Tempting Her Best Friend's Father

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Tempting Her Best Friend's Father Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing


  Copyright© 2012 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-096-4

  Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

  Editor: Marie Medina


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.

  —Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray


  Wickedly Taboo

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Mona stared at her best friend through the mirror she sat in front of. Karalina lay on her bed, the newest edition of Teen splayed out on the mattress. Mona lifted her hair and grabbed a rubber band to hold the thick, dark locks in. She couldn’t help the thoughts that tumbled into her mind. They were thoughts she was embarrassed by, ones that had her face heating and turning red every time they flashed through her mind. They were like a porn movie, dirty, lascivious in nature. She couldn’t help it, though. She had a thing for her best friend’s dad.

  Karalina and she had been best friends since elementary school. Never before had Mona seen Mr. White as anything but Karalina’s dad, but something had changed. Only two summers ago, Mona had spent the night over at Karalina’s house and had inadvertently seen Mr. and Mrs. White having sex. That had been when everything changed.

  Mona hadn’t meant to watch, honestly, but when she had gotten up to get a glass of water and heard the deep groans and moans that came from down the hall, curiosity had gotten the better of her. That was when she had tiptoed to her best friend’s parents’ room, stopped by the halfway closed door, and seen a sight she would never forget.

  There, sprawled out on a bed devoid of sheets or blankets, lay Mr. and Mrs. White. Mrs. White had been on her hands and knees and Mr. White had been behind her, his hips moving back and forth so fast they seemed like a blur. It had been a full moon that night. Mona remembered because the room had been filled with the silvery glow, almost making it seem like daylight. She had even been able to see the sweat that dripped down Mr. White’s surprisingly muscled chest. She shouldn’t have been surprised, not the way Karalina always talked about how her father would work out in their basement for hours at a time. But because Mona’s own father had a beer gut that seemed to go on forever she’d just assumed all fathers were like that, but it was painfully clear Mr. White was most certainly not like other fathers.

  Who knew how long Mona had actually stood there and watched them having sex. When Mr. White had finally given one last deep groan, that was when Mona had felt her eyes widen. His wife had made a few mewling noises, but Mona had been more riveted to the sight of Mr. White. When he’d finally pulled away from Mrs. White, Mona had seen cum leaking from the tip of a penis that looked like a monster. Now, Mona had seen dicks before, not a whole lot, but enough in movies and books that she wasn’t a prude. None of those had been nearly as long or thick as Mr. White’s dick, though.

  She had then snuck back to Karalina’s room, water forgotten, but not the scene she’d just witnessed. She hadn’t told Karalina, but if the roles had been reversed and Karalina had seen Mona’s parents having sex and revealed it to her, well, Mona would be mortified. Keeping the secret to herself was the best option, the safest one.

  Blinking several times, she brought herself back to the present. That had been two summers ago. Mona was now nearing nineteen and had even just graduated high school. Maybe sleepovers were a little overrated at their age, but Karalina was her best friend, and besides, a lot had happened in the last two years.

  It had only been a short time after Mona had seen Mr. and Mrs. White having sex that they had ended up getting a divorce. Mr. White had found out his wife was sleeping with the man she worked for. It had been a rocky year for Karalina and her father, but Mona had been there the whole time, determined to help her friend through what was probably one of the roughest times in her life. Things were looking up, though.

  All of that was behind everyone now. Mr. White was even dating some woman far younger than him. He wasn’t old, thirty-something, but this woman, from what Karalina said, was only in her twenties.

  “You think things are serious with your dad and what’s her name?” Mona still watched Karalina from the reflection in the mirror. Lifting her gaze from the magazine, Karalina looked at her with confusion.

  “You mean Holly?”

  Holly. The name even grated on Mona’s nerves. Maybe she was acting childish, but ever since she had seen Mr. White having sex all those years ago, she hadn’t been able to get him out of her mind. She compared him to every guy she dated, as ridiculous as that was.

  “Yeah.” Trying to keep her tone neutral, Mona fixed her hair. The long, dark strands seemed unruly today. “You think maybe she is after him for his money?”

  Karalina pulled herself up on the bed and crossed her legs. “You think?” Genuine curiosity laced Karalina’s question.

  It was no secret that Karalina’s father was a renowned lawyer who brought in high profile clients. Isaac White was in the news on several different occasions for the cases he won, and how he had never lost a case.

  “Well, I’m not speculating on anything. Your dad’s good looking, so maybe she likes him for other things besides the hefty paycheck he brings in.”

  Karalina scrunched up her nose in disgust. “Ewww. You think my dad’s hot?” Karalina started laughing and then a look of horror crossed her face. “Oh gross, Mona. You think my dad’s hot!”

  Swiveling in her seat, Mona felt her face heat, a telling sign that she was either embarrassed or was about to lie, which in this case would be both. “Listen here. I do not find your dad hot. I mean, he is so much older than me. He is my dad’s age. Gross, Karalina.” She felt her face become hotter and hotter and wondered if her best friend could tell she was lying. By the look on Karalina’s face, that would be a yes.

  “You forget I’ve known you your whole life.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Mona stood and placed her hands on her hips in mock hurt.

  Karalina rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Mona. I can tell when you’re lying.”

  Mona felt her face heat even more and walked over to the bed. She sat on it with a little more force than necessary, which caused Karalina to bounce a few times.

  “Okay, I’m not saying your dad isn’t good looking, but that isn’t the point.”

  “No?” Karalina raised an eyebrow at her before turning her attention back to the magazine. “Then what is the point?”

  Mona had no response to that, and when she saw her friend smirk, she could have screamed in frustration. A knock on the bedroom door saved her from making an even bigger ass out of herself.

  “Yeah?” Karalina didn’t look up when the door opened.

  “You girls want to go out to dinner with Holly and me?” Isaac stuck his head through the opening of the door and smiled. Mona couldn’t help the way butterflies started in her belly at that one look.

  “Where are you going?” Karalina finally looked up from the magazine.

  Isaac shrugged. “You girls can pick. Just make it some place that Holly will like. You know how picky she is.” He winked. “How are you doin
g, Mona?”

  Mona’s heart started to flutter in her chest. “I’m doing fine, Mr. White.” She knew she sounded like a dork, because her voice stuttered on the last word.

  “Please, Mona, call me Isaac. Mr. White was my father.” He flashed that straight white smile again. “Okay, well, be ready in about an hour. We have to swing by Holly’s place and pick her up.”

  “Alright, dad.” When the door closed Karalina started laughing. She looked over at Mona and nudged her in the side with her arm. “You sooooo have the hots for my dad!”

  Mona covered her face with her hands and fell back on the bed. She didn’t try to lie about it, not when her face felt like it was on fire and her feelings were clear as day. This is bad, so, so bad.

  Chapter Two

  To say the evening was awkward was an understatement, although Mona knew no one but her was feeling that tension. It was as if now that Karalina knew Mona found her father attractive, Mona was even more attuned to it. Like now for instance, just sitting across from Isaac and Holly, listening to her giggle and lightly slap him on the hand grated on Mona’s nerves.

  Mona knew she was staring at him, and thankfully it seemed no one was aware of it. Of course, she didn’t want to be caught watching him, but she couldn’t help it, not when he looked like he did. It wasn’t just that Mona kept thinking about what Isaac’s body looked all those years ago, and it wasn’t that he was wealthy and gorgeous. There was more to Isaac White than what showed on the surface. Over and over he demonstrated gentleness and caring, honesty and humor. He was everything Mona wanted in a man. She may be eighteen, but she knew what she wanted and it was sitting right in front of her.

  It also didn’t hurt that he had Hollywood good looks. With cropped golden hair and striking blue eyes, he could make any girl trip over her own feet. The suits he always wore screamed power and authority, and it was clear that under all that fabric he hid a remarkable body.

  The soup in front of her was getting cold, but Mona didn’t care. It wasn’t like she could really taste it anyway, not with how preoccupied her mind was. Bringing the spoon to her mouth, she let the flavorless cream soup slide over her palate. Many times she had to pry her eyes off of Isaac and Holly. It was as if the twenty-something year old couldn’t keep her hands off him, and even right in front of his daughter no less!

  “So, I bet you girls are excited about finishing high school.” Holly’s singsong voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to Mona.

  “I guess. I am gonna miss it, though,” Karalina said over a mouthful of salad.

  “Gross, Kara, don’t talk with your mouth full.” Mona teased Karalina and jabbed her in the side. She turned her attention to Holly and smiled, although it was completely forced.

  “Children these days, Isaac.” Holly made a disgruntled sound and Mona felt her temper rising.

  Children? Is she kidding me? She is like five years older than we are. “We’re eighteen now, and not children.” Maybe Mona should have kept her mouth shut, but there was something about Holly that didn’t sit right with her. Holly turned her icy blue stare at her and sneered.

  “I mean, come on, you graduated like a couple of years ago and are almost half his age.” Mona hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but there it was, out in the open for everyone to hear. Holly made a shrieking noise, Karalina laughed, and Isaac was unusually quiet.

  “Are you going to let her talk to me that way, baby?” Mona lifted her gaze to Holly. The twenty-something year old stared at Isaac. Her mouth hung open like a fish searching for water and a look of rage covered her perfect Barbie features.

  Mona flicked her gaze to Isaac’s and saw that he was watching her. Oh shit. Way to go, Mona. Isaac cleared his throat and Holly turned her stare on her like Medusa, a smirk on her lips.

  “Now, Mona, honey, maybe you should apologize to Holly.” Isaac’s voice sounded stern and Mona felt her face pale. The last thing she wanted was to upset him.

  Before she turned to look back at Holly, Isaac winked and she saw his lips tilt in a half smile. She instantly felt herself grow warm. Oh that look did things to her body. Mona cleared her own throat and looked at Holly. “I’m sorry you just graduated high school and think you’re superior.” Okay, so maybe not what she should have said and maybe she was acting childish, but who cared. Holly was a bitch with a stick up her ass and Mona wasn’t sorry for anything she said. Before Holly could make a smartass statement, their main course arrived.

  The rest of the meal turned into talk about where “the girls” where going off to college. Karalina was heading to Boston. She was sharp as a pin and all that hard work had paid off in high school. Her best friend was going to Harvard. Some were jealous, but Mona couldn’t be happier for her. She only wished they weren’t separating, but Karalina would come back home to visit often.

  Mona on the other hand planned on staying in town and attending the local college. Although she didn’t like school in particular, Mona knew she had to get an education if she wanted to succeed in life. After trying to find something that would interest her for the next four years, she finally settled on early childhood education.

  When dinner came to a close and they all headed back to Karalina’s house, Holly included, Mona felt more and more animosity toward Isaac’s girlfriend. The fact that Mona liked Isaac, probably more than she should, had nothing to do with why she hated Holly.

  Sure, there was some jealousy there that Holly got to touch him, hold him, and do an array of other naughty things that Mona would never get to do, but it was more than that. Holly was so fake, right down to the acrylic nails she wore.

  Her personality was shit, and Mona knew she wasn’t nearly as intelligent as she pretended to be. She was a secretary in the law office building that Isaac had his practice in. Mona knew employees had to know their shit to work in a place like that, but she had a feeling Holly got a lot in life because of the way she looked.

  She was one of those blonde haired, blue eyed, big tits kind of girls. The same ones that Mona hated in high school because they fucked anything with a dick if it meant it would increase their social status and popularity.

  “Why don’t you girls go on up to bed and let the adults have their fun.” Holly smirked at them and waved them toward the stairs.

  Mona glanced at Isaac, saw that his jaw was clenched, but noted he didn’t say anything. Biting her tongue, Mona followed Karalina up the stairs and into her bedroom. When the door shut Mona let it out.

  “I. Can’t. Stand. That. Bitch!” She let herself fall back on the bed and closed her eyes. Karalina laughed somewhere in the room and Mona opened her eyes a crack to glare at her.

  “I admit she was a tad bit annoying tonight.”

  “A tad?” Mona pushed herself up on bed and stared at Karalina incredulously. “It is painfully obvious she thinks she is better than everyone else. I honestly don’t know what your dad sees in her. Well, aside from the big jugs she is carrying around. Do you think those are real?” Moan cupped her own breasts, feeling slightly deflated that they were barely a handful.

  “Although your opinion is valid, it is also biased.”

  “Biased? What the hell are you talking about?” Mona pushed an unruly curl out of her face.

  “Don’t get all offended or anything, but you do have a thing for my dad.”

  “Kara, that has nothing to do with it and you know it. Look, I admitted your dad was hot.” At that comment Karalina scrunched up her nose in distaste. Mona rolled her eyes and continued. “I know you have wondered that same thing about her motives. They’ve been dating for what? Six months? Have you not heard her ramble on about weddings and gowns and all that shit? She knows your dad is loaded and that is her main motive. Don’t be blind to the facts.”

  “My dad isn’t going to get remarried, so there isn’t anything to worry about there.” Karalina had turned around, and although Mona couldn’t see her face, she could hear the frustration and hurt in her friend’s voice. Her mother may have che
ated on Isaac, but she was still Karalina’s mom, and no one could replace her.

  “Come here, bestie.” Mona patted the spot on the bed next to her. She hated seeing Karalina’s otherwise happy demeanor go down the drain. “I didn’t mean to make you upset, okay?”

  “I know you didn’t. It’s just I don’t want to even think about my dad getting married again. I know it’s been two years, and I do want him to be happy, but I still feel like it hasn’t been enough time. Or maybe deep down I really do know Holly isn’t right for him? I don’t know, I guess I honestly don’t see true happiness in his eyes when he looks at her.” Karalina chuckled. “See, now you have it all coming out.” She breathed out and rested her head on Mona’s shoulder. “I do want him to be happy, honestly, but I guess you’re right. Holly isn’t what I want to look at every time I come home from school.”

  Mona couldn’t help but smile. “Well, your dad kind of looked annoyed with her tonight, so who knows. He hasn’t gotten through life and become a top rated lawyer by being stupid.”

  Chapter Three

  Flesh slick with perspiration rubbed together. The moonlight cast its silvery fingers across their bodies, illuminating them and adding a touch of mystery. She lay on her back, her breasts shaking with the force of his thrusts. He was ruthless as he pounded into her willing body. Oh this was exactly what she wanted, exactly what she wanted to feel. He stretched her until she felt like she’d tear, but the pain was oh so good and only added to her pleasure.


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