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Play The Game

Page 15

by Casey Crisp

Winter Formal


  “Ryder can convince Hunter to come with us, but only if you don’t want to feel left out,” I said, watching as my sister took extra time to study her reflection in the mirror. Additional time that Brynn would usually dedicate to what she deemed “worthy causes” like catching up on a particularly interesting classic novel. Especially since Brynn had made it clear that she was only going to the winter formal to spend time with me and Aria.

  However, watching her endure such meticulous preparation forced me to reconsider my sister’s intentions. Instead, I was worried that Brynn had something malicious planned for tonight despite her innocuous dismissal of the event. Because if her plan involved Alex or Chrystian, then the winter formal would end in disaster.

  “I won’t get in the way of you and Ryder.”

  “That’s not it, Brynn,” I immediately countered. “I just want you to relax and have fun tonight.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Brynn insisted, and a rather sinister smile crossed her features as she returned to her previous efforts.

  I studied Brynn’s appearance because she was certainly dressed for the wrong occasion, exchanging a traditional floor-length dress for a little black number that left very little to the imagination. She had also painstakingly applied smoky-colored eyeliner, despite her revulsion to the idea of beauty products, and it made her irises appear darker and more seductive. She looked completely different standing in the middle of my bedroom, and Brynn rarely fussed over her appearance. “I don’t normally see you wearing makeup.”

  I continued observing her carefully as she applied a liberal amount of hairspray before she turned around, bright red lips hitching into a smirk. “Are you ready?”

  “Ryder will be here soon,” I said, following Brynn into the living room where Jerome was lazily engaged with his phone screen. But as soon as we walked into the room, his attention was immediately diverted. “What the hell are you wearing?”

  Brynn rolled her eyes. “It’s a dress, moron.”

  “Are you sure it’s not an oversized shirt?”

  I laughed at Jerome’s concern. “Brynn is feeling mischievous tonight.”

  “You can be mischievous when it’s not supposed to be 20 fucking degrees outside,” he retorted with an incredulous tone, but his attention returned to his phone after muttering something that I couldn’t understand.

  “Where’s Ryder?” Brynn asked, glancing at the clock. “He should be here.”

  “It’s not time,” I said, but I still continued to linger by the doorway, waiting until I spotted his silver Mazda in our driveway. As if on cue, I felt a sudden wave of anxiety, and I looked at Brynn expectantly while grabbing her shoulders. “I look okay, right?”

  Brynn rolled her eyes. “You look fine, Rose.”

  “Yeah,” Jerome snickered, “and you won’t freeze to death.”

  Brynn attempted to offer a smart retort, but the doorbell graciously interrupted a potential argument between my sister and brother. “Go away,” I hissed at Jerome who shook his head but obeyed, disappearing down the hallway to his bedroom. I took a deep breath, trying to dispel the threatening sickness in my stomach, before I opened the door.

  I was greeted by the sight of Ryder’s elegant appearance that did nothing to calm my racing heart. He wore a suit that hugged his body and exposed his trim arms. His eyes brightened as they scanned over me. “You look beautiful, Rose.”

  I smiled. “You look good too.”

  “Yeah, we all look good,” Brynn sharply interceded, stepping around me and Ryder to hurry outside.

  “Nice to see you, Brynn,” Ryder snarked, and I hesitated in the doorway because this was not what I had imagined.


  The advertised winter formal was held in the school’s gymnasium because it offered the most space to accommodate our fairly large student population. Yet, upon my arrival, it was still oddly disconcerting when I remembered that the same place where I endured countless hours of training had suddenly undergone a complete transformation. The irony was not lost on me as I allowed Ryder to help me out of his car since my attire was not meant for quick movements. Meanwhile, Brynn walked ahead with an unsettling confidence guiding her steps that only added to my already growing suspicions. “Is she meeting someone?” Ryder questioned.

  “I don’t think so,” I said, frowning as I watched my younger sister hand her ticket to the door attendant.

  We caught up to Brynn while she waited for us to exchange our tickets, bouncing a little in place which exposed her impatience. “Hurry up,” she snapped, and I glared in her direction.

  Thankfully, Ryder didn’t seem as bothered by my sister’s attitude. “You have three hours,” he told Brynn. “The formal will still be going on in five minutes.”

  I snickered, but Brynn decided to ignore him as the three of us made our way inside, and I took a moment to appreciate the efforts spent on a high school dance. For example, the bleachers had been tucked away against the walls, allowing for more room on the main court that was currently packed with richly-dressed Arlington students dancing in groups and talking with their friends. The lights were dimmed considerably, and someone possessed the skill to hang several disco balls from the low-hanging rafters with spotlights flashing up in their direction, adding to the well-planned ambiance. Additionally, ornamental streamers managed to add some color to the barren, beige-colored walls and several balloons were weighted down along the floor. There were also a few decorated tables displaying snacks and large punch bowls. “It’s so nice!” I remarked, glancing at Ryder who nodded in agreement. “What do you think, Brynn?” I asked, and I turned around to look for my sister, but I quickly realized that she had suddenly disappeared.

  Ryder frowned. “Where did she go?”

  I shrugged while trying to appear indifferent, even as a little voice at the back of my head warned me that something was happening. “Maybe she went to look for Aria?” I cleared my throat, changing the subject quickly. I didn’t want Ryder thinking that I was worried about Brynn because my younger sister’s antics wouldn’t prevent me from having a good time. Likewise, Ryder certainly had no obligation to invite me to the formal, especially since any girl would’ve been honored to accept his invitation. “Brynn can handle herself.”

  Most of the time.

  “Do you want something to drink?”

  “That would be nice,” I said, waiting until he was gone before letting out a tired sigh.

  I carefully navigated around some of the other couples, eyes rapidly searching for any sign of my younger sister. It was difficult when I considered the congregation of students crowding the gymnasium, and I felt a hint of claustrophobia creeping around the edges of my vision. However, it was nothing compared to the sinking feeling of dread when I found Aria and Venir engaged in conversation together because it was clear that Brynn was not with either of them.

  Aria spotted me first, smiling when I grew closer. “Hi, Rose.”

  “Aria,” I said, leaning in closer so that she could hear me over the music. “Have you seen Brynn?”

  Aria shook her head. “Why? Is something wrong?”

  I forced a smile. “No, I just lost her when we came inside. We probably got separated in the crowd...”

  Aria nodded. “Where’s Ryder?”

  “Ryder went to get us a drink.”

  Aria smirked. “I’m so excited for you, Rose! Ryder is such a sweet guy, and I remember when I met him last year...” Aria trailed off suddenly, her eyes trained on something behind me.

  However, the uneasiness in Aria’s gaze still wasn’t enough to prepare me for her disruption. “Rose, can I talk to you?”

  I winced when I finally recognized Heidi’s voice and, from my peripheral vision, I watched Venir as he grabbed Aria’s arm and quietly led her away. Thereafter, I started a short countdown inside my head before I confronted Heidi. “I guess I don’t have a choice.”

  Heidi’s glare intensified as she took in
my appearance. “Are you not with Ryder?”

  “He’ll be back soon,” I told her, and I was annoyed that she had finally decided to confront me.

  “Doesn’t it bother you that I was interested in him?” she asked with obvious disdain. “Or do you not have any shame? How long have you been wanting him?”

  “What are you talking about?” I planted my hands on my hips, wondering if Sydney had fed her such wild accusations.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about!” Heidi practically sneered, invading my personal space in an attempt to intimidate me. “I know how close you are to the Student Council. Did one of them blackmail Ryder?”

  “That’s crazy!” I marveled at her theory. “Why would I do that? They’re just Aria’s friends.”

  “It always comes back to Aria Nicolai.” Heidi shook her head. “It’s exactly what Sydney warned me about.”

  “Listen Heidi, I would never do anything to hurt you. I don’t want anything to come between us because we’re teammates and we need to trust each other.”

  “Well,” Heidi started, “I definitely don’t trust you. Sydney was right, you’re just a lying and manipulative-”

  “Heidi!” Ryder’s sharp tone interrupted our heated discussion, inserting himself between the two of us with our drinks in his hands. He looked down on Heidi, effectively keeping me blocked from her view. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Heidi’s entire attitude changed once she realized that she had Ryder’s attention. She grabbed onto his arm and I looked in the opposite direction, swallowing the bitter taste of jealousy when I really had no reason to overreact. Likewise, Ryder jerked his arm away, and Heidi’s hand fell back to her side. “Ryder! Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”

  “We’re not doing this again, especially not here.”

  “Ryder!” Heidi’s voice was almost a shriek as Ryder grabbed my hand and pulled me away from her visibly distraught figure.

  “I’m sorry, Rose,” he said after we settled down at one of the tables. “I knew she would try something.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, accepting the drink he held out for me.

  “You’re not bothered by it, are you?” Ryder asked with a slight hint of distress behind his question.

  “No,” I reassured him. “I’m really okay. I have better things to worry about.”

  “I’m glad,” he said with a relieved smile. “Finish your drink, I can’t wait to dance with you.”

  I took a tentative sip of the bright pink liquid, hoping that Ryder wouldn’t notice the way my hands had started to tremble. I could probably attribute my stress to a lethal combination of my confrontation with Heidi, my lingering concern for Brynn, and those confusing feelings for Ryder that still continued to cast shadows over our potential relationship. It left me barely cognizant of the looks being thrown our way as I studied the congested gymnasium, wondering how I would manage to navigate such a treacherous scene. Honestly speaking, I wasn’t a very good dancer, and I had successfully embarrassed myself on multiple occasions.

  “Ready?” Ryder asked, rising to his feet as he held out a hand.

  I nodded because I couldn’t imagine relying on words at that moment. Instead, I enclosed my hand around his, briefly acknowledging how nice it felt to receive his help. Carefully, Ryder encouraged me to join our classmates, and we struggled to center court where he adjusted his free arm around my waist. In the meantime, he brought my hand to rest against his shoulder, and I tried not to blush when I realized how low his fingers dipped along my spine, resting against the curve of my lower back. “I’m sorry if I’m not very good,” I said a little breathlessly while I managed to look into Ryder’s eyes. I was taken aback by the affection that I detected in their impossible depths.

  “Just follow me,” he insisted, pulling me even closer to where our bodies were practically pressed together as he guided me along to the slow-paced melody that played overhead. “Perfect timing,” he said, and I focused on the scent of his cologne.

  My eyelids fluttered at my contentment. “You say that now, but when I step on your feet, you’ll be regretting this.”

  “I don’t care, Rose. I just like having you here.”

  “It feels nice,” I conceded, closing my eyes and relaxing against the background of the music.

  “You look stunning,” Ryder complimented, lips right next to my ear.

  “Thank you,” I said, opening my eyes again as an irresistible smile claimed ownership of my lips.

  “What is it about you, Rose?” Ryder mused. “I noticed something special when we met for the first time. I’ve figured out so much about you, but I still don’t know everything.”

  “My ridiculous height,” I suggested playfully, savoring the sound of his laughter that I earned from my quip.

  “Something deeper than that,” Ryder said, shifting backwards so that our eyes could meet.

  “I hope you figure it out.”

  “There’s still plenty of time.” He nodded, eyes trailing down my face to pause on my lips. “Rose, I know this might seem presumptuous, but would it be okay if I-”

  “That’s enough!”

  Ryder and I startled apart at the sudden interjection. “What happened?” I asked, and I stood on my toes to look over my other classmates.

  “I think I recognized the voice,” Ryder said, and we both followed the direction of the sound curiously, discovering a huge crowd of students had gathered at the opposite end of the gymnasium. As we came closer, I realized with a start that my younger sister was in a compromising situation, attempting to shield herself behind Aria Nicolai.

  I also noticed that Alex and Chrystian both appeared incensed, and they were barely restrained by Venir and a courageous student who had tried to interfere with the aftermath of a hostile argument. “Brynn.” I sighed, but Ryder held out an arm when I went to confront my sister.

  “I wouldn’t,” he murmured. “Trust me.”

  It was an impossible request, especially when it involved my sister. “Aria and I will take Brynn home,” Venir suddenly declared. “I’ll have someone else take care of the two of you.”

  I shivered at his threatening tone. However, I also managed to make eye contact with Aria as she passed along the edge of the court. Her gaze was reassuring, and I let out a deep breath as I reluctantly allowed them to leave without me.

  “The party’s over,” Venir declared, eyes hard and angry as he looked between Alex and Chrystian. “Everyone needs to go home.”

  There was a chorus of disappointed groans and complaints, but no one challenged Venir despite their opposition. I watched as the students started to disperse before I examined Ryder. “What happened?”

  “I’ll find out for you,” Ryder promised. “Is it alright if we go back to my house? I can make some calls, and I’m not really ready for the night to be over.”

  I vocalized my assent without really giving his inquiry much consideration.


  I watched Ryder pace the floor of his bedroom as he talked on the phone. He nodded at whatever the person on the other end of the line told him before he dismissed the call, finally turning around to address me. “Alex and Chrystian got into a fight over Brynn,” Ryder informed me, and I unconsciously released a gasp of surprise. My little sister continued to astonish me, and I wasn’t sure that I could restrain myself from intervening.

  “Is that why Venir told everyone to leave?”

  Ryder nodded. “It was pretty serious.”

  He then paused as if detecting my worry. “Your sister is quite mischievous, huh?” he remarked playfully in an attempt to lighten the air.

  “She’s not usually like this,” I fretted, picking at the fabric of my dress. “I should talk to her.”

  Ryder nodded before he sat next to me on the bed. “I can take you home.”

  I sighed, searching Ryder’s clear gaze. “I’m sorry the night ended like this.”

  “It’s not your fault!” He chuckled. “I’m honestly
surprised that V and Beckett were able to get things under control based on what I was hearing.”

  “Oh, Brynn,” I groaned into my hands. “What have you done now?”

  Ryder gently tugged my hands into his lap. “Are you alright, Rose?”

  “I’m worried about my sister, but I just want everything to be normal again.”

  Ryder seemed satisfied with my response, shifting nervously next to me. “You know...I had something planned for tonight. I thought everything was okay until the fight broke out.”

  “Really?” I asked, managing to muster what I hoped resembled confidence.

  Ryder leaned in closer and my heart rate skyrocketed. “Do you mind if I show you?”

  There were plenty of reasons to deny him, but I nodded eagerly despite the fact that I knew what his question implied. “Okay,” I whispered, forcing myself to stay in place as if we were in a well-rehearsed play and the male protagonist was finally moving in to kiss his fair maiden.

  Strangely, despite my earlier reservations, I wasn’t afraid at all.


  I had been anticipating the perfect opportunity during the weeks leading up to the school’s winter formal. To implement my plan successfully, I needed to find Chrystian as soon as possible, which is why I abandoned my older sister at the gymnasium entrance before searching through the surrounding conglomeration of students for his familiar face. At the same time, I was also cautious of a potential appearance from Isabella, especially considering our earlier vindictive confrontation. Her warning was impossible to dismiss, and I assumed that she had managed to manipulate Chrystian back into her well-manicured clutches.

  However, I was only mildly surprised to discover that my suspicions were entirely unwarranted. In fact, Chrystian was standing next to his friend, talking near the outside perimeter of center court without any sign of Isabella. Her absence renewed my confidence, and I quickly maneuvered my way through several persistent couples.

  It was Chrystian who noticed me first, visibly tensing as I stopped in front of them. “Hey, guys,” I greeted them sweetly while hoping that it sounded genuine.


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