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His Forever Girl

Page 4

by Darling, Lucy

  “I hang out with Jackson.” The football team is always around, but out of school Jackson is the only one I do shit with. Those others are disgusting and gross at times. It’s one of the reasons I don't hang with them unless it is pretty much forced.

  “Whatever. Don’t think you being nice to me for a few days changes anything.” I can see the hurt on her face. I know she would never talk to me this way if I hadn’t hurt her. It’s not who she is.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.” I pull the truck over. We’re almost to the school. “I thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't realize people were doing shit to you.” My throat feels tight. “I’m sorry,” I say again. I’ll say it over and over if I have to. She relaxes some, but the hurt doesn’t leave her eyes.

  “I don’t like being late,” she says. I nod and pull back onto the road to school. When my truck stops, she’s out and taking off toward the school before I can stop her. I let her go. Everyone turned to look our way when we pulled into the parking lot.

  I run my hand down my face seeing how fucked-up this is. She got picked on because of me. Here my dumbass was thinking I was keeping her safe from me when a whole bunch of others were taking digs at her. Fuck.

  There is no going back in time to bitch slap my thirteen-year-old self. Even though I really wish I could. All I can do now is try to make it right. Zoey can keep on running all she wants, but she’s going to quickly learn I’ll never stop chasing her.



  I can hear people whisper and feel their stares as I head into Advanced Chemistry. I rush over to where Willow is sitting. She’s my lab partner, and we share a desk. She looks up from her phone, giving me a smirk.

  “I hear Reid brought you to school today.”

  “How the hell?”

  She shrugs at my response. “You know the gossip runs rampant around here.” That’s true. “So much for ignoring him.”

  That was my plan. I told her everything that happened. In fact, after Reid dropped me off at home, I’d told her to get her ass to my house.

  “That was the plan,” I mumble. I didn't know how to deal with the things that kept coming from Reid’s mouth. My feelings are a jumbled mess, and my heart and brain are not connecting. It is messing with my body. I didn't know if I should be mad or a little turned on. I have no freaking clue where the turned-on thing came from all of a sudden.

  That’s kind of a lie. Every time I touched myself over the years my mind would fill with images of Reid. I could never bring myself to orgasm, because I couldn’t stop thinking about him and it turned me on, so I quit.

  I see some of my classmates whispering to one another. Their eyes keep flicking toward me, making it overly noticeable they are talking about me. I’m not sure if this is worse or better. It went from no one paying any attention to me, to me now being the talk of the whole high school.

  Before I can try and form a new plan, the bell rings, and our teacher, Ms. Webster, starts to talk. My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I pull it out and see a text from Reid.

  Reid: Miss you.

  Willow reads my text from the corner of her eye. She shakes with silent laughter. Reid is laying it on thick. Since he got my phone number, he’s sent me good morning texts. Today he had said he dreamed of what it would be like to see me waking up in bed next to him. I’m sure Willow’s eyes didn’t miss that text either.

  The class seems to drag on with how much the teacher is talking. I have my phone in my lap so that she doesn't see that I’m reading texts.

  Reid: How is Advanced Chemistry?

  Me: How do you know what class I’m in? Stalking much?

  Reid: Always when it comes to you.

  The last part of my text is a tease, but the more I think about it, there is some truth to it. All these years he’s wanted me. I don’t see why he’d lie about this. Unless there is some bet to get into my pants. My stomach drops at the thought.

  That’s not a far stretch because the football team is known to have a list of girls they’ve slept with. It was some sort of competition they had last year. Thankfully the school got wind of it and shut it down, saying if they heard another peep about it everyone would be expelled for a week. I wasn't lying when I told him that his friends are assholes.

  “What?” Willow elbows me in the side. “You’re chewing on your bottom lip,” she whispers. I let my lip go. I’m going to ask Reid about that.

  Finally the bell rings, freeing us all from class. We have block schedule, so there are four long classes every day.

  “I’ll see your ass at lunch,” Willow says before we part ways. Our next classes are in different directions. I jump when someone puts their arm around me. It takes me less than a second to realize that someone is Reid. I try and shake it off, but he doesn't budge. I forgot that we have English together. People part the hallway for Reid. I don’t know if it’s because of his size or something else. I glance up at him as we walk.

  “The football team—”

  Reid cuts me off. “Means nothing to me. Football is over. I barely talk to them and when I do it’s at school.”

  “Jackson,” I remind him.

  “The only person besides you that I’ll talk to once this school year ends.” I try and read his face but don’t get anything.

  “Remember last year when they did that competition about—” He pulls me closer to him as he again cuts me off. This better not be a habit.

  “I reported them.” I stop walking, but Reid nudges me. “You hate being late.”

  “Did you really?” I hold my breath for a moment, wanting that to be true. That’s the Reid I remember growing up.

  “Yes. It was disgusting. Also one of the reasons I told them all to stay the fuck away from you or I’d kick them from the team.”

  “Is that even possible?” Isn't that up to the coach or something?

  “If I say it's them or me.” Okay, that would work. This school lives and breathes football.

  “Is that why no one ever asked me out?” Things start to dawn on me. “You cockblocked.” This time it’s Reid that stops walking.

  “I guess I did. None of them are worth your time, babe. I can promise you that.”

  “Well, it’s a load of crap that you got to date and I didn't. Now we’re going to college together. Are you going to keep cockblocking me?” A few people turn to look at us.

  “Zoey and Reid, get in the classroom now,” Mr. Hope says. We’re standing outside the door. The bell is about to ring. I duck in, freeing myself from Reid to enter the classroom. I head toward my regular seat. Reid follows me.

  “Switch with me, Zack,” Reid says to him. Our seats aren't assigned, but people tend to sit in the same place every day.

  “Yep” is all Zack says, and he’s out of his seat, letting Reid sit down in his spot.

  “Does everyone do what you say?” I shake my head at him.

  “Not you,” he says with a smirk. The smirk playing on his lips makes me think he likes that about me. That I don’t just bend to his every whim. The bell rings before either one of us can say anything.

  The teacher starts talking, and of course Reid starts texting me.

  Reid: In all fairness you cockblocked me too.

  I look over at him and glare. How could I have possibly cockblocked him? He leans back in his chair and openly stares at me. This is freaking nuts. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t keep myself from asking him how he came up with the idea that I somehow cockblocked him.

  Me: How did I cockblock you?

  Reid: Because you’ve made my cock only want you.

  Shocked by his response, I drop my phone. It hits my desk, making a loud thud before it slides off and heads for the floor. Reid catches it easily. I look up to see everyone staring at me.


  Mr. Hope gives me a nod and gets back to his lecture. Reid reaches over and sets my phone down on my desk. Is this what it’s like to be in shock? I can’t even begin to process what he texted m
e. I must have misunderstood him. That has to be it. Or maybe I’m going crazy.

  Me: I know you dated Megan.

  Over the years I’ve heard the small whispers about who Reid was dating. Some of the girls said he didn't date high school girls. That he was more into the college type. It all contradicted itself so I never knew what was true. I sure as hell never witnessed him walking down the hallways with his arm wrapped around a girl like he did to me today.

  Reid: Nope.

  His text back is instant. I don’t know what to say to that except I’m not sure I believe him. That said, I’ve never seen him around with other girls. I bite my lip, wanting this day to be over. Thinking about all of this is overwhelming. I need to talk to Willow before I lose my mind. Right now my every thought is wrapped up with Reid and the jealousy I feel over him being with someone besides me.

  Me: If you’re really trying to be my friend again, you can’t lie to me about things.

  Reid: I already told you. I don’t want to be your friend.

  I put my phone away and try to pay attention to Mr. Hope. When the bell rings, everyone jumps up. I do the same but don’t get far because Reid is blocking my way. He grabs me by the hips, pulling me into him. His mouth drops down onto mine as he steals a quick kiss from me.

  “I’m not lying to you. Your mouth is the only mouth that’s been on mine.” He steps to the side and lets me get past him, but I don’t get far before he wraps his arm around me. Everyone is giving us looks. I go back to my state of shock as I let him lead me toward the cafeteria.

  “You want fries today?” Reid asks. I’m not a giant fan of the food here, but the fries are good. I often only get a plate full of them for my lunch. Of course Reid knows this, again proving his point that he has been watching me.

  “I’ll get the food while you snag us a table.” He drops his arm from around me but not before he presses his mouth against mine again. I hear a few gasps from the people around us, but as quick as his mouth is on me, it’s gone. He gives me a little smirk before he wanders off to get our lunch.

  It’s starting to get irritating and not because I don’t want him kissing me. That should be the reason, but it’s not. My fingers itch to grab his shirt and pull him back to me, wanting him to give me a real kiss.

  “You okay? You’re just standing here,” Willow says, breaking me from my thoughts of Reid. She loops her arm through mine. “I packed lunch.” We head over toward our normal table to sit down. I look around to make sure Reid isn't on his way back. I see he’s still in line. He’s easy to spot because he towers over everyone else.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” I say to Willow as I try and tell her everything I can before Reid finds me again.



  I lean up against the lockers, waiting for the bell to ring. I’ve been doing the same exact thing every day this week. I’m slowly winning my girl over. I don't care if it takes me forever, I'm not going to stop. She also hasn’t demanded that I leave her alone. She gives me these cute little huffs and rolls her eyes at me, but I catch the small smirks she tries to hide from me.

  I think this might be one of the best weeks of my life. I was stoked when we went to state and then pulled off the win. Yet, that pales in comparison to having Zoey back in my life. She’ll always beat everything because the reality is I pushed hard because I wanted a scholarship. I wanted to make sure that I’d be able to support her in the future. I only had one school in mind.

  The same school that I listened to Zoey talk about growing up. And fuck me if she hasn’t grown up. She filled out over the years. If anyone would notice, it would be me with how much I stare at her. Then I go home, close my eyes, and pretend she’s there to get me off.

  The summer after ninth grade was the worst. It seemed as though she’d matured overnight. She went from having no tits to being all tits and ass in the blink of an eye. I swear I thought the skin on my dick was going to come off with how much I jacked off thinking about her that summer.

  She and Willow loved to sunbathe on the deck. Her swimsuits, if you even could call those barely-there pieces of nothing swimsuits, almost killed me. Thank fuck she never tried to go to some public pool or somewhere else in one of them. I would have lost my shit.

  The bell rings, and I stand up and head straight for the hallway outside of Zoey’s class to wait for her to come out, but she doesn't. I step into the classroom to see if she’s still in there. Mrs. Petters gives me a smile. She’s got her headphones in as she starts to pack up her stuff. I’m sure she wants to get out of here as badly as the rest of us.

  When I turn around, my eyes land right on Zoey’s ass. She’s bent over the table writing in the notebook that’s in front of Jake. I think she is helping him with something. Or that’s what she thinks she’s doing. I think Jake has other ideas, and he’s playing dumb because his eyes aren’t on the paper. They’re on her tits. With the way she’s bent over, her shirt falls open a bit and I know he has a nice view of my girl’s tits.

  I let out a sound that resembles a growl. Fuck me. I’m growling at people now over her. She turns her head and her blue eyes lock with mine. Her brows raise as she stands. I’m sure my face shows that I’m pissed.

  I grab my girl by her hips, easily picking her up and putting her behind me. I grab the back of Jacob’s neck, pushing down so he can’t get up from his seat. I would deck him in the mouth, but that would get me suspended for a few days. There’s no way that I’m missing school because that would mean missing time with Zoey.

  I lean down next to his ear. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  “She was helping me.”

  I squeeze harder at the lie. “It looked like you were trying to steal a look at something that doesn't belong to you.”

  “I’m sorry,” he rushes to say, putting together that I’m not fucking around with him.

  “If I catch you staring at her again, I promise you I’ll find your ass and deal with you off of school grounds. Do we have an understanding?” He tries to shake his head up and down, but he can’t with the hold I have on him. “I want the words, Jake.”

  “Yes, we have an understanding.”

  I give one last hard squeeze. He lets out a yelp and I release him. Zoey is standing there looking at me with her eyes wide. Mrs. Petters has pulled her headphones off and is now looking at us.

  “He was staring down your shirt.” I grab Zoey’s bag before my other hand grabs a hold of hers.

  “Have a good weekend.” Mrs. Petters gives us a smile before her eyes go back to Jake, and she narrows them on him. Looks like Mrs. Petters is on my side.

  I don’t stop walking until we get to my truck. I open her door for her, tossing her bag in before she gets in and I shut the door behind her. I hop in and take off. Finally we’re alone. Her sweet scent fills my truck, and it makes me relax. Having her close has always done that. I’d forgotten how good it felt to be near her.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She lets out a small laugh. I glance over at her when I pull up to a stop sign. She licks her lips, her cheeks looking a bit pinker. The thought of her being turned on hits me like a Mack truck.

  “Are you turned on, babe?” I ask.

  Her lips part as she lets out a gasp. “You don’t just ask a girl that.”

  I can’t help the smile that pulls at my lips. “Told you, babe. Your non-answer to a question is a yes.”

  She rolls her eyes and looks out the window. “Are you hungry?” she asks as she continues to watch the landscape pass by the window.

  “Starved.” I can only see her left cheek, but I watch the blush bloom. My jeans grow tight. I swear I’ve had a hard-on for a week straight. I reach over, resting my hand on her thigh as I take off toward the square. She doesn't brush my hand away. In fact, she lays her hand on top of mine. I’ll take it… and I’ll keep on taking each little piece she gives me until I have all of her.



  He’s driving me insane. Actually I might be driving myself insane. He’s worn me down, and it has barely been a week since he came back into my life. The Reid I fell in love with all those years ago is back. He was right when he called me out about being turned on. It was easy to suppress my real feelings for him when I didn’t have to see or talk to him on a daily basis. But now it’s impossible. His jealousy over me lit me up inside. At one point I’m pretty sure I heard him growl.

  I wasn't too shocked by the sound. Sometimes when I catch Reid staring at me I think his eyes almost look feral. That he’s ready to pounce on me at any moment. But he never does. He still only gives me one of those kisses that are over before they really begin.

  We’ve already slipped right into a routine. Willow is softly pushing me toward Reid too. I don’t know when she changed sides, but her arguments about why I should give this a go are good.

  My heart was already stuck on Reid; it’s my mind that needs the convincing. Willow keeps insisting that I date him already so that I know if this is some passing childhood crush thing or the real deal. That I deserve to know one way or the other. That maybe I’d built him up in my head into something he’s not.

  That’s the thing. She is right. I did have this idea in my head since I was a little girl that Reid and I would grow up and get married. I pictured the type of husband he would be, but the reality is better than any dream I’ve ever conjured up.

  Either way, I am already in too deep. If I tried to pull away now, I’d still have a broken heart. I don’t have anything to lose from giving this a go—as long as Reid keeps being the man he is to me now. That said, I’m not going to clue him into any of that. I am enjoying being chased by him.

  Reid pulls into my favorite diner in town. I know to wait for him to open my door. I learned that last time when I hopped out before he came around to open it, and he smacked me on my ass. Which had caused me to scream and everyone to turn and look at me in the parking lot.


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