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Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)

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by Rosie Harper

  “Shut up and kiss me,” Hardy growled as he laid her down on the bed and knelt over her. She put her arms around his neck and obeyed.

  Chapter Four

  Mariette lay in bed after Hardy had left her with a lingering kiss one morning. She felt deliciously tired, used and satiated. She smoothed out the wrinkles in the coverlet, and wondered what on earth she was doing. She was playing with fire. She couldn’t deny that she liked Hardy a lot, and clearly they were more than compatible, but what had started as just a quest for her to have a child of her own was starting to get complicated. She knew she had sent Hardy to Caleb, and part of her had hoped that her friend would give him a job – but she hadn’t thought her plan through on the possibility he would. No, that had been, as usual, harebrained and ill thought out. She had seen him, decided he would be perfect – a man wandering through town would not try and make her marry him or bow down to him, try and turn her into something she was not.

  She had no idea if her plan would even work. She often reflected on the many times she and Bartlett had been intimate, none had resulted in a child. Now knowing what she did of him she prayed fervently that the trouble had been his and not her own. The thought she may be barren would be heartbreaking. But she admitted with a wry frown, so would losing Hardy now too. He was such easy company, so pleasant to be around. Oh he had nothing, and would probably be prickly as hell about it if she were ever to suggest they make their liaison more permanent. So, unless he had fallen in love with her, as she had with him, all she could see was a rocky road ahead of her as she tried to convince him that her money would see them through whatever.

  “Miss Mariette, your morning chocolate,” Katie said as she brought the tray to the bed.

  “Thank you Katie. You’re very early today?”

  “Ma’am you told me to wake you early this morning, do you not remember? You wanted to open the newspaper office. Tomorrow will be your first edition. You wanted to be at the newspaper office to help Miss Melissa and Mr Cole to ensure it was ready and out in time – remember?” Mariette couldn’t help but notice the cheeky little smile her maid was giving her. But any sane woman would lose their mind with a man as virile as Hardy around. Mariette just prayed that her tongue wouldn’t wag too much about her Mistresses antics. “I’d never tell a soul you know,” Katie added as if she were reading her mind.

  “I know, you are deliciously discreet Katie. Thank you. I am lucky to have you.” The young girl flushed with pride. “Now, can you please lay out my grey velvet today. I think it is the oldest thing I have, and being grey if I get newsprint all over it, it shouldn’t matter a bit!”

  “Yes Miss Mariette. I’ve shined up your oldest boots too.”

  “You are a treasure, and I do not know what I would do without you.”

  Just thirty minutes later and Mariette was walking swiftly down the high street to the building she had purchased to house the Stephenville Star. Standing outside were Melissa and Mr Cole, a short stocky man she had hired from Dallas who would run the printing press for them. He had come highly recommended. Melissa looked bright and eager, and Mariette hugged her tightly. “This is all so exciting,” she whispered. Melissa nodded. “Mr Cole, thank you so much for getting here so swiftly. You will soon learn, I am the kind of woman who once I have set my mind on something I tend to want it to happen in an instant!” They shook hands warmly and Mr Cole handed her the key.

  She put it in the lock of the smart, stone built building and opened the thick oak door. “I proudly announce the commencement of the Stephenville Star,” she said dramatically. “Welcome, and long may we prosper!”

  Inside in the main chamber was the huge press. They stood and marvelled at it as Mr Cole carefully checked every part, and quickly blocked some text, and fed in the paper. He cranked up its engine and moments later the first words came rolling off the presses. He had simply put ‘Bon Voyage’, they all grinned at each other like school children with a new toy.

  “We’d best get to work,” Melissa said finally. “You and I need to go and find ourselves some stories for our first edition.”

  “Well, we can announce your marriage for a start,” Mariette joked as they walked up the stairs to their office. There were two big desks, opposite one another in the large room, with bright lamps, heavy typewriters and stacks of notepads, pencils and pens on them. “How is life treating you Mrs Green?”

  “Very well, though it being two weeks now since the wedding we may well be old news by now! I must say thank you for sending Hardy our way. Caleb cannot stop singing his praises. Wherever did you find him?”

  “In the saloon!”

  “You are a one Mariette, I know of no woman who would ever willingly be seen dead in a saloon, and you go round picking up cowboys in them.” Mariette stopped dead. How on earth did Melissa know? Katie had sworn she wouldn’t tell a soul and she couldn’t imagine that Hardy would be the type to brag about his conquests.

  “How did you know?” she cried aghast.

  “I didn’t, well not entirely until right now – good reporting skills eh? I guessed. Something about the soft, melty look that came over your face when I mentioned his name. I can’t say I blame you, had I not met Caleb first, I would not have objected if Hardy had been the one that saved me!”

  “Oh, Melissa you mustn’t tell a soul. I have gotten myself into such a pickle. Would you like the desk by the window?”

  “If you are sure, I would love it, but what do you mean you’ve gotten yourself in a pickle?”

  “Well, I know this sounds incredibly foolish, but I want a child. I took one look at Hardy and knew he would be perfect.”

  “You decided on sight the man you wished to marry?” Melissa asked incredulously.

  “Well so did you, if you’re honest – and even worse, you decided who you’d marry before you had even seen him at all!”

  “Touché,” Melissa admitted. She had after all come to Stephenville as a mail order bride, though thankfully that hadn’t worked out.

  “But no, not marry him. I just wanted him to be the father of my child. I figured he was passing through, wouldn’t care or even know what he had left behind – and then I sent him to Caleb for work!”

  “So, we weren’t supposed to give him a job?” Melissa looked confused. “If that was your plan, why didn’t you at least write us a note!”

  “Because I wasn’t thinking straight about any of it, and now he’s doing so well at the ranch, and Caleb can’t live without him, and I think I’ve fallen in love with him anyway!” Melissa put her slender arms around her friend’s shoulders.

  “You poor, silly girl. Thank the Lord you’re no brighter than the rest of us after all. I can stop being intimidated by you now!” she teased. “So, what we need to do is make sure Hardy loves you too, and he’d be a fool not to after all.” Mariette shook her head sadly.

  “It wouldn’t matter. Even if he did love me, he’s said over and over that he couldn’t even think about marriage until he has enough to offer a woman a safe, solid home. That could take him years. But, if I am carrying his child, he’ll do the right thing and then he’ll feel I trapped him into marriage. It would take away all his pride, being married to a woman like me. Let’s be honest, it would be the same for so many men. I doubt there are many as comfortable with their manhood as your Caleb, would let their wife have a career – let alone want to have her be the wealthier one by far.”

  “I see your dilemma, but are you sure he’s that adamant? Maybe it’s all bravado, have you considered he may suspect that you are using him as just a rich woman’s plaything? Maybe he might feel that you could never love someone so lowly as he, and he is putting up the barriers to protect himself for when you get bored of him?”

  “I don’t know any more, I just seem to be an emotional wreck these days. I cry, I giggle, I sob – I have thoughts I would never have entertained before. I feel that being in love with Hardy is turning me into a crazy woman!” Melissa looked at her carefully, sh
e scanned her up and down, even walked around her. “What, what are you doing?”

  “Well, I didn’t like to say anything, but you do seem to be filling out your bodice a little more than I remembered, and being over emotional is a bit of a giveaway sign. Are your breasts tender?” Mariette nodded. “Have you noticed any foods or smells you used to love making you feel a little nauseous?”

  “I used to love the scent of coffee, and brandy – but both make me run to the water closet retching! Oh my goodness, you think I’m pregnant!” Mariette didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or just be aghast. She sank into the nearest chair, and stared at her friend. She laughed hysterically. “Oh be careful what you wish for,” she said sadly.

  “Mariette, don’t,” Melissa said firmly. “This isn’t a disaster.”

  “But how will I ever know now if he truly loves me? I’ll have to tell him. He’s a good man, will want to do the right thing. Would hate for me to be the subject of gossip.”

  “Well, you were intending to be brazen enough to go it alone without him, so I think we can delay a little while before telling him. Why not try sounding him out, see how he really feels first?”

  Mariette thought about her friend’s advice in every spare moment she had that day, though there weren’t many of them. She was just typing up the final story she had managed to ferret out ready to hand it over to Mr Cole when Melissa burst through the door. “I have our first front page story!” she cried ecstatically. “I was just chatting to Elliot in the Saloon, he said there had been some strangers in that day. They were talking about buying land nearby. Elliot didn’t want to eavesdrop – but apparently their voices carried more than they should. They want to buy up the Hunniball place, the old Catthorne steading and the Morriss’s farm. Apparently they think there are some kind of mineral deposits that are going to make them a fortune – but they don’t have any intention of telling them. Naturally I went out to see all three families. They have been offered a pittance, but all three are so poor that they were seriously considering it. I told them to hang on. That we would make a big stink about it in the newspaper, that if they were going to sell we would try to at least get them a good price.”

  “I think we could maybe even go one better,” Mariette said angrily. She prided herself on fair dealings, and had ensured that the rest of Stephenville did the same. She wasn’t going to let a bunch of outsiders come in and try and take over their town. She wondered what they though the land held. She knew the geological surveys said there was no gold, or copper but she knew that there had been rumours for years about the possibilities of oil production happening here in Texas. She’d lay her entire fortune that these men were getting ready for when there was the technology to make something of it.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Melissa asked her, finally catching her breath.

  “Well, I think we should firstly expose this story. Secondly I think we should start up a town co-operative. I’ve been thinking about it for ages, how it could work and if it would be a good idea. This makes up my mind. I think it is the only way to move forward. We all contribute either labour, produce, money or skills to the town. In return we can all draw on whatever we need so nobody need give up their homes when times are tough. I think we need to keep these parasites that are scouring the state buying up land out of Stephenville. Then, if there turns out to be anything under the ground, as a whole town we can contribute to finding the resources to mine it, and then to benefit from it.”

  “Do you really think people will go for it? I mean it sounds wonderful, but many wealthy people will probably just think you are trying to take their money and palm them off with something less valuable.”

  “We can maybe try. Use the newspaper to announce a town meeting to discuss the possibilities at least. The wealthy will agree to it if they think there will be a benefit to them. We need homes built, we need people to fix those homes, shoe our horses, make our fancy carriages. We also love to gamble on things that may make us a lot of money,” Mariette grinned at Melissa. “Oil is rumoured to be the next big thing. People are buying up land wherever they can. The technology to access it is coming, and anyone who had the foresight to buy now will benefit. Now, why should that not mean that we can benefit the entire town too?”

  “Well, I’ll write this up and leave you to do that side of things, but you may be right. I know Caleb and I would be grateful for some kind of insurance should times be tough. If we could contribute in the good years, and be able to take our share when times are lean that could be a real blessing. I know many folk like us, and those less well off would feel the same.”

  Mariette was sure that it was a good idea. She had been considering doing something about it for some time, but there were a few in town who would think her mad. But, the majority could really benefit from it, and she was determined to try. She quickly outlined her plan, rewrote it a dozen plans until she was sure that nobody could possibly misconstrue her meanings, and then chose a night for everyone to meet and discuss it. She almost bumped into Melissa on the stairs as she hurried down to pass it to Mr Cole to be included.

  Two hours later and she held the first copy of the new Stephenville Star in her hands. She had to admit, it looked wonderful and was packed full of useful news and information for the townspeople. She hugged Melissa, and surprised Mr Cole when she did the same to him. His head only just reached her shoulders and he looked bemused and bewildered when he was released from her bosom. “How long before the entire print run is complete?” she asked him once he seemed to have recovered his wits.

  “Should have it done by dawn, you hired lads like I suggested to deliver it to every home?”

  “I did indeed. They will be scurrying around to ensure every home has a copy to read as they drink their morning coffee.”

  Chapter Five

  Hardy had moved into Caleb’s old shack. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for him. He would never have dreamed of taking Mariette there, but it was easier for him to come and go unseen to her smart little house. He knew he should end the affair, he was already in love with the woman, and knew no world where he could even consider taking her for his wife, much as he wanted to. His life was coming along nicely. He had saved most of the wages Caleb gave him, and he knew that within five years he would be able to buy his own ranch. He couldn’t ask Mariette to wait that long for him though. She was a woman in her prime, and would want to settle down and have children soon enough, he was sure of it.

  Banishing dreams of wedded bliss with Mariette from his mind, Hardy went out into the yard and began practising with the lasso. Caleb had been his usual patient self, had shown him over and over, but he just seemed to have a block on getting the technique right. But he was determined he would achieve his aims one day, and so he continued with his best efforts. He wound the rope carefully, began to circle it up over his head and then let loose. He missed the wooden stumps he had nailed together to represent a cow by a mile. He shifted his feet slightly, stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth in deep concentration and tried again. The rope glanced off the beast’s back, but it was the closest he had ever come. He danced a few happy steps, not caring a jot if anyone caught him celebrating such a minor win.

  He squared his shoulders, checked his posture and gave it one last shot before turning in. The loop wrapped itself around the log that represented the cow’s neck. He hollered with joy. Finally he had it. He danced for joy around the yard, rushing to his wooden beast and kissing it on its rough, bark covered face. “Well, I see my competition is not anything to worry about too much!” He shook his head in disbelief, then looked up and saw Mariette towering over him.

  “What on earth are you doing up here?” he asked foolishly as he stumbled to his feet.

  “Well, I could ask the same thing, but I am not sure I want to hear the answer,” she said with a grin. “I think we need to talk.”

  “Uh-oh,” Hardy said trying not to feel anxious. He knew that it was rarely good when anyone said those s
ix words – let alone when they fell from the lips of a beautiful woman.

  “Oh don’t be so foolish,” she scolded him. “I just think we need to work out what is going on here. You seem to like me. I like you. But, are we headed anywhere?” As always she asked him directly, her gaze steady. Her face never gave him any hint as to what she expected him to say.

  “I’m not sure I understand,” he fudged. “What’s wrong with things as they are?”

  “Nothing,” she said with a sigh. It was the first time he had ever seen her give anything away, her eyes looked a little saddened by his response. “I thought that would be your answer.”

  “Now, don’t go jumping to conclusions,” he blustered. “I’d marry you tomorrow if I could.” She had begun to walk away from him, back to her horse, was about to mount. He grabbed her arm and swung her around. “I cannot give you the life you deserve Mariette, no matter how much I love you. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “What life do I deserve Hardy? I came out here a poor girl dressed in men’s clothing. I lived three years in conditions many men simply couldn’t hack, and made my fortune. I do not, and have not ever needed a man to give me the life I deserve. I don’t want or need that from you. What I had maybe hoped was that maybe we could share our lives, because we loved each other.”

  “Oh Mariette, I love you and I know you have a hide as tough as leather when it comes to brushing off what people say. But, I’m not as strong as you. I couldn’t bear for anyone to say I had married you to get your money – for started because of the insult that would be to your intelligence in choosing a man – but I have pride too, damn it. I want to make something of myself. How could I ever do that if you always paved my way?” She nodded, as if she understood, but Hardy couldn’t help but feel that she didn’t, not one bit. She lived to flaunt public opinion, but it wasn’t that easy for others, for mere mortals like himself.


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