Initiating Amy (Dominion Hotel Book 3)
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They were gone. Amy remained motionless for another few minutes, struggling to get her breathing back under control. As she sat under the desk, images of what just happened played through her head. She found it difficult to slow her rapidly beating heart and cool the warmth between her legs. Why was this? Why wouldn’t she calm down? Amy knew why. She knew.
As Amy crawled out from under the desk, she knew.
“I want that,” she said out loud as she moved towards the desk chair that was recently occupied by the couple. “I want that.”
Amy pushed the chair back into place, sliding it under the desk that the man had draped his jacket over.
Amy sighed and turned away. As she did this she spotted a pamphlet on the floor, one that she had not seen before. She reached and picked it up. It was an advertisement for a ball. She read the headline:
50th Annual Lover’s Ball
Amy wasn’t sure why she wanted the pamphlet, but she did. She walked back over to her desk, dropping it on a pile of papers before pushing her desk chair back into position. She stood over her desk, looking at it, thinking something was missing, but not sure what it was. It then dawned on her. She pulled her desk chair out and looked under her desk. There it was, the missing item, the stapler still on the floor. She got down on her hands and knees, reaching under the desk to retrieve the missing item.
Amy placed the stapler back into place on her desk. She was satisfied now, everything was where it should be. She pushed the desk chair in again before moving towards the glass doors to the executive office. She reached up, clicked off the lights, and went through the door. She stood with her back to the door, waiting to hear the click of the latch. She turned and pulled on the door. It was locked.
“Hmm,” Amy mused. “Odd.”
Before Alison had a chance to take a sip of her morning smoothie she looked up to see Amy standing in the doorway to her office, coffee in hand.
“Smoothie,” Alison said, holding up her thermos.
“What happened to the girl who had to drink two cups of coffee before leaving the house?” asked Amy.
“She got pregnant and married Matt Warrington,” replied Alison. As if to emphasis the point, she lowered a hand and rubbed her bulging belly. Although small for being five months along, her baby bump was quite evident. “If Matt caught me with a coffee cup in my hand he would take me over his knee and…” Alison stopped herself, laughing.
“And give you a good spanking?” Amy finished her sentence for her. “Would that be so bad?” Amy laughed.
“Come to think of it, maybe I should let him catch me with a cup of coffee. Bless his soul, Matt, he’s so careful with me, so gentle. It’s been a while since he took me in hand.”
“He’s only thinking of the baby,” replied Amy.
“What about me,” Alison said in between gulps of her smoothie. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m very careful these days, everything I eat, everything I do, it’s for the baby.” Alison paused. She took another long drink of her smoothie rather than finish her sentence.
“But even a pregnant woman wants to be spanked once in a while.”
Amy said it and Alison punctuated the statement by putting the glass down rather demonstratively.
“God damn it, yes,” Alison said. “I deserve it. I need it.”
“Then just tell him.”
“I have, believe me, I have. But you know Matt. He won’t. He keeps promising me that once the baby comes, it’ll all go back to normal. I’m sure he believes that, too. What he doesn’t realize is that once the baby comes, there is no normal. Or rather, there is a new normal, and it’s nothing like the old normal.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it,” said Amy. “You guys will figure it out.”
“Yeah, you’re right, but you know?”
“I know,” replied Amy.
Alison poured more of her smoothie into her glass.
“What flavor?”
“Blueberry, kale and avocado.”
Amy scrunched up her nose, not seeing the attraction.
“No really, it’s very good. You can’t really taste the avocado or kale, it’s mostly just blueberries. Are you sure you don’t want some?”
“No thanks, I’m good with just coffee.” Amy took a sip from her mug.
“Well if you’ve got your coffee, then you might as well come in.”
Amy went in and shut the door behind her, quickly sliding into the seat across the desk from Alison.
“Closed door.” Alison’s face mirrored the intrigue that was in her voice. “My, this must be good. What’s up?”
“Do you remember who left the office last, last night?”
“Well it wasn’t me. In case you haven’t noticed, I can’t hang on that long anymore. I’m usually gone by five. Sometimes earlier. Why?”
“They left the outer door unlocked.”
“Not possible, it locks automatically. It locks itself after five. It’s programmed. Was it open when you came in this morning?”
Amy sat thinking for a few moments before answering. She dove right in. “I was working late last night, by myself here in the office.” Amy paused a long time. She could tell Alison was growing impatient for her to continue, she saw it on her face. “Someone came in when I was here, two people actually.”
“Did you ask them what they were doing?”
“Hell no,” replied Amy. “You know me, I’m one of the biggest chickens out there. No, I hid under my desk.”
Alison laughed loudly. “You hid under your desk?”
“Damn right I did. Good thing too. Alison, you won’t believe it.”
“I’m a hotel General Manager, there’s not much I won’t believe. I’ve seen a lot in this business.”
“They went at it,” Amy blurted out.
“What do you mean ‘went at it’? Like a fight?”
Amy shook her head no.
Amy nodded her head yes.
“They had sex in the office?” Alison couldn’t believe it. “No.”
“Yes,” said Amy, a big smile on her face. She leaned forward over the desk, drawing Alison into her. “He spanked her.”
“He didn’t.”
“He did.”
“And it was hot.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“But it was.”
“Did you recognize them? Did you actually see them do it?”
“No, I was under the desk, remember? But I was able to poke out a little peep hole. I saw him spank her, but I only saw their bodies, not their faces. Besides, the lights were out. It was dark.”
Alison sat back in her chair. “Wow.”
“Wow is right,” replied Amy, sliding back into her chair again, taking another sip of her coffee. “I want that.” Amy began to think that this was her new mantra; I want that. She liked it.
Alison looked at her, puzzled. “You want what?”
“I want what I saw last night. I want a man to take me over his lap and give me a good spanking.”
“Amy, we’ve talked about this, the three of us, you, me and Miranda. Are you sure?”
“I am. I’m tired of just talking about it. Frank’s gone. He’s not coming back. I haven’t even spoken to him in months. So now it’s my turn. I want that.”
Alison took a sip of her smoothie. “I can’t help you there. And even if I wanted to, I couldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“I wouldn’t know where to begin, or who to contact. Don’t forget, I’m still new to this myself. If it wasn’t for Matt, I probably would still be in the dark about all of this.”
Amy thought a moment. “You’re right, I need someone with a little more experience with these things.”
The mid-morning sun was bright. As Amy stepped out into it, it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust. Fighting through the glare, she looked across the parking lot and spotted Miranda’s sedan, Miranda sitting in the driver’s seat. Quick str
ides took her across the pavement. Miranda didn’t see her coming, and as she opened the back door and slipped into the vehicle Miranda jumped a little.
“Oh, it’s you.” Miranda straightened her chauffeur’s cap, sliding a few stray blond locks back under it. “You need to go somewhere?”
“No, I came to see you.”
“Well isn’t that nice,” replied Miranda, sarcasm in her voice.
Amy sat silently in the back seat, trying find the right words. She stalled. “I wasn’t sure I’d find you here.”
“It’s a pretty good bet I’ll be here this time of day, mid-morning. The businessmen are at work and the tourist are at breakfast. It’ll be pretty quiet now until lunch. What’s up?”
Amy couldn’t stall any longer. “I need your help.”
“Sure, with what?”
“Can you introduce me to someone? You know enough people.” Miranda knew what Amy was getting at. It wasn’t the first time they were having this conversation. Miranda’s voice lowered as she slid back down in her seat. “I’m not going to do it.”
“Why not?” Amy sounded frustrated.
“We’ve been through this before. Remember your last encounter? Remember Racocco? Remember how he drugged you in the bar and took you to his suite. If it wasn’t for Tony breaking in, who knows what would have happened.”
“Yeah, I know, but it’s not always going to be that way, you know that. That was a freak, one-time thing. They’re not all like Racocco.”
“I don’t know if you’re ready for a dominant relationship yet. I don’t know if you’ll ever be ready for one.”
Miranda straightened up in her seat, looking back at Amy.
“Amy, I love you. Really, I do. But you’re too trusting, too naïve. I’d feel terrible if something happened to you.”
“That’s why I want you to introduce me to someone. You can spot the good ones.”
Miranda slid back down in her seat, looking forward again. “I don’t know. I went on a date with Racocco myself, remember? And look how that worked out. I get it wrong sometimes, too.”
“You got out of it.”
“Tony got me out of it. Just like he got you out of it. It could have got nasty.”
“But it didn’t.”
“Still. Not doing it. Besides, you’re married.”
“That’s done.”
“Get divorced then.”
Amy ignored that comment. “So, are you going to help me or not?”
“Thanks for nothing.” Amy huffed, pushed open the sedan door, got out and slammed it hard.
Miranda didn’t bother moving, slumped down in the driver’s seat, hat pulled forward. Casually, she pushed the button on the driver’s door that automatically rolled down the window. “You’re welcome,” she yelled back at Amy.
Miranda watched Amy as she crossed the parking lot, disappearing into the hotel. She reached for the cell phone that sat on the passenger’s seat beside her. She dialed and put the phone to her ear.
“Hey, it’s me,” she said into the cell phone. She listened briefly before saying, “It’s time. She’s ready.”
Amy stormed back into the hotel, frustrated. She strode across the lobby and pushed the elevator button, waiting for the car to arrive.
“Fine,” she said, “fine, I’ll just do it myself then.”
“Do what?”
Amy was unaware that she actually spoke out loud, let alone that someone was standing beside her. She was startled by both the voice and the presence of someone else. She looked up to see Lance Ackermann, the hotel’s head of security, standing beside her.
“Oh, Lance,” she said, somewhat embarrassed. “I didn’t see you there. Sorry.”
“No, that’s fine. I get that a lot. It’s part of my job, sneaking up on people.”
“Were you sneaking up on me?”
“No, but I have a soft walk. I often go unnoticed.”
This was true, Amy really hadn’t noticed too much of Lance these past few years.
The elevator doors opened and Amy entered the car, Lance following. She pressed the button for her floor, and he his. The door closed and the car moved. Still a little embarrassed, Amy looked first up to the dial as floors ticked away, and then down to the floor.
Then she saw them, those same brown brogue shoes with red laces. Amy flushed and looked up at Lance. Lance smiled at her, unaware. Amy flushed even more. Was it possible? Lance? It would make sense. He has keys to every door in the building.
The elevator doors opened, and Amy stepped forward to leave. She stopped herself, turned and looked back at Lance. “Have you always worn those shoes?” she asked.
Lance raised his left foot to show his shoes. He smiled. “No, they’re new. Do you like them? I’m not sure about them. They’re a little flashy for me. Usually I just wear boring black. Thought I would change it up. What do you think?” He looked at Amy and smiled. “Are the laces too much?”
Amy smiled back, really noticing him this time. “I like them.” She stepped out of the. She reached back and held the door open. “And the laces”—she smiled—“nice touch.”
“Sometimes you’ve got to change it up,” he said.
“Yes, you do.” She removed her hand and watched as the elevator door closed.
Chapter 2
Lance sat in his office in the Security Department of the Broadstone Hotel. Distracted, he sat staring off in the distance at nothing. He sat up straight, shaking his shoulders and leaning into his desk. He touched the wireless mouse and his computer monitor flashed back to life. A few clicks brought him to the portal that opened up the hotel security cameras, his own personal window on everything that happened within the building; within his building. It was entrusted to him, and it was his responsibility to keep it safe. He took his role seriously.
A creature of habit, Lance began to systematically scroll through the various cameras placed around the hotel. Images of the parking garage, the hotel lobby, the restaurant and the corridors behind the front desk popped up on the screen. He didn’t linger long on any one image. He didn’t need to. All he needed was to register a quick snapshot of each. From this he could tell if anything was out of place or amiss. His trained eye needed only a moment to make an assessment.
Lance continued to scroll through the cameras until one image caught his attention more than any other. He clicked the hold button on the monitor, freezing the image on the screen. The top left corner of the screen read:
Camera 12 – Exec Off.
Lance was looking at a panoramic view of the executive offices. The stationary camera was placed strategically to capture as much as the office as possible. Lance zoomed the camera in towards Alison’s office. He wasn’t trying to see Alison, as much as he was intent on seeing the desk outside Alison’s office. Amy’s desk.
This wasn’t the first time he zoomed in on Amy. He had noticed her a long time ago. It was his job to notice everyone and everything. He always thought she was cute, someone he would like to get to know better, but his professionalism always held him back. That, plus the fact that she was married. Despite all this, he still found himself zooming in on her from time to time. Was this creepy? Maybe, but not in his mind. He just liked the way seeing her made him feel. It made him smile each time – he was smiling now. What was wrong with that? There’s nothing wrong with a smile throughout the day.
It was even less wrong now that he had heard she was no longer married. Now he could zoom in with less guilt. He often wanted to speak to her, to get to know her a little better, but he always held himself back. Feeling about her the way he did—how did he feel about her?—maybe it was best to keep his distance, it was easier for him that way.
Even when he first found out that she was single again he avoided approaching her, figuring that she would need some time to process all that she was going through. Had enough time passed? Maybe.
Lance leaned forward in his seat to see
her better. Her short bobbed red hair, her perky, lightly-freckled nose and her grey-blue eyes. Cute, very cute. As he watched her, she touched her thin pink lips with her long slender fingers, deep in thought.
Lance shook his head, trying not to become too absorbed. He leaned back in his seat, zooming the camera out, leaving his personal feelings behind, assuming the role of Security Director once again. He continued his routine around the hotel, scrolling through one guest floor after another until he had gone from the first floor to the top and back again. One last pass through the hotel lobby, and he was done.
He hesitated, then clicked on camera 12 once again. He was disappointed to see that Amy was not at her desk this time. He panned the camera to find her standing in the doorway to Alison’s office, her back to the camera. She stood barely over five feet, with a slender frame and slight hip. As always, she was well dressed. Subtle colors that were never in sharp contrast to her red hair and pale skin. Her pale, white, freckled skin was what first attracted her to him.
Lance sighed before flicking off the monitor. It was time for him to walk the building. Watching the monitors was fine, but if he really wanted to see what was going on in his building, he had to walk it.
Amy stood in Alison’s doorway, waiting for Alison to look up and notice her. Alison kept her head down in concentration. Amy grew impatient. She began flicking the flyer she held between her fingers, the one she found last night. It made an annoying snapping sound. Alison heard it and looked up. As Alison lifted her head Amy hid the flyer behind her back, an innocent look on her face.
Amy entered the office, coolly sliding into one of the chairs across from Alison. She didn’t wait for an invitation to sit down, knowing she didn’t need one. She tucked the flyer under her right leg.
From the expression on Amy’s face, Alison knew she wasn’t there to talk about business. Alison welcomed the interruption, even though the morning had just begun and she had a ton of things piling up that needed her attention. Her pregnancy gave her a short attention span. She was already becoming restless with the tasks in front of her.