades, binding her arms tightly in a mass of cloth which included her bra.

  “Wha-what – .”

  “Now you can return the favor, baby,” he said, spinning her back.

  She stumbled, almost falling, and he he both held her and urged her down. Naked, save for her shirt and bra, which were wrapped around her arms behind her, she grunted as she went down heavily onto the tiled porch.

  “Niiiick!” she whined.

  His fingers combed her hair up into a mass and held it in his fist as he unzipped his jeans and drew his throbbing cock out, rubbing the head along her face.

  “Suck my cock, bitch,” he said in a taunting voice.

  This is fucking wild, Courtney thought dazedly, his cock sliding through her open lips.

  She gurgled around it, loving the warm, slick sensation as it caressed her lips and slid across her tongue. She was exquisitely aware of the broad open air around her, the sound of crickets, nearby traffic, the emptiness of the dark parking lot as she bobbed slowly up and down on his stiff cock.

  She braced herself as he tightened his grip on her hair and pulled her forward, and managed well enough as he plunged into her throat. She gagged a little, but handled it as he filled her throat with its presence and ad her throat groan in over-filled pain.

  She choked as it slid deep, then felt a dark sense of excitement as her face was pressed against his groin, his cock deep inside her throat. Her arms were still tightly locked behind her, and somehow that aroused her even further. A gust of cool wind blew across them and she gurgled around the thick shaft filling her throat, trying to draw back, but he tightened his grip on her hair and slid his other hand behind her head, jamming her even even tighter, grinding her face into his groin.

  Her head was pounding, her chest burning, before he slowly slid his cock back out of her, and she could gulp in deep, ragged breaths of air. Saliva trickled over her lower lip and down her chest as she gasped helplessly, chest heaving. He reached down, chuckling, groping her breast, and she felt very much used, but in a way which made her feel like a shimmering curtain of sexual heat was enveloping her body.

  “C'mon, bitch, suck my cock,” he said, rubbing his spit-wet prick back and forth over her lips and along her cheeks.

  He fed it through her open, gasping mouth, and she filled her lungs in preparation, but he didn't immediately push himself into her throat. Instead, as she closed her lips around him, he pumped in and out, using her head, pulling her forward and pushing her back in tandem as he thrust. His cockhead drove into the back of her mouth again and again before finally sliding into her throat as he pulled her all the way down the length of his shaft and again jammed her face into his groin.

  A car drove past on the road, and she knew that they could be seen from the street – if the driver was looking. It's true that it was dark out, but the porch was well-lit, and so their perverse tableau was as lit up as though it were on a stage in a darkened theater, with the two of them casting shadows on the wall behind.

  “Hmm, yeah! Suck it, bitch! Swallow it. Yeah!” he groaned, still jamming her face against him.

  He began to pump in and out, slowly, making her gurgle and gag as his throbbing shaft slid up and down within her spasming throat. She struggled weakly, but he only tightened his grip on her hair, then jammed himself into her to the balls, grinding her face into him once again.

  He slid back out and again she coughed violently, gasping as saliva spattered onto the porch under her, swaying weakly, a little light-headed.

  “Unggh!” she cried as she felt the fierce pressure against her scalp forcing her rubbery legs to straighten, forcing her to her feet.

  He turned her around, using her hair, chuckling cockily as he pressed her against the cool bricks. She shuddered as her swollen breasts were crushed against the hard stone, then gasped as his hand slid between her trembling thighs, cupping and squeezing her moist pussy.

  “Push your ass back,” he growled.

  His hand slid around her and pushed on her belly, and Courtney's feet shifted, still in her low heeled pumps, slid back a few inches, then a few more.

  “You should wear higher heels,” he said as his cock rubbed against her thighs. “You're too fuckin' short.”

  He slapped her bottom and she yelped at the sting. Then he laughed and she felt his cock prodding, not at her pussy, but at her anus.

  “Wh – wait!” she gasped. “No! Don't!”

  He just snickered, jamming his cock in against her as she wriggled and twisted helplessly.

  “N-Nick!” she gasped urgently.

  “You want it up the ass, baby. I can tell.”

  “I d-don't!”

  But she felt his cock, slick with her saliva, slowly squeezing through her sphincter muscles. He slapped her bottom again, then his hands jerked her hips back.


  He slapped her bottom again and jerked back on her hair, forcing her head back. She groaned as she felt his cock slowly pushing up into her ass, panting for breath, and with a slow, dawning realization that it wasn't hurting nearly as much as she had feared it would.

  “Oooooh! Doooon't!” she whined as he jabbed his cock against her.

  “Take it, bitch. You know you want it,” he sneered.

  She tried to twist aside but he threw his weight against her, crushing her against the bricks, his heavier body grinding against her as his cock drove deeper and higher into her aching belly. His hot breath was in her ear, on her cheek as he panted and grunted and reached around her to force her legs farther apart.

  “S-stop it!” she gasped.

  “Fuck you!” he panted. “Do what you're told, bitch.”

  She cried out again as he jammed himself even higher, feeling a cramping ache deep in her belly as
the head of his cock seemed to punch up into her very bowels.

  Now his cock began to slide in and out in short, jerky motions, and Courtney's initial fears began to subside as she realized it had gotten about as painful as it was going to. It didn't really hurt, she decided, not really. It ached somewhat, and stung a little, but even the stinging was fading as her anal muscles relaxed, and now she could stand there and revel in the dirty, nasty anal sex, and marvel that she was being fucked in the ass, and that it was being done right here on the porch at work.

  “You love it, whore!” he panted, kissing her roughly on the nape of the neck, biting and chewing and sucking on the side of her throat.

  His right hand pushed between her chest and the wall to grope her breasts, while his left slid down her hip and around in front as he searched for her clit.

  God, she thought, this was so fucking nasty, so fucking dirty, so fucking wicked and exciting!

  She shuddered and ground herself back helplessly as his fingers rubbed roughly down across her burning clit. She gasped in pain as his cock jammed into something deep inside her, but somehow even the ache contributed to the wild, swirling sexual storm enveloping her mind.

  His cock began moving now, stroking in and out, using longer and longer strokes that sent his hips slamming against her buttocks with bruising force. Courtney felt skewered by his thick shaft, shuddering in open-mouthed amazement at the sensations she'd never felt before “back there”, groaning and gasping as he drove his cock up into her again and again with harder strokes.

  “Fucking bitch!” he gasped. “Fuck! Fuck! Yeah! Ungh! Take it! Fuck!”

  He stopped rubbing her clit, grasping her hair again, yanking her head back. He slapped her bottom.

  “Push your ass back, bitch. Come on. Do it! Spread your legs!”

  He forced her head back down painfully, forcing her to bend forward at the same time, and this forced her bottom out from the wall as her feet slid apart on the tiled porch.

  “Yeah! Fuck! Love it! Ungh! Ungh! Fucking bitch! You like it up the ass!? Ungh!”

  His cock stabbed up into her and Courtney was helpless, her arms still up behind her back, her hair an irresistible leash forcing her body into the position he wanted, a position where he could use her as roughly and thoroughly as he wanted.

  Her jaw was pushed against the wall, her breasts grinding against the rough brick as her bottom was thrust out against the impact of his heavy, pounding hips. She ached inside, but her mind reveled in the sensation of his cock sliding up and down through her pulsing anal flesh.

  “Fuck! Fuck! I”m gonna come in your ass!” he groaned.

  He jammed himself deep inside her, his powerful body squeezing her painfully against the wall, thrusting up hard so that she was forced onto her toes as he pumped his hot seed into her bottom.

  Then he sagged, and his hold on her loosened as he eased back, panting heavily.

  “B-bastard!” she gasped weakly.

  “Fuck you, bitch!” he said, almost as breathless.

  Then he yanked back on her hair and she cried out as she was pulled away from the wall. He forced her head up and back harshly so she was staring up into the lights overhead, into the bugs flittering around them. She felt his hand between her legs, fingers roughly stroking against her clitoris, and such was the inner heat filling her she could not have resisted the sensations they roused even if she had tried.

  She cried out as the orgasm swept through her, staggering, dazed, grinding herself against his fingers as he laughed at her and jeered at her and forced her to come powerfully.

  Chapter Three

  Courtney was uneasy, and resentful about the way Nick had used her. He was an asshole, a bastard, and she was sure he would brag about it to his friends, too. Her reputation, already in shreds due to the events at the pool, would only get worse.

  But then again, why should she care about that? Fuck them. They didn't like her getting screwed? Well too bad for them. They were all assholes anyway. It wasn't like she was coming on to them or anything. It wasn't like she was wearing a short skirt and waving her ass at everybody like Cindy Roper or showing cleavage every time she dressed like Amanda Forsythe. They were all children, immature children.

  So that was what it was like to be fucked in the ass. Well, well, well. That hadn't been bad. It wasn't as good as being fucked in the pussy, but it hadn't been nearly as dirty as she'd thought, and hadn't really hurt much. It had been a wicked, nasty experience, though, one that made her feel even more sensual, more sexual, more alive and sophisticated and mature.

  Nevertheless, she lied to the girls who called her the next day.

  “You know guys lie like fucking rugs,” she said “You can't fucking believe anything they say. They exaggerate everything.”

  She resented having to lie because it showed that she did, in fact, care what people thought of her, at least a little. And she didn't think they really believed her anyway, even though they knew very well that guys would turn a brief case into a six hour orgy to make themselves seem like studs. Guys were so fucking immature!

  If Nick came back the next night she was not even going to open the fucking door, she told herself fiercely.

  But she did wear higher heels. They weren't exactly stilettos or anything, just three inch heels, and she told herself they made her legs look better, not that you could see a lot of them under her dress skirt. Anyway, looking at the pumps made her remember about how Nick had sodomized her and she told herself she didn't need that kind of memory.

  At least, not when she was working.

  It was almost two in the morning when the doorbell rang. She froze, staring towards it, feeling her heart beginning to beat faster as her pulse picked up. She licked her lips anxiously, then got to her feet. It was possible, however unlikely, that it could be an employee. They rarely came in late, but it had happened. So she had to check it out.

  She eased up to the corner and peered carefully around, hoping to see whoever it was before they saw her. The bell rang again, startling her, and she eased further out. I twas not Nick. It was Tony.

  Fuck, she thought, angry, resentful, indignant. What were they going to do, send a different guy each night to fuck her ass? Well, he was in for a surprise!

  She walked out into the front hall and glared at him, then walked through the inner doors to stand in the foyer. “What the fuck are you doing here?” she demanded through the door.

  “Hey, that's not nice. I just came to see how you were doing.”

  “Oh right. Sure you did.”

  “It's hot as hell out here. Want to let me in?”


  “Oh, c'mon, Courtney. I just want to chat. Hey, I have that new Zaphod album on my ipod,” he said, holding it up.

  “You're not allowed in.”

  “You're always bitching about how boring your job is and how hardly anyone calls.”

  Which was undeniably true, but still, she couldn't have them coming by every night to fuck her.

  Why not, a voice inside her asked. It would sure make the night go by faster.

  Grudgingly, she let him in, warning him that if the bell rang he'd have to hide, and if anyone called he had to keep his mouth shut.

  They went around the corner to her little receptionist area and sat down. He pulled a chair over next to hers and they talked briefly about her job, and the company before she put the headpiece o and started listening.

  She wasn't surprised when he started caressing her leg, or when his roving hands moved into more dangerous territory. She kept showing his hands off, though, glaring at him as she listened to the music, and after a few minutes he gave up and wandered out into the hall to get a drink. He didn't come back quickly, though, and Courtney pulled the headpiece off and warily peaked out into the hall. There was no sign of him, and her worry grew. What was the idiot doing? Looking for stuff to steal? He'd get her in trouble!

  She found him in the manager's office, slouching back in the big leather
chair, his feet up on the desk. He was just hanging up the phone when she walked in.

  “What the fuck are you doing? You trying to get me in trouble?” she demanded.

  “Relax, baby. I was just making a call. Hey, this is a nice desk. You ever do it on this desk?”

  “No!” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “No? Your boss never bend you over the desk and give it to you?” he taunted, leering.

  “I hardly even see him.”

  “Maybe I should bend you over the desk and give it to you,” he said with a grin, rubbing his groin.

  “Forget it. Get out of his chair.”

  “You think he ever sits here, thinking about that hot receptionist out front and jerks off?”

  “You're disgusting,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “I bet he does. I bet he's some fat old bald guy, and he thinks about that hot little receptionist and what he'd like to do to her!” he teased.

  “I'm not a receptionist. I'm a switchboard operator,” she said in irritation. “What are you doing!?

  What he was doing was unzipping his fly, and taking his semi-flaccid cock out as he sat there.

  “I'm gonna jerk off all over his desk,” he said.

  “Are you insane!? Put that away, you pervert! You freak!”

  “You weren't saying that the other day,” he said, squeezing himself. “You were saying fuck me, Tony! Fuck me harder!”

  “I was not! And anyway I was drunk!”

  He grinned and peeled his t-shirt up and off.

  “What are you doing!?”

  “It's hot in here.”

  “It is not!”

  “You want to rub yourself against me, don't you, baby.”

  “If you don't get your sick ass out of here I'm going to call a cop.”

  “No you won't,” he said confidently. “Come here. I want you to lick me.”


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