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Hacked by Love, Part 3

Page 15

by Sharon Cummin

  “She sure did,” I said, as I pulled him close and hugged him so tight.

  I looked up to see tears in Lauren's eyes as well. She had the biggest smile on her face when she leaned down and wrapped her arms around our necks.

  “I love you two so much,” she said.

  I slid the ring on her finger and let my family at her while I lifted Jackson into my arms and stood to watch them all hugging her. My mom was super excited about planning a wedding and jumped right in to talk about it with Sammie and Lauren. When Sammie walked over and hugged me, I had to smile.

  “Not everything turns out the way you think it will, Lancie,” she said. “I'm so proud of you.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed.

  “Ouch,” she said and pulled away.

  “Come on,” I said. “I know James isn't that damn careful with you. Are you a sissy, Man?”

  James looked at me and shook his head.

  “Do you really want to know?” he asked.

  “Hell no,” I said. “Never mind.”

  “Ouch,” Sammie said again.

  “Nobody is even touching you,” I joked.

  She was still looking at me and I saw her wince in pain. When my eyes grew wide, she shook her head silently begging me to keep my mouth shut. Then it hit me.

  “Oh shit!” I shouted, and they all jumped. “She's in labor.”

  My dad and James starting running around, and the three women burst into laughter. I narrowed my eyes at them, but they kept laughing. I sat my ass down in a chair and looked up at them.

  “Fine,” I said. “Have that baby here.”

  “Don't be like that, Lancie,” Sammie said in a sad tone, clearly making fun of me. “Ouch. Shit!”

  She leaned forward and grabbed hold of my shoulders with a death grip. I stood up and pulled her to me.

  “You okay?” I asked, and she nodded.

  I kept my arm around her and walked her to the car. Lauren and my mom followed behind us. Then I grabbed Jillian's seat and got her and Jackson in my car. The guys met us outside with her bags, and we were on our way.

  “When did you get the ring?” Lauren asked, as I drove.

  I didn't answer her at first.

  “Lance,” she said, as she placed her hand on my thigh.

  “The day they offered me the job,” I answered honestly, and she gasped and covered her mouth. “When you came out of the bedroom and I left. That was where I went.”

  “We hadn't even said we loved each other yet,” she whispered.

  “When they called, I thought about the job and leaving. I couldn't imagine my life without the two of you in it. That was the moment I realized I was going to marry you one day.”

  “Why didn't you ask me then?” she asked.

  “Are you serious?” I said, as I looked over for a second. “When I came home, you were ready to leave. They called you, and I know you were ready to take the job and go. If I would have asked you then, your ass would have ran as fast as you could. Plus, it wasn't the right time. I wanted you to stay because you loved me and wanted me in your life.”

  “Can I ask you something?” she asked in almost a whisper.

  I nodded.

  “What would you have done if I'd left?” she asked.

  I could tell she was super nervous about my answer. Her grip on my thigh tightened, and her other hand was twirling a piece of her hair. I'd never tell her, but she did the twirl thing when was afraid or nervous.

  “I told you, I knew I was going to marry you,” I said. “I wouldn't have given up. I would have gone after you.”

  “Tonight was the right time,” she said.

  “It was,” I said. “They all knew I was going to ask you.”

  “What if I would have said no?” she asked, and I looked over to see a smirk playing on her lips.

  “Say no to me?” I asked. “That wasn't happening.”

  “What would you have done, carry me down the aisle like a caveman?” she joked.

  “If I had to,” I answered, and we both laughed. “Don't laugh, that shit worked for my dad. How do you think he got my mom? I already told you, you're mine.”

  Chapter 25


  We got to the hospital, and the guys were like The Three Stooges fumbling around to get Sammie inside. I had Jackson's hand in one of mine and Jillian's in the other. I stood back with Lance's mom and laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. Sammie turned her head and looked back at us.

  “A little help would be nice,” she shouted. “Get these big lugs off of me. Don't be laughing back there, Lauren. Your time will come, and I'll be laughing my ass off.”

  I couldn't stop laughing. James had her in his arms, and both Lances were at her sides. She was squirming to get free, but James let her know she needed to cut her shit. There was no way that was ever happening to me, I thought. James wouldn't worry about me like Lance worried about his sister. Big Lance was her dad. It was totally different. That wasn't something that was coming anytime soon anyway. We weren't having kids for a long time, if ever. We had Jackson, and we'd just gotten engaged. Nope, that was all hers.

  “You know we love you,” I shouted back at her.

  When her arm flew out with her middle finger up, Lance's mom laughed so hard that she had tears sliding down her cheeks.

  They were all crazy. James' parents and grandma were on their way. Of course their grandma requested that she keep her legs closed until they got there, to which Lance replied that if she could keep her legs closed, they wouldn't have been there in the first place.

  I couldn't help but laugh each time a nurse came into the room. They'd look between James and Lance's dad. Then they'd finally find their words and do what they needed to do. Of course, everyone but me was oblivious to the fact that they'd seen every nurse on the floor and that Sammie was getting way more attention than all the other pregnant women. There was no way to miss the nurses each picking their jaws up off the floor each time their eyes went between the men. I totally sympathized with them. When I'd met Lance's dad and James, I felt the same way. I'd even had to face that I'd made fun of one of them. I couldn't wait to see their faces when Scott walked in.

  So much had changed since I'd first met Lance. I looked around the room at each of them. They were my family. I was going to be one of them. I'd never felt like I belonged anywhere before them. They took me in as one of their own the first time I'd seen them, in the very same hospital. I'd never felt so loved in all my life. I hadn't noticed a tear had fallen from the corner of my eye until Lance's mom reached over and wiped it away.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “What's wrong?” she asked, pulling her attention away from the rest of the bunch.

  “Every time I see you all together, it amazes me,” I said.

  “I know we can be a bit much,” she said, and I quickly shook my head.

  “No,” I said. “You're all perfect.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tighter than my mom had ever hugged me in my life.

  “You're one of us,” she said. “So is Jackson. I know how you're feeling. I felt the same way when I was brought into the group with Carrie and her family. Then Lance came along, and no matter how hard I tried to push his ass away, he just held on tighter. I didn't think I deserved love, but they all taught me that I was wrong. We all deserve love, Lauren. We can't change our past, but we can build an awesome future. I'm so happy Lance found you. When he talked about you in the beginning, after that first meeting, I saw his dad and me and the way we started. He might irritate the shit out of you, but he will love you like no other ever could. Just remember that when you want to kick his ass.”

  “Do you still want to kick his dad's ass?” I asked.

  “Every single day,” she said, as she laughed and hugged me tighter. “I wouldn't have it any other way though. These men love hard, Lauren. They're bossy and demanding, but they'll do anything and
everything to protect us. I hope you're ready for that. I'll kick my boy's ass if he does anything to hurt you or Jackson, you just let me know.”

  Lance walked over to us just as his mom had finished her sentence.

  “What are you doing to my girl?” he asked in a rough tone.

  “I was just telling her to come to me if you step out of line,” his mom said. “She's one of ours.”

  “You'd take her side over mine?” he asked with surprise in his tone. “I'm your baby.”

  “I love my Smith men,” his mom answered. “I also know the Smith women need to stick together.”

  He shook his head and looked down at me with one of his I'm in control looks that instantly soaked my panties. I knew damn well that he saw me move in my seat when a grin tugged at the corners of his lips.

  “I wouldn't take advice from her,” he said, as he looked right into my eyes. “I've seen her over his shoulder many times. Us Smith men take care of everything, including our women.”

  “Oh please,” his mom said with a smirk. “We let you men think you're in control. We're the ones really in charge.”

  “I hear you over there, Firecracker,” his dad barked out. “Not one more word or I'll find the nearest closet and show your ass who's in control.”

  “Dad,” Sammie snapped out. “If you're going to talk like that, at least go out in the hall. I don't want to hear that crap.”

  “Oh really,” their dad said sternly. “Do you think I want to be standing here thinking about how it was that you got in this mess in the first place?”

  “Hotshot,” Lance's mom snapped from next to me. Then she looked over at me with a smile on her face. “Don't even think about running now. You had your chance when we were here the last time. It's too late, you're one of us now. We'll find you.”

  I shook my head and burst into laughter. They were crazy, but they were mine.

  I looked over at Jackson and noticed how tired he was. Then I saw Jillian looking sleepy as well.

  “It looks like she has a long way to go,” I said, as I looked up at Lance. “These two look beat.”

  “I agree,” he said, as he looked at the kids and then over at Sammie. “We'll take them home.”

  “I'll go,” I said. “You stay here with Sammie.”

  “No,” he said. “You don't need to be driving this late.”

  “I'll be fine,” I said. “I've driven in the dark a million times, Lance.”

  “That was before you were mine,” he said.

  His mom leaned over.

  “I told you,” she whispered.

  “Mom,” he said through gritted teeth.

  She looked up at him and smiled.

  “Yes, baby,” she said.

  “Ugh,” was his only response.

  “I'll be fine,” I said. “I know you're worried about your sister.”

  “Fine,” he said. “I'll walk you out. Text me when you get home.”

  Home, I thought. It really was my home. I'd always thought of it as his apartment, but so much had changed. I had a real home again. It was even better than before. Not one person there made me feel unloved. I honestly felt that every single one of them would be there if I needed them.

  I picked Jackson up, and Lance's dad was there in seconds. He took Jackson from me and lifted him up. Jackson put his head down on Lance's dad's shoulder and wrapped his little arms around his big neck.

  “Give me my boy,” Lance demanded.

  “Nope,” his dad said. “Grab your niece.”

  Lance picked Jillian up and they walked out of the room ahead of me. I said goodbye to Sammie, James, and Lucy.

  “Better get used to it,” Sammie said. “These men don't know how to listen.”

  “We do,” James said. “We hear what you're saying, but we know what's best for our women.”

  I shook my head and walked out into the hallway to see both men with kids in their arms. It was the sweetest sight how they turned to mush for their little ones.

  When I got them home, I sent Lance a text, got the kids dressed for bed, popped popcorn, and we all crawled in under the covers in our bed. We'd decided on the way that we were having a movie night. It didn't take long before they were both asleep, one on each side of me. I turned off the movie, scooted down, and fell asleep.

  I woke up when I heard the ding of my phone.

  Lance: It's a boy. James Jr. of course. I'll be home soon.

  I put the phone back down and closed my eyes.

  When I opened them again, I saw Lance looking down at me.

  “What's this?” he asked.

  “A movie party,” I said with a smirk.

  “In our bed,” he said.

  “I wanted to be the cool aunt,” I said.

  “And mom?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I answered.

  He shook his head, turned off the lights, and crawled in next to Jackson.

  “This is the only night,” he said. “Don't get used to them being in here. I need my woman next to me.”

  Then he lowered his voice to a light whisper.

  “Don't think I didn't notice at the hospital, your panties were wet for me.”

  “You should have taken me to the nearest closet,” I whispered back with a chuckle, knowing it was too dark for him to see my face.

  “Don't think I didn't think about it,” he said.

  I shook my head.

  “Is the baby cute?” I asked.

  “Of course he is,” he answered. “He's a Smith.”

  It was quiet for a moment.

  “Not as cute as ours will be though,” he said.

  I couldn't believe he'd said it, and it was so damn dark in there. Was he serious, or did he have a smile on his face? We hadn't talked about having kids at all yet.

  “Lance,” I whispered.

  “You heard me, baby,” he said. “Get some sleep.”

  Sleep, I thought. How was I supposed to fall asleep after that?

  Chapter 26


  We kept Jillian with us until Sammie and the baby went home. When we arrived at their house, everyone was there. They wanted Jillian to be with them when they took her new baby brother into the house. Carrie, Scott, and grandma were right there with Lance's parents. It was so cute seeing Jillian run over to see the baby. She already loved him so much. He was adorable, Lance was right about that.

  The second we made it inside, Jackson and Jillian were all over grandma giving her hugs and kisses. Then they ran to Carrie and Scott. I guess I hadn't realized just how much Jackson had become one of theirs as well.

  As soon as the kids were gone, grandma looked over at me.

  “Let me see that ring,” she said. “Did my boy do good?”

  “He did great,” I told her. “I'd wear a bread tie if it came from him though.”

  “He's a lucky guy,” she said.

  “What about her?” Lance asked when he walked into the room. “She's pretty damn lucky for catching me. I'm not sure that's the exact word I'd use though.”

  “No lack of confidence there,” she said with a laugh. “You got two for the price of one. That makes you lucky.”

  “You're right,” he said, as he pulled me down to sit on his lap once he sat down.

  “When is the big day?” she asked.

  “We're not sure,” he answered. “Sammie had to go and steal our thunder, so we haven't really talked about it yet. I say the sooner the better. I've got to make her mine before she realizes just how crazy you all are.”

  “Us, really?” Sammie asked from her spot on the couch. “I didn't steal your thunder.”

  “Whatever you say,” he joked, and everyone started laughing.

  I sat back and watched everyone talking and joking as they passed the new baby around. That little boy would probably never know just how much love he'd have in his life. When he got to me, all I could do was snuggle him and look down at his cute little face. It had been a long time since I'd held a baby that small.
There was something so relaxing about it.

  “Let me hold my favorite nephew,” Lance said, and I heard his dad growl from the other side of the room.

  “You leave that boy alone,” his dad said. “You've already claimed Jillian. I can't get any attention from her when you're around. I have to sneak her over when you're not looking.”

  I got up and handed the baby to Lance.

  “Traitor,” his dad said from behind me. “I'll remember that.”

  I turned around and gave him a dirty look.

  “Where did that shy girl go?” he asked. “The one that felt bad for calling me old.”

  “I told you,” Lance said from his spot on the chair. “There's evil in there.”

  “Shut your mouth,” grandma said. “You leave her alone. She's a good girl. She puts up with you. You better hold on tight to her.”

  “Grandma,” Lance said. “Whose side are you on?”

  “The Smith and Reid women stick together,” she answered.

  Everyone burst into laughter again. When I sat down on the edge of Lance's chair, I noticed Carrie was looking at me from the corner of her eye.

  “Now we have two boys to play ball with,” Lance's dad said to Scott. “Between you, me, and James, they can both be Pirates.”

  “You won't pressure my son,” Lance said, and I turned quickly to look at him.

  “What?” his dad asked.

  It was the first time Lance had ever called Jackson his son, and it shook me to my core. I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes. Grandma reached over and squeezed my hand. I knew she felt it too.

  “I remember how you were with James. You won't pull that shit on my boy,” Lance said in a stern tone.

  I'd seen him talk to his dad many times, but I'd never seen him pull his shoulders back and let him know how it was. Lance was right, I was the lucky one.

  “My grandson can be anything he wants,” Lance's dad came back at him. “If he wants to be a Pirate, he'll be a Pirate. If he wants to sit behind a computer and play all day, he'll have the best damn computer there is. I'll be right there with him.”

  “Play,” Lance growled out from behind me.

  His dad had just called Jackson his grandson. More tears filled my eyes, and grandma squeezed my hand again. How were we the only two noticing, I wondered? When I looked over at her, she had the biggest smile on her face.


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