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Brutal Alien

Page 55

by Stella Sky

  “About what?” I asked.

  “It is true. I am with child. I carry your offspring, Ravinn,” she said timidly.

  I smiled. Then I laughed. “That is the best news I have heard in a long time,” I said as I hugged her.

  “I am glad to hear it,” she said.

  “Now I hope that you will stop defying me and agree to marry me once and for all,” I said to her.

  “Yes, it is what I want. I no longer defy it. I just think that we should wait until some time has passed. It is not the best time right now,” she said to me.

  “Perhaps you are right,” I said to her.

  “And what about Ephane? Did you find him yet?” she asked.

  “No. We cannot find him,” I said to her.

  She referred to the fact that after all of the crazy mess, the king wanted to see Ephane in order to figure out what part he had in it. But after searching the island for him for an entire day, the King's warriors could not find him. I myself set about trying to locate him after that. I could not find him. It seemed that he had completely disappeared. After finding this out, Amelia was on edge.

  “I don't think I will feel safe until he is found. I do not trust him,” she said.

  “I understand. The King is going to continue the search for him. But Amelia, you and I must get on with our lives. We can't live in fear of him. We have to go on,” I said to her. She gave me a heavy sigh and then rubbed her belly.

  “I suppose that you are right. It is just very hard to do so when there is someone else to think about,” she said.

  “Yes, I think the same thing. But I am sure that Ephane is far away from here. We have nothing to fear from him,” I said as I gave her a deep kiss. Kissing her ignited a fire in my body. I wanted to take her right then and there, but we were interrupted. There was a knock at the door.

  “Who could that be?” she asked.

  “I do not know. Probably one of my father’s warriors summoning me,” I said as I walked to the door of my home. I opened it.

  “May we visit with Amelia?” the voice said. I smiled.

  “Amelia, it is for you,” I said opening the door wide. In walked Michelle, Stephanie, and Brenda. As soon as they walked in, the room grew very loud. They were talking over each other. Amelia laughed.

  “Well, human females. I trust that you will keep my wife-to-be company while I go see to some of my responsibilities. Do not leave her alone. I have your word on that?” I asked, as I was feeling paranoid too. It had only been a couple of days, and I did not know if Amelia was truly safe and did not want to risk it.

  “You have our word,” Michelle said.

  “Thank you. I will make sure to bring back plenty of food,” I said with a wink.

  “Yes! Plenty of seafood!” Brenda shouted. I kissed Amelia and then left the women to their chatter. I flew to my father's home.

  “Son, how are you today? I worry about you,” he said, putting his arm around me.

  “I am well today, father. The shock of the death of Talia has started to fade a little. I think in time I shall be completely well,” I said to him.

  “And Amelia? How is she?” he asked.

  “She is with child,” I said to him. He slapped me on the back and gave a hearty laugh.

  “Congratulations! I hope that you will make it official and marry her soon,” he said.

  “Yes, we plan to do so. Once this stage of mourning has passed, we plan to be married. You were right about her all along. I could not imagine being without her. I love her. I love the child that she carries for me. Thank you, father. Thank you for giving her to me,” I said to him.

  “Well, you can thank Biyen and Jitu,” he said.

  “What?” I said confused.

  “They are the ones that brought her here from Earth. But more than that they reported to me that you had a certain passionate exchange with Amelia upon rescuing her. They reported that they had never seen you act in such away. That was when I knew. That was how I knew that she was your match,” he said.

  I laughed. I had no idea that Biyen and Jitu had observed such a thing. But it made sense.

  After my conversation with my father, I did my responsibilities and stopped by the spaceport.

  “Any word? No one has seen him still?” I asked the guard on duty.

  “No, no one has seen or heard him on the island. We have scouts looking for him on Tiok. But so far, Ephane seems to have vanished,” the guard said.

  “Thank you. Keep me updated daily. But do not send the report to my home. I will come for it,” I said to him. He nodded in agreement. I did not want Amelia to know just how concerned I was about the fact that Ephane was missing. She did not need to know that I was staying on top of it daily, sometimes hourly. I finished my work at the port and then flew back home. Amelia was sitting outside on the veranda with Michelle.

  “Thank you for taking care of the mother of my child,” I said to Michelle.

  “It is fun for me too,” she said.

  “Amelia, I will see you tomorrow,” Michelle said as she gave her a hug. Then Amelia walked inside, and I followed her.

  “I missed you,” she said as she put her arms around me. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes. I pushed her red hair away from her face.

  “I missed you as well,” I said as I kissed her lips briefly. But she was not satisfied with this one kiss. She moved on her tiptoes and reached for me. She grabbed my face and pulled it down to her. She kissed me and would not let me go.

  “No, I mean I really missed you,” she said.

  “I understand,” I said as I pulled her body to me. I rubbed my own body against hers. She moaned. As soon as I heard her whimper, I grew very rigid. I was so turned on by her. Her soft skin underneath my hands only set me on fire. She smelled delicious. I moved my hands up and down her small back and squeezed her bottom. She giggled. My hands moved back up her back and I can't at the red fabric covering her chest. I pulled it off of her. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts. Her nipples were hard, and I pinched them between my fingers. She threw her head back in ecstasy as she closed her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her neck. Her red hair tickled my face.

  I let my tongue move up and down from her chest to her belly. I enjoyed thinking about how fragile she was. I had to be soft with her. I did not want to hurt her or the child that she carried for me. I moved back up and kissed her lips. She ran her hands up and down my chest. Then her hands move down on top of the blue loincloth that I wore. She found my cock and wrapped her hand around it. She began to move her hand and I was lost in desire for her.

  “I want this. I want this so bad,” she said, begging me. She was begging me because I had not touched her since the incident with Talia. At that moment, I remembered this. Her words snapped me out of the moment of desire. It was because of the death of Talia. I could not get it out of my mind. I grabbed her hand and pulled it off of me. I stepped away from her. I heard Amelia sigh in frustration.

  “What is it? Please tell me what it is. Did I do something wrong? Did I squeeze you too hard?” she rambled on trying to figure out what was going on.

  “No, you did not hurt me. It is not you. I just remembered that I forgot to do something. It pulled me out of the moment. I forgot about it, and I need to attend to it right now,” I said, lying to her. I did not like the fact that I had to lie to her, but I knew that the truth would hurt her. I could not have her feeling hurt or rejected while she carried my child. I needed her to be happy and healthy for the sake of the child.

  “Can you not attend to it tomorrow? Or get someone else to do it for you,” she said as she put her hands on my chest. I moved away from her toward the window. I shifted into dragon form.

  “No, I am the only one that can do it. Do not move from here. I will be back very very soon,” I said as I jumped out of the window and flew away. I did not like to leave her alone, not when it was possible that Ephane could show up at any moment. But I was coming right back; she just wo
uld not know that I was there.

  I flew around the trees behind my home so that she could not see me anymore. I flew out to the ocean and dove into the water. I needed to cool off. She turned me on, she turned me on so much. But the guilt was still there. The guilt about what happened to Talia, my first love. I did not want to be thinking about that guilt when I was inside of Amelia. So I had to stop myself from being inside of her altogether.

  I moved out of the water back into the air. I flew to the tree that was across from my home. I landed on a branch high in the tree. I stood on it. From this point, I could see through the window. Amelia was walking back and forth in the room. I could tell that she was distraught. But it was better this way. I stood there for two hours waiting for her to finally go to sleep. Once she had been in bed for a while, I quietly made my way home and climbed into bed with her.



  As if the experience of being taken from the village wasn't hard enough to deal with, I also had to deal with being held at knife point by Talia. Then, I had to deal with finding out that I was pregnant. It was so much to deal with. Ravinn and I had only been together that one time in the cave, and yet it was enough to get me pregnant. I should've known. I had been so distracted by the drama of everything that was going on that I did not stop to think that I had become pregnant even though my appetite had grown immensely. I had just thought it was all of the excitement and drama that was making me so hungry, but I was wrong. I was very wrong.

  But in the aftermath of everything that happened, everything was not all right. Ravinn had changed. I did not blame him. He was feeling immense guilt over what happened with Talia. Her death was very hard on him. And it hurt me to think that he had any sort of resentment towards me in being responsible for her death as well.

  I knew that it would take a long time for him to heal, but a month had passed. A month had passed, and he did not touch me. He treated me very differently. Sure, he was caring toward me and very sensitive to my needs as the mother of his child. But there was no passion between us. He only placed soft kisses on my cheek or head. He was not interested in ravaging me, and that was hard for me to deal with. I was pregnant, and my hormones were raging; plus, if we were to be married, I wanted a passionate love affair, not just a marriage of convenience.

  After a month of letting him heal, I was starting to feel very aggravated and annoyed by the fact that nothing had gone back to normal between us. I was out of my mind thinking about how to fix it. I sat in his vast hut with Stephanie, Brenda, and Michelle, while Ravinn was out doing his warrior responsibilities. This had become the normal everyday thing.

  “You are very lucky, Michelle,” Brenda said as she served us some food around the table.

  “Yes, you have an entire year. The king was very generous and giving you that time,” Stephanie said to Michelle.

  “Well, to be fair, I would trade that in for not being held prisoner for so long,” Michelle said.

  “Yes, good point,” Brenda said.

  “Still, it was very nice of the king to give you a year to get to know this planet and the village and to find your own Draqua mate. I guarantee that you are going to find someone suitable for you,” Stephanie said.

  “Yes, but even if you are assigned to a warrior, I think you would eventually love him, just like we have,” Brenda said.

  “Yes, I do love Biyen so much, and I cannot wait until we are officially married and can begin our life together. I feel like I have been waiting forever,” Stephanie said.

  “Yes, I agree. Jitu and I spend so much time together, and I am ready to be his wife,” Brenda said.

  “I cannot believe that you two ended up with the very aliens that took us from Earth. Did you think in the time when we were in that ship from Earth to Kelon that they would be the ones to make you their wife?” I asked them.

  “No, not at all. At the time, I was just scared out of my mind and did not know what the hell these dragon men were,” Stephanie laughed.

  “Yes, I felt the same way,” Brenda said.

  “Yet here we are, all of us happy to actually be here,” I said.

  “Yes, even I am happy to be here. Even though I had a rough start to my journey, I still would not trade it in for anything. My life is so boring on Earth. I was a dental assistant; can you believe that? All I did was look into people's mouths all day then go home and eat a microwave dinner with a glass of wine and call it a night. Sure, I have the occasional social night with the girls, but it was always the same. Going to dinner, going to a bar, picking up the man that does not deserve me, casual sex, never hearing from him again, and then doing it all over again the next month. It was really pathetic. But this… this is an incredible adventure. Just a thought that I am sitting here in this comfort and luxury in this amazing treehouse with you while dragon men toil away beneath us is incredible!” Michelle shouted.

  We all laughed. We all thought the same thing.

  “On Earth, you have to pay tons of money to live in a beach resort like this. But here we are doing it for free, and we don't have to work. We don't have to do anything but love and be loved,” Stephanie said.

  “I have an idea. After we finish here, let us go lounge on the beach in the sand and do a little bit of swimming around. It is a permanent vacation. Let us go for an afternoon swim,” Brenda said.

  All us girls shouted in unison and excitement over the idea. We ate and then packed a basket of food and water and made our way down the long spiral staircase on to the village floor. Then we walked to a more secluded area of the beach and laid out our picnic and cloth to lounge on. We jumped in the crisp, cool water, swimming and frolicking like we were on vacation. I had to admit that I would never get tired of this. It was always a healing process to be in the nutrient rich waters of Kelon.

  While Brenda and Stephanie played in the water, Michelle and I sat on a turquoise cloth that we’d set out on the beach with plenty of fresh food.

  “Has anything changed?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “You know what I mean. Ravinn? Has he still not touched you? You were not having sex,” she said.

  “No, nothing has changed. He still politely pushes aside my advances. Whenever I begin to kiss him passionately or try to straddle him, he says that he has to go somewhere or some responsibility calls him,” I said with a sigh.

  “Even in the middle of the night?” she asked.

  "He pretends to be asleep,” I said to her.

  She laughed.

  “That is not funny,” I said in a teasing way.

  “No, it is not. It is very sad. But it has been a month. I know it was hard on him to lose the woman he thought he was in love with. He saw her die right in front of him. But he also has to meet your needs. He has confessed his love for you over and over, but he is not loving you. That is wrong, and you know it,” Michelle said.

  “I know. But what am I supposed to do? If I say you have more and Talia long enough then I will be an insensitive jerk,” I said to her.

  "No, do not do that. Do not even bring her up. This has nothing to do with her anymore. You need to speak to him from your heart. Tell him you are feeling rejected by him. Tell him you need him to touch you. Tell him all those things that you were feeling and that you tell me, but you are not telling him. You are too scared of hurting him. Screw all of that. You need him. You need to talk to him,” Michelle said.

  “Yes, you are right about that. I will think about what I'm going to say, and then I will talk to him. This has gone on long enough. I am over it. It is time that we start fresh and be happy together. It is all that I want. I want to bring this child into a happy home with parents that are in love with each other, not parents that don't touch each other,” I said to her.

  “Amen!” Michelle shouted.

  I laughed at her. “You are ridiculous,” I said.

  Just then, there was a loud whistling sound. We both looked up into the
air and saw the large wings of Ravinn spread out as he flew over us at a high rate of speed. Then he flew out over the ocean and dove straight down very, very fast.

  “Wasn't that Ravinn?” Michelle said.

  “Yes, it was. He does like to show off,” I said.

  “Well, looking the way he does, I don't blame him,” Michelle said.

  “Yes, he is very attractive. His long black hair and gray eyes drive me crazy,” I said to her.

  “I don't blame you, girlfriend,” she said with an amount of lust in her voice. We both laughed at the fact that we were drooling over my mate.

  We all looked out at the water, including Stephanie and Brenda who had watched Ravinn dive into the water. Then suddenly he burst from the surface and flew straight up into the air. He flew over to Michelle and I and then landed in the sand. He had a very arrogant grin on his face and a very large fish in his hands.


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