Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library)

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Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library) Page 4

by JJ Argus

  “Fuck you,” she said.

  She turned away and went back to her little office area, her pulse racing a little. She had just sat down and put the headpiece on again when he appeared around the corner, stark naked now. She cursed and jumped back as he walked towards her, his cock sticking up straight and hungry.

  “I said no, Tony!” she snapped with a certainty she didn't feel.

  “You want this body,” he said.

  “Fuck off!”

  She tried to fend him off as he came towards her but he grabbed her wrists and then forced them back against the wall behind her as he pinned her there. He grinned at her, crossing her wrists above her head, holding them with one hand, and then bringing the other down to gently knead her breast.

  “Let go of me right now!”

  “Beg me to fuck you.”

  “You wish!”

  “You want my cock inside you, don't you, slut.”

  He was kneading her breast and she jerked her head away as he leaned in to kiss her. He chuckled, unbuttoning her blouse, then popping the catch of her bra.

  “Tony! I'm supposed to be working!” she said in desperation.

  “You can do that after I fuck your brains out,” he said quite casually.

  She twisted against his grip, and tried to knee him, but he only tightened his grip, laughing, undoing her skirt and pushing it down over her hips. He turned and pulled her blouse and bra off her arms and she managed to twist free with a curse, but stumbled and fell against the visitors chairs on one side. He dove at her, grabbing her by the legs, and she fell, but pulled free, though she popped her shoes off as she did.

  That left her entirely naked, as was he. He laughed and she ran up the hall, with him running after her. There really wasn't anywhere to run, though. And, in fact, her sense of sexual heat rose as she ran naked through the halls. And when he caught her, pinning her, his naked flesh pressed against hers, she felt her pussy throbbing hungrily with anticipation.

  He caught her just inside one of the storerooms where boxes and pallets of goods came in, and quickly twisted her arms behind her back, then pinned them together with one hand as he looked around the room.

  “What do they make here?” he asked.

  She twisted futilely. “Nothing,” she panted. “They ship stuff in and ship it out. They import it.”

  “Any computers?”

  “You're not stealing anything!”

  “Didn't say I was, beeatch.”

  Then he snatched something off a work table with a laugh, and swung her around, pinning her against a rack of boxes. It was a tie-down, and he wrapped it around her arms behind, just at her elbows, then slipped the thing through a buckle and yanked back, cinching it tight around her arms.

  Courtney cursed and struggled, but the feel of the tight nylon strap around her arms made her pussy burn and her nipples crackle with heat. She was helpless now, and becoming breathless as he led her back up the hall, bare feet slapping on the cold linoleum, chest heaving, back to the manager's office. He sat down and then let her go. She turned to back away, but there was really no point. It wasn't like she could do much, run anywhere, with her arms tied.

  “If you run away I'll just leave,” he said with a smirk. “You might be able to get out of that but I wouldn't count on it.”

  She glared at him.

  He spread his legs and pumped his cock. “Come suck me off, receptionist girl.”

  “I'm not a fucking receptionist,” she grumbled.

  “Want me to take a belt to your bare ass?”

  She looked at him, open-mouthed, about to say he wouldn't dare, but then reconsidered. He might well dare.

  She moved forward resentfully, then eased down to her knees before him.

  “Oww!” she cried as he seized her hair to bend her forward.

  “Quit complaining and suck,” he ordered.

  She took him into her mouth and started to, sucking and licking, bobbing her mouth up and down as she knelt on the cool, rough, industrial carpeting. He was in no hurry, pulling her off several times to wipe his spit-wet cock across her face, guiding her down, ordering her to lick his balls and take them into her mouth, to lick up and down the underside of his shaft. He even pulled her, by the hair, up higher, ordering her to lick and suck at his nipples and chest.

  It was all very, very.... hot. And Courtney did her best not to show her arousal even as her body flushed with heat and her pulse raced excitedly.

  It was so fucking wild to be like this at work, naked, forced to suck him, all tied up!

  Her hands were free, but with the tie-down pinning her arms together, they were helpless, each hand hanging stiffly above the opposite buttock or hip as she filled her mouth with his cock and he pushed her lower. She was so excited that she needed no urging, though, and gurgled with heat as the head of his cock pushed into the back of her throat and her lips slid all the way down his shaft.

  He groaned in pleasure, his fingers spreading wide over her head, pushing down, grinding her face into him a little, but he didn't resist as she slid slowly back up, nor stopped her as she paused and slid all the way back down again.

  She bobbed up and down slowly, then slid free, sucking on the head of his cock as she drew air in through her nose. He jerked her head back by the hair, though, and then stood up, positioning her in front of him on her knees.

  He fisted his cock and thrust it into her mouth, then did it again, then again, and Courtney closed her lips, though not her teeth, letting him force his cock into her repeatedly.

  “Yeah! Fuck!” he said hoarsely. “You love to suck, don't you, baby? You love sucking cock!”

  She moaned around his prick and then groaned as he pulled it free and forced her head back, arching her back so he could squeeze her breast roughly.

  He pulled her to her feet, then and bent her over the big desk.

  “Spread your legs, slut,” he taunted, slapping her bottom.

  “Oww!” she gasped, shifting her feet apart on the floor.

  “Keep that ass high, slut.”

  He slapped her ass again and again she yelped. “Don't!”

  “I can do anything I want,” he said with a leer, slapping her yet again.

  She groaned as she felt his cock nudging the swollen lips of her sex. He raised her hips and thrust into her sharply and she almost came as she felt his slick cock driving up through the tight, elastic folds of flesh.

  “UnggghhH!” she groaned.

  “Fucking bitch. You love it!” he panted, yanking back on her hair and slapping her ass again.

  He thrust hard and fast right from the start, slapping her buttocks repeatedly, yanking on her hair to get a reaction, calling her his whore, his bitch. It was deliciously filthy and nasty and wildly erotic, and Courtney shuddered and moaned in the grip of a powerful lust as she grunted to the hard thrusting of his cock.

  He forced her legs further apart, so that she had to rise on her toes to keep contact with the floor, and jammed himself into her with hard, deep strokes that caused her body to roll back and forth atop her breasts as they were mashed against the desk top.

  When he reached between her thighs and began to rub her clit she came helplessly, unable to even pretend she was doing anything else, crying out in pleasure as he pounded her with furious strokes that had her voice warbling helplessly in the throes of her orgasm.

  And then the door bell rang.

  Tony cursed and quickly pulled on his t-shirt, then stepped into his jeans and stuffed his feet into his tennis shoes as Courtney slowly pulled her feet together and straightened with a dazed groan.

  “Don't worry, baby, it's just someone else to come fuck you,” he said with a leer.

  “U-Untie me,” she said, panting.

  “Nu uh,” he said.

  He went out into the hall and she called after him. “Wait! You can't answer the door! What if it's an employee!?”

  “Then you can convince him not to tell anyone by sucking his cock,” he called

  It was not another employee, though, it was Nick, and Courtney's face flushed as the two walked back in, both of them leering at her and looking her up and down.

  “Now there's a pretty sight,” he said, taking his cell phone out of its holster.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded wearily.

  He held the cell phone up and she squealed and turned away. “Don't! No pictures!”

  “Pictures hell, I want videos,” he said with a laugh.

  Tony seized her hair and forced her to turn around, then held her in position as Nick took several pictures. They forced her to her knees and Tony pulled his cock out as Nick held his camera ready, but Courtney refused to cooperate, keeping her mouth closed and jerking her head away as much as she could.

  “Suck cock, Courtney, you fucking whore!” Tony jeered.


  “Bitch needs to learn her place,” Nick said.

  “Yeah, you be our beatch!” he drawled.

  He pulled her upright by the hair and bent her over the desk, then Nick pulled his belt out of the loops of his jeans and doubled it in his hands.

  “You wouldn't dare!” she gasped.

  He snapped it across her buttocks with a stinging blow and she squealed in pain.

  “Now let me hear you say you love to suck cock,” he said as the two laughed.


  Another blow made her squeal and twist in Tony's grasp. Then another and another made her bottom sting and burn.

  “Let me hear you say you're a cock-sucking whore!” Tony taunted.


  He put more weight into the blows, more power, and the belt slashed across her buttocks with a painful, tearing sting that soon had her rear flaming hot and aching. Courtney cursed them, twisting and writhing in Tony's grasp, but could do little as the belt descended again and again.

  The guys took turns, and she sobbed helplessly as her bottom burned, as Tony whipped the belt down enthusiastically, and the two taunted her, demanding she surrender.

  And finally, sobbing, she did.

  “I'm a c-cock-sucking wh-whore!” she sobbed, voice breaking.

  The belt cracked down again and she cried out in pain.

  “Louder, whore!”

  “I'm a cock-sucking whore!” she cried.

  “And you love to suck cock!”

  “I love to suck cock!” she whimpered.

  She found herself on her knees again, Tony's cock hovering before her, her face red.

  “I'm a cock-sucking whore slut and I love to swallow cock,” she said dully.

  His cock slid into her mouth and she sucked, rolling her eyes at the camera phone as he pumped in and out.

  In truth, she was a cock sucking slut, she thought, and didn't at all mind sucking his cock, except that she didn't want him to be able to show proof around to everyone about what a cock sucking slut she was. Then again, hadn't she told herself she didn't give a shit what people thought of her any more?

  Anyway, it wasn't like she had a choice. Her bottom was flaming hot as Tony pushed his cock deep into her throat, and all she could do was kneel before him as he pulled her head forward and jammed her face against his groin.

  Then Nick moved in side by side with him, and she got both cocks into her mouth at once, gurgling weakly as they both snapped pictures with their camera phones, laughing down at her. They took turns, plunging into her mouth and throat, in no hurry, and her pussy soon began to throb and burn with the dark, nasty heat of what was going on.

  They were both rotten, miserable bastards, but that wasn't anything new.

  They pulled her to her feet and bent her over the desk, over the corner, then spread her legs. Tony thrust into her from behind while Nick took pictures, then he stood at the side of the desk, feeding her his cock, and took video.

  Courtney felt wild, overheated, and light-headed, groaning and gasping as Nick's cock drove into her throat, grunting and gasping as Tony's cock drove into her pussy.

  The two switched positions several times, and then put her back on her knees as they had her suck them together, and came together, spewing a fountain of hot wet white semen over her face.

  Chapter Four

  The next night Dave came to see her, and had a pair of handcuffs. She had a phone call, and had to answer it with him running a vibrator over her clit, barely able to formulate words, much less write anything down.

  Again the following night Dave came, stripped her, handcuffed her, then took her for a walk out through the parking lot. She winced and gasped as her bare feet made their tentative way over the gritty pebble strewn pavement. When they reached his parked SUV, she didn't hesitate when he opened the rear door and told her to get in. And when he slid atop her and entered her, she groaned and wrapped her legs around him, coming twice before he unloaded inside her.

  Security had never really crossed Courtney's mind. She knew there was an alarm on the doors, and that she had to turn it off every time she opened them. But there were no visible cameras and she hadn't even considered the possibility.

  So it was with some trepidation that she found herself on the bus the next morning, heading for a downtown office where her manager had directed her. He had sounded odd, in the message she had found on her phone. And he had said there had been “security incidents” at the building the past week and that she had to go and see the owner. She was anxious, thinking that either the guys had stolen some things when they'd been with her, or that the owner wondered at why the alarm had been turned off and on a number of times.

  If it was the latter she would plead that she'd gone outside to smoke. If stuff was missing all she could do was plead ignorance.

  The office was nothing like the place she worked. This was a tall, first class building with marble floors in the lobby and security at the door. She rode up in a gleaming, glass-walled elevator, walked down a wide hall with a deep carpet her heels sunk into, and wound up in a large office with a middle aged woman sitting behind a desk.

  The woman looked up at her over her glasses. “Yes?”

  “Uhm, I'm Courtney Stevens,” she said hesitantly.

  The woman continued to look at her and Courtney flushed.

  “And?” she said.

  “I uhm, my manager told me to come and see a Mr... Masters?”

  “Is that a question?”


  The woman made a face and stood up, then went to an inner door, knocked, and opened it enough to lean inside. “A Courtney Stevens,” she said.

  Courtney didn't hear the reply but the woman opened the door wider and turned to her, motioning her forward. Courtney licked her lips nervously then walked past her into the inner office.

  She had thought the managers office at work was nice, but this was in another league altogether. Everything was so rich and beautiful! The carpet was even thicker, and the walls were oak paneled when not covered in large bookcases. Smith's desk was an enormous, gleaming antique. There was a bar in one corner, and a leather sofa with chairs and coffee table next to it. It was a corner office, and two entire walls were glass, giving an incredible view of the city forty stories below.

  She was impressed, and frightened. What in Gods name would a man like this want with her?!

  The man behind the desk was wearing a dark blue suit, a “fancy” one if Courtney was any judge of things, not that she really was, she acknowledged. He was perhaps in his late forties, but trimly built, with broad shoulders. He had was a good looking man, for someone his age, with a short, neatly trimmed goatee and mustache. His hair was brown and combed neatly back, and his eyes were deep-set and dark as he examined her.

  “Stand straight,” he said, his voice soft but very very … firm.

  Courtney swallowed and almost reflexively obeyed, for it was a voice which carried the tone of command with it. Almost at once she felt a sense of resentment, though. Who the fuck was this guy to talk to her like that?

  He got up and came around the
desk. He was of medium height, but moved easily as he walked over to stand before her. She looked up at him, starting to let her annoyance appear on her face.

  “There are two things we have to talk about, you and I,” he said, “Or maybe three.”

  He gestured and the woman withdrew, closing the door. Masters moved to the bookcase, where there was a large screen TV and turned it on. He picked up a remote control unit and turned back to her.

  “First, we're missing a number of chips from the northeast office.”

  “Chips? “she asked wonderingly.

  “Computer chips. Central Processing Units, the tiny chips which form the nucleus of computers. Quite a few went missing from the northeast office three days ago, then again yesterday.”

  Courtney felt a slow flush creeping up her her collar and began to sweat.

  Those bastards, probably Nick! He'd stolen shit and she was going to get fired!

  “We haven't called the police yet,” he said. “What we did, of course, was to examine security logs and footage.”

  Security.. .what, she wondered with a sudden chill.

  On screen she saw the view of the lobby from a camera mounted in the roof pointed at the door and through it to the porch. She felt the breath leave her as she saw a video of herself naked, sucking Nick's cock. She began to tremble as Masters fast forwarded to the point she was being sodomized against the wall. Her face was burning red and she actually felt faint. For there was sound, as well, though faint, coming to the microphone through the door. Still, she could hear herself gasping and moaning and crying out in pleasure.

  She couldn't speak, couldn't think, couldn't move, and Masters pressed a button, and the scene shifted to the warehouse, another camera high up, showing her run into the room naked, Tony catch her, kissing and groping her, strapping her arms behind her back.

  She turned and ran for the door, grasping the handle and tugging frantically. But it wouldn't move, and after a moment, Masters turned off the TV and went back behind his desk, sitting down.

  She turned at bay, back to the door, staring at him with wide eyes, ready to burst into tears of humiliation.

  “I have a proposition to make,” he said. “Come back here and stand in front of the desk.”


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