Tempting Her Best Friend's Father

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Tempting Her Best Friend's Father Page 2

by Jenika Snow

His fingers were skilled as they plucked at her nipples and made them become engorged and ultra sensitive. She wanted to moan out her pleasure but she couldn’t find her voice. Hell, she couldn’t even draw air into her lungs if she wanted to. Just as she was about to climax, she looked into his face. Beads of sweat coated his brow. Those tiny pearls of liquid slipped down his cheek and onto his chest. She would have followed that droplet if his emerald green stare hadn’t had her transfixed. So close, she was so close she could feel it in her very toes. Just a little harder, a little faster…

  Mona sat up with a start. Her body was coated with sweat and her nightgown clung to her body. She looked to her side and saw Karalina still fast asleep and then turned to look at the clock. The digital numbers were blurry and she blinked several times to try and clear her vision. Even now, just remembering her dream had her heart racing and her nipples tightening. Oh God. It was so real. Her body was strung tight from her almost-orgasm.

  Rubbing her hand over her eyes, she lifted the clock and saw that it was three in the morning. Throat parched and bladder ready to explode, Mona slipped out of bed and silently stepped out into the hall. Everything was quiet, but she could see a blue glow illuminate the downstairs.

  She used the bathroom and got some water before heading back to bed. When she stepped back into the hall she cast her gaze back on the blue light. It was obviously the television, but it was so quiet she assumed they must have fallen asleep downstairs.

  As she reached for the bedroom handle to go back to bed, she heard a distinct male groan. Heart pounding hard all over again, Mona looked over her shoulder and down the stairs once more. She knew that sound, had heard it countless times in her dreams. It was the same noise Isaac had made when he fucked his wife all those years ago.

  She shouldn’t have dropped her hand and stepped away from the bedroom door. She shouldn’t have held onto the banister and crept down the stairs. And she most certainly shouldn’t have moved toward the very sexual sounds coming from the living room.

  When the blue became brighter the closer she got, Mona found herself holding her breath. Whether it was fear, anticipation, excitement, or a mixture of all three, she wasn’t quite sure. All she knew for sure was that she could hear her heartbeat all the way in her ears and felt sweat start to coat her palms.

  She made sure to stand partially behind the pillar that supported the entryway into the living room, hoping to keep her identity hidden. The top of Isaac’s head was visible over the couch, but there was no movement being made. The television was on but silent and the blue glow illuminated the entire living room. For a moment she thought she imagined the moan, but just as she turned to leave she heard the distinct sound of a female moan.

  Although she couldn’t see anything because of the couch being in the way, a large mirror that was positioned on the wall caught her attention and gave her a prime view of the explicit encounter that was going on.

  Holly was on her knees between Isaac’s thighs, and the way her head moved up and down informed Mona of exactly what was going on. She couldn’t seem to move from her spot, despite the guilt that she was watching something private. She felt like a voyeur, especially when her pussy started to get moist and her breasts tingled.

  A wet popping noise sounded and then Mona heard Holly’s exerted breathing.

  “What’s wrong, baby? You aren’t even getting hard.” Holly’s voice was slurred as if she had been drinking. “Want to fuck my ass? I know how much you like that.”

  Mona could tell she was trying to be a seductress by the way she spoke, but the fact that every other word was slurred almost made Mona feel sorry for her. Just then, Holly’s statement pierced her brain. Isaac likes anal? A slight shock to her, but arousing nonetheless.

  “I think I’m just tired, Holly.”

  Mona leaned back into the shadows more, knowing she should have just gone back to bed, but rooted to the spot.

  “But I want to get you off, baby.” That whiney voice of hers grated on Mona’s nerves.

  Leaning out of the shadows to get a better look, she could hear Isaac sigh and then the distinct sound of sucking again. The lighting was shit, but it was enough to show every sordid little detail. Isaac lay back against the couch, eyes closed, and a look of boredom on his face as Holly gave him head.

  Right when Mona was going to call it a night because it didn’t look like anything fun was about to happen, Isaac opened his eyes and looked right at her through the reflection in the mirror. Heart stopping in her chest and breath stalling, Mona stood frozen. Maybe he wasn’t looking at her? Maybe he couldn’t see her because of the shadows? All a possibility but it sure as hell looked like he was staring right at her.

  “That’s it, baby. Get nice and hard for me.” Holly all but purred, her words sounding gargled because she had a mouthful of cock.

  Isaac didn’t respond. In fact, he continued to stare at Mona as he placed his hand on the back of Holly’s head and started thrusting into her mouth. Now Mona’s breathing started to increase and she could feel her panties becoming even wetter. The grunts that came from Isaac were deep and pleasure-filled, and never once did he close his eyes or take his stare off of Mona.

  Cheeks heating from her arousal, Mona wanted to touch her throbbing clit so bad. It took all of her willpower to keep her hands by her side. Most likely he was simply staring at the spot next to her, but Mona was going to keep thinking he was watching her. She would keep fantasizing that her best friend’s father was getting a blowjob while he was staring at her. She was a pervert, but she was damn sure not going to drag her gaze away.

  It was just like all those years ago, when she had watched him fucking his wife. This, of course, was tamer compared to that, but it still had the same effect on Mona. The sound of Holly gagging and the leather couch rocking on its fragile legs drew Mona from her daydreaming momentarily. Isaac was thrusting into Holly’s mouth with so much force the poor girl was literally choking on it. Her fingers dug into his thighs, but the sound of her moans around his flesh made it clear she was getting off on the torture.

  Mona snapped her eyes back to Isaac’s face, saw him still watching her, and licked her lips. He made a strangled sound and thrust once more before stilling and groaning deeply. When Holly finally pulled away, Mona watched her wipe the corner of her mouth and smile up at him like a good little girl.

  “Damn, baby. I’ve never seen you so wild before. I knew if I sucked long enough you’d get that monster hard.” She rose onto her knees and leaned close to him for a kiss. Mona didn’t want to watch. She had a feeling watching Isaac fuck Holly wouldn’t have the same effect on her as it did when she saw him fucking Mrs. White. The last thing she heard was Holly cooing about how she had gotten off twice while sucking him off.

  Chapter Four

  “Are you coming downstairs for breakfast or what?” Mona looked up at Karalina as her friend brushed her hair. “It’s Saturday and that means my dad is making a big breakfast.” Kara set her brush down and placed a hand on her hip. “I know damn well you love his breakfast. Come on before it gets cold.”

  Oh, there were a lot of things Mona loved about Mr. White. The problem was she wasn’t one-hundred percent sure he hadn’t seen her last night. All she could keep thinking about was his eyes, so transfixed on her it was like he was mesmerized. Over and over she kept telling herself that she had nothing to worry about, but there was a small part of her that secretly wanted to have Isaac watch her while he got off.

  She knew she couldn’t hide up here all day and would eventually have to face him. The window caught her attention and Mona contemplated whether she would break a bone if she jumped out of the second story window. Quit being a drama queen. If you didn’t want him to see you then you shouldn’t have crept down there to begin with. Her inner self had a point, which pissed Mona off.

  Kara threw a robe at her and Mona crawled out of bed and slipped it on. She glanced at herself in the mirror and about shrieked in horror. Grabbing the br
ush off the vanity, she tried to tame the curls and finally gave up and put it in a ponytail. They were out the door the next moment, but Mona took a detour to the bathroom to use the facility and brush her teeth before heading downstairs.

  The sound of plates clanking together and laughter filtered through the foyer and Mona felt her nerves take control. Just act like nothing is wrong, and everything will be fine. Easier said than done.

  When she stepped into the kitchen she immediately saw Isaac by the stove. Karalina sat at the table, the newspaper in front of her. Neither of them noticed her right away. She also realized there was no sign of Holly. She didn’t know how long she stood there, but eventually Isaac turned around, frying pan in hand, and spotted her.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” He smiled one of those big, straight white grins and made his way over to the table.

  Mona was frozen in place as she watched him lay several pancakes on a plate in the center of the table. Karalina drew her attention Mona’s way.

  “‘Bout time you came down. Come on, food’s getting cold.” Karalina spoke over a mouthful of scrambled eggs.

  As she walked over to the table and sat down, she couldn’t help but stare at Isaac. He was back by the stove, but he wasn’t wearing one of his power suits. Molded to his hard body were a plain white tee-shirt and a pair of loose grey sweats.

  Mouth gone dry, Mona reached for her glass of orange juice. Taking a long drink, the acidic taste helped to clear her frazzled brain. It was clear by his nonchalant demeanor that he hadn’t truly been watching her. If he had been he probably would have told her she was disgusting and to never come back. That was what she told herself at least.

  The aroma of pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs wafted around her and her stomach chose that moment to let out a hearty growl. Face heating from embarrassment, she saw both Isaac and Kara smile at her.

  “I told you to eat, girl.” Kara laughed and took a big bite of pancakes. The syrup slowly made its way off the fork and onto the plate. Mona picked up her fork and cut into the sausage. She kept her vision trained on her plate, but she was keenly aware of being watched. When she lifted her gaze she about choked on the sausage when she realized Isaac was staring right at her, a strange look on his face.

  “Is it good?” He patted her on the back.

  Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes and she wiped them away.

  “Are you okay?” Mona looked at Kara who, although she sounded concerned, had a look of amusement on her face. “Don’t stuff so much sausage in your mouth at one time.” Mona knew the double meaning behind that statement. No matter what anyone said about Karalina being “innocent”, she was far from it. Thankfully, Isaac didn’t seem to notice his daughter’s comment.

  “Here, sweetie, drink something.” Isaac pushed the glass of orange juice her way and Mona took a long drink.

  When she set the glass back down she saw Karalina get up and put her plate in the sink. “Done already?” Mona’s voice sounded slightly strangled from her earlier coughing fit.

  “Yeah. Today is supposed to be in the high eighties. I plan on getting a tan by the pool and expect you to be there. You don’t have to be home anytime soon, right?”

  Mona shook her head. “Kara, I’m always here anyways. My parents could care less.” It was true. Her parents didn’t give a shit where she went. They were just happy she’d graduated, something neither one of them had managed to do. She still couldn’t believe she was friends with a girl like Karalina, a girl who was ridiculously popular, intelligent, and stunningly beautiful. It had been coincidence that they had the same kindergarten class together and had connected instantly, like two peas in a pod.

  It wasn’t that Mona thought Karalina was better than she was, it was just that girls who looked like Kara and came from a prestigious family didn’t tend to hang around with girls who looked like Mona and came from a family that drank too much alcohol and spent a little too much time chain-smoking.

  In the end it didn’t matter, though. Mona and Karalina were inseparable, and no matter how much or how little money the other one had, they had each other.

  “While I go take a shower, finish eating and then get dressed so we can go soak up the rays.” Wide smile pasted on her face, Karalina all but skipped out of the kitchen. “Great breakfast by the way, dad.”

  Karalina’s house had been more like her own while she grew up, and Isaac White had been an almost father figure to her. He knew about her alcoholic mother and father who enjoyed spending their free time at the bar and not with their only daughter. Despite that knowledge, he never once looked down upon her or thought she was anything but special. That was why her sexual thoughts about him seemed almost wrong in nature.

  The silence seemed to intensify once Kara left, and Mona was very aware that it was only her and Isaac, alone. She tried to act “normal”, which she was failing at miserably. She couldn’t stop shaking her leg and her face felt perpetually hot.

  “Are you okay, Mona? You seem a little on edge this morning.”

  What could she say to that? Oh yes, Mr. White. I am a little on edge because last night I was a voyeur and watched you get head from Holly. I even saw you get off because you were staring right at me. Mona could see that going over really well.

  “I didn’t sleep well last night.” Thankfully he didn’t pry more into it, just continued to stare at her over the rim of his coffee cup.

  Mona rose and took her plate to the sink before leaving the kitchen. It was like her mind and body were at war with each other. On one hand, she wanted to stay there, sitting right next to him, smelling that expensive and potent cologne he always wore and falling deeper into the green depths of his eyes. On the other hand she knew it was wrong to be thinking about him that way, a man that she had grown up around and that was her best friend’s father. In the end, her mind won and she forced herself to leave the kitchen and go upstairs.

  Chapter Five

  The sun was a torturous bitch that afternoon as Mona and Kara lay by the pool. It didn’t help that the UV rays seemed to bounce off of the water and slam right into them.

  “Oh Lord, it’s hot.”

  “No shit.” Beads of sweat rolled down the valley between Mona’s breasts and she forced herself not to reach down her bikini top and wipe them away. She wasn’t the type who particularly enjoyed sunbathing, but she couldn’t deny there was a relaxing quality to it. Thankfully she had been smart enough to place a towel over the foldout chairs they were currently lounged upon or her skin would have melted into the plastic for how hot it was.

  “So, I have a date tonight,” Kara said it almost lazily.

  “What?” Mona sat up and pushed her sunglasses down the brim of her nose. Kara didn’t move, but the smile she wore spoke volumes. “Who?” Mona knew Kara couldn’t contain it for too long, but she would make her sweat it out.

  Kara sat up and looked around, as if what she was about to say was of utmost secrecy. It took Kara a moment to respond, but when she did it shocked Mona.

  “Say that again.” Mona removed her sunglasses and stared at Kara with what she knew was a deer in the headlights expression.

  “Marcus Howard.” Kara pushed her sunglasses up her nose, smiled widely, and laid back down.

  “The same Marcus Howard that just graduated college and got picked up to play pro football?”

  “The one and only.”

  “How does your dad feel about that?” Kara was quiet for so long Mona didn’t think she heard her.

  “He doesn’t know.”

  “What do you mean he doesn’t know?” Mona had yet to lie back down. She was still stunned to hear that Kara was going out with the biggest playboy that lived in the county. She didn’t want to lecture Kara on the fact this was a really bad idea, but she also didn’t feel right in not warning her about the rumors. There was no way she hadn’t heard what Mona had heard about Marcus.

  “Do you really think my dad would be okay with me going out with him? You know
as well as I do the reputation he has, but before you even say anything, those are all just rumors.”

  Well, what could Mona say now? She didn’t want to point out that he had supposedly gotten a girl pregnant and then left her high and dry. “I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt.”

  Kara turned and looked at her. “I know, and I would feel the same way about you, but you know how long I have wanted to go out with him. I don’t want to pass up the opportunity.” She turned away from her. “Besides, it is only dinner and a movie. What could possibly happen in a few short hours?”

  Rape, pregnancy, assault. Of course those were worst case scenarios. As far as Mona had heard, pregnancy was the only thing Marcus had ever been accused of, that and being a whore among the female population. “I’m not going to harp, but I hope you know what you’re doing.” Mona slipped her sunglasses back on and adjusted herself on the chair. “So where is Romeo taking you anyway?”

  “Well,” Mona could hear the excitement in Kara’s voice. “He is taking me to Joshlyn’s Bistro.”

  “Wow, big spender.” Mona didn’t want to point out that the “rumors” had said Marcus liked to really wine and dine his dates before he tried to slip them the sausage. “Kara, are you really sure this is a good idea?”

  Kara gave an exasperated noise. “Quit acting like a mom. Marcus is gorgeous, built like a tank, wealthy, and a gentleman. Like I said, it is only dinner and a movie. If things don’t work out then I’ll kick his ass to the curb.”

  They both laughed, but Mona’s was forced. Somehow she felt that wouldn’t be the case in the end.


  “I told you to stop and get more before you came home.”

  Mona shut her bedroom door quietly. The arguing about who should have bought the alcohol before coming home was an every night kind of thing. It was only six at night and already her parents were drunk. If Kara had been home she would have just stayed over there, but she had her date with Marcus so that option was out. Mona needed to get her own place, but she needed a job that paid enough for her to be on her own.


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