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Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)

Page 73

by Rosie Harper

  “You did that in the city?” He asked doubtfully. Emily laughed, the sound piercing him in a way that made his heart speed up exponentially.

  “No, of course not! The city barely has trees let alone stables,” she giggled. Jared’s frown deepened in his confusion and Emily noticed. “There’s more to New York than just Manhattan. Upstate there’s a lot of open countryside. It’s not the same as here, and it is a smaller state so it’s very expensive to have a property of this size but they exist,” she explained. Jared nodded quietly, turning his back to Sasha.

  “Well, maybe we should bring out Sebastian and let you work with him a bit,” he said, grabbing hold of Sasha’s reins and letting her out of the pen. Emily watched him escort the horse back to her stall with a smile of satisfaction on her face. Hopefully I’ve aroused his interest enough to keep the conversation going a little longer today, she thought. Otherwise, it was going to be a very long week if this was going to be the most she could get out of him.


  They didn’t talk much the rest of the day, which was okay for Emily. They were busy going through the Horses and he taught her their individual signals to call that specific horse and he showed her a few of their routines. He was very talented with the horses and, as much experience as she had, she was a little out of practice. He didn’t seem to notice, though, or at least he never commented on it. It felt so good to be back working with horses. The afternoon breeze kicked up and Emily closed her eyes, letting the cool air wash over her. Jared turned to walk the horse around the pen as a cool down before taking her back to the stall when his eyes caught Emily. Tendrils of her hair had fallen out of its pony tail and were whipping across her face in the breeze. Her eyes were closed and his heart lurched. He shook his head, turning back to the horse he was working with.

  “We should call it a day,” Jared said, his tone not betraying the rapid speed of his heart. Emily opened her eyes and turned to him. He was looking away from her and seemed intently focused on the ground. She smiled at him and nodded.

  “Okay, sounds good. What do you need me to help with?” She asked, opening the pen gate so that he could escort the horse out. Jared glanced over at her and immediately regretted it. She looked so sweet and beautiful in the evening light that he had the overwhelming urge to kiss her.

  “Uh, no. I’ve got it,” he stuttered, steering the horse toward the stables. Emily’s smile faded and was replaced with a disappointed frown. Did he like her at all? Even a little bit? She watched him walk away and sighed. She turned toward the house knowing that a nice shower would make her feel better. She was thankful for the week they had to get to know each other, because she was half-tempted to call Felicia and tell her she was coming back. She walked into the kitchen and took her shoes off outside the door so that she didn’t track any of the dirt and mud in. Once inside, she headed straight for her bedroom and the attached bathroom. She turned the water on, sticking her hand in the water stream to feel the temperature. Once she got it to her liking, she disrobed and climbed in. The warm water splashed over her and she sighed. It’s only been a day, maybe he just takes a while to warm up to people, she tried to console herself.

  Jared walked into the house and heard the water running. Thankful that he had a moment or two away from her to collect his thoughts, he let out a breath of relief and set his boots outside next to her shoes. He didn’t know what was coming over him. He had only gotten into this so that he could keep the ranch, but with each passing hour he felt his attachment to her grow. He strode to his bedroom, removing his shirt to prepare for his own shower. He would have to get Sherry’s opinion before he allowed himself to act on anything with Emily. He was so engrossed in his thoughts he didn’t hear the water shut off. He walked into his bedroom and tossed his dirty shirt in the hamper beside his closet. Unzipping his jeans, he noticed he needed a clean towel. He went back into the hallway to grab one from the linen closet when he felt something warm and fresh bump into him. Looking down he saw a pair of equally shocked brown eyes staring at his chest. Emily hadn’t expected to run into him, and certainly not shirtless, when she came out of her bedroom. He was hot and sweaty and sculpted to perfection. She felt heat surge through her and tried to take a step back but found herself frozen. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, making her look up to meet his eyes. Her eyes widened at the pure intensity and desire in them. Desire for her. Emily gulped as her lips parted slightly.

  Jared tried to fight it. He tried to tell himself that it was just lust and the work of the day getting to him but he couldn’t hold back any longer. He wanted her. Needed her. Bending down he scooped her into his arms and captured her lips with his own. A bolt of electricity surged through them at the contact and Emily moaned against him. If she had thought him indifferent toward her his kiss proved differently. It was deep and passionate like she never would have guessed from a man of his demeanor. His tongue dipped into her open mouth and Emily wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Taking the hint, Jared scooped one of his arms beneath her ass and hoisted her up. Emily wrapped her legs around his bare waist, not breaking the kiss and loving the sensation of his bare chest pressing against her. Breaking apart, gasping for air they stared at each other. If she had any intention of stopping, now would be the only time because Jared wasn’t sure he could hold himself back much longer.

  “Jared…” She whispered, almost pleadingly. His restraint inside him broke and he carried her to his bedroom. He looked at her with such passion and emotion that Emily’s heart leapt. So he wasn’t indifferent toward her after all. He set her on the bed and she quickly stripped off her clean shirt and bra, wanting there to be nothing between them. Jared finished undressing and pulled her pants off, staring at her gorgeously naked body. Emily shivered from the intensity of his gaze but she didn’t want to cover herself. She wanted him to look at her like that always. Jared leaned over her, kissing her again but this time much more slowly. Emily moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist again, feeling his arousal press against her. With one swift motion, he slid inside her, filling her completely. Emily gasped, breaking the kiss. Jared slowly began to rock his hips, pulling out and pushing back in tantalizingly slow. Emily moaned and lifted her hips to meet his thrusts, taking him deeper. He made love to her slowly, enjoying every sensation of her wrapped around him. His blue eyes bore into hers and her heart almost broke with the depths within them. Her climax was building and her breaths came out in pants. He started to go a little faster, taking her to the edge.

  “Jared!” She cried out as her orgasm peaked and shattered. Pleasure coursed throughout her body and made the tips of her toes tingle. Jared thrust into her again and again, bringing her back to that edge a second time. She cried out and flung her head back, her body barely having time to reset after the first orgasm before the second one was upon her. He loved the way she looked when he brought her such pleasure and was determined to do it again but this time he would join her. He thrust harder, building the pleasure back up and when she cried out he felt his own release just behind. He gave one more thrust and spilled into her. Breathing heavily, he collapsed beside her. Emily opened her eyes and looked over at him. He was staring at her with such affection she was afraid she was imagining it.

  “I’m sorry if I have been less than welcoming to you. I just don’t express myself well,” Jared said, guilt washing over him at the confusion he saw in her eyes. Emily smiled and stroked his cheek.

  “I think you just expressed yourself very well,” she teased. Jared smiled at her, feeling true happiness fill him. Emily sucked in a sharp breath at the sight. If he was stunning before, he was breathtaking when he smiled. He had two dimples she never noticed and it lit up his face like he was the sun itself.

  “Are you hungry?” Jared asked, brushing her still damp hair behind her ear. Emily nodded.

  “Starved,” she said. Jared laughed and rolled onto his back.

  “Let me shower and then I can fix us some dinner,”
he offered. Emily nodded and began looking for her clothes to get dressed. Jared got off the bed and watched her start to pull her pants up.

  “You, could also shower with me?” He asked, a little hesitant at the boldness. Emily looked up at him and let her pants drop back to the ground.

  “I did get a little sweaty. Maybe it would be a good idea.” She said mischievously, following him to the bathroom.


  “Where is she? Is she here? Is she crazy?” Sherry said, bursting into the kitchen the following morning. Jared rolled his eyes and flipped the pancakes on the griddle.

  “Yes, she’s here. No, she’s not crazy. She’ll be out soon, she’s just getting dressed,” he answered, pulling the cooked pancakes off the stove and flipping them onto a plate. Sherry nodded, still searching his house for signs of the woman.

  “So what do you think?” She whispered. Jared smiled, his thoughts going back to the night he had spent with her in his arms. He’d never felt so close to someone before. They didn’t need words to communicate; it was as if her body alone understood him completely.

  “I think we need to plan for a wedding,” he said. Sherry gasped, noticing the large smile on his face.

  “You love her!” She said accusingly. Just then, Emily appeared in the kitchen. Jared felt a blush come to his face and looked away. Emily couldn’t contain her smile from the brief dialogue she had overheard but didn’t want to make it more awkward for him.

  “How’s Sunday for the wedding?” She asked, sitting down at the table. Sherry smiled at her and turned to her brother, waiting for his answer. Jared handed Emily a plate and shrugged.

  “How’s tomorrow?” He countered with a large grin.



  Alone With A Cowboy

  Mail Order Bride

  By: Avril Adams

  Alone With A Cowboy

  Kate idly stared out the window of her office, watching the people below mill about on the street. She swivelled in her chair, playing with a pen when her boss came in.

  “Kate! I have an assignment for you,”she proudly declared. Kate promptly spun around to face her boss and smiled.

  “You do? That’s great! What is it?”she eagerly asked, leaning forward. She hadn’t had an assignment for four days now and she was starting to get desperate. She’d even consider covering a toddler’s fashion show! Her middle-aged boss returned her smile and handed her a large envelope. Kate took it and frowned in concentration as she flipped through it. The packet was filled with weather charts and satellite pictures of the surrounding outback areas. Kate looked up at her boss and gave her a questioning look.

  “What is all this?”She asked, gesturing at the packet. Her boss crossed her arms and smiled at her.

  “Thisis your assignment. Remember those cyclones that hit back in February?”She asked. Kate nodded and frowned in confusion.

  “Yes…but what do you want me to do? I’m no meteorologist!”Kate said. Her boss chuckled and waved her off.

  “I know that dear. Your assignment is to go check on the areas around Darwin where one of the cyclones hit. Entire villages had to be evacuated. It’ll be good to check in on the progress. How the repairs are coming; what damage was done to the land, the people? Anything and everything.”Her boss explained. Kate nodded, her excitement falling and turning to anxiety.

  “Okay, great. I can do that. When should I leave?”She asked, hoping that she had at least a day to pack and prepare. She’d always been a city girl and while she’d traveled to Darwin before, she stayed in the city and hadn't trekked into the outback. Unfortunately for her, the villages that had been hit by the cyclone were all east of the city—some were even remote islands off the coast. Was she expected to travel to those, too?

  “I already booked your flight to Darwin. You leave this evening at five o’clock. Make sure you pack sensibly,”her boss advised, walking out of her office. Kate watched her go, her face twisting into one of hesitation and a little bit of disgust. She didn’t want to go trekking around the outback. That was no place for a city girl like her. She sighed and glanced over at the clock on her desk. It was ten AM, which gave her plenty of time before she needed to be at the airport for her flight. She started to flip through the envelope, reading through the details to get more information about what her boss wanted her to do. She was aware of the cyclones that had hit, they really had done damage along the Queensland territory and she had read the stories that their news station reported about the damage and displaced people. That didn’t mean she desired to travel to those places. Judging by the footage her colleagues had captured, seven months was not enough time to restore the landscape.

  She read through the previously published articles about how roads had been closed and Elcho Island had been without power or water. She groaned and continued reading. It was horrible what the storm had done to these territories, and it would make an excellent follow-up story, but her gut was twisting with apprehension and fear at the thought of going out there. It’s not like it’s about to be hit by another cyclone. I’m sure they’ve had substantial repairs in the last seven months. You’ll be fine! She told herself. Letting out a deep breath she turned to her computer and pulled up a search engine. Still, just in case, it might not hurt to have someone a bit more experienced with her. She scrolled through the options of guides until she found one that seemed promising. Picking up her phone, she dialled the number listed and waited for someone to pick up.

  “Darwin Private Tour Guides, how can I help you?”An elderly voice answered.

  “Hello, my name is Katherine Porter and I am a journalist with the Sydney Daily Press. I will be traveling to Darwin and cities east of there for a report on the continual damage of Cyclone Lam. I’m hoping to reserve a local guide who will be able to take me through the city and outer territory.”Kate explained. The woman on the other line crooned and she could practically hear the excitement in her voice.

  “Oooh, yes. That was a nasty storm, it really did a number on the buildings and roads out this way. What days are you going to be coming out, dearie?”She asked. Kate’s shoulders dropped in relief. This might be easier than she thought. With a guide, she could be in and out in no time. Get the story, get back home, and get it published.

  “I’m flying out tonight. I’m hoping to get started in the morning. What’s your availability like for tomorrow through Sunday?”She asked. The older woman made a distressed sound and Kate could hear her furiously clicking on her computer.

  “Oh, so soon. We don’t typically have availabilities that sudden. We usually request at least two weeks’notice in order to find a local.”The woman told her. Kate sighed and tried to think of what to do. It was doubtful another company would be different unless she went with an actual tourist group. But that wouldn’t take her where she needed to go and would be a waste of time.

  “I understand and I’m sorry for the short notice. I contacted you as soon as I was given the assignment. Would you mind checking, though? I’d love to be able to give your small company a shout out in the article for all your wonderful assistance.”Kate said, hoping to trigger some pride in the woman.

  “Oh. Mention us in the article? Well, hmm…let me see what I can do. Do you mind if I put you on hold for a moment?”The woman asked. Kate smiled to herself and resisted the urge to cheer.

  “Not at all, take your time. I appreciate you looking into this for me,”she said politely. The woman put her on hold. Kate listened to the dull music play on the other end while she propped her feet up on her desk and went back to twirling her pen. She gazed out the window again and felt her chest constrict. For the next four days she was going to be looking at an environment very unfamiliar to her.

  “Ms. Porter?”The older woman said, picking the line back up. Kate dropped her feet and sat up straighter.

  “Yes, I’m still here.”She said. The woman seemed to hesitate a moment and fear started to fill Kate’s belly. If she couldn’t get a gui
de with this woman she was just going to have to keep calling.

  “So, I checked for you and I do have one possible guide available,”the woman said. Kate closed her eyes and let out a relieved breath. She silently mouthed“thanks”to the universe and uncapped her pen.

  “Excellent! And this guide will be available for all four days?”Kate asked excitedly, ready to write down the details. The woman hesitated again and Kate frowned, wondering what was wrong.

  “Yes…he is,”she said finally. Kate pursed her lips and leaned back in her chair.

  “But?”She prompted. The woman let out a guilty breath and paused.

  “But, we’ve had some complaints about him before. He has a specific way that he likes to do things and he can rub people the wrong way,”she said. Kate tapped her pen against her desk and her eyes flicked to the report lying beside her. She picked up the first page and looked at the demolished buildings and landscape and cringed.

  “That’s fine. I can handle it. When will I be able to meet with him?”She asked. Unpleasant or not, he was going to be her best chance for getting this story done. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be so brash with her. Who knows, maybe his complaints weren’t all that bad and the other woman was just being overly cautious since Kate was from the Newspaper.

  “His name is Lucas Johnston. He can meet you at eight AM sharp at our facility in Darwin. Would that work for you?”She asked. Kate let out a breath and looked over at her clock. That wasn’t going to give her a whole lot of time but it was going to have to do.

  “Yes, that’ll be fine. I’ll see him tomorrow morning at eight AM.”She confirmed, writing down his name.


  Kate arrived at a quaint little store front and looked around. She was running on only five hours of sleep but had made it: eight o’clock sharp. She looked around at all the other store fronts which were desolate at this hour. Not seeing signs of Mr Johnston waiting for her outside, she decided to check inside the store. Walking in, she took off her sunglasses and scanned the empty waiting room.


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