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I Shaved My Legs For This?

Page 6

by HJ Bellus

  Even as jokingly as it comes out of my mouth, I flinch at the words. Because they may just have some real meaning behind them. I’ve never felt like this before.

  “All-around package, Soldier.” He shoots me a wink easing up the mood.

  I grab my purse then turn to him. “You do know the extent of my cooking is string cheese and Hot Pockets, right?”

  “Noted. I brought you along for your groping skills to select the vegetables and fruit.”

  I lean in and kiss him quickly. “Fuel, are you telling me that you cook, too? I know you can order a mean takeout.”

  “You’ll be the judge of that.”

  “Oh, my God, if you can cook. I’m so calling dibs.”

  We both laugh at our absurd conversation. It’s one of my favorite things about us. It’s always easy, light-hearted, and super fun. The conversation comes naturally, and the attraction is off the charts. We are always hand in hand or me in his lap or riding him like a bucking bronco.

  Today is no different as we wind our way through the farmer’s market, surveying all the booths. We decide on doing a quick walk through and then going back to select our ingredients.

  “Thirsty?” He asks when we pass the concessions.

  “Yes.” I grin at him.

  He drops my hand to reach into his back pocket fetching his wallet. I adjust my sunglasses that Diesel calls windshields. Exactly my style, big and obnoxious. Then tighten the messy bun on top of my head.

  I stand back staring at my apple red painted toenails as Diesel orders us drinks. My skin is tanner than it typically is in the summer. We’ve been spending several afternoons lying out in the sun. Not my normal way to pass the time, but has quickly become my favorite hobby to pass the time with Diesel. My short white shorts compliment my tan perfectly.

  “Hey, sexy.”

  I look up at Diesel holding two large strawberry lemonades and a soft pretzel.

  “Could I interest you in a ride later?” He quirks an eyebrow.

  “Maybe.” I take a drink from his hand.

  Then immediately shudder when he bends down inhaling the scent at the crook of my neck. His teeth nip my skin then his lips soothe out the tingle.

  “God, you’re so fucking sexy. I’m dying to rip off that black tank top.”

  “Not bad yourself, Tiger.” I step back and wink at him.

  I had to step back, or I’d be climbing his body in a matter of seconds. His hair is pulled up in a manbun with his sides clipped short. He’s in sexy, loose summer shorts and a tight t-shirt.

  “Okay, what are we cooking?” I ask, taking the pretzel from him.

  “Let’s make it an adventure.”

  I look at him sideways taking a bite of the pretzel. As much as I’m enjoying the salty deliciousness and tart drink, I’m missing holding his hand.

  “We buy whatever catches our attention and then go home and create a new recipe.”

  “Okay.” I take a final bite of the pretzel and hand the rest to Diesel.

  The man’s appetite never dies down. He inhales the last of it then polishes of his drink. Perfect. I hand him mine and then grab his hand. We stop at each booth buying spices, vegetables, and different types of cheeses.

  I try to drag Diesel over to a booth filled with fruits, but he’s stronger than me tugging me to a floral stand.

  “We don’t need flowers. Let’s go buy some fruit.” I point to the stand with my free hand.

  “My lady needs flowers.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Sounds like she’s a brat.”

  “She is one spoiled, but very sexy brat who could suck start a Harley.”

  “Diesel.” I slap his chest and then finally crack up at his joke.

  “What do you like?” He asks, winding us through the rows and rows of flower in large buckets.

  “A little bit of everything. I like it when mismatches fit together making a beautiful piece of art.” I run the pad of my fingers over some pink roses.

  “Is that why you like me?”

  Diesel’s question catches me off guard, and I look up into his eyes. He’s dead serious, almost scaring me.

  He clutches my face, leans down, and kisses my lips.

  “You know what?” I whisper onto his lips. “Never thought of it that way, but I’m certain now that’s why you’re so special to me.”

  “Never thought I’d find anyone who would appreciate my mismatch.” He kisses me again silencing me for several long minutes. When he pulls back, I’m a different woman. It scares me and also makes me feel alive. This romp is turning into something more than I ever thought possible.

  “Now pick out your masterpiece, baby.” He slaps my ass but remains pressed to my back as I begin to pluck a variety of colored flowers of all types.

  Diesel is frisky as I try to piece together an arrangement. Every so often he pushes his front into my back. He’s ready to ride this train. When I pluck out a lily, Diesel whispers into my neck.

  “Smells like your sweet scent when you’re excited for me.”

  “Stop, I can’t concentrate.” I lay my head back on his shoulder and smile.

  When I finally ground myself enough to concentrate back on the flowers I hear a voice that makes me freeze. Slowly, I rotate my head until I see Taylor hand in hand with his very pregnant fiancée. I freeze with panic, and then bile runs up the back of my throat.

  It’s a cold slap of reality straight to the cheek. A reminder of my mega fuck-up. The time spent with Diesel has proven over and over again how poorly Taylor treated me.

  “Look at that purple rose, baby.” Diesel squeezes my hips.

  It takes me a long time to respond.

  “Huh?” I finally ask.

  “Grab that purple rose. I like it.” He leans down and kisses my neck.

  “Scout?” Taylor’s voice booms over the shrinking vendor booth.

  I don’t look up at him, but I feel Diesel’s head look up and over.

  “Is that you?”

  Fuck, I wish my hair was down cascading over my face, and I could just sink under this table disappearing into a black hole.

  “Hey.” I feel Diesel’s head nod.

  When I look up Taylor and his fiancée who happens to be a glowing, gorgeous pregnant woman. She could be on one of those posters wrapped in a sheet showcasing her ample boobs and belly as the poster child for pregnancy.

  “Taylor,” I finally say.

  I feel Diesel’s grip tighten on my hips. I’ve been very open with him about my relationship with Taylor and my lonely kitty. I mean, after all, that’s how we connected.

  “How are you?” Taylor asks in his sexy voice.

  He drops the hand of his fiancée and takes a step toward me with his arms wide open for a hug. Does this thug think I’m about to hug his smug ass? He’s the man who single-handedly ripped out my heart, shattered it, and beat down my self-confidence in the process.

  Diesel steps in front of me blocking him from my view. I refuse to sink back and be the victim to the what could’ve beens with Taylor. Diesel reaches out his hand to offer a handshake and introduces himself.

  “Taylor, is that right?”

  He nods and clears his throat. “Yeah, Taylor and you are?”

  “The man who knows how to make Scout orgasm,” he shakes his hand. “Oh, and the one who would never cheat on her.”

  Taylor blanches and then steps back. He doesn’t speak one more word before scurrying off like the afraid little dickhead he is. Diesel doesn’t speak for a while. He only grabs the purple rose and takes the bunch of flowers from my hand and goes to pay for them.

  I remain quiet on the way to the car. There were several more booths we wanted to stop by, but Taylor killed the mood. Diesel gets all the bags in the back of my car before plopping in the driver’s seat and slamming the door.

  “Do you love him?”

  I turn my head to look at him. “What?”

  “Do you love him?” He asks this time growing more irritated.
/>   “No. Hell no.”

  “Then what is this?” He throws his arms up in the air.

  “What?” I ask, growing frantic.

  “You! You’re upset and pissed, seems you’re still in love with him and would rather be his seconds than being with me.”

  I wince at the harsh words. “Are you fucking kidding me, Diesel?”

  He remains stoic in the driver’s seat staring out the front window with his jaw clenched.

  “Fine. Don’t talk and be an ass. I am not in love with him, and that’s the final time I’ll say it.” I swivel to face him even if he refuses to look at me. “When I see him it reminds me of everything. The feeling of being lied to, put down, my heart ripped open, settling for something that was wrong. It reminds me of the complete failure I am.”

  This time I don’t wait for his answer. Instead, I open the door and slam it with all I have. Tears threaten to strike, but I don’t let them. Men, love, romance and all that other bullshit have controlled my life too damn long. I’m a grown ass woman, but I did want to eat that fucking cheese we bought.

  “Scout, wait.”

  I’m already pounding my feet out of the parking lot. I’ll walk the three miles to my apartment. My ass will thank me later.

  “Scout.” Diesel grabs me by the arm and whirls me around.

  “Don’t fucking touch me.” I point a finger in his face. “You don’t have that right.”

  He holds both hands up to me stepping back. “You’re right.”

  “Damn straight I am. This is bullshit.”

  “I freaked.”

  “Slightly.” I fold my arms over my chest.

  “I’ve never felt this way.” Diesel pulls off his shades and stares me down. “I like you, a lot, a lot. Watching you react to him made me doubt everything.”

  I cut him off. “Well, no worries. Nothing is happening there besides a few fucking reminders of my failure.”

  “Stop. Please, just stop.” He’s brave enough to take a step toward me. “I’m a dick. It was my fault. I overreacted. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “For freaking out and being a major dickhead?” A hint of anger is back in his voice.

  “For saying sorry.” I reach out and grab his hands. “He never said sorry. Had a sick way of turning everything into my fault and I just tried harder. It tore me down. I understand where you’re coming from and it means everything that you have enough nuts to apologize.”

  “I should’ve punched him. Took the asshole to the ground.”

  “Nah, he’s not worth it.”

  My stomach growls loudly reminding me of the delicious cheese and other food we bought. Diesel smiles and then brings me to his chest. He kisses the top of my head.

  “I’m sorry, Scout.”

  I hug him tightly, relishing in the feeling. Diesel brings out the best in me, and it feels good. It’s something I chalked up to being gone forever.

  “You can make up in bed while you feed me slices of cheese.” I reach down and grab his ass.

  We lay naked tangled in each other while Diesel taunts me with the last sliver of cheese. I’m faster than him and grab it between my lips.

  “What am I going to do with you, Scout? You don’t do surprises and don’t share well either.”

  “You could just keep loving me.”

  I cringe when the words leave my lips. But to my shock, he doesn’t flinch or correct me. He runs his hand down my face and then brushes my hair out of my face.

  “That’s something I can do, Soldier.”

  “Does this scare you?” I ask.

  “Falling in love with a girl who shaves her kitty, doesn’t share, and thinks a desktop stapler is a defense weapon?”

  I nod.

  “I’ll be honest, baby.” Diesel rolls up on me pressing my back into the mattress. “Didn’t start on the adventure to find love or hell even tango in the sheets. Just needed a change of scenery and some fresh air.”

  “I messed up your plans,” I whisper.

  He leans down peppering kisses all over my face then finally claims my heart. “Not even close. You’ve given me the purpose I’ve been missing my entire life.”

  Diesel pushes into me. We don’t go crazy grabbing and ravaging each other’s bodies. He moves slowly and deliberately, and I just hold on tight not wanting to let go. He drops his head in the nook of my neck. The droplets of his sweat running down my skin as he moves deliciously as sin.

  He tenses up hitting me deep, and we fall over into the endless pool of love, lust, and new beginnings. We lay in silence for a long time holding onto each other. I know I have to break the silence sooner or later.


  He grunts not moving.

  “Olivia didn’t think we’d be a good idea.”

  This gets his attention. Diesel looks down at me with a concerned gaze.

  “She didn’t want me to fuck it up with you, and then you leave the shop. The old man was struggling before you, and she worries about his health.”

  He only stares at me making the tension thick.

  “It seems I fuck up a lot of things,” I whisper. “It’s what I’m good at.”

  “Bullshit,” he barks out, causing me to jump. “People are not going to treat you like shit anymore.”

  I interrupt him. “Olivia doesn’t treat me like shit. I mean it’s true.”

  “I get she’s good to you. Scout, you are full of life, vibrant, and bold, but that doesn’t mean you fuck up shit.”

  “Seems you’re the only one that sees it that way.”

  “You’re wrong.” He kisses me lightly on the lips. “Others do too. You’ve put yourself in a small box, and you need to break out of that shit. I understand you not wanting anything to come between you and Olivia. We can keep us to us until we’re ready to share it with the world.”

  “Are you sure?” I kiss him this time. “I think it’s a good idea, but I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t want anything to come between us.”

  “Okay.” I finally nod. “Well, besides your huge cock. That can come between us anytime.”

  “There’s my girl.” The deep vibration from his laughter bounces off my chest warming me from vagina to boobies.

  Chapter 12

  “Here’s your lunch, douche.” I toss the greasy bag at Olivia. “You look damn fine back in your natural habitat.”

  She glares at me from the office chair. She’s been back a week and took right back up at her dad’s shop. She even offered up a few compliments on my amazing skills.

  “I’m so jealous of your damn tan,” I say, through a mouthful of salty fries.

  She kicks her feet up on the desk. “I want to go back, Scout. It was so amazing. No work, no worries, and lots and lots of the big O.”

  “Don’t make me lose my appetite,” I warn her.

  It’s been a hell of a lot harder than I thought it would be to keep up with the bitter, love-struck gig. My best friend is a sharp tool and knows something is up. She’s been digging, but so far, I haven’t given her any ammunition to use against me.

  “I didn’t think I could fall any more in love with the man. It was perfect.”

  “Ahhhh, you’re dumb,” I coo.

  “Oh hey.” She takes a bite of her burger and then holds up a finger. “Oren found the perfect guy to set you up with.”

  “No.” I toss a fry at her head, which lands on the floor and ends up in Pedro’s gut.

  “Already said yes. Payback is a bitch. And quit feeding my dog junk food.”

  “One, he’s my dog. I hired a lawyer for the custody battle and two your date wasn’t that bad I volunteered you to go on.”

  “Scout I ended up covered head to toe in pasta and then assaulted a bush with my purse.”

  “And it led you to promptly riding Officer Lady Boner’s dick, so in my book that’s a win.”

  She smiles wickedly at me. “So then in my book that’s a yes.”

�No!” My stomach rolls and feels like I’m going to be sick just at the thought of it.

  “What in the hell is going on in here? It sounds like someone is losing a limb.” I look up to see Olivia’s Dad and Diesel dirty from working.

  “Olivia is about to lose all her limbs,” I reply then feel my stomach cramp.

  “Oren found a guy for Scout to go out on a date with and she said no, but I’m throwing in the best friend card and making her.”


  My stomach rolls and makes funny sounds. It feels like everything drops, and at the same time, it rises. When did I poop last?

  “Aren’t you working on becoming one of those lesbians, Scout?” Old Man asks.

  It all happens in a flash. Diesel chokes. My insides decide to erupt and find an escape out of every single hole I have.

  I stand up and clench my butt cheeks together feeling the hot lava roll in with a fierce fury.

  “You okay? You look pale,” Olivia asks.

  “Poop.” I take a few steps having to cross my legs as I walk and then I dry heave. “Poop. Poop. Poop. Poop. Poop,” I chant and sprint for the bathroom not giving a shit if I shit myself. It’s a now or never type of situation.

  My butt cheeks barely hit the cool toilet lid before the hot lava blows. I manage to grab the trashcan and heave up the contents of my stomach. Tears roll down the sides of my face as my body expels everything inside of me. It’s a shit show blowing at both ends, and I’m trapped in the middle.

  “Oh, man. I had that bug last week.” I hear Old Man’s voice.

  I look up to an audience of three staring back at me.

  “Love you, Scout.” Olivia covers her mouth and gags. “I don’t do puke.”

  She flees with gagging sounds following her escape. I try to open my mouth to talk but spew neon green bile into the bin. My butthole decides to join in on the action filling the toilet below my ass.

  “Baby, you okay?”

  “Out now.” I barely get the two words out, and I’m ralphing and shooting the liquid squirts out my ass.

  “Hey.” His voice is closer, and I feel his presence.

  “Please get out,” I manage to get out between my rounds of vomit and shit.

  It’s like a firework show that doesn’t stop after it’s quick beginning. It’s relentless.


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