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Page 5

by Lena Little

  He pulls his hips back, cocks them, and then thrusts forward so hard the bed frame slams against the wall. All the while he keeps his eyes locked on mine, gauging my response. Ready to make the decision to stop if it’s the right one, even if I protest because I don’t know what’s good for me.

  Cocking his hips back he slams into me again, this time the headboard makes a slight cracking sound. “You really are going to be my little virgin sacrifice tonight, aren’t you?”

  “I’m yours in all ways.”

  “Damn right. Now open your thighs wider and let me satisfy my girl’s virgin pussy.”

  I look down and see that my knees are shaking, my body trying to will my legs shut while my mind and my pussy want nothing to do with that decision.

  Opening up allows him to really start to let loose. His thrusts turn more feral and the broken headboard begins to rebound off the wall each time he impales me.

  “Fuck me, I’m going to hell for taking your virgin cherry with so much force, pounding it like a nail into hot pine.”

  “It’s okay. It just…tickles a bit now.”

  “Tickles a bit? I find an untouched dream in a dungy basement and she gets a tickle in her stomach when I’m throttling her like a beast. You really are a princess destined to be my queen, because you’re every man’s fantasy, but you can belong to only one…and that one is me.”

  He kicks the pace into overdrive, fucking me filthy and raw, his massive cock giving me more pleasure than I could have ever imagined was humanly possible.

  “Mine,” he grits out from a tight jaw, grabbing me under the chin and squaring my face toward his so I can see just how serious he is.

  My stomach tightens and his claim has me on the precipice, ready to fall over the edge. He changes the angle of his hips and his member brushes right over my clit and I know I’m seconds away from being a goner.

  He winces, trying to maintain control, the same control I’m losing.

  “Let loose. Do you,” I encourage, and in the blink of an eye the animal finally comes out.

  His hands grip my hips and he lifts my entire body straight off the bed, holding me vertically as he slams into me. I feel like a baton being tossed in the air repeatedly as he completely loses control.

  A wave of water washes through me, reaching the dam, but not ready to go over as I wait for that last thing I need to hear.

  And like clockwork he delivers. “Do it, my little virgin queen. Give me everything your pussy’s got. Come dammit! Come all over Daddy’s dick like a good girl.”

  I scream like I’m possessed, but it’s only pleasure I feel inhabiting my body as my tight heat explodes everything it has onto his rod, my body spasming wildly as I lose track of which way’s up and where I am in this world.

  My body bucks and bucks some more, just before he calls out, “Giulia.”

  Although he’s been calling me by a whole host of pet names there’s something special about this moment, giving him my innocence, that feels so right considering his word choice. It’s personal, and it didn’t happen by accident. It connects me to him just like our bodies connected, to the point that it’s literally impossible to tell where one of us ends and the other begins.

  “You’re mine, Giulia. No one else’s. Only mine.” He groans again and then a geyser of piping-hot come fills my insides, and what my body can’t contain immediately rolls down my crack finding the sheets.

  His body kicks and jerks and out of nowhere he falls right on top of me…face first.

  He’s spent, all of his energy depleted. Immediately he rolls over onto one side and pulls me in close to him, holding me in a way that leaves no doubt our bodies were meant to fit together like a puzzle.

  “So perfect,” he whispers into my hair. “And only mine.”

  I smile, not knowing he’s not even done.

  “How does it feel to be pregnant with my children?”

  I twist my elbow and playfully slap at him. “You don’t know that, silly. It takes time to see and we’d need to get a test or two to make sure.”

  “I don’t need some drug store plastic tube or some quack in a lab coat to tell me what I already know. I trust my instincts, my intuition. They’ve kept me alive all this time and believe me, I’ve definitely faced some tests.”

  I leave it at that, because why would a good girl argue with her Daddy? Not to mention maybe, just maybe that’s what I want too.

  Okay, there’s no maybe to it. I absolutely want it and I want it with him.

  When you know, you know. And I know the best night of sleep in my life is about to take hold of me, swallowing me up just like his muscular, protective arms.

  And seconds later I doze off in his arms…right where I’ve always belonged.



  Three days later

  The bell in the clock tower perched smack dab in the middle of campus dings once, alerting all students that classes for the day start in five minutes.

  Picking up my pace I take the slightly longer way to my first day of class, making sure to pass by the job board where I found that ad for the card dealing position. The moment I see it I tear the rest of the ads down and toss them in the trash nearby. A smile takes over my face as I know I might have just helped out a fellow woman, not to mention I’m not in the market for a job anymore. Julian told me to take some time and pursue what I want to do, which of course was to get my education taken care of.

  It’s not a prestigious community college, but they have what I want…introductory automotive classes. As a girl, I always wanted to have a car, so I could just run away from everything. That, and the fact that I was a bit of a Tomboy, led me to want to be a mechanic. I briefly flirted with the idea of becoming an architect when I was growing up because I was so transient and wanted a house of my own to call home. But something about going fast in a fast car, or in Julian’s case a motorcycle, excites me more than designing rooms and determining where the wiring will be rigged.

  When I told Julian I wanted to enter a male-dominated profession his expression immediately pinched and his muscles tensed. It was easy to tell it wasn’t what he was expecting me to say, or certainly his first choice for me, but he didn’t object. He just wrapped me up in a hug and told me he supported me in all ways, even if I wanted to be a professional hot dog eater, which made me laugh and showed me a side of him, a funny side, that I wasn’t sure existed.

  Hurrying to class, I bump open the door with my hip and rush through the hall with my backpack full of new textbooks bouncing up and down.

  The minute I reach the classroom I’m greeted by a sign that says “Pop Quiz. Report to the Icarus building basement by five after.” I exhale and turn on the ball of my heel, pulling out my map to find out where this Icarus building is located. Starting classes two weeks into the semester isn’t doing me any favors, and the last thing I need is to show up late on my first day when I’m already behind the eight ball trying to play catch up.

  Luckily I locate the building and beat feet toward it. It’s just two buildings over so I make it in plenty of time, but as I arrive I realize I’m the last one there. All eyes are on me as I enter the basement, which is equipped with about twenty very basic entry-level motorcycles and two students standing around each one.

  “Nice of you to join us, Miss Johnson,” the man who’s clearly the professor adds. Meet your new class partner, Jake.” He extends his hand toward the closest motorcycle where there’s a boy about my age standing by himself.

  “Jake. Nice to finally have a partner,” he offers, extending his hand which I shake. His grip is firm and his hands are roughed up. Clearly, he spends more time working on bikes, or something of that nature, than he does tapping keys on a smartphone. I like that about him already…a capable boy who takes the bull by the horns, or so it seems based on his initial introduction. I was thinking most boys my age had lost that kind of gumption, at least when it comes to hands-on work.

  I introduce myself and th
e professor gives some brief instructions about the exam as I try to listen while taking in all these new visual stimuli and new people. “Oh,” the professor adds. “And make sure to put your phone in the plastic sheath with your name on it and then place it in the box. You’ll get it back once you finish the quiz. We need to make sure no one is using search engines or stored notes to find answers.”

  “Right,” I confirm, and shove my hand in my backpack and yank it out while the rest of the students grow restless. Just as I go to hit the power button I see an incoming call from Julian.

  My eyes lock in on his name and number as the phone vibrates in my hand. “Whenever you’re ready Miss Johnson,” the professor says, his tone laced with sarcasm.

  I hit the power button and the screen goes blank. Rushing to the box I see the only plastic sheath left, with my name on it of course. Even with only one in the box, I fumble it before getting a grip on it. All eyes are on me as I shove it sideways inside, but it gets stuck. I pull it back out and slide it in properly and then snap the top and put it in the box with the other phones, taking an extra second to place it gently so I don’t damage anyone else’s phone.

  But no one seems to notice or care for my cautious behavior. At least half of the other student’s arms are crossed and I rush back to the 125cc motorcycle where Jake stands.

  “Don’t worry. I studied like crazy. We’re going to ace the exam.”

  “Thanks,” I whisper.

  “Begin,” the professor adds, as he looks up at the clock and then promptly goes to his chair, kicks his feet up, and begins browsing a copy of Scientific America.

  I quickly find out Jake wasn’t kidding when he said we were going to ace the exam. He flies through the questions, even taking some time to point out to me how he’s arriving at the answers. I don’t know much about motorcycles, only that they’re interesting and I’m fascinated by them, so I find his explanations very interesting and I’m held in rapt attention. I can’t wait to surprise Julian one day with the knowledge I’m already gaining. It makes me feel good to know Julian and I already have one thing in common that we’re very passionate about. Julian has the knowledge, so I need to catch up fast to at least be able to surprise him with some decent conversation. Hopefully, I can actually work on motorcycles one day. That would be the dream, especially if I earn enough trust to work on his baby or his ‘girl’ as he calls it.

  Whenever we’re on the back of her I always feel safe, despite all the stories you hear about how dangerous they are. Maybe it’s because Julian just seems so in control, alert, and able to predict what other drivers are going to do before they even take action. It helps that he’s got a big body to hold onto and that he doesn’t drive too fast or recklessly when I’m with him. That definitely goes a long way.

  In short order, we’re finished with the exam, or at least Jake is as I’m just lucky enough to tag along for the ride this time with a student who’s clearly going to be a huge asset to me this semester. I lucked out by getting him as a class partner and I need to find out what he likes so I can buy him a little thank you present for what he’s already done for me. I don’t know anybody at this college or any college, so it will be nice to have a friend that I see every once in a while.

  We turn in our exam and grab our phones before stepping outside of the basement room. “Thank you for your help.”

  “No problem. I love motorcycles,” Jake says. “If you have any questions or want to go riding sometime, there’s a group of us that gather every Saturday morning to ride some twists up in the hills. You’re welcome to join.”

  I blush. “I don’t actually own a motorcycle…yet. But I plan to.”

  “We can probably get you one you can borrow for the morning.”

  I pause, a bit caught off guard. Julian’s face comes into clear view in my mind and I imagine the two of us riding down the California coast, or maybe the hills and rice paddies of Vietnam. Travel seems so amazing, and so far my experiences are limited to YouTube, but one can dream, right?

  But as my daydream leads from sitting behind Julian on his Ducati, leaning around to see him smiling, the wind in his hair as we explore new places together, I’m quickly shocked when the positive emotions are replaced by Julian’s more serious side. I can almost feel him behind me, tapping me on the shoulder and wagging a finger at me as he frowns. It’s a crazy thought though, right? But why can’t I quite process if Jake is just a really nice guy who is really good at bringing people together or if he’s kind of innocently asking me out on a date?

  “That’s nice, but I should probably get some more experience first. I mean…I barely know half of the stuff you were identifying on the bike for today’s quiz. God forbid I actually try to drive one.”

  “No worries. Whenever you’re ready.” He pauses. “Did I move too fast on the exam or did you remember most of it?”

  “Almost none.” I roll my shoulder up and make myself small as I wince.

  “I can show you again, on my bike, if you’d like.”

  A long beat passes. “Technically there’s still a full thirty minutes left in class so it’s kind of like a private tutor to get you up to speed.”

  Now it does feel like he’s asking me out. “My boyfriend will be here to pick me up in thirty minutes, maybe a bit early actually. It’s not a problem if we take a quick look for say…fifteen minutes?”

  “Nope. This is the one day of the week where I’ve got time to kill before my next class so it will be a lot better than sitting on a bench by myself watching squirrels run all over the place, not that I don’t like squirrels. Plus I want my partner to feel up to speed, so it’s a win for both of us.”

  “Sounds good,” I agree, following him out of the building toward the parking lot. I’m excited to learn more and can’t wait to surprise Julian.



  I tap my steel-toed boot as my fingers cascade over the throttle of my bike. My eyes dart down to my watch and then to the door of the building where her exam is for the umpteenth time in the last half hour…ever since she didn’t answer my call. Worse yet it went to voicemail before the third ring, but it did ring.

  That means she sent the call to voicemail, ignoring me.

  I stare at her building, waiting for her to come out but nothing. Another thirty minutes pass by and I’m about to explode.

  Storming into the building I see that there’s a sign about some quiz…in another building. I grab the first student I see and demand he tell me where the building is. This little shit damn near pisses his purple pants when I grab the front of his shirt and twist, lifting him clean off the ground.

  The second he points to the building just nearby I release my grip and he falls to his feet. I don’t waste a second looking back to see if he’s okay. The only person’s safety I worry about is my Giulia’s. The call was sent to voicemail and the more I steamed about it, the more I realized she’d never do that to me.

  Throwing my shoulder into the door I enter what looks like an empty motorcycle garage…and there’s no one. I pound my fist into the wall and contemplate kicking one of the bikes over until I realize that there are probably cameras and doing so could get Giulia suspended from school if they link her to me…which they will when her last name changes real fucking soon.

  Moving quickly back to my bike I take the dozen roses I was carrying in my off-hand and place them across my teeth, biting them hard. I need something to chew on so I don’t grind down my molars to stubs, and the only solution is the dozen roses I bought to greet her on her first day of college. Then I realize I need my helmet on, not to mention I want to move undetected. I stick the flowers down the back of my shirt and yank on my helmet, which is tight as fuck considering my dome is hotter than a volcano and about ready to explode because I can’t locate my woman.

  Wrapping my legs around the bike, I hit the gas, scanning the campus parking lots until I see what I’m looking for, or more aptly, exactly what I never want to see for the rest o
f my life. My eyes burn as I see some wannabe motorcycle mechanic pointing out parts of his bike to her.

  I drive right at him, doing a stop inches from his body, but making sure not to endanger my woman. I step off, ripping my helmet off and slamming it on the ground.

  He takes a step back, his hands searching for something but all he finds is his bike seat. He backs into the frame as I move closer and his whole bike tumbles over.

  “What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Talking. To. My. Woman?” I spit

  The little shit cowers in fear, raising a forearm in front of his face. “Please, sir. Don’t hit me.”

  “Julian!” Giulia scolds. “He was just helping me. He’s my class partner.”

  “Partner?” I scoff. “You have one partner and one partner only in this life and that’s me.”

  Giulia’s mouth about hits the pavement, but I don’t let up. I know how boys this age think and as someone who just got out of prison I know the best way to deal with people trying to invade your territory isn’t with defense, but with an offense. The biggest swinging dick wins and I’m ready to whip my fat cock out and slap this little prick right across the face with mine.

  “Julian,” Giulia pleads, grabbing me by the forearm. “If it wasn’t for Jake, I would have failed the quiz this morning.”

  “You mean the quiz that took place in the building I just left. The building that’s completely empty. The quiz that is still finished, but here you are still hanging out with some random student you just met.”

  “He’s not some random student. He helped me. And you need to help him up off the ground and apologize.”

  I look down at him, still curled up in a ball like a girl not wanting to get hit. “This kid’s a fraud. Brand new Schott motorcycle jacket. Expensive leather boots that haven’t even been scuffed or have the marks where someone who actually rides would have them. Trying to get girls with his speed racer routine. I’m not falling for it.”


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